Monday, July 31, 2017

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ The Red Rider by Randall Allen Dunn

It was a busy weekend here in Momma land, but in between gardening, canning, and entertaining my littles, I read Randall Allen Dunn's The Red Rider. I love a good thriller and this one made it hard to put down to get my work done!

Momma Says: 5 out 5 stars

The Red Rider is very well written in first person POV and it fits well into the Paranormal Thriller genre. There is a touch of romance but no steam in this one. However, it is bloody and there are some aspects of the story that may be disturbing to some readers. 

Little Red Riding Hood is heading back into the woods to meet the big bad wolves …
But she’s not little anymore.
Having survived a childhood attack from a savage wolf, 16-year old Helena Basque remains disfigured with triple scars across her face. Bullied and plagued by nightmares of a supernatural wolf that spoke and stood upright, Helena urges her father to teach her how to hunt and defend herself. When she loses her parents and young sister to the wolves, receiving no help from the French government or her local priest, Helena sets out on her own to avenge her family.
Armed by her friend Pierre with a repeating crossbow and other unique weapons, Helena takes a stand against the creatures, donning a red cloak like the one she was once forbidden to wear. She soon discovers a mysterious cult of werewolves with secret plans to seize control of Versailles and the entire French nation.
Isolated and determined to accept whatever fate befalls her, Helena wages a one-girl war against the monsters as a strange and unlikely hero, refusing to surrender or slow down until she destroys the beasts. Every last one of them.
Come along for the ride.


We all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood, but this dark tale paints Red in a new light. Helena has every reason to hide in a corner and never go outside again. Instead, she's tough and determined, even as a child, and becomes even more so as she moves toward adulthood. 
As I've come to expect from this author, The Red Rider is packed full of heart racing, edge of your seat action. But, it's so much more than that. The story is quite dark and heartbreaking with Helena losing so much, but her fierce determination and bravery in the face of so much loss is inspiring. 
This is not a book that's easy to set aside while you get your work done, nor is it one for the faint of heart. The tale is bloody and the author is quite descriptive in the telling of some truly disturbing and gruesome scenes, especially when you consider the people involved and how they affect our heroine. Helena's story is one of heart-wrenching loss, terror, and betrayal, but it's also one of family, loyalty, bravery, and hope. Dunn's talent shines in this thriller with its whiplash inducing twists and nail-biting suspense and action. This is one that I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys a good heart pounding thriller. 

The Red Rider is available on Amazon and is listed in Kindle Unlimited. 

Thanks for joining me! 


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Sunday, July 30, 2017

To Win her Smile Tour and Giveaway!

by Mackenzie Crowne

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pub Date: 7/18/2017

Sometimes love and luck collide . . .
When sultry British Baroness Piper Darrow falls on desperate times, she needs a diversion—and cash. As a talented photographer, she jumps at the chance to travel to the U.S. for a Manhattan Marauders football event. But she gets more than she bargained for when buff quarterback Wyatt Hunter’s errant pass lands…in her face. And when it results in Wyatt’s comeback of a lifetime, the superstitious athlete is convinced Piper is his good luck charm . . .
With his sights on the Super Bowl, Wyatt will do anything necessary to keep Piper close. The fact that she’s a feast for the eyes is a bonus. And as they get closer, he discovers that beneath her proper English surface is a sweet, sexy seductress. Soon the notorious playboy finds himself genuinely smitten, and surprisingly open to love—until his powerful family uncovers something about Piper that threatens to shatter his trust. Now he’ll have to decide whether to team up with his fears, or his heart.

Wife, mother and really young grandmother, Mackenzie Crowne shares her home with her high school sweetheart husband, a neurotic Pomeranian, and a blind cat. She calls Arizona home because the southwest feeds her soul. Her love of the romance genre has been a lifelong affair, both as a reader and a writer. A bout with breast cancer sharpened her resolve to see her stories shared with others. Today, she’s a seven-year survivor, living the dream. Her friends call her Mac. She hopes you will too.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Elemental Trials Tour and Giveaway!

Errant Spark
Elemental Trials Book 1
by Ronelle Antoinette
Genre: Fantasy Romance

They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but In Egalion’s Imperial court, you can't tell one from the other...especially when they change at the flip of a coin. Behind the luxury and splendor lies a realm of treachery where cloak-and-dagger political maneuvering threatens to destroy the peace of two thousand years. 

Twenty-five-year-old Battlemage Jex Xander has a mouth that frequently gets him into trouble, while in contrast, Enari Namelum speaks not at all. When Jex becomes the target of a faceless curse-slinger, Enari, the girl he has protected since the day they met, must now protect him. A string of ritual human sacrifices coupled with Jex’s growing inability to keep his feelings (and hands) to himself only serve to complicate matters. Amidst the mounting chaos, passion and romance should be the last thing on their minds, but life and the Goddess seem to have other ideas.

In a world as enticing as it is perilous, love, danger, and magic will collide, leaving lives irrevocably changed. The events of a single summer stand to change the course of more than just the kingdom of Egalion and the ones dismissed as pawns may yet prove to b the most important players.

Errant Spark is the hush before the storm, the last deep breath before the plunge. The flint has been struck and it’s possible the whole world might go up in flames…because love in the Imperial court is as dangerous a thing as backroom politics and jealousy can be as much a driving force as silver and gold.

Fantasy? Action? Romance? Yes! This romantic fantasy novel by Ronelle Antoinette is a broad, epic, sweeping fantasy with more twists and turns and ups and downs than a wild roller-coaster! The first installment of the Elemental Trials series is one of those books that really is so much more than what the blurb can convey. Described as “surprisingly complex and visionary” by one reviewer, Errant Spark will leave you mesmerized from the first page to the last. 

Hailed by Amazing Stories Magazine’s Ricky L Brown as “a simple story about interesting characters with just enough romance and magic to make it work.” Errant Spark is as complex as George RR Martin, with a world that is well-suited for conniving and cavorting. Rest assured, there is plenty of sex and violence, but not as raw and stabby as the aforementioned works. It’s more like a big kid’s version of a fairy tale.

Recommended for:
Mature teens and up
Fans of epic fantasy and romance
Those looking for characters they want to eat…or take home and enjoy
Readers who can appreciate a gorgeous tapestry of magic, myth, and mayhem
Connoisseurs of fine love stories that compliment the plot and that ‘slow burn’
Lovers of surprises, twists-and-turns, and well-placed, necessary supernatural elements
Anyone looking for sex, magic, love, fantasy, and a story that will sweep you away
Those who don’t mind staying up all night so they can turn that final page

Update: As of 11/21/16, a series glossary has been included at the end of this novel (in ebook and print form only).

Flash Point
Elemental Trials Book 2

Scandal will shake foundations.

A night of careless passion leaves Battlemage Jex Xander and Adept Enari Alycon in a precarious position. Long-time lovers they might be, but the Imperial ambassador and the daughter of Egalion’s High Mage have rather public roles in the court—whether they wish it or not—and scandal couldn’t come at a worse time. 

Treachery will tip balances.

When a hostile kingdom reluctantly agrees to parley, the fate of two-thousand years of peace is on the line. In the midst of negotiations, Enari becomes the target of one of the Greater Maelstrom. She and Jex must race against time to save her life and that of her unborn child. What happens when an earth-shattering secret, a demon bent on destruction, and a kingdom teetering on the brink of war collide is anyone’s guess.

Choices will have consequences.

The decisions of a few will determine the fate of many, and who or what will remain standing in the end is still uncertain. Hearts and lives are on the cusp of irrevocable change…and not necessarily for the better.

And secrets? Those will change everything.

Ronelle Antoinette lives in western Colorado with her husband, two cats, and one dog-who-believes-he's-a-person. While she is a mother of none, she’s an auntie to what should qualify as a small army. She is an admitted caffeine addict, chocoholic, and hopeless romantic who has carried on a passionate affair with the genre of fantasy since she was old enough to read 'chapter books'. 

Ronelle dabbled in creative writing for many years before making it a career. (She even considered it as a major in college, though she ended up getting a Bachelor's degree in Counseling Psychology.) She published her first novel, Errant Spark, in July of 2016.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Personal Secrets by K.C. Wells - Audiobook

I used to listen to audiobooks constantly and got away from it, but I had the pleasure of listening to Personal Secrets by K.C. Wells today and I'm definitely going to have to get back to audio.

Momma Says: 4 out 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

Personal Secrets is told in third person POV and while the narrator's voice seemed a bit gruff to me at first, as the story progressed, it worked well for the characters. This is book three in the Personal series, but I had no problem following the story. It is MM and fits well into the Romance genre. It is quite steamy, so I recommend 18+ readers. 

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Audible US | Audible UK 

Length: 6hrs 37mins

Narrator: Cornell Collins


Blake Davis and husband Will are delighted when Ed Fellows turns up at the hospital the night their daughter is born-even if he is covered in mud from playing rugby and drunk out of his skull. Teammate Colin is the Good Samaritan who drives him there, and when he takes Ed home, Colin finds himself on the receiving end of a blowjob. He has no problem with that whatsoever. He's been in lust with Ed since Ed joined the rugby team some 14 months ago. Only thing is, Colin's assumed up 'til now that Ed is straight. Except the man sucking him off certainly didn't seem straight....

Talk about the morning after the night before....Ed awakens to find a nearly-naked Colin asleep on his sofa. The problem is that for some reason, he can't get Colin out of his mind. Okay, so it wasn't the first blowjob Ed's ever gotten from a guy - or given, for that matter - but that was a long time ago, right? And why does Ed now want more?

With friends Rick, Angelo, Blake, and Will to advise him, Ed finds himself on a completely unfamiliar road, as he struggles to accept that maybe the line he is walking isn't as straight as he'd first imagined...


It had been quite some time since I'd had the opportunity to listen to an audiobook, so I was excited at the opportunity to listen to this one. I wasn't disappointed. I wasn't sure about Cornell Collins' performance at the beginning. He seemed a bit gruff to me, but as the story moved along and I started to understand the characters, it made perfect sense. The more I got to know of Ed, the more I could see that gruff voice coming out of him. In fact, Collins' whole performance on this book was good and added an extra element to the story.
The story itself was equally as entertaining. Ed and Colin make quite the pair with their tiptoeing around each other after their initial encounter. I almost felt sorry for Ed as he struggles with the opposition between what he thinks and what he feels. Colin is an all-around nice guy but will stand up for what's right. These two characters compliment each other so well and make for a truly engaging story. The two of them together, along with several captivating secondary characters, make for a fun, and at times funny, tale.
We do get some interesting side story with the goings on at Ed's workplace and while I haven't read the other books in this series, I'm assuming that some of those characters are featured in those books. From what I've learned of those characters from this story, I will be checking out the other books in the series.
Overall, I enjoyed both the story and the performance. Personal Secrets is the first book that I've read, um, heard by K.C. Wells, but it certainly won't be my last.

The buy links for Personal Secrets are listed under the cover photo. If you enjoy rugged characters and MM Romance, check this one out.

**I was gifted the audio version of this book by Signal Boost Promotions, which is hosting a review tour and giveaway. Scroll on down on this blog for all the info.

Thanks for joining me!


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K.C. Wells' Personal Secrets in Audio Review Tour and Giveaway!

Length: 6hrs 37mins

Narrator: Cornell Collins


Blake Davis and husband Will are delighted when Ed Fellows turns up at the hospital the night their daughter is born-even if he is covered in mud from playing rugby and drunk out of his skull. Teammate Colin is the Good Samaritan who drives him there, and when he takes Ed home, Colin finds himself on the receiving end of a blowjob. He has no problem with that whatsoever. He's been in lust with Ed since Ed joined the rugby team some 14 months ago. Only thing is, Colin's assumed up 'til now that Ed is straight. Except the man sucking him off certainly didn't seem straight....

Talk about the morning after the night before....Ed awakens to find a nearly-naked Colin asleep on his sofa. The problem is that for some reason, he can't get Colin out of his mind. Okay, so it wasn't the first blowjob Ed's ever gotten from a guy - or given, for that matter - but that was a long time ago, right? And why does Ed now want more?

With friends Rick, Angelo, Blake, and Will to advise him, Ed finds himself on a completely unfamiliar road, as he struggles to accept that maybe the line he is walking isn't as straight as he'd first imagined...

Author Bio

Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C. WELLS always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way. K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, when the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings—writing about men in love was even hotter….

K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career. The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.

And as for those men in love that she writes about? The list of stories just waiting to be written is getting longer… and longer….

K.C. loves to hear from readers.
Twitter: @K_C_Wells

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

** Cover Reveal ** In this Breeze by Kathleen Maree

In This Breeze
Lakeshore University #1
By Kathleen Maree
Genre: NA Romance

Release Date: August 24, 2017

A nerd. A quiet art student. A nobody.
Or perhaps, just some girl.
These are the non-spoken titles I was known as since I started at Lake Shore Uni almost two years ago now. When given the chance to leave my horrific childhood behind - I didn’t hesitate. In fact, I was ecstatic to have the door hit me on the ass on my way out of town; because the only two things I actually loved in my traumatic life…
Were coming with me.
And whilst the three of us shared the same beat-up truck when we moved here – that’s where the similarities unfortunately end.
Ethan ‘The Mule’ Jones, is kind of a super star on campus. Everywhere he goes he seems to draw attention. I guess that’s what happens when you’re headlining papers as the star basketballer for the LS Eagles. But to me, he’s just Eth. A boy who still spends his Friday nights snuggled up watching movies with me, and who walks me to classes just to make sure I get there okay. He is my best friend in every way, and I can’t imagine my life without him in it.
And then there’s Jase.
The truth is I knew from the moment I met Jase at the local skate park, when he was smoking a cigarette and teasing Eth for his poor skating ability, of how fiercely protective he was about those he cared for. From the time he blew his warm breath over my injured knee, to when he thankfully intervened on the most horrific day of my life. A day, that still haunts me when I am alone in the dark.
He saved me.
But Jase has his own demons too. Even if he doesn’t go looking for it, trouble always seems to find him. Which is why he has been absent from our lives for the past two years.
Sometimes I wonder what he’s doing.
Quite often I worry if he’s okay.
And I always, always, think about him.
Even though I shouldn’t.

From the earliest age I was a born storyteller.

Ask my parents and they will tell you I had a gift for making a simple event seem like an elaborate one. Purposely? No. Innocently? Yes. It was my imaginary world that initially led me to believe I wanted to be an actor. All of that role playing and living in fantasy... it was an obvious direction for me. However, becoming quite uncomfortable with the limelight quickly saw that dream diminish.

Over the years I turned my world of fantasy into stories, and eventually began writing them down. Before I knew it, 'Cut' had been completed.

When I am not busy writing my next story, I am a working mum, housewife and sometimes hockey wag :) In other words, probably some kind of circus act who specialises in juggling ;)

I hope you enjoy my blog, where I will be posting thoughts, other books I am currently reading and even sneak peeks of my novels. I encourage any feedback, comments or direct messages via my contact page should anyone wish to get in touch.

I am so thrilled to be sharing my journey and hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them.

Dream often. Believe always.

Twist of Fate Tour and Giveaway!

Twist of Fate:
A Summer of Second Chances

with stories by 
Samantha Jacobey, Rebekah Dodson, Kristen Luciani, Desiree L. Scott,
A. Nicky Hjort, L.A. Remenicky, Aubree Lane, Taya Wood, B.B. Raven

Break out of the cold with a splendid spring and summer collection - nine suspense filled tales by nine talented authors. Available for a limited time, Lavish Publishing is proud to present Twist of Fate: A Summer of Second Chances. 


Inside, new worlds await discovery. Women fight for their dreams and for new lives while men stand up for love and for what they believe. Be swept away by their exciting adventures, but hurry - this set will be gone as quickly as these warm and lazy days of Summer 2017...


The set includes:

Gilded Rose by Rebekah Dodson
When Rose OConner meets the mysterious Alejandro Zabelta, he sweeps her off her feet and shows her a love she never knew existed; but secrets hide behind his dark eyes.
A Sinister Bouquet: Awakening by A. Nicky Hjort
Devyn Mitchell has a choice- listen to the voice of her unborn baby or die... again.
Captive by Samantha Jacobey
Raised to be an assassin, used by Bikers and Drug Lords and hunted by the FBI, Tori Farrell is running for her life.... Can you handle the ride?
Negative Eight by Aubree Lane
Wedding day dream or disaster?
Fatal Lies by Kristen Luciani
When forbidden lust becomes a deadly game, the price of silence may be too high to pay.
Shot of Whiskey by B.B. Raven
He was the perfect horse, that fell into the wrong hands.
Saving Cassie by L.A. Remenicky
Everyone has secrets, sometimes secrets can get you killed.
Crescent Vendetta by Desiree L. Scott
Vanessa Burns has survived a life of brutality and neglect within a pack hated by many but will she be strong enough to survive the possession of an Alpha who should hate her?
Lucy’s Vision by Taya Wood
Lucy radiates bright, invigorating colours and sees into hidden worlds. Being normal and fitting in holds little appeal for this small-town Aussie girl until testing her powers to their limits threatens her sanity.

** .99 on Amazon!**

Rebekah Dodson is a prolific word weaver of romance, fantasy, and science fiction novels. Her works include the series Postcards from Paris, The Surrogate, The Curse of Lanval series, several stand alone novels, and her upcoming YA novel, Clock City. She has been writing her whole life, with her first published work of historical fiction with 4H Clubs of America at the age of 12, and poetry at the age of 16 with the National Poetry Society. With an extensive academic background including education, history, psychology and English, she currently works as a college professor by day and a writer by night. 

A. Nicky Hjort is originally from Arlington, Texas- the second of five siblings, all of whom have strong creative talents. She currently lives in coastal central California where she practices medicine as an Ob/GYN. In between being a lovingly devoted mother and delivering babies, she writes stories that cross multiple genre lines- from Sci Fi to high fantasy, but all of her stories have thriller and strong romantic components. And for her clever reader, all of her manuscripts are subtly connected to each other, with their purpose to explore all facets of Love and Light. She likes to say that her stories write themselves, and in the process, often write her, or at least the next version of her hoping to emerge. A lover of all the arts, A. Nicky Hjort hopes her stories might inspire you to find your inner creative genius.

As for her heroes- they are as varied and eclectic as her choice of narrative genres, but when pushed to list her favorite influences, she would say James Patterson, Barbara Kingsolver, Patricia Cornwell, Dean Koonntz, Gene Roddenberry, Shel Silverstein, Suzanne Collins, and Walt Disney.

Samantha Jacobey
Anyone who knows me could tell you, I am a friendly kind of person, never met a stranger and take up conversations any where at any time. I work hard, and my mind never seems to shut down, as I wake up often in the middle of the night with ideas pouring out and demanding to be dealt with. Of course that means much of my books were written in the middle of the night.

I grew up and still live in the great state of Texas where everything is bigger, where we have warm weather and a central location. I love my state, my town, and my family, which includes my four sons, my significant other, and many friends as well.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the books that are currently available and hope you will enjoy reading them just as much. And of course, there will be many more stories to come.

Aubree Lane is a true story teller. This award winning author has been writing in one form or another for most of her life and has loved every moment.

Aubree lives in the beautiful foothills of Northern California with her husband, two wonderful sons, and a super special peek-a-poo named Tanner. When not managing the pooper-scooper, Aubree can be found at one of her favorite vacation spots ranging anywhere from Lake Tahoe to Maui.

Her motto: Write Until Your Butt Hurts, And Your Eyes Are Crossed.

Aubree and her husband enjoy the harvest of their seasonal garden and relaxing in the paradise they created, called home.

Kristen Luciani is a bestselling author and self-proclaimed momtrepreneur with a penchant for stilettos, Silicon Valley, plunging necklines and grapefruit martinis. As a deep-rooted romantic who prefers juicy drama to fill the lives of anyone other than her, she tried her hand at creating a world of enchantment, sensuality, and intrigue, finally uncovering her true passion. No pun intended…

B.B. Raven
I am very stubborn and independent. I have a big heart and I love children. One of the reasons why I chose to contribute to the Shades of Fear Anthology is because it was for a charity that would help children with cancer. I had a very unstable childhood; my father was an alcoholic and my mother abandoned me. Thank goodness for my grandparents. My grandfather, who is now 78, is still a big part of my life. My son and I help take care of him. We are simple southern folk who enjoy collard greens and fried chicken on Sundays.

L.A. Remenicky ~ Love Stories With A Twist
L.A. Remenicky is a wife and mother of two fur kids. A payroll professional by day, she writes out the stories in her head by night.
An avid reader all her life, she finally put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) during NaNoWriMo in 2012 and has never looked back. When she’s not typing away on her latest story with music playing in the background, she can usually be found spending time with her family and friends.

Desiree Scott
I have been writing since I was sixteen years old and love to write both horror and romantic suspense. I think there have been many influences within my life that has set me on the path that I can not help but walk. A few of those names consist of Karen Rose, Lisa Gardener, Nora Roberts, Cynthia Eden, Catherine Anderson, Laura Griffin, Andrea Kane, and Lisa Jackson, just to name a few. This list by no means defines by own writing but they have indeed influenced my desire to live outside of my own world and to create the thrill of my dreams. I live on 40 + acres in the SHOW ME state with my six year old daughter, with the wonderful addition of four dogs and a handful of chickens. The weather is unpredictable, but the surrounding beauty of the country helps my creativity as I sit on my top deck with my laptop and coffee close by.

Taya Wood
Unexplored possibilities and impossibilities have always fascinated Taya Wood. As a child she would stargaze most nights, wondering about the universe and imagining how things used to be, are, and could be in the future, so writing speculative fiction was inevitable. 

Having spent her former years as a graphic designer and life coach and then running a business assisting creative people to earn a living, Taya now writes magic realism and paranormal fantasy. 

She lives in an eco house in a forest with her husband, several kingfishers and kookaburras, a fishpond, some water dragons and a very large goanna.

Follow the tour HERE!

Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...