Friday, January 31, 2020

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Charity by Laramie Briscoe

Heaven Hill Shorts Book 6
by Laramie Briscoe 

It is recommended that you read “Heaven Hill Generations” before starting this series, or you will be spoiled and lost!

Charity Walker

When my daughter, Justice, was kidnapped. It took a lot from me, too.

My sense of safety.
My confidence as a mom. 
My belief that most people are good.

The same thing wouldn’t happen twice to the same family…right? The chance it will is what scares me the most.

Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

This sixth Heaven Hill short is one that I've been waiting for. These short stories give us the aftermath of the events in Fury, and Charity's story certainly tugs at the heartstrings. Trying to find a new normal after everything that happened would be difficult at best, but for Justice's mother, it's next to impossible, especially when you factor in Harley, who is always a bit of a challenge. She and Drew have such a strong relationship, and even though this is a short story, Laramie Briscoe shows that solid foundation beneath them. This one gives us Charity's doubts and fears as well as her faith in Drew. I've fallen in love with this MC family, and they are without a doubt family, and I'm thoroughly enjoying these little glimpses of each character. This one is easily read in under an hour, so it's perfect for a bedtime read or a relaxing afternoon or evening curl up on the couch read. 

The Stone Warriors Series Tour and Giveaway

The Stone Warriors Book 4 
by D.B. Reynolds 
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy 

It was a time when gods walked the earth, when armies fought not for bits of land, but for the very existence of humanity. On such a battlefield, five formidable warriors stood against an evil greater than any the earth had ever seen. But evil is not an honorable foe. Betrayed by someone they trusted, the warriors were cursed, one by one, tossed into the maelstrom of time, imprisoned in stone, their freedom resting on nearly impossible conditions. Until…. Dragan Fiachna, heir to the curse of royal blood, a horror hiding behind a beautiful face…. you shall remain locked in stone until a maiden, untested and pure, shall find grace in your beast and safety in your nightmare. 

Dragan Fiachna, born to a life of loneliness, cast into stone by a sorcerer’s curse and imprisoned forever in darkness. He is freed at last, only to discover his enemy still lives and is plotting the death of millions in his quest to rule this new world. 

Maeve Collins, brilliant, courageous, and compassionate enough to believe a stone statue can have a soul. Shocked when her beautiful winged man breaks free, horrified at the torment he’s endured, she dedicates herself to reuniting him with the warriors he calls family. 

But she never planned on falling in love. 

Racing across half the country in search of the only man who can stop their foe from fulfilling his merciless scheme, Dragan and Maeve discover they’ve unwittingly stolen the one artifact that can defeat their enemy. And he wants it back. Pursued by assassins, they fight their way to Dragan’s brothers, only to discover the war for this world has already begun…. 

The Stone Warriors Book 3 

It was a time when gods walked the earth, when armies fought not for bits of land, but for the very existence of humanity. On such a battlefield, five formidable warriors stood against an evil greater than any the earth had ever seen. But evil is not an honorable foe. Betrayed by someone they trusted, the warriors were cursed, one by one, tossed into the maelstrom of time, imprisoned in stone, their freedom resting on nearly impossible conditions. Until. . . . 

Gabriel Halldor. . . one of the fiercest warriors the world has ever seen, but his tremendous skill can’t save him from a sorcerer’s curse. Trapped in stone and left lying in darkness for thousands of years, he is, at long last, brought into the sunlight of a Japanese garden, where a young girl comes to sit at his feet and read him stories as she grows to womanhood. 

Hana Himura. . . beloved granddaughter of a Japanese mob boss, raised to the life of a warrior. When death comes for her grandfather, he sends her to the one guardian courageous enough to protect her from a sorcerer who will stop at nothing to have her. 

Raphael. . . the most powerful vampire lord on earth, and the only man who can save Gabriel and Hana from an enemy who would enslave them both. 

Running from the certain death that awaits them in Japan, Hana and Gabriel flee to Malibu and the vampire lord her grandfather called friend. Raphael is magic and power combined, and Gabriel and Hana will need both if they’re going to survive long enough to defeat their enemy and light the flame of desire that’s been simmering between them for years. 

The Stone Warriors Book 2 

It was a time when gods walked the earth, when armies fought not for bits of land, but for the very existence of humanity. On such a battlefield, five formidable warriors stood against an evil greater than any the earth had ever seen. But evil is not an honorable foe. Betrayed by someone they trusted, the warriors were cursed, one by one, tossed into the maelstrom of time, imprisoned in stone, their freedom resting on nearly impossible conditions. Until . . .

Kato Amadi . . . born of darkest sorcery, unstoppable on the battlefield, his magic is as deadly as his blade. But not even magic could save him from vicious betrayal. Trapped for millennia in darkness and silence, he is freed at last, only to find himself in the middle of a battle against the very beasts of hell he was created to destroy.

Grace Van Allen is a scholar of ancient languages who toils in the dim recesses of a museum basement with only a beautiful stone warrior to keep her company. But when Grace calls upon her silent warrior to help her translate an obscure new language, she breaks the ancient curse holding him prisoner . . . and frees three deadly demons to rampage through her city.

Tracking demons is what Kato was born to do, but he’ll need Grace’s help. And when they discover that Kato’s enemy is still alive and still plotting against him, their hunt takes a dangerous turn, one that might just prove fatal for both of them . . . 

The Stone Warriors Book 1 

It was a time when gods walked the earth, when armies fought not for bits of land, but for the very existence of humanity. On such a battlefield, five formidable warriors stood against an evil greater than any the earth had ever seen. But evil is not an honorable foe. Betrayed by someone they trusted, the warriors were cursed, one by one, tossed into the maelstrom of time, imprisoned in stone, their freedom resting on nearly impossible conditions. Until . . .

Damian Stephanos honed his skills in battles fought with magic as much as swords. Caught by a deadly spell that left him trapped for centuries in darkness and obscurity, he is finally freed, only to discover that his enemy still lives. Determined to find him—and to free his brothers in arms—he first must fulfill his blood debt to the woman who released him from his torment. Unfortunately, being so close to this enticing female is another type of torment altogether . . .

Cassandra “Casey” Lewis is a hunter. Possessing the rare ability to sense magic, she spends most of her time shadowing arcane collectors, and more often than not, stealing the dangerous artifacts she pursues. Her job is risky, especially when she’s stealing from one of the most powerful sorcerers alive. But having a gorgeous warrior by her side is a definite bonus. He’s great in a fight . . . and in other places, too.

Following a trail of dead bodies, the two of them must join forces to track down the sorcerer who cursed Damian, and who now plans to turn an ordinary magical device into a deadly weapon. Risking everything, including their hearts, they’re about to discover that trusting each other might be the hardest thing of all. 

D. B. Reynolds is the RT and Epic Award-Winning author of the Vampires in America series of paranormal romance, and an Emmy-nominated television sound editor. D. B. currently lives in a flammable canyon near the Malibu coast, and when she's not writing her own books, she can usually be found reading someone else's. You can visit D. B. at her website 

$25 Amazon Gift card 
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Passarinho and the Highlander Tour and Giveaway

Passarinho and the Highlander: 
Adventures in Love and War 
by Fran Connor 
Genre: Historical Romantic Adventure

A privileged young woman in 1730s Boston sets out on an adventure to rescue her father from a debtor’s prison in Jamaica. A dashing Scottish soldier offers to help her in return for her help in exposing a traitor.
Shipwreck, spies, murder, war and a rival for the Highlander’s affections combine to thwart her mission.
She finds the darker side of life in the Caribbean is a far cry from her sheltered upbringing. To survive and succeed in her rescue she must adapt and, on the way, she discovers a secret about herself that could have disastrous consequences for her future.
Buy or download now through Kindle Unlimited and enjoy this gripping Romantic Adventure with a flawed heroine. 

She could see the ship better now as it cut through the surf towards her. Had they seen her? Pain shot through her legs as she lifted herself onto her knees. To stand up, she knew, would capsize her makeshift life raft. She did not care if they were pirates or if they were French, Spanish or British. All she wanted as she knelt looking at the ship was a drink of water to slake her desperate thirst.
Susannah may have grown up in a sheltered environment back in Boston, but she was no foolish or naive girl. A semi-naked woman appearing before men who may have been at sea for months may invite disaster. But water… she needed water.
Now the ship was close enough for her to see the people onboard, though she could not tell their nationality. A man stood on the poop deck with a telescope that she hoped was looking at her. She pulled up her chemise to try to cover her breasts.
An awful feeling swept through her body when she saw the ship turn away from her, and then elation. They lowered a boat over the side, furled the sails and dropped anchor. Susannah looked up at the sky. “Thank you!”
Her eyes searched the boat party for an officer or gentleman as it approached. That was more of a hope than a likelihood as she checked them out. Her mind flitted through available options and found none.
Without a doubt the vision that the nearest sailor beheld must have been the strangest he’d ever seen. Had he read Robinson Crusoe published twenty years before? His tarred pigtail and scarred face did not suggest to Susannah a reader.
The boat pulled alongside Susannah’s raft. Still on her knees with one hand trying to hold up her chemise, she looked at the sailors. “Hello, could you help me? I’ve had rather a difficult problem. I would appreciate passage to civilisation.”
The men in the boat roared with laughter.
One of them seemed to have a slight resemblance to an English gentleman from the way he held himself. His clothes, though well-worn, did have signs of quality, and he wore a tartan sash. 
“Glory be! And of whom do I have the pleasure?” said the man in a cultured Scottish accent, much to Susannah’s relief.
“Miss Susannah Fitzpatrick of the Boston Fitzpatricks, sir. I am a survivor of the Diana shipwreck.”
“Well, Miss Fitzpatrick, I do believe you will have a fascinating story to tell. It must wait until we are aboard. We cannot anchor off for long for reasons that will become clear to you. I am Donald Murray of the Auchterarder Murrays, Miss Fitzpatrick, at your service.” He gave a slight bow while still sitting down in the prow of the boat and then offered his hand to help her aboard. 
Donald Murray, in Susannah’s brief assessment, was a man in his late twenties. Under his sunburn, red beard and long, unkempt hair that matched the colour of his beard, he may even have been handsome. His bearing, which she first mistook as that of an English gentleman, was that of a proud Highlander. 

I live in SW France for the lifestyle after a career in a UK Police Force. I have six published novels, three more in the pipeline and six plays that have been produced on stage. My screenplays portfolio contains seven feature length scripts with one about to go into production. 

I write mainly Historical Fiction but I do other genres too. I don't do cop stories, I had enough of the real thing. 

$50 Amazon gift card 
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Little White Lies Tour and Giveaway

Little White Lies 
Truth or Lies Series Book 1 
by Jude Ouvrard 
Genre: New Adult Romance 
Publication Date: January 6, 2020

When Hunter Reed’s longtime plans go awry following her college graduation, she has two choices. She can wallow in her grief, or she can get away from Utah, and the people who broke her. Determined to escape the shadow of her parents and make it on her own terms, she lands her dream job at an up-and-coming graphic design company in Portland, packs her bags, and hits the road.

No sooner has Hunter arrived, than the adventures begin. With a new apartment, and learning her job comes with a private office—and a handsome boss who is her age—she settles in straight away, befriending neighbors and co-workers alike. Welcomed into the fold, the transition is smooth and easy.

Almost too easy.

Just when she gets comfortable with how perfect her life is going, an unforgettable Elvis at a costume party will make Hunter forget everything she was taught about propriety, leading to a night of drunken abandonment and dangerous encounters that will set in motion a web of little white lies which could undo everything she has worked so hard for.

Although Hunter finds herself facing two choices again, this time, her heart is on the line. 

I close my eyes and again find myself resting against him while he holds me there, safe. I love how caring he is with me even though he has no idea who I am. Which is funny. Everything about tonight is funny. My costume, my attitude, his costume… it’s all a game, and for now, I’m having the time of my life. No need to worry about if my father finds out I went out in public like this. He won’t. I’m far from home. This is my life. It’s past time I start living it.
The more I think about it, the more hilarious I find the situation. I never would’ve done half of what I’d done tonight if it weren’t for Catwoman. It’s weird. Who am I? For now, the only certainty is that I’m a single woman who’s enjoying a night out in a new city.
“Are you feeling okay?” Elvis asks again, and his concerns amuse me.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Hey, if not for the costumes, would you have done all of this with me tonight?” I ask, uncertain if I want to hear his answer.
“You mean dancing, making out,” his eyes lower to my lips, “and drinking. Maybe. I don’t know.” A little frown forms a crease in the makeup on his forehead. “I think we’re having fun, and that’s all we should think about now.”
“Hey, Hunter,” Xander calls my name, and I turn around. The look on his face tells me something isn’t right. “Emma isn’t feeling so good, so we’re heading home. Are you coming? You’re looking pretty drunk yourself, maybe you should come, too.”
Elvis steps away from me, then, and I can feel indecision tugging me in half. On impulse, I call back, “You can go, I’ll call a taxi later.”
There’s no way I’m leaving now; I’m having way too much fun.
“Are you sure?” Xander asks, his attention fixed on Elvis; it’s sweet of him to feel protective of me so soon after us meeting.
“Yes.” I nod. “Are we still hanging out tomorrow?”
“Sure, unless you end up marrying Elvis tonight.”
I start laughing. “In Vegas, maybe.” I laugh at my own joke for a few seconds more then turn to Elvis. “I have to say bye to my friend, I’ll be right back.”
I hook my arm into Xander’s, hoping not to trip. These heels have gotten harder to walk in as the night has gone on. The closer we get to the table, the more I can see how green Emma looks.
“Oh, my gosh. What happened to her?”
“She had one too many beers and her dinner came out her nose in the restroom,” Xander explains with a chuckle.
She’s worse off than me, and I feel bad for her. That must have hurt like hell.
“What’s up with you and the Elvis guy?” Xander asks.
“I don’t know. He’s nice.” I start laughing. “I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, Xander, other than having a good time. Maybe, for the first time in my life.”
He grins and squeezes me closer to his body.
“Hunter, I thought you’d forgotten about us.”
Despite feeling sick, Emma still noticed I’d been busy with someone. She cared, and I’m touched.
“No, no, guys. I’m sorry.” I hug Emma and regret it right away. She smells terrible. Vomit isn’t my fragrance of choice.
We walk outside, where the air is a lot colder.
“Will you be okay by yourself?”
Emma’s concerned, but she shouldn’t be. I can handle this. I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Don’t worry about me. Go home, drink a lot of water, and with any luck, tomorrow, you’ll be fine.”
“Okay, then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
They depart in a taxi cab, leaving me alone. Elvis flashes in my mind, but I’m not in a hurry to go back inside. All the thumping music and elevated body temperatures were making me feel dizzy. The cool, fresh air is soothing, so I stay outside.
I look around and the city is quiet, it’s only in my head where things are kind of loud. I still feel the music vibrations in my pulse, and the touches of my mystery Elvis’ arms around my waist or teasing my bum. The few things we’ve said to each other replay in my mind.
I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m new to the dating thing. After so many years of being faithful to a man who dropped me, now I want to experience what people my age do when they are single. From what I know, Jared didn’t cheat on me in a physical sense, but it was clear he had eyes for someone else while we were together. I don’t let my mind think about the what ifs because it’ll kill my mood. We’re over. That’s all there is to say.
“Meeooowww,” someone says behind me, and I spin around.
“Are you lost, little kitten? Do you have a name tag or something? I would love to bring you home with me and pet you.”
His words repulse me. What kind of a pick-up line is that? It’s disgusting. “Eww, stop that. You’re gross.”

Jude Ouvrard is a mom, a girlfriend, a sister, and a daughter... well, you get the idea.

She's also an avid reader and writer. Ouvrard loves books--the words in them, and the worlds of fantasy they create. Basically, she's a sucker for any type of romance book. That's her thing.

Born and raised in a small village in the Canadian countryside, it's been nearly two decades since she moved out of the family home to go explore and enjoy the city life. Living with her longtime boyfriend, their son, and their fur babies in Montreal, her days are labored away at a law firm while she lives her dream job by night. Writing. Creating. Giving shape and form to the characters who whisper their stories in her head.

Ouvrard writes new adult, military, and contemporary romance tales filled with drama, love, and everything in between. 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Release Boost of Firecracker by Kelly Jamieson


Will you give in to the spark?
Firecracker by Kelly Jamieson is now available!

Arden Lennox’s charmed life may be in pieces, but she’d sooner get her hoohaw bleached than move back in with her parents. She’s no longer the prom-queen princess married to the football star. She’s a broke, penniless widow, and it’s time she stood on her own two feet.An under-construction unit in a quaint Chicago brownstone is cheap (free), but it comes with an unexpected surprise. Tyler Ramirez, her brother’s gawky high school best friend, is now a smoking hot firefighter who spends most of his spare time in her unit hammering, drilling, and screwing. Usually with his shirt off—a temptation she has no intention of indulging.
Tyler can’t believe his high school crush is living right across the hall, or how fast his fierce lust for her comes blazing back. She’s still gorgeous—a little sadder, a little quieter, but still with the amazing smile and sweet body that fueled his awkward teenage fantasies.
Despite her best intentions, Arden can’t resist grown up Tyler but the sparks between them send her into full retreat. And by the time she realizes the heat between them could last a lifetime, it could be too late to tell him…

About Kelly Jamieson
Kelly Jamieson is a USA Today bestselling author of over 40 romance novels and novellas.
Her writing has been described as “emotionally complex”, “sweet and satisfying” and “blisteringly sexy”. She likes black coffee, white wine and high heels…and of course cheering on her Winnipeg Jets during hockey season!
Connect with Kelly

Crusader's Way Virtual Book Tour

  The St. Edmundsbury Mysteries, Book 1 YA Mystery Date Published: December 1, 2021     “The relic is gone!” On ...