Saturday, June 30, 2018

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Riding the Wave by Allyson Lindt

Riding the Wave 
Ridden Hard Book 3
by Allyson Lindt 

When the past and present collide, is the risk of falling in love worth the reward?

The entire network for Spencer’s theme park crashes on Christmas Eve, and it’s the rotten cherry on top of an already sucky night. Fortunately, the on-call tech is the perfect distraction. Sexy, smart… and his best friend’s much younger sister. Talk about off-limits.

Trina’s ready to give the asshole on the other end of the support line a piece of her mind—how dare he take out his frustrations on her because his night is going bad? When she comes face-to-face with the gorgeous owner of her company’s biggest client, drooling replaces anger. She’s always had a thing for Spencer, but her memory lied about just how hot he is.

Trina has a hard enough time proving she’s as good, or better, at her job than the guys she works with, without adding in another rumor about her sleeping her way into the position. And Spencer’s ex-wife is looking for a way to prove he can’t keep it in his pants when it comes to the women he works with.

Is riding the wave of lust worth the risk, or will it bring everything they’ve worked for crashing down around them?


Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

Ah, Spencer and Trina. Their journey to love is quite angst-ridden. Between hard to deal with coworkers for Trina and legal problems from Spencer's ex, they have their hands full. Plus, there's the little issue Trina's brother and Spencer being friends. In spite of all that, they have great chemistry and they're just so good together that you can't help but root for their happily ever after. This is the third book in the Ridden Hard series, but it works well as a standalone. I would recommend reading the first two books simply because they're so good and the characters do tend to pop in and out throughout the series. Despite the high amount of angst in this one, or maybe because of it, Riding the Wave is an entertaining read that kept me turning the pages to see how this romance would play out. 

Margo & George Forever? Tour and Giveaway

Margo & George Forever?
By Stephanie Queen
Genre: Romantic Comedy

There was no question in Margo's heart of hearts that she loved George. She really did want to marry him--scratch that--she really did want to be married to him.

There was a difference.
She hoped to heaven that the teeny-tiny distinction wouldn't be their undoing...

The stage is set for the wedding of the year in New York City featuring poor sweet beautiful Margo marrying the most eligible (read that: handsome and wealthy) bachelor, Regal Stores heir and CEO, George Regal, III. The Regal family has long presided over the social and fashion scene in Manhattan and they have embraced the marriage with enough enthusiasm to create a circus.
That could be why Margo feels like she's in the center ring and about to be swallowed by a lion.
But the best things about George, the strong powerful CEO, are the ones he's not known for, like his small thoughtful gifts, the crystal angel Christmas tree ornament he'd given her, the way he holds her hand at odd moments, the way he bear-hugs his grandma whenever he sees her and the way he speaks with misty eyes about his late mother.
Of course Margo wants to spend the rest of her life with him... if she could just get past the family’s ‘enthusiasm’ and THE WEDDING.

Warning: Once you open this book you'll get heart-warming romance, smiles, laughs & fun, but also an adult-sized portion of steamy love scenes. And of course, most important of all, a very satisfying Happily-Ever-After.

“You’re so damn gorgeous.” He kissed her forehead.
“Aren’t you the least bit afraid I’m going to get a big head if you keep saying things like that?”
“Not you. That wouldn’t be you at all. You’re too good.”
And her heart melted just a little bit more because the thing was, he was serious.

Margo didn’t mind waiting until she’d had a swig of her drink before trying to explain herself. She wasn’t sure what to say—or what she thought, if truth be told. But it was time she unbottled whatever mess was inside her.
“I’m scared witless about this wedding circus." She paused. Her friends stared.
"I tremble at the thought of the outrageous pageantry as if I’m the queen of a minor Nordic country. I’m horrified that there will be a thousand freaking guests and I don’t know any of them—none but a handful. I have no idea what I’m supposed to say or do.”

Stephanie Queen is the USA Today bestselling author of the romantic detective series, Beachcomber Investigations. She lives in the stunning state of New Hampshire with her family, her cat, Kitty and her fun-loving friends. Besides going to the gym sporadically, Stephanie cooks and crochets and loves chocolate covered potato chips (yes, she should go to the gym more often). 

She used to be a 9 to fiver working in downtown Boston, but has thrown her stylish suits and fancy heels in a closet and now hangs out in UConn t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. “If I could come back in another life as anything I wanted, I’d be a regency era heroine.” (Not surprisingly) Regency romances are her favorite secret reads.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

Cusp of Night Tour and Giveaway

Hode’s Hill #1

by Mae Clair
Genre: Thriller/Suspense

Pub Date: 6/12/2018

The truth hides in dark places…
Recently settled in Hode’s Hill, Pennsylvania, Maya Sinclair is enthralled by the town’s folklore, especially the legend about a centuries-old monster. A devil-like creature with uncanny abilities responsible for several horrific murders, the Fiend has evolved into the stuff of urban myth. But the past lives again when Maya witnesses an assault during the annual “Fiend Fest.” The victim is developer Leland Hode, patriarch of the town’s most powerful family, and he was attacked by someone dressed like the Fiend.
Compelled to discover who is behind the attack and why, Maya uncovers a shortlist of enemies of the Hode clan. The mystery deepens when she finds the journal of a late nineteenth-century spiritualist who once lived in Maya’s house—a woman whose ghost may still linger. Known as the Blue Lady of Hode’s Hill due to a genetic condition, Lucinda Glass vanished without a trace and was believed to be one of the Fiend’s tragic victims. The disappearance of a young couple, combined with more sightings of the monster, trigger Maya to join forces with Leland’s son Collin. But the closer she gets to the truth, the closer she comes to a hidden world of twisted secrets, insanity, and evil that refuses to die…

Within moments, Charlotte was outside in the dismal weather. The drizzle had steadied into a light rain, pattering in a ceaseless rhythm against the cobblestones. The gas lamp on the corner was barely visible through the thickening fog. It would be a rough ride back in the carriage, bordering on miserable, now that she’d lost the opportunity to communicate with her deceased mother and share the news of Reginald’s birth. Drawing the collar of her cloak about her throat, Charlotte hurried down Chicory toward the alley. How far to the carriage? The fog played tricks with the
distance, shapes materializing from the mist with an abruptness that made her regret not taking the lamp Frederick offered. When a cat shot out in front of her, she gasped.
“Silly animal.” Pressing a hand to her heart, she breathed deeply.
The feline darted across the alley, vanishing into the mist. Were those footsteps behind her?
She glanced over her shoulder, but it was impossible to see more than a few feet. Rain trickled from the edge of the umbrella and splattered onto her gloves. Quickening her pace, she scurried forward. She’d only managed a few steps when the footsteps echoed again.
Once more she looked over her shoulder. “Frederick.” Perhaps he’d left the carriage in search of her when the rain grew heavier. “Frederick?”
The footsteps quickened, lengthening into a fleet run. Hair prickled on the back of her neck. She hesitated, torn between fleeing and needing to see who followed. Within seconds, a painted face bobbed in front of her from the fog. The macabre mask hung disembodied, a leering devil with ice white eyes and cadaverous grin.
The Fiend! Dear God, the monster was real.
Charlotte screamed and tried to run, her long skirts twisting about her ankles. Stumbling, she dropped her umbrella. “Frederick!” Her frightened cry echoed through the night, swallowed by the fog. “Oh, Frederick, please help!”
Fingers fisted on the back of her cloak and yanked hard, wheeling her around and tugging, until she was pressed up against the hard body of the Fiend. Trapped mere inches from that demonic face and hateful gaze, she swooned. Her vision spun into a funnel curtained with fog and rain as if the night had blindfolded her. A stinging flare of heat ripped across her stomach, chased by something sticky and damp. She tried to find her breath and wheezed out a faint bubble. “Oh!”
Pain ruptured upward from her navel. Fire seared her voice and left her choking soundlessly on cold air. Her knees buckled. The Fiend released her, and she wilted to the cobblestones, conscious of a dark stain spreading beneath her.
The stench of hot metal and damp wool clotted her nostrils. She choked on tears, overcome by the realization she would never cradle her baby again or see the husband who had given her such a precious gift. A foolish woman, she’d paid for her folly. Why hadn’t she heeded Henry and stayed safe at home? Blood plastered her bodice to her skin, sticky heat against the rain. She folded to the side—down to the damp press of cobblestones
against her cheek, the thick gathering silt of the dead.
The Fiend stepped closer. Hunkered down near her head.
Charlotte forced herself to grip the hand that clutched the bloody knife. Twisting her neck, she stared up into the awful leering face. “Why? Please…tell me why.”

The slice of the blade across her throat paid her passage to Summerland.

Mae Clair opened a Pandora’s Box of characters when she was a child and never looked back. Her father, an artist who tinkered with writing, encouraged her to create make-believe worlds by spinning tales of far-off places on summer nights beneath the stars.
Mae loves creating character-driven fiction in settings that vary from contemporary to mythical. Wherever her pen takes her, she flavors her stories with conflict, romance and elements of mystery. Married to her high school sweetheart, she lives in Pennsylvania and is passionate about writing, old photographs, a good Maine lobster tail and cats.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Release Blitz for Snow Jewel by Natalina Reis

Title: Snow Jewel
Series: The Jewel Chronicles #2
Author: Natalina Reis
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2018


A princess on the run, an ex-slave returning home. Together they must battle prejudice and superstition if their love is to survive.

When Princess Milenda arrives at Isvärld, a land of snow and ice, she’s hoping for a quiet life with her new husband, Jaali. What she gets is anything but.

Even though happy he’s returned, Jaali’s people can’t see past the color of Milenda’s skin, a color she shares with the hated Mabaya Warriors who have been stealing and selling their children into slavery for centuries.

Freya, a goddess of the icy kingdom, tasked with protecting the princess and her man, doesn’t seem trustworthy, and their only true ally is Milenda’s flying lizard, Mjusi. But even the mutsi is acting strangely.

Will their love for each other and Milenda’s special gifts protect them from the dangers around them or will they meet their doom in the one place that promised them safe harbor?

Snow Jewel is the second book in The Jewel Chronicles. A unique interracial romance set against a breathtaking fantasy world with complex characters and twists at every turn. Let Snow Jewel take you to another world.

Purchase Links

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Author Bio

Author of We Will Always Have the Closet, Desert Jewel, and Loved You Always, Natalina wrote her first romance in collaboration with her best friend at the age of 13. Since then she has ventured into other genres, but romance is first and foremost in almost everything she writes.

After earning a degree in tourism and foreign languages, she worked as a tourist guide in her native Portugal for a short time before moving to the United States. She lived in three continents and a few islands, and her knack for languages and linguistics led her to a master’s degree in education. She lives in Virginia where she has taught English as a Second Language to elementary school children for more years than she cares to admit.

Natalina doesn’t believe you can have too many books or too much coffee. Art and dance make her happy and she is pretty sure she could survive on lobster and bananas alone. When she is not writing or stressing over lesson plans, she shares her life with her husband and two adult sons.

Author Links

Release Day Tour + Giveaway for A Dance For Two by Colette Davison

Release Day Blog Tour + Giveaway

Title: A Dance For Two
Author: Colette Davison
Cover Artist: Colette Davison
Publisher: Self Published
Genre(s): MM, Contemporary Gay Fiction
Length: Approx. 60,000 Words

Warning: Contains explicit language and sex scenes between stepbrothers


Adam and Luc used to be close. At least they were before Luc distanced himself from Adam at fourteen, then eventually left home. Adam never got over the sting of betrayal, or the loss of his one-time best friend.

When Luc is invited back home to help get his parents’ failing dance school back on track, Adam isn’t sure he can cope with having his stepbrother back in his life. Especially when he discovers Luc’s decade old secret.

Luc left home because he was sure no one would understand that he had fallen in love with his stepbrother.

Convinced that the years of distance he has put between them will have erased his desire, Luc doesn’t hesitate to return home to help the business that means everything to his parents. Confronted by Adam once more, Luc’s past feelings re-awaken. But will revealing his true feelings to Adam heal the rift between them, or drive them even further apart?

Buy Links

About The Author

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairy tale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.

Follow Colette at:

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Release Blitz

City of Kings
by Bree M. Lewandowski

Genre: Dystopian Second Chance Romance

Lovers once. Enemies now. How hot does hurt and hatred burn before the flames consume everything?

She was the ruin of his heart, the reason he swore he'd never come back to Illinois. But when a commanding office sends Judah Grane on obligatory guard detail to the Quarterly Council in Chicago, nightmares from that past come back to haunt him.

But God has a funny sense of humor ...

Maive Greene has worked hard for the life she has. There's been no one along the way to help. Now engaged to Chicago's City King, she can finally see her future and everything she hopes to accomplish. 

Until the man she once loved appears.

Betrayed by each other years ago yet suddenly thrown together in a strange twist of fate, neither can see how this will end. But both feel the power that once moved them to swear forever.

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About the Author

Coffee is wonderful. Coffee spurns my writing. I'm a married lady with four furry babies and my day job is teaching dance. I eat noodles like they're vegetables and I can't swim. Bios are weird to write. 

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Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...