Friday, September 30, 2022

In My Hands Tour and Giveaway


In My Hands

by Sathya Achia

Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure

Sixteen-year-old Chandra S. Chengappa, a competitive classical dancer, passes for an average American teenager. But she has a monster of a secret: She can see evil in the form of the rakshasi-a demon supposed to exist only in South Asian folklores.

After discovering a glowing disc hidden among a collection of ancient Indian artifacts in her mother's yoga studio, Chandra starts having strange visions of a past she cannot remember, and the kind of future she does not want. The ruthless rakshasi wants what Chandra does not realize she has-a map to the Golden Trishula, a powerful, celestial weapon once wielded by the Hindu Goddess Durga-that controls the past, present, and future.

When tragedy strikes, Chandra and her sister are forced to leave their hometown in Virginia and travel to India to live in a remote jungle village devastated by the rakshasi. With the help of a cunning fortune teller, a fashion-forward Lambadi historian, a handsome daredevil, and a kind-hearted cow herder, Chandra must forge ahead into the unknown and prepare for the fight of her life before the people and the jungle she has fallen in love with are plunged into a supernatural darkness forever.

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The fortune teller starts to trace the meandering lines from the center of my right palm, repeatedly. It’s soothing at first and combined with the sweet and woody scent of sandalwood incense and burning candles, a calmness sweeps over me. Then she stops following my actual lines and starts to trace the thick, wide scars on my palms.I stare into the jagged, raised scars. They’re ugly and I hate them. The more Surya messes with my palms, the

more they throb.

She continues to trace the lines but keeps getting distracted by the scars. “Head, heart, and life,” she whispers. “These lines tell me the story of your destiny.”

I imagine each line to be a separate winding road, no doubt taking her to a different place. Then she lets out a gasp and violently jerks my hand closer to her face,

her eyes wide and bewildered.

My eyelids start to feel heavy as if they carry the weight of the world. I wasn’t tired before, but now I just want nothing more than to drift off to sleep. I try to fight it, but it doesn’t feel right. I can’t fight it any longer.

My hands start to burn and the room around me spins as I become overwhelmed with the sweet fragrance of blossoming jasmine. I feel as if I’m sinking deep into the floor beneath the bamboo mat.

The world goes black and then a vision forms.

In the yoga studio, the lights are dimmed just the way Amma likes it, with only the flicker of

candlelight to guide my way. The tiny hairs on my arms stand up and I shudder. It’s eerily quiet.

“Amma?” I call out.

“Chandraka, I can’t keep you safe anymore,” she says, her voice hoarse as if she’s been crying, or worse yet, screaming. I can barely make out her figure near the meditation altar. She looks as though she is kneeling. “It’s coming for you. The darkness. And it will give you the fight of your life.”

I feel a wave of anger rising and falling as a pool of tears gather in my eyes. “But I need you!”

“The disc is your weapon. You must learn to wield it. Hold it in your palm, and it will give you answers to the past, lead you in the right direction in the present, and allow you to see the future.”

A sharp low whistle fills the room. The ground beneath my feet rumbles and it’s followed by a strange noise that sounds like the clicking of fingertips on a desktop. I pick up a candle for light and lower it to the floor when I see something haphazardly skitter across it. I lurch back in disgust.

There are hundreds of scorpions of all sizes scurrying across the hardwood floors of the studio and upon the meditation altar. They crawl over the sandalwood elephant, the bronze statue of goddess Durga, the lotus, and the tabla, digging their stingers into each piece. The

stingers must be filled with some form of acid because with each point of contact, they are able to damage the relics. I hear a low whistle again and they respond to the call as they creep away in the direction of the double doors leading to the courtyard, having completely ravaged Amma’s sacred space.

“You must go home to the jungle. Find the others. Destroy the rakshasi,” she says, breathlessly. She doubles over, screaming out in pain, and falls forward onto the altar.

The bright studio spotlights flicker on and shine down from above, blinding me for a matter of seconds. I rush for Amma as I scan the floor. The scorpions have disappeared.

“It got me,” she says in a hushed voice as I reach her side and scoop her into my arms, holding her close. “Chandraka, my journey ends here,” she whispers. “Know that I always saw you. I never said it enough…” Her eyes roll back into her head.

“Amma, wake up, wake up!” I weep as my body shakes with unrelenting sorrow. But she doesn’t wake and my heart sinks.

When my eyes open, I’m still in the fortune teller’s tent, my breathing is ragged, and my heart is exploding through my chest as the vision crosses from somewhere inside my head into my reality. 

Panic sets in. 

I know Amma is in danger. I can feel it deep inside me and know it’s true. I need to warn her, but I’m suddenly overcome with pain.

My hands are burning as if they’re on fire. I clap them closed, trying to stifle the throbbing pain. My jaw drops open, but nothing comes out. I fall forward clenching the disc against my heart and making a fist with the other pounding on the bamboo mat on the tent floor. I feel the disc fall from my waistband pocket onto the floor next to me.

Surya does not bat an eye at my distress, her intense, kohl-lined eyes focus on the disc. She glides to the side of the tent, grabs a bottle of tiny green leaves from her well-stocked shelves, shakes it, then pinches several of them between her pointer finger and thumb and dusts them off into a black mortar and pestle.

I watch through bleary eyes as she takes the handle of the blunt, clubbed-shaped pestle in her hand and moves it around crushing and grinding the leaves into a fine paste. She returns to the bamboo mat and kneels beside me. Anchored to the tassel enclosure of Surya’s lehenga is a small, glass vial containing a thick, deep red liquid. With just the tips of her fingers, she unties and releases it with ease from the tassel and pours it over the paste, mixing it some more. She works swiftly, finally combining everything into a coconut husk bowl. She crouches over where I lay, reaches her arms around me, and forces me back to a sitting position. “Drink it all,” she commands, the look in her eyes somewhere between

concern and a threat, as she holds the rudimentary bowl to my lips. It’s vile but she tilts my head back to force every drop down my throat. The terrible pain slowly fades away. My shaken nerves begin to grip reality and my fingers tingle, but my mind is focused on one thing—the visions.

Sathya Achia was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, where she grew up devouring books and playing along the pebbly shores of Lake Huron, before moving to the United States.

Sathya’s creative work is influenced by her South Indian Kodava culture. She grew up spending summers in the remote hills and enchanting jungles of the Western Ghats in India, where she learned the art of storytelling from her grandparents.

As a young reader, she missed seeing heroes like herself—of two worlds and cultures—so she enjoys writing stories inspired by her East meets West roots, mythology and folklore, and the natural world. She believes in the importance of diversity and representation in children's literature and creates stories of adventure and discovery for picture book, middle grade, and young adult readers.

When not spinning stories, Sathya can be found trying a new yoga pose, exploring the great outdoors, traveling the world, or wrapped up in her greatest adventure of all: Motherhood. 

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Realm of Darkness Tour and Giveaway


Realm of Darkness

A Limited Edition Collection

Genre: Fantasy and Paranormal 

When darkness falls, beware of the creatures that come out to play...

Fall under their spell over and over again in this ultimate paranormal and fantasy romance boxset! Over 40 full-length novels with heart-melting heroes and devastating anti-heroes, full of romance, magic, mystery, and adventure can be yours for an insanely low price.

Ready to be swept away? Your book boyfriends are waiting… Enemies-to-lovers, alphas, fae, werewolves, dragons, shapeshifters, vampires, gods, angels, demons, and more: with novels ranging from sweet to spicy, there's a flavor to sate your every craving.

You won't find these exclusive novels anywhere else, so don't miss your chance. Over ten thousand pages by New York Times, USA Today, and International bestselling authors and at less than three cents per book, this collection is a steal, but only for a limited time. Grab it today before it's gone forever...

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Creatures of the Night

by C.A. King

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Zoe spent her whole life training how to fight demons—how to kill them. Not once did that curriculum include falling in love with one. Now, she’s faced with a hard choice: betray one to save the other.

Will she side with the family and friends who have always been at her side, or trade it all for the romance she so deeply desires?

Odds are, no matter which path she follows, her heart won’t make it out unscathed.

I was diagnosed with clinical depression after the loss of my mother, father and husband within three years of each other; all to cancer. 24/7 in-home care, coupled with the loss I felt, left its mark on my psyche.

Depression takes up a lot of my life. Reading and writing are the only things I have found that help (in connection with regular medication), even if only for a short time. To escape to a different world can make a big difference in my mood in real time.

To put things in perspective, when I was at my lowest point, I couldn't open mail, talk on the phone, or even drive to the store. Walls of sadness surrounded me. As they closed in, tears would fall. There didn't need to be a reason or trigger.

People ask me why I started writing. My answer is simple: I wanted to create a world into which other people with similar problems could escape. I wanted to share the one place that had helped me for many years.

I have always said that as long as one person finds a little bit of happiness out of my books, I am, in my opinion, an accomplished author. The same is true for every writer out there. Please don't ever let anyone tell you different.

I read books as well as write them and have visited the worlds many different authors have created. Those worlds not only make me feel better, but give me the strength to face real life again. I want to thank everyone who writes—I want them to know they are making a difference.

Fast forward to today...

C.A. King, USA Today Bestselling Author has over 60 books available across multiple fantasy sub-genres.

Awards include:

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author category 2017 & 2018 & 2019

Brant News Readers' Choice Award: Best Local Author 2017 

Readers' Favorite International Book Awards: Best Novella/Short Story 2017 Silver medal

2017 SIBA Awards - Best Novella

2017 SIBA Awards - Best New Adult

2018 Readers' Favorite International Book Awards: Gold Medal in the Fiction - Supernatural genre

2018 Readers' Favorite International Book Awards: Bronze Medal in the Fiction - New Adult genre

2019 Readers' Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Fiction - Supernatural genre

2019 Readers' Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban genre

City of Brantford Featured Artist February 2020

Burlington Post Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Toronto Star Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Cambridge Times Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Burlington Post Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2021

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Half Moon Whim Blitz

Half Moon Whim
Erin Brockus
(Half Moon Bay, #5)
Publication date: September 30th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Sara and Jack… Will her searing flame scorch him to the bone?

Sara Collins never wanted to put down roots. When her sister offers her a job at the sunny Caribbean scuba diving resort she owns, Sara jumps at the chance to manage her own spa. Even if it means interacting with the divemaster who humiliated her.

Jack Powell is finding out his dream life is more challenging than expected. Especially after his boss’s sister moves to town—they don’t exactly get along. He tries to avoid the situation, which is difficult when he can’t stop thinking about her.

Throw in a handsome, successful developer who offers Sara everything she ever dreamed of, and she finds St. Croix might be exactly what she’s always wanted. But which man holds the key to her heart and her greatest dream?

Half Moon Whim is a standalone, sensual beach romance. This curvy girl, enemies-to-lovers novel is Book 5 of the Half Moon Bay series, and is the springboard into the next phase of this captivating series. Dive in today!

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Sara Collins climbed onto the pier, the wooden slats creaking pleasantly under her feet. Though Half Moon Bay was primarily a scuba diving resort, Sara’s sister Hope had opened a spa recently. She’d spoken with the new massage therapist, Selena Allen, several times prior to the wedding, and immediately bonded with her enthusiastic personality, especially since the spa was Sara’s kind of place.

Halfway down the pier, she passed through a tunnel of buildings and made her way past the dive shop to a long staircase at the north end. A covered deck with an incredible St. Croix ocean view dominated the area at the top of the stairs and served as the outdoor massage area. Next to the glass entrance door, a wooden wall formed a privacy screen, and a second, more nondescript door led to a restroom. Sara entered the clean, brightly lit spa, where Selena stood behind the glass check-in counter, refilling a small bottle with massage oil. The warm scent of sandalwood filled the air.

The massage therapist glanced up at the door’s opening, her dark face bursting into a wide smile at Sara’s entry. She was a trim, small woman in her mid-twenties, wearing a light-blue staff polo shirt.

What I wouldn’t give to have her small, petite frame… Lucky girl.

Sara made an effort to dress well and appear professionally styled and made-up, partly to compensate for her voluptuous and curvy figure. No manner of diet or exercise had ever changed that and now, at age thirty-three, she was resigned to her fate. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t self-conscious about it

“Sara! You stayin’ a few more days?”

“No, I’m flying out this evening. Hope’s working, so I thought I’d come up here.” Her gaze took in the mani-pedi station along one wall, with a full stylist area in the corner. Like a magnet, she was drawn toward the hair salon. Several windows let in plenty of light. “You have a massage scheduled?”

Selena finished filling the bottle, shaking her head. “Not till tomorrow. I’m just gettin’ ready.”

Sara ran a hand over the back of the stylist chair where she had cut Hope’s hair and given her a deep-conditioning treatment the day prior to the wedding. They had chatted throughout, almost like old times. Immediately afterward, they had met the rest of the wedding party on the resort dive boat, Surface Interval.

Heat crept up Sara’s neck as she tried to push away the memory of what had happened next. The resort’s newest employee, the divemaster Jack, had tripped and dumped an enormous bucket of water over her head, drenching her from head to foot. In front of everyone. She’d been mortified and embarrassed but determined not to show it.

As Sara passed by a window next to the stylist station, movement at the end of the pier caught her eye. A gleaming white boat was tied up and the group of divers was already headed away. “There’s good sound insulation in here. I didn’t even hear the boat come in.”

“They did a great job on the construction. It always stays nice and cool in here, too.”

Sara turned toward the front door. “I’d better get going. Hope said she’d be finished about lunch time.” The two women said their goodbyes, then Sara opened the door, turning left to descend the stairs.

And collided right into a warm body, smashing her nose into a shoulder. “Oof!” Wincing, she rubbed it as she staggered back. She was preparing to apologize as she looked up into a pair of huge, gorgeous brown eyes that widened in recognition.

Unfortunately, the eyes belonged to Jack. The horrible divemaster.

Her chagrin instantly erupted into fury, and she dropped her hand from her face. “Goddammit, watch where you’re going. Pouring water over me wasn’t enough? You have to break my nose too?”

Jack’s face flushed crimson as he took a big step back, holding up both hands. “I’m sorry! I need to use the restroom and wasn’t watching where I was going.”

He was of average height, but at five feet three, she still had to look up at him. He spoke with a very slight twang. Texas? “Yeah. No kidding. You really need to stay the hell away from me, understand?”

His obvious embarrassment was replaced by a flash of anger that he quickly covered, raking a hand through his short, dark-brown hair. He had a strong jaw and sharp cheekbones, and really was rather good looking.

Too bad it’s all wasted on him.

“Look, I’m not doing it on purpose. Lighten up, princess.”

Clenching her jaw tightly, Sara drew herself as tall as she could. “No. I won’t. But fortunately for both of us, I’m leaving later today.” She breezed around him toward the staircase. “Have a nice life, Jack.”

Author Bio:

​Dive into a romantic escape!

Erin Brockus writes sensual contemporary romances set in exotic, tropical locales. Her books provide the perfect beachy escape from everyday life, and she features mature, relatable characters you actually enjoy getting to know. Count on plenty of adventure with a focus on the ocean, especially scuba diving.

Two of her greatest passions are scuba diving and travel, which combined to form the inspiration for her characters and stories. Sipping a cocktail on the beach after a morning of diving is her idea of the perfect day. Erin has even been known to pull on a drysuit and explore the cold, murky waters of the Pacific Northwest. She is also an avid runner and cyclist.

Erin lives with her husband (a scuba instructor) in the middle of Washington wine country. She is currently at work on the next Half Moon Bay installment.

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Cover Reveal for The Goblin Twins by Kit Barrie

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway:
The Goblin Twins
By Kit Barrie

Goblin Twins Cover

Coming November 11th

What do you do when you have nothing to give and everything to lose?

Twin goblin princes Shi’chen and A’bbni Er-Ha’sen did not ever plan to take the Emperor’s throne. Older twin Shi’chen is a military prodigy, and younger twin A’bbni is studying to be a physician. But when their father attempts and fails to overthrow their cousin, the murderous crown prince, the brothers are accused of taking part in a rebellion they know nothing about.

Forced to flee for their lives, the twins find that not everything is what it seems in the goblin empire of Hanenea’a. With the help of only a half-elf sailor and a handful of nobles, the brothers must confront the Emperor and his supporters, risking everyone they love for one chance to save it all.

The Goblin Twins is a debut m/m non-magic fantasy novel with romance from Kit Barrie.

This is the first book of The Goblin Twins duology, and the first of a collection of stories set in the lands of Hanenea’a and Kendarin. It has all the angst but does have a Happy For Now ending with no cliffhanger. It does not contain twincest.

Please mind the author’s note on the first page, as this book contains sensitive material and is also not intended for children. Reader discretion is advised.

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To celebrate the cover reveal for The Goblin Twins, we are giving away 2 advanced e-copies!

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About the Author:

Kit Barrie (she/her) was raised by pirates in a traveling carnival where she learned how to fly and to weave fantasy into reality. She identifies as chaotic bisexual, with good intentions and questionable methods. She lives in an utterly unfantastical state in the Midwestern United States with her very supportive partner and at least 4 food goblins who might just be cats gobblin’ food. The Goblin Twins is her first novel.

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Naughty or Nice Anthology Blitz


Historical Romance, Regency Romance, Steamy and Sweet romances

Published Date: E-Book releases October 18, 2022

Publisher: WOLF Publishing

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This wintery holiday collection of seven never before published Regency romances by seven of your favorite historical romance authors will bring you dreamy gentlemen and fierce ladies that share swoon-worthy kisses, heart-pounding nights, and magical happily-ever-afters.

On WOLF Publishing's Naughty or Nice list, you'll find captivatingly sweet tales that melt your heart as well as sizzling romances that heat up your nights!

Find out who's been naughty and who's been nice this year, in...


Bree Wolf's: Once Upon an Aggravatingly Heroic Kiss

Once upon a time, our beloved Grandma Edie began her career as the best matchmaker in known history by using her extraordinary talent to bring about her own happily-ever-after...

Determined to perform a Christmas miracle by seeing her friend wed to the man she loves, Edith finds herself distracted from her task by a teasing gentleman with wicked eyes and a devilish smile.


Sydney Jane Baily's: A Diamond for Christmas

In a Regency Romeo and Juliet, heady desire blossoms between a lord and a lady from warring families.

Lord Geoffrey Diamond is the heir to an earldom with dash-fire to spare. There is no lady in London he ought not to be able to woo and win. Except one. Lady Caroline is vexed to learn the only man who makes her tingle is prohibited. Forbidden even to dance with Diamond, she finds herself breaking all the rules in order to follow her heart.

When they take a desperate chance on happiness, will it lead to a Christmas miracle or a Christmas calamity?


Tracy Sumner's: The Governess Gamble

He's a devil of a rake. Can an accidental governess teach him life's most important lesson?

To repair her scandalous reputation, American heiress Franny Shaw flees to London in search of a desperate nobleman with a title for sale. An impulsive decision places her in the path of lonely libertine, Chance Allerton, at Christmastide. Can a make-believe governess teach a wicked viscount a sizzling lesson in love or will it take a holiday miracle?


Fenna Edgewood's: The Countess's Christmas Groom

She is his ideal match. The woman he has been waiting for all of his life. The only problem? He's her servant.

This Christmas, two very unlikely individuals are about to realize they are one another's ideal match. And once mutual desire has been sparked, they will never be parted, no matter the price they must face.


Charlie Lane's: A Very Daring Christmas

Christmas is the most daring time of the year.

Crowded London streets, eccentric shop keeps, violent-minded maids, and chaotic coffeehouses. A daring but reluctant debutant and the steward who adores her will brave it all to find the elusive perfect gift that could win their hearts desires.


Jennifer Monroe's: Gentleman of Christmas Past

A lady determined to find love. A gentleman wanting her hand in marriage. A Christmas story you will never forget.

Miss Agnes Fitzimmons and Mr. Phillip Rutley each have a Christmas wish—to marry one another. Yet with financial burdens threatening to keep them apart, it will take a Christmas miracle to have the happily ever after they deserve.


Meredith Bond's: Christmas Intrigue

Can the joy of Christmas, and a beautiful woman, distract him from his duty?

Is it a recipe for disaster? Not even close. Whether Markgraf Alexander Kottenfurst thinks the spirited Prudence Torrington is naughty or nice will determine if this Christmas intrigue will lead to something wonderful.



Bree Wolf, Sydney Jane Baily, Tracy Sumner, Fenna Edgewood, Charlie Lane, Jennifer Monroe, Meredith Bond


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Escape Room Tango Blitz

Escape Room Tango
CC Bridges
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: September 28th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

David never expected to fall for his rival. After getting fired and dumped, he wasn’t even looking for a relationship. But she’s the one woman he can’t have—his business is the reason hers is failing.

Elena built her escape room like she rebuilt her body after the accident—piece by piece with determination. And this guy thinks he can show up and put in the minimal work? He deserved to have the fire inspector called on him.

But Elena can’t ignore the connection between them. Will she have to sacrifice her dreams for a chance at love?

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“My name is David Brant. I’m the owner.” He didn’t know why his words made the dark-haired woman glare at him, but David didn’t really care.

He only had eyes for the redhead. She had stolen his attention from the moment she walked into the lobby. He’d been excited about welcoming his first customers, his intro speech on his lips. Every word left his mind the moment he saw her.

She held herself differently than the other two women, with her shoulders back and neck extended. Her cinnamon-colored hair hung over her shoulder in a long braid. He wanted to pick up that braid and tickle her nose with it to make her laugh, anything to see what her smile might look like. Her green eyes speared him with their gaze, rendering him temporarily mute.

He held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you…” He trailed off, hoping she’d take him up on the offer.

She took it, her grip firm and decisive. “Elena.”

“That’s a lovely name.” He grinned, realized he was acting like an idiot, and stepped forward to greet the other two women in the same way. They were all his customers and deserved the same courtesy. “Can I take your coats? There are hooks back here.”

He’d designed the lobby to be comfortable but clearly a place of transition. With any luck, his customers wouldn’t spend much time here at all before being escorted into one of the three escape rooms in the back. If he wanted to be successful, he needed to have a constant flow of customers.

That didn’t mean his lobby couldn’t be fun. He’d placed Rubik’s cubes and other mind-teasing puzzles on the coffee table near the chairs along one wall. He included a water cooler for those who arrived thirsty. If they were hungry, he’d happily direct them to Spano’s Pizza next door, owned by the family of his best friend, Tony.

Without Tony, he didn’t think he’d have ever pulled the trigger and made this fresh start by opening his own business.

“Of course, thank you.” Elena handed over her coat.

David collected it and those belonging to the other two before hanging them.

“Have you ever done an escape room before?” he asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

“A few. But this place is new to us.” Elena seemed to be the only one willing to speak.

Not that he minded, he liked the sound of her voice. Man, Tony was right. Before the ladies had walked in, he’d been telling David he had to get back in the dating scene, go on the rebound, get it out of his system. Clearly, his words held some truth if David had immediately started checking out his customers. Well, one notable customer in particular.

Author Bio:

CC Bridges spent her childhood visiting other worlds in books, comics, and the starship Enterprise. It's no surprise that she ended up a librarian, being surrounded by the books she loves so much. She writes about amazing worlds with honorable heroes. Her hobbies include paying money to get locked in a room for an hour so she can solve puzzles to escape, along with the aforementioned reading. She lives with her husband and son on the Jersey Shore. She is currently pursuing an MFA from Southern New Hampshire University.

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Rituals & Runes Tour and Giveaway


Rituals & Runes

A Limited Edition Anthology

Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy 

The runes are cast, the rituals prepared. Now it's time to break the rules...

Fall under the spell of swoon-worthy supernatural heroes and magical heroines in fantastical worlds filled with dangerous adventures and epic romances.

Witches, Wizards, Shifters, Vampires, Demons, Devils, and other mythical creatures prowl the pages of this limited edition collection of paranormal romance and urban fantasy tales.

Scroll up and secure your copy of BRAND NEW, unforgettable stories from your favorite USA Today bestselling authors and exciting up-and-coming talent before it’s gone forever!

★★★ Authors Featured in Rituals & Runes ★★★

C.D. Gorri & Gina Kincade
Bella Roccaforte
C.A. King
Elvira Bathory
Rebekah R. Ganiere & Brianna Ganiere
Piper Stone
Patricia D. Eddy
J. C. McKenzie
J.E. Taylor
Terri A. Wilson
Ariel Dawn
Serenity Rayne
Cara North
Cara Wylde
Calla Zae
A.L. Kessler
Mia Bishop
Solo Storm
Scarlett West
Madison Granger
Roxy Matthews
N.D.T. Casale
Melissa MacKinnon
Elizabeth Jones
Jude Cocaigne
Melissa Bell
Jordin Thiele
Andie M. Long
Silvana G. Sánchez
Bethany Shaw

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The Devil's Daughter

by C.A. King

Ghost Hunters had it wrong.

The Johnson brothers were living in the limelight, seeking out proof of the paranormal in front of the public eye. Fame, fortune, and success came hand-in-hand with evidence. Answers were worth their weight in gold. The trio had no idea they were asking all the wrong questions... until she appeared.

Pretty dresses and jewels meant nothing when all she wanted was respect. The moment Vallenna spiralled down a black hole, life turned upside down. It was the chance she’d been waiting her whole life for.

Born to rule two realms, but accepted by neither, the devil’s daughter is determined to leave her mark on both. Can the brothers stop her diabolical plans with only charisma and raw animal magnetism at their disposal?

#TheDevilsDaughter #ghosthunters #multiplerealms #paranormalinvestigations #MoonRituals #Magic #Devil #Netherworld #BeastMaster #ForbiddenLove #Demonic #Summoning

I was diagnosed with clinical depression after the loss of my mother, father and husband within three years of each other; all to cancer. 24/7 in-home care, coupled with the loss I felt, left its mark on my psyche.

Depression takes up a lot of my life. Reading and writing are the only things I have found that help (in connection with regular medication), even if only for a short time. To escape to a different world can make a big difference in my mood in real time.

To put things in perspective, when I was at my lowest point, I couldn't open mail, talk on the phone, or even drive to the store. Walls of sadness surrounded me. As they closed in, tears would fall. There didn't need to be a reason or trigger.

People ask me why I started writing. My answer is simple: I wanted to create a world into which other people with similar problems could escape. I wanted to share the one place that had helped me for many years.

I have always said that as long as one person finds a little bit of happiness out of my books, I am, in my opinion, an accomplished author. The same is true for every writer out there. Please don't ever let anyone tell you different.

I read books as well as write them and have visited the worlds many different authors have created. Those worlds not only make me feel better, but give me the strength to face real life again. I want to thank everyone who writes—I want them to know they are making a difference.

Fast forward to today...

C.A. King, USA Today Bestselling Author has over 60 books available across multiple fantasy sub-genres.

Awards include:

Hamilton Spectator Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author category 2017 & 2018 & 2019

Brant News Readers' Choice Award: Best Local Author 2017 

Readers' Favorite International Book Awards: Best Novella/Short Story 2017 Silver medal

2017 SIBA Awards - Best Novella

2017 SIBA Awards - Best New Adult

2018 Readers' Favorite International Book Awards: Gold Medal in the Fiction - Supernatural genre

2018 Readers' Favorite International Book Awards: Bronze Medal in the Fiction - New Adult genre

2019 Readers' Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Fiction - Supernatural genre

2019 Readers' Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban genre

City of Brantford Featured Artist February 2020

Burlington Post Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Toronto Star Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Cambridge Times Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Burlington Post Readers' Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2021

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Song of the Chimney Sweep Tour and Giveaway


Song of the Chimney Sweep

by Tamatha Cain

Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery  

Love is a song played on repeat…

A cryptic blog post leads cold case podcasters Melody and Dorian on a twisty journey back in time to uncover the mysterious story of a forgotten missing woman.
In 1969 near the Florida/Georgia Line, idealistic young Betty Langdon and fast-rising R&B singer Dominicus Owens begin an irresistible but dangerous interracial romance that ends under mysterious, heartbreaking circumstances. Betty is forced to return to her rural home to care for her manipulative mother, while Dominicus goes on to mega-stardom with his band The Downtown Sound. She follows his skyrocketing career from behind the front desk of a dying highway motel--until one day decades later, she disappears.
Now, a popular true crime podcast produced by college friends Melody Hinterson and Dorian Santos takes on the cold case of a missing local woman. The duo’s carefully-balanced workplace dynamic is weirdly off-kilter lately, but they can't take their eyes off the investigation as the intriguing new story suddenly boosts the show into the national spotlight. When the investigation uncovers the missing woman's diaries full of family secrets and the century-old legend of a fortune hidden in an old chimney somewhere in town, the truth behind the podcast's mystery suddenly becomes personal, and Melody must make life-changing choices before the final episode airs.

But who owns the rights to a secret?

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A sound came from somewhere down the sidewalk. The other girls sauntered into the saloon, the cheers of an already rowdy crowd pouring out the doors along with the sound of guitar sound checks. As the doors closed behind them, the sound from down the road rose again. Voices. Voices singing.

The dark asphalt road glowed with puddled yellow light. Betty strolled to the nearest light pole and stopped, listening. Her head bobbed along with the music, the harmony buzzing through her belly. She walked to the next light pole, stopped again, one hand against the humid wood. My Girl. She loved that song—the harmony so sweet, it brought a craving to her tongue. She swallowed hard.

She looked back toward the saloon, then forward again toward the sound. It was coming from one of the small shotgun houses on the other side of the street. It wasn’t a record. People were singing. No instruments, only voices. A cappella. Like the hymn mama suggested last week at choir practice, mostly to put that haughty organist Vera in her place. Betty leaned toward the source of the sound, then pulled back, anchored to the post.
Whoa, whoa, whoa…they improvised, somehow, in harmony. 

The voices sang on about all that honey and those envious bees. Tantalizing. Her mind filled in the trumpet hit. She set her jaw tight and tilted her head, then stepped out toward the next light pole. She stopped between posts, pressed her clutch against the front of her skirt, clenched her knees together with a shudder. Her shoulders swayed to the rhythm, a rhythm snapped by fingers on a porch across the street.

There were figures. Five men on the porch, singing and snapping The Temptations song. Her mother didn’t even like their name, let alone their music.

But her mother wasn’t here.

Betty couldn’t turn away.

Her eyes adjusted to the light of a single bulb and the glowing tips of cigarettes fluttering like fireflies. A man stood in each corner of the tiny, weathered porch, singing their parts, their heads tilted toward the front door as they found the harmony. 

Against the front door frame, a tall, narrow man leaned on his shoulder while he crooned the melody. The bare bulb shone down like a spotlight between them. Betty closed her eyes and imagined herself part of an audience, like on the Ed Sullivan Show. Her shoulders rocked as she swayed.

The melody trickled down and stopped, giving way to a melodic hum.

“Live, from the porch on Edison Avenue!”

Her eyes flew open. They’d seen her. She froze.

“Hey, that’s alright now! We love an audience. Don’t we, boys?”

The harmonizing stopped and they chimed in agreement.

“Sure we do!”

“Yes, indeed!”

“Any requests?”

The tall one came down the stairs and stood across the street. His eyes glinted golden brown in the yellow moonlight and a wave of black hair swooped up from his smooth brown forehead. He wore a collared shirt with short sleeves tucked into pegged trousers. She looked at the ground, but her eyes found the grass at his feet. His shoes were wingtips, brown, and polished to a high shine. She focused on them, studied them, to keep from looking up at him. But she didn’t walk away.

“Now, you’re not lost are you, ma’am?” he said. His voice was warm and smoky. 

Tamatha Cain writes about ordinary people in extraordinary situations. She believes that before she gave up a thriving business to pursue writing full-time, her most compelling lines of prose were probably found in the pages-long love notes she wrote to bewildered boys back in middle school. Her writing has appeared in The Experience Art and Literary Magazine, The Florida Writer, American Cake Decorating, and others. She won the 2020 Royal Palm Literary Award for Unpublished Literary Mystery and The Experience Poetry Competition. She writes reviews for Southern Literary Review and serves as a judge in the RPLA Awards. She is a member of WFWA and FWA. (She did eventually hone the love notes enough to impress her high school sweetheart, and now they have three grown kids). Learn more about her on her website or follow her on Twitter or Instagram.

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Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...