Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy HallowScream Blitz and Giveaway


Happy HallowScream

Monster Erotica Collection

by Eva DeMoan

Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance 

I always wanted to go to Sleepy Hollow, especially for Halloween. Now my dream has come true! Except I didn’t count on the legends being at least half-true, nor did I ever consider the Headless Horseman who ran me down then made me scream in pleasure would be anything other than an actor. Now I’m in another realm, where monsters roam freely, and I’m completely at his mercy. No, not just his, but his brothers too – all creations of the Devil.

The Horseman calls me his whore, and he’s about to prove to me just how true that is… I either submit to him and his brothers or pay the consequences. And if there’s one thing I don’t want, it’s to be on the Devil’s bad side!

WARNING: Happy HallowScream is a collection of interconnected monster erotica stories with subject matter some readers may find objectionable. It’s not warm and fuzzy. There’s no romance. This collection is 100% erotica with very little plot, minimal character development, and lots of hot monster sex. If that’s what you’re looking for, then you’ve come to the right place!

**This is a short novella and is 9000 words long or 38 pages**

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Eva DeMoan loves erotica, both writing and reading it. The filthier, and the kinkier, the better. Monster erotica is one of her favorites, and in her opinion, there’s not nearly enough of it. She also enjoys dino erotica, tentacle erotica, and more. Trolls, dragons, gargoyles. She has a story for them all. If you’d like to be notified of future Eva DeMoan releases, follow her on Amazon.

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High Risk Blitz


A Strong Woman Medical Romance

MetroGen Downtown Forbidden Love Duets, Book 2

Romantic suspense, multicultural romance, action adventure romance, medical romance

Release Date: October 31, 2021

One overworked lady doctor has found the perfect guy. He's smoking hot, a fabulous dancer, and amazing between the sheets. It'd be great if he weren't an off-limits MEDICAL STUDENT!

Dr. Angela Perkins might be a cardiology superstar, but her love life is DOA. Her ex told her with curves like hers, he expected a sex kitten, not a medical workaholic. Rather than doom her next relationship with hospital issues, she lets her new date, Michael, believe she's an elementary school teacher.

Medical Student Michael Harper has found third-year is everything TV promised it would be. The hours are long, the pay is non-existent, and the cardiology department is rumored to be run by sadists. He could use a break and the cute teacher, Angela, seems heaven-sent.

When the truth comes out, Angela will have to choose - him or the hospital . . .

WARNING: This forbidden love steamy romance will cause shrieking with its cliffhanger ending, but you'll love it anyway. You should only read if you wish Grey's Anatomy and Chicago Fire had more medical students who put on private post-call strip shows. Just SAYING!

Other Books in the MetroGen Downtown Forbidden Love Duets Series

Smolder: A Strong Woman Firefighter Romance

MetroGen Downtown Forbidden Love Duets, Book 1

As fire chief, he's a ruthless, heartless, ice-cold professional. So how did he succumb to temptation and end up in bed with a rookie female firefighter?

Firefighter Erin Hudgens found a new firehouse family at Firehouse 15. Things were great until her captain retired, and personal problems dissolved the firehouse into chaos. It’s bad enough the all-business-no-fun Fire Chief has to step in. Did she mention he’s really attractive? Spontaneous combustion hot!

Fire Chief Noah Baker does not have time for this. As the city’s youngest chief, he’s sacrificed his personal life to rebuild the department. His efforts are about to pay off when he has to deal with the disaster brewing in Firehouse 15. But he didn’t plan on Erin Hudgens snapping his cool, calm professional facade.

She’s a complication he doesn’t need, but once she's in his arms, he can't stop taking what he needs . . .

WARNING: This steamy romance may lead to actual smoldering when you get hot and bothered after it ends in a HFA since the sexiness continues to a second book. You should only read if you wish Grey's Anatomy and Chicago Fire featured a shirtless fire chief who can paralyze you with the power of his eyes . . . and abs.






Inferno: A Strong Woman Firefighter Romance

MetroGen Downtown Forbidden Love Duets, Book 3

The story continues in 2022 when the Firehouse 15 meets MetroGen 216 as Erin’s and Noah’s love life heats up!

Compromised: A Strong Woman Medical Romance

MetroGen Downtown Forbidden Love Duets, Book Four

The series concludes in 2022 when everything is revealed. Will Angela’s and Michael’s love survive?

About the Author

Carina Alyce is the pen name of the Amazon Best-selling author and full-time triple board-certified physician who started writing dramatic medical romances after twenty years in the trenches of health care. She promises she never had sex in a call room - the mattresses are not comfortable - or had a fistfight with a patient - though she did work as a fight doc at the Octagon. Her stories are sexy, snarky, and real with all the romance and drama of the lives of our first responders.

She writes the MetroGeneral Downtown series that tackles the personal and professional challenges facing our front-line providers. Her stories have the drama of Grey’s Anatomy, the comedy of Scrubs, the sexiness of Outlander, and the medical details of Forensic Files. They feature fast, witty dialogue, strong women with goals, and quirky ensemble casts.

When not working or writing, she is a brown belt in judo, an avid reader, and an attending surgeon in stuffed animal veterinary medicine for her six kids. (No one trusts her husband’s medical skills because he’s just a lawyer.)

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Saturday, October 30, 2021

We the Dreamers Virtual Book Tour

 Children’s Fiction / Picture Book

Date Published: November 1, 2021

Publisher: Cayena Press, Inc.

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We the Dreamers” describes the journey of immigrating to a new place through the eyes of a child. The narrative text is poetic and full of emotion. The illustrations, which seem to dance and sing, convey the story of crossing borders as a child.

This children’s picture book, told alternatively in English and in Spanish, highlights all the emotions immigrants experience throughout their journey: the characters end up feeling mystified, bemused, or even bewildered upon entering the United States.

Using colorful, imaginative illustrations and poetic narrative, “We the Dreamers” connects with its readers in an emotional and compassionate way, and it opens up the floor to holding conversations about immigration with children.

About the Author

She has a doctorate in leadership in higher education and works as a public librarian. She is the author of “Mama Tingo,” “MarĂ­a Montez, the Queen of Technicolor,” and “Little Giants: 10 Hispanic Women Who Made History.” “We the Dreamers” is her second fiction book for children. She lives in New York with an untamed Shih Tzu, Toby, and a much-attached Chihuahua, Maya. She spends her free time thinking (and drafting) about books to write, painting, crocheting, and crying over abused dogs.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Long Story Short Virtual Book Tour

Short Stories

Date Published:10-01-2020

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He’s done it again!

Dru Richman, winner of the National Public Radio’s Selected Shorts writing contest, is releasing a new collection of short stories that stretch the mind and warm the heart.

About the Author

A little older and a lot grayer but still pushing on.

During the days of the past thirty years, Dru has been a mild-mannered Macintosh computer maven. His company, Mac Help Desk [], continues to provide on-site Support, Sales, Training, and Service in the Macintosh and iDevice environments.

For more than fifteen years, Dru has been part of an international writing group called Brainz. Each month the group is charged with writing something — prose, poetry, short story, a song, screenplay — anything really, based on a one-word topic. Previous topics have included: mourning, fear, scars, numbers, and flying. Many of the stories in this book are generated from that group.

Dru lives in Richardson, Texas (a suburb of Dallas), with wifey Ava, and their four-legged love child, a standard poodle named Jacob.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

BASH: Love Madness, and Murder Blitz


Suspense, Thriller

Published: October 2021

Publisher: Franklin Ridge Publishing

Ash Roper, Afghanistan combat veteran, is now a writer and tabloid publisher in Charleston, SC. The nearby Blakemore Anderson State Hospital (BASH) for the criminally insane, is offering up a rich variety of potentially juicy stories including an escaped murderer, an assaultive patient released by a jury, the violent murder of a staff member, and illicit drugs finding their way through the barbed wire perimeter of BASH.

Ash decides to investigate from the inside, but through a series of unforeseen circumstances, ends up trapped in the hospital as a patient. Ash's headstrong wife Sally J, her lawyer buddy and former lover Roswell, and Doc Kerrigan, a hard drinking hospital psychiatrist, take on the system to try and spring Ash. The romantic and legal sparks fly inside and outside of BASH as a hurricane draws a bead on the South Carolina Low Country. A roadside cafe owner, a charming weather forecaster, a meth cooking biker, a crooked cop, a homicide detective, battling lawyers, and a variety of incompetent bureaucrats cross paths in this engaging and dramatic adventure.

About the Author

Mike Bartos is a psychiatrist and writer living in Chapel Hill North Carolina. "BASH" takes place in the lyrical South Carolina Low country, which is also the setting for his other novel, "Finding Lorena".

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Out of the Field Blitz

A Memoir full of Family Betrayal, Homelessness, Survival, Forgiveness and Love


Date Published: August 1, 2019

Publisher: ‎Mindstir Media

LARRY A. LEE’S JOURNEY TO CLAIM HIS SOUL began at seven years old when he chose to defend his mother against his alcoholic father’s physical abuse in Unionville, Connecticut. ­ Three years later, his mother passed away from infectious hepatitis. Before her passing, Larry promised his mother he would grow up to be a “Good Man.”

Since the age of ten, life undoubtedly threw itself against Larry time and time again. All forms of unspeakable torments and challenges made up his adolescence in Burlington, Connecticut. At eighteen years old, while he was living in a field in Oklahoma City, a single act of kindness saved him, and it forever changed his life.

And so it was, his journey of ten million miles to keep the promise he made his mother led him to a seven-year-old boy, who adopted him. Larry held love in his hand, and then he conquered his world.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Friday, October 29, 2021

The Cursed King Tour and Giveaway


The Cursed King

Inferno Rising Book 4

by Abigail Owen

Genre: Paranormal Romance 

Airk Azdajah, the rightful King of the White Clan, spent half a millennium being tortured by the false High King Pytheios. The only reason he’s alive is a curse— the man to kill Airk will be consumed in his own fire. Which is why Pytheios kept Airk alive, barely, unable to shift in his prison cage, driving the creature half of him into madness. Airk escaped, but he'll never be truly free. What good is a king who can never let his feral dragon loose, never fly, and never lead his people? He's better off dead.

Angelika Amon is the last unmated phoenix. The problem? She has no powers. Zip. Zilch. Angelika hates being dormant, especially now that her three sisters are blissfully mated to powerful dragon shifter kings and are very much part of the fight to take down the rotting king Pytheios, their parents' killer. What good is a useless runt of a phoenix in a battle to save the dragon kingdom?

Desperate to find some way to help, she offers herself to Airk as a mate — just for political leverage. But a dormant phoenix is no damn use to him just like a dragon who can't shift is no use to her. Until Pytheios sets his sights on Angelika for himself…

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Multi-award-winning author, Abigail Owen, writes adult paranormal romance & upper YA fantasy romance. She loves plots that move hot and fast, feisty heroines with sass, heroes with heart, a dash of snark, and oodles of HEAs! Other titles include wife, mother, Star Wars geek, ex-competitive skydiver, spreadsheet lover, eMBA, organizational guru, Texan, Aggie, and chocoholic.

Abigail attempted to find a practical career related to her favorite pastime by earning a degree in English Rhetoric (Technical Writing) and an MBA. However, she swiftly discovered that writing without imagination is not nearly as fun as writing with it.

Abigail currently resides in Austin, Texas, with her own swoon-worthy hero, their angelic (mostly) kids, who are growing up way too fast, and 2 adorable fur babies.

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Wicked Crimson Tour and Giveaway


Wicked Crimson

A Myths and Legends Anthology

Genre: Mixed Paranormal

with stories by

Shakuita Johnson, Stephanie Kelley, Stephanie Ayers,

Kelsey D Garmendia, Aubrie Nuttle, E.S. McMillan, L.M. Adams 

Ancient cultures often tell tales of ancient legends…
Gathered are 7 such tales told from 7 perspectives.

Shakuita Johnson
Magic Gods

Stephanie Kelley
Pas de Deux

Stephanie Ayers
Broken Chords: Fosse’s Song

Kelsey D Garmendia
The Music

Aubrie Nuttle
Embrace My Ashes

E.S. McMillan
Dita’s Choice

L.M. Adams
Twisted Eventide: Pieces
Tainted Blood and A Twisted Christmas

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Shakuita Johnson is a 34-year-old Psychology major. When she isn't going to school or working, she is doing what she loves most. Writing. She started writing in middle school. She would write poetry in her room or the middle of the night. Then she was introduced to short stories in a creative writing course her senior year. Her love for paranormal and supernatural started with R.L. Stine Goosebumps books and TV shows, Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles, and Christopher Pike books. She is an avid reader with over 100 books on her bookshelf and 1000 plus on her iPad. She also loved to watch Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer with her mom.

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Unwitting Tour and Giveaway



Erica Rosen MD Trilogy Book 2

by Deven Greene

Genre: Medical Thriller 

Dr. Erica Rosen’s world is turned upside down after a suicide bomber explodes amidst a large crowd entering Oracle Park baseball stadium, near her San Francisco home. Many are killed or injured, and police have no leads in solving the case.

Erica becomes involved after a teacher of young autistic men calls her. The teacher believes her students are involved in the bombing but is afraid to contact law enforcement. She reaches out to Erica, who has experience with special needs children.

Erica arrives at the school but finds the police already there and a young autistic man doing a jigsaw puzzle, oblivious to his murdered teacher on the floor. The young man has information about the mastermind behind the bombing but has limited ability to speak. Erica is determined to protect him, prevent further bombings, and find his missing classmates.

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I remember that afternoon in August, the first time I saw the video of people walking slowly, talking, and laughing, as they entered San Francisco’s Oracle Park baseball stadium. Then a fiery flash. I’ll never forget the slender arm, a silver bracelet around the wrist, flying through the smoke and debris. This was followed by images of dead bodies, bloodied people crying, some being comforted, some comforting others. My assistant, Martha, showed it to me on her cell phone when I was in between patients in the pediatrics clinic at UCSF, where I am director. Martha dabbed tears from her eyes as I watched.

Looking around, I noticed other doctors and staff studying their cell phones. Over the next few minutes, people spoke in hushed tones, put away their phones, then peeled away to finish the day’s work.

I called Lim, my husband of two months, to make sure he was okay, even though he was at work miles away from the disaster. Then I called my best friend, Daisy Wong. I knew she wasn’t a baseball fan, and the probability of her being at the game was close to zero, but during times of danger, one’s mind can imagine all sorts of improbabilities. I was glad when she answered her phone and assured me she’d been home all day as usual, remotely working at her job as a computer programmer.

For the remainder of the day, the clinic atmosphere was subdued as gloom settled in the hallways, work areas, and exam rooms, stamping out the usual noisy cheerfulness exuded by the staff. When I’d finally seen my last patient, instead of catching up on paperwork as was my custom, I looked forward to spending a quiet night at home, finding solace with my new husband. After all, the explosion had taken place at the Willie Mays Gate of Oracle Park, only a few blocks from our third-floor condominium. Lim and I had chosen our unit in the new, modern building for its view of the San Francisco Bay, proximity to interesting shops and restaurants, and relatively low crime rate.

That evening, upon entering my building, I was doubly glad that a passcode was required to open the main door. Although that didn’t ensure complete security, it gave me a modicum of peace of mind. In the lobby, a neighbor told me one of the residents, a young man I knew only enough to smile at and greet should our paths cross, had been injured in the blast. Fortunately he’d suffered only a laceration on his arm from flying debris and was expected to make a full recovery. As I took the stairs up to my unit, I imagined the horror he must have felt in the moments following the explosion. Although his arm would probably heal, I wondered if his psyche ever would.

For the rest of the evening, Lim and I were glued to the TV news as we commiserated over the disaster that had taken place in our neighborhood, thankful we had escaped unscathed. Like most others, we assumed that, like 9/11, it was the work of Islamic terrorists and awaited the announcement by a group proudly claiming responsibility.


I was glad that even though the event took place close to my home, I wasn’t directly affected. Nevertheless, I was nervous walking around my neighborhood and had become a bit obsessed, constantly scrolling through the news on my phone, looking for updates about the bombing. Although I knew people who knew people who were killed, I didn’t personally know anyone who had suffered serious physical harm from the explosion. A few days after the incident, I’d spoken to my neighbor who had been injured and sensed he was deeply disturbed, much more so than he let on. Six days after the bombing, that was the extent of my thoughts about the subject. Until I received a phone call from Brandy Monroe.


Erica Rosen MD Trilogy Book 1

"A fascinating and thought-providing medical thriller about the ethical dilemmas posed by genetic manipulation." –Best Thrillers

Dr. Erica Rosen is perplexed when she sees a young Chinese girl with blue eyes in her San Francisco pediatrics clinic. The girl's mother, Ting, is secretive, and Erica suspects she has entered the country illegally. Later, Erica encounters Ting's son and discovers he has an unusual mutation. Erica learns that Ting's children underwent embryonic stem cell gene editing as part of a secret Chinese government-run program.

The Chinese government wants to murder Ting's son to prevent others from learning about his unusual mutation and the secret gene-editing program. At Ting's urging, Erica heads to China to expose the program and rescue the infant Ting was forced to leave behind, all while attempting to evade the watchful eye of the Chinese government.

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 I was getting ready to examine the patient in the next bed, a young girl with unstable diabetes, when I heard a loud commotion.

Ting was yelling, “Call police! Call police!” She had pulled a gun out from I-don’t-know-where and was pointing it at a young Asian man in surgical greens standing by the nursing station, hands raised. The man remained calm, laser-focused on Ting.

Brad ran over to me. “That lady’s nuts. She pulled that gun from behind her back. Must have a holster inside her pants. Can you talk to her? She obviously likes you best.”

My medical education was sorely lacking when it came to handling patient family members with guns. I slowly approached Ting, holding my right arm up, as if it would stop a bullet coming my way. “Ting,” I said softly. “Please put the gun away. Let’s talk about this. You don’t want to hurt anyone, do you?”

“He come to kill my son! He come to kill Kang!”

Despite her excited state, she held the gun steady, still aimed at the man with raised arms. Ill-equipped to be a hostage negotiator, I turned to Brad and asked him to call the police. “Already done,” he whispered. “Try to stall for time until they get here.”

“There’s probably some mistake,” I said to Ting.

“No mistake. Look. See, name tag have different face.

“No one can look as long as you have a gun pointed at him.”

“Someone look. I no shoot.”

The staff looked from one to the other. Finally, Brad spoke. “Okay, I’ll check. But you’d better not shoot me,” he said, looking at Ting.

Brad walked slowly toward the man in question. “Now I’m just going to look at the identification badge.” Brad’s voice was loud and deliberate as he bent forward, his right arm reaching towards the nametag.

With lightning speed, the Asian man reached into his pocket with his left hand and produced a knife with a four-inch blade. Using his right hand, he grabbed Brad’s outstretched arm, twirled him around and bent his arm at the elbow, pulling it up by the wrist behind his back. When the motion had stopped, the blade tip of the knife in the assailant’s left hand was positioned at Brad’s carotid artery. Brad remained silent, straining to look down at the knife near his neck, less than a half inch away from ending his life.

Fiction writer Deven Greene lives in the San Francisco Bay area. Ever since childhood, Deven has been interested in science. After working as a biochemist, she went back to school and became a pathologist. When writing fiction, the author usually incorporates elements of medicine or science. Deven has penned several short stories. Unnatural, Erica Rosen MD Trilogy Book 1 is the first novel the author has published. Her recently completed novel, Unwitting, is the second novel in the trilogy. She is currently completing the third novel of the trilogy, Unforeseen.

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Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...