Thursday, November 30, 2017

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Cold Hall by Lucy Wild

Lucy Wild has just released her latest suspenseful tale, Cold Hall.

I just wanted to be alone. Until I saw her.
When I lost Cold Hall Farm, I resigned myself to a lonely life on the desolate moors.
But then she appeared. At my farm. Living with the man who took it from me.
I know what he'll do to her. He'll destroy her.
I can't let that happen. 
Instead, I will make her mine.
I won't stop until she's naked at my feet.
But if she discovers the truth about my past, she'll want nothing to do with me. 
Then I lose everything, including her.

Cold Hall is available on Amazon and is listed in Kindle Unlimited

Momma Says: 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

While Cold Hall is steamy, I can't say that I found much romance in this one, at least not until late in the story. What I did find was a dark tale loaded with suspense and full of twists - A story of family, betrayal, and greed. Some elements do require a bit of suspension of belief, but this is fiction and all-in-all, it just worked. Melissa has a naiveté about her that is almost frustrating as she goes from one precarious situation after another, and then you have Dawson, Alfred, and Melissa's Uncle, either of which may be what they appear or maybe not. It all comes together to make for an exciting and gritty tale that will keep the reader guessing. We do get a bit of romance late in the story, but this certainly isn't your typical, sunshine and roses love story, and of course, with my love of the dark and twisted, it was right up this reader's alley. 


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Hunted Series Tour and Giveaway!


The Hunted Series Book 1
by Ivy Smoak
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance

Indulge in the temptation in the breakout series The Hunted by Ivy Smoak.

When Penny Taylor runs into a handsome stranger in a coffee shop, she believes her luck has finally changed. After having her confidence unwound by her ex, she falls hard for a true gentleman. But once she realizes that her crush is her communications professor, her world is turned upside down.

Haunted by dreams of the alluring Professor Hunter, Penny can't seem to dismiss her fantasies and the temptation to have him grows deeper. Will the excitement, danger, and mystery surrounding Professor Hunter bring her to her knees?

This book is intended for mature audiences.

The drizzle turned into rain as I made my way onto Main Street.
"Miss Taylor, is that you?"
My whole body froze at the deep voice. I was wearing the most inappropriate outfit I had ever worn, and now my white tank top was drenched and completely see-through. " You have the wrong person." I quickly started walking again, but my high heels prevented me from moving too fast.
"Penny, stop!"
I turned around and stared up at Professor Hunter, who was as unbelievably sexy as ever. He was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged him in all the right places, and a leather jacket with a plain white t-shirt beneath it. He looked the same as he did in class, except that he had a 5 o'clockshadow and an umbrella.
"Professor Hunter, I'm sorry..." I let my voice trail off and I folded my arms across my chest to help hide my most likely exposed breasts.
He lowered his eyebrows when I said his name, just like he had in his classroom. "You like to apologize when you've done nothing wrong."
I probably imagined it, but it felt like his eyes lingered for a moment on my legs. He moved toward me so that I'd be under his umbrella with him. "Is everything alright, Penny?"
My eyes were probably red from my angry tears. I was hoping he wouldn't be able to tell in the rain. "I'm fine."
"Then what are you doing out so late all by yourself?"
"I could ask the same of you." I rolled my eyes at myself for being so immature.
"I was just going for a walk."
"Me too," I responded quietly.
He laughed. It was an enticing sound. I drew a little closer to him and let my arm brush against his.
"Are you cold, Penny?"
Cold and mortified. I nodded up at him. I liked the way my name rolled off his tongue.
He handed me the umbrella as he slid out of his jacket. Then he held his jacket out for me and I slipped one arm in and then the other. The leather held the scent of his cologne. He took the umbrella and held it above both of us again. He was such a gentleman.
"Well you really shouldn't be out alone this late, Penny," he said. "Especially in those walking clothes."
"Neither should you."
He laughed again. "Is your dorm near here? It would make me feel much better if I escorted you home."
"I live in Sussex."
"This way then," he said, and placed his hand on the small of my back for just a second.
We walked in silence for a few minutes. Every now and then I'd stumble a little in my heels and his hand would briefly touch the small of my back again. Each time he did, I felt like my heart would beat out of my chest.
"I'm not good at giving speeches," I said, finally breaking the silence. "I feel like I should just drop your class."
"I wish you wouldn't. If you ever need extra help, I have open office hours. I really am a fairly easy grader for Comm."
"It's going to be extra painful when you fail me, though."
"Why extra painful?" He said "extra" slowly, almost seductively.
"Because you...I mean I. Well, you're..." I let my voice trail off. I wanted to say, "Because you're gorgeous and I have a huge crush on you." I can't believe I almost let him hear me say that.
"Well it does seem that you aren't great at giving speeches," he laughed again. "Like I said, you can come by any time."
We walked along the length of the green. I had dreamt of having a date escort me back to my dorm room. But I only dated immature boys, not men. Professor Hunter was a man. I found myself once again wondering how old he was.
"Have you been a professor here for long?"
"Not long at all. I do love it here, despite how much it rains. Besides, you never know what you'll find during a long walk in the rain." He smiled down at me.
Is he flirting with me? It seems like he's flirting with me!
Before I knew it, we were at my dorm. I stepped out from under his umbrella and let the rain fall on me again.
"Here," I said and pulled off his jacket.
His eyes drifted for just a second to my wet tank top. "No, you can keep it."
"I've been stealing all your clothes. Soon you'll have nothing left."
"That does seem to be your plan." He had a mischievous look in his eyes.
"I insist," I said as I held out the jacket to him.
He took it reluctantly.
"I'm not in trouble, am I?"
"You're a senior, you're of legal age to drink, and you're allowed to wear what you like. Why would you be in trouble?"
But I wasn't a senior, I was a sophomore. And I wasn't over 21, I was only 19. I took a deep breath. He didn't need to know that. "You're right. And I was only walking, after all. Thank you for escorting me home, Professor Hunter."
He lowered his eyebrows when I said his name, just like he always did. But this time the action made me hold my breath. I was wrong about how he looked. He didn't look angry, his eyes looked hungry. I had to remind myself to keep breathing.
"I'll see you at 8 a.m. sharp, Miss Taylor."
"It's a date." My eyes got huge and I put my hand over my mouth. Had I really just said that out loud? I turned quickly away from him and fumbled with my sensor pass to open the door. Finally it clicked. I threw the door open and quickly went inside. I turned around at the last moment to see Professor Hunter staring at me intently, surprisingly not at all perplexed. The door closed with a thud.

The Hunted Series Book 2

Discover the addiction...find out what happens next in the sequel to The Hunted - Temptation by Ivy Smoak.

Temptation has quickly turned into addiction. Penny Taylor fell hard for the sexy, mysterious, exciting, and dangerous Professor Hunter. But scandalous affairs are meant to go down in flames. Now that he's not speaking to her, she feels numb. And what hurts the most is that he appears to be completely fine. As she struggles to accept that their relationship is really over, her best friend's crude advice is in the back of her mind- the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

Will she be able to move on, or is her addiction to her alluring professor only just beginning?

The Hunted Series Book 3

Two and a half years later, Penny and James are living happily in New York City. Their love is stronger than ever. Penny is graduating from NYCU, James is growing his new business, and the two are getting married at the end of the month.

But graduation, starting an internship, and planning a wedding is a lot for Penny to tackle. Especially when mysteries from James' past are clawing at the surface and his scheming ex and unsupportive parents threaten to destroy the happy couple.

Will their own insecurities make them question everything and sway them from the altar?

The Hunted Series Book 4

Tick tock. One day before the wedding of her dreams, Penny is in a city that is no longer her home. Alone. Heartbroken. Lost. Could the past few years really mean so little to a man that became her world? To a man she'd do anything to protect? There is no future without him. There is no her without him.

With only 24 hours until the wedding, is there enough time to repair the damage? Tick tock.

And even if Penny and James do come back to each other, Isabella is still out there plotting. The world is still against them. Darkness still lurks in the shadows of James' past. A student and her professor were never meant to be forever. They thought it was an everlasting love, but it was doomed from the very start. Tick tock.

Temptation led to addiction, which exploded into an eruption of chaos. And when the pieces settled, only one thing became clear...devotion. One great love. A love worth fighting for. Because the only thing that lasts forever is love.

The Hunted Series Book 5

Penny and James defied the odds. A professor and his student were never supposed to become husband and wife, let alone a father and a mother. The couple created a foundation in NYC that is held together with love, family, and friends. A foundation that they believed was impenetrable.

But what happens when the life they know is threatened? If a struggle that should bring them closer together begins to tear them apart? All it takes is - One. Single. Slip. Foundations crumble. Will Penny and James continue to defy the odds?

Ivy Smoak is an Amazon bestselling New Adult Romance author. When she's not writing, you can find her binge watching too many TV shows, taking long walks, playing outside, and generally refusing to act like an adult. She lives with her fiancé in Delaware. 

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Release Blitz for The Author Diary 2018 by Lauren Clarke

Title: The Author Diary 2018
Author: Lauren Clarke
Genre: Non-Fiction
Release Date: November 30, 2017


Make 2018 your best writing year yet!

The Author Diary is the perfect tool for every author to keep them on track for the year ahead. With spaces for you to put in weekly writing goals and word-count tallies, this is bound to help you get things done in 2018.

Features include:

  • Monthly articles: Words of wisdom from industry professionals to inspire you on your writing journey, no matter which stage you're at
  • Noteworthy quotes: Writing gurus offer words of advice on the craft we all love (and sometimes, love to hate)
  • Goal-setting space: Weekly and monthly goal-setting space from both a word-count and marketing perspective

Set yourself up for the best start to 2018 possible—with The Author Diary. Let's make your dreams happen together. 

Purchase Links


Author Bio

Lauren Clarke is an editor of fact and fiction, specialising in the romance genre. With more than fifteen years experience in the publishing industry, she is passionate about helping writers to create their perfect story. 

Lauren works in development, line and copy editing, helping you to finesse your story arc by eliminating plot holes, strengthening your characters and ensuring your pacing keeps readers turning the page. 

Author Links

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ & ✱✱ Release Blitz ✱✱ for Christmas with the Billionaire by Lila Monroe

Title: Christmas with the Billionaire
Author: Lila Monroe
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: November 30, 2017


Spice up the holiday season with the hilarious new holiday novella from Lila Monroe.

Dressing up as a sexy elf to sing Christmas hits isn’t exactly the glittering Broadway career I had planned. The only thing more humiliating than my outfit is coming face-to-face with Oliver Gage, the sexy big-shot theatre producer who just crushed my dreams. He’s arrogant, infuriating… and did I mention how sexy he is?

I’ve sworn never to get comfy on the casting couch, but when we’re snowed in together upstate, it’s looking like a pretty good place to spend the night. Soon, sparks - and my panties - are flying.

Who said Christmas only had to come once a year? 

Purchase Links

Only 99c!


Available at other retailers soon

Momma Says: 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Well-written, sexy, and feisty! This charming story is a great feel-good read, perfect for the holiday season. The characters are likable and the dialogue is witty and fun. I loved Jill's spunk as she surprises the sexy Oliver over and over. These two are just so good together that you can't help but root for their happy ever after. Easily read in one sitting, this fast-paced, steamy tale is high on feels and fun and low on angst, making for a great bedtime read on a cold winter's night.


Author Bio

Combining her love of writing, sex and well-fitted suits, Lila Monroe wrote The Billionaire Bargain. Lila enjoys writing, as it gives her a flexible schedule to spend time with her kids and a wonderful excuse to avoid them. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, who strips out of his well-fitted suits nightly.

Author Links

Release Blitz for Crude Possession by Maci Dillon & Kathleen Kelly

Title: Crude Possession
Series: Crude Souls MC #1
Authors: Maci Dillon and Kathleen Kelly
Genre: Romantic Suspense with Erotic elements
Release Date: November 30, 2017


A life void of the physical, emotional and mental abuse she has endured most of her marriage, is all she's dreamed of for years.

When Cindy, who now calls herself Callie, sets foot in Coomera, her life finally begins. 

Malakai, son of the President of Crude Souls MC instantly feels responsible and protective of Callie, sensing she's hiding who she really is. But what, or who is she hiding from? 

When Callie's past returns to haunt her, Malakai takes it into his own hands and engages the Crude Souls to provide protection. By default, she becomes club property. 

At the risk of losing her freedom, Callie can't bring herself to walk away from Malakai, knowing he's sacrificed his life of freedom to keep her safe. To keep her alive. 

Will Malakai's crude possession be Callie's true awakening or will she find herself lost in another world of torture?

Purchase Links


Maci Dillon

Maci Dillon is a self-confessed lover of chocolate, wine and mummy porn. A mother of three sporty children, Maci fits in writing between her family and full-time Marketing & PA business. Maci is a daydreamer who loves writing short, erotic scenes and loves reading M/M, ménage and sports romance. A true minx at heart, in her spare time you'll often find her by the beach with a cocktail in hand.

Maci is also the owner and creator of Love, Lust & Erotic Pleasures (aka LLEP Book Blog) and PA’s for several indie authors.

Kathleen Kelly

Kathleen Kelly was born in Penrith, NSW, Australia. When she was four her family moved to Brisbane, QLD, Australia. Although born in NSW she considers herself a QUEENSLANDER!!

She married her childhood sweetheart and they live in Toowoomba with their two furry kids. A British Short Hair named Grace and a Burmese named Jack.

Kathleen enjoys writing contemporary, romance novels with a little bit of erotica. She draws her inspiration from family, friends and the people around her. She can often be found in cafes writing and observing the locals.

If you have any questions about her novels or would like to ask Kathleen a question she can be contacted via e-mail: or she can be found on Facebook. She loves to be contacted by those that love her books.


✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ & ✱✱ Release Blitz ✱✱ of Penalty Play by Jami Davenport!


Opposites attract...are you ready for the heat? 
Penalty Play by Jami Davenport IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Single dad and star defenseman Matt LaRue lives for his kids and hockey. He's had one failed marriage and doesn't have any interest in going through that hell again. As conservative as they come, he can't comprehend his unexplainable attraction to a free-spirited female who changes hair color more often than his boys create new excuses to avoid doing their homework.
Violet Strider is fleeing the past. She has a new start, new identity, and is hiding a big secret. Matt and Vi are a classic case of opposites attract, but neither expects the attraction to extend beyond a few hot trysts, especially Vi. Only her heart isn't listening, and her head is following her heart down a path of no return. As Vi grows closer to Matt and his boys, she fears her secret could rip them apart.
Relationships are built on trust, and Vi's house of cards is about to take a tumble. Can Vi confront her past and finally put it behind her, while earning Matt's forgiveness?

Momma Says: 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Opposites attract always makes for a fun read and this one is loaded with fun. The sparks fly between Matt and Vi in more ways than one. Their personalities clash like oil and water, but the sexual chemistry between this pair is steaming hot. The book is well-written and the banter between Vi and Matt is nothing short of hilarious. With an arrangement that is sure to be more complicated than it sounds, a couple of adorable, health-food rebelling boys, and plenty of steamy fun, plus Vi's secrets that she'd like to keep buried to add just the right amount of angst, this one is a winner. 
This was my first read by Jami Davenport, and the perfect combination of  wit and sexy has won this reader over. 


USA Today Bestselling Author Jami Davenport writes sexy contemporary, sports, and new adult romances, including her two new indie endeavors: the Game On in Seattle series and the Men of Tyee series. Jami lives on a small farm near Puget Sound with her Green Beret-turned-plumber husband, a Newfoundland dog with a tennis-ball fetish, and a prince disguised as an orange tabby cat. She works in computer support in her day job and juggles too many balls, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Connect with Jami!
Subscribe to her newsletter to receive a free novel and be notified of new releases, special sales, and contests:
Twitter Address: @jamidavenport

Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...