Thursday, October 31, 2019

Behind a Moonlit Veil Sale Blitz and Giveaway

Behind a Moonlit Veil
by Tabetha Waite
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Amaris Maxwell has lived her entire life with ill health. As the daughter of a prominent doctor, it never occurred to her to question his abilities, nor his associate’s rather unorthodox treatments. But the life of a sheltered woman has its disadvantages. She yearns to be free, to live an existence outside the same four walls. It isn’t until fate thrusts her into the path of Mr. Jackson Moreland that she begins to question everything she’s ever known. As a mysterious killer begins to terrorize the streets of London, Amaris realizes that things are not always how they may appear… 

But how close is the true villain? 

Jackson Moreland has lived the last two years of his life in a personal hell after the brutal murder of his wife. Released from an asylum, he struggles to come to terms with his reality. When he is engaged by Scotland Yard to assist in learning the identity of the murderer of Whitechapel, everything changes the moment he meets Amaris. He knows something isn’t right and he’s determined to find out what it is. 

As things progress between them and secrets are revealed amid their growing attraction, they begin to fear that the true threat may not be the Ripper after all. 

**On sale for only 99 cents!!** 

Chapter One

London, England

The first incident happened on a Tuesday in April. The watch patrolling around Whitechapel had been alerted to the sound of a woman’s screams and went to investigate. Emma Elizabeth Smith, a forty-five-year-old prostitute, was assaulted and robbed on Whitechapel Road by three men. The next day, she died at the London Hospital from injuries sustained during the attack. 
Four months later, on August seventh, another episode would occur, this one even more gruesome. A woman by the name of Martha Tabram was found on the first-floor landing of George Yard. However, it wasn’t so much the fact she had died, but rather the way in which she had perished—with thirty-nine stab wounds to her body—that bothered Jackson Moreland. 
He got to his feet and tossed down the paper he’d been perusing in his uncle’s study, where the press was noting this latest episode as another in the series of the “Whitechapel Murders.”
Jackson stared out the window overlooking Mayfair, a frown creasing his forehead. He was staying in an affluent townhouse in Grosvenor Square in the West End of London, far away from the terror that was wreaking havoc on the other side of the vast city. And yet, even though he had suffered much in his personal life over the past twenty-two months, he felt a compulsion to act, to ensure that such senseless murders should cease. 
Of course, while he had once been a good detective, would he even be taken seriously now? Many in the department at Scotland Yard believed him to be unhinged after what had happened in Paris. It could be that they might actually consider his offer to help as an impediment to their investigation. 
Jackson clenched his fist and released a long, deep breath, knowing that he had to try. He might not be Chief Inspector for H Division any longer, but he still retained the instincts that had been honed in him long ago. While his current status made him a liability, as long as he wasn’t involved in the paperwork, then surely he could do some good in the field. Anything would be worth it, just to feel as though his life wasn’t empty and meaningless anymore.  
Jackson heard the front door open and close, the firm undertones of his uncle returning as he spoke to the butler. The older man appeared in the study moments later, his head bent over a paper in his grasp. However, he must have felt the sensation of another presence in the room, for he glanced up and paused. He offered Jackson a brief incline of his head as he folded the paper in his hand and set it on his desk then walked to the sideboard. He poured himself a drink. “Care for one?” he asked.
Jackson couldn’t help but smile briefly. Charles Prescott, the Earl of Bertley, knew that his nephew didn’t drink any longer, and yet he still asked out of politeness. Either that, or it was respect for his deceased sister, Jackson’s mother, for it was likely because of his devotion to her that the gentleman housed a relation who many claimed was insane. Luckily, the earl was unmarried, a rather confirmed bachelor, with no one to dispute his decision to keep Jackson under his roof. 
Charles’s gaze shifted to the paper near the mantel where Jackson had been sitting. He sighed heavily. “I see that you’ve already heard the accounts.” He walked over to the settee and sat down. “I was hoping to spare you the grisly details that the press so dearly loves to announce.”

Tabetha grew up in a small town in Missouri with big dreams of being a published author after her fourth grade teacher said she liked reading her stories. She began her journey by putting pen to paper writing anything from fantasy to mystery, but it wasn’t until she started high school that her grandmother introduced her to the classic, Gothic novels. As her love of romance grew to encompass Harlequins, it wasn’t until she read “Midnight Bride” by Kathleen Drymon did she develop a fascination for historical England. After discovering Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters, she was hooked! 

It wasn’t until 30 years and 63 rejections later that her debut novel, “Why the Earl is After the Girl,” the first book in her Ways of Love series was picked up for publication in July 2016 to critical acclaim, winning the 2017 Best Indie Book Award in Romance and the Second Place Feathered Quill Book Award in 2018 for Romance. "Where the Viscount Met His Match" was a 2019 romance finalist in the International Book Awards, and a 2019 romance finalist in the Book Excellence Awards. "When a Duke Pursues a Lady" was a romance finalist in the 2018 Book Talk Radio Club Awards, and "Who the Marquess Dares to Desire" was a 2019 Raven Awards finalist. 

When she’s not writing, Tabetha is reading as true bookworms do, checking out any flea market, antique mall, or doll show she comes across, and working as a lunch lady at the local community college. She is a certified PAN member of the RWA. 

You can find her on most any social media site and she encourages any fans of her work to join her mailing list to learn more about upcoming novels or events. 

$10 Amazon gift card and 2 Christmas ebook novellas 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Fixed Parts Release

** Release Blast**

Fixed Parts , Book 2 of the Parts of Me series
by J. A. Wynters

Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense

I am afraid.
And it feels good.
Because it makes me feel something other than empty.
Mia stormed into my life and created a chink in my armour. She’s crawled under my skin and nestled against the burning heat beneath.
Now, I have something to lose.
Now I’m going to have to keep her, to protect her, but most importantly, try not to touch her.
The past is catching up and soon I’ll have to confess. I will have to tell her the truth and make her face the monster I really am.
All I have to do is find her first.

Find more about J. A. Wynters here:


Halloween Book Blast & Giveaway

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Click on any of the below book covers to be taken to the page that has more information on the novel as well as the Buy Links!

Before you leave, don't forget to enter the Giveaway!


Master of Secrets by Sienna Snow

Series: Gods of Vegas; Book 4
Genre: Dark Romance / Erotic

Secrets are meant to be kept. Some forever. No matter the cost.

I live and thrive on deception and deceit. Manipulation is my game, and no one ever gets close enough to discover the truth.

Adrian Kipos is the man I cannot have. He knows things that he shouldn't, and he has no qualms using information to us advantage. 

One mistake and I'm on his radar, dealing with a man I should never cross. To keep him silent I must be his. Completely.

Nothing in my world is ever as it seems. But now I'm trapped between my own desire and my doom.

Follow the Author

Autumn Countdown Blitz: Cursed Collectibles, an anthology by Jace Killan

Jace lives in Arizona with my family, wife and five kids and a little dog. He writes fiction, thrillers and soft sci-fi with a little short horror on the side. He holds an MBA and work sin finance for a biotechnology firm.

Jace volunteers with the Boy Scouts, plays and writes music, and enjoys everything outdoors. He's also a novice photographer.

 ~ Facebook ~
~ Amazon ~

Spend an afternoon antiquing and it’s not hard to figure out why picking has become one of America’s fondest pastimes. It’s treasure hunting while connecting with history. But what if those treasures hunt us back?

From old books, to vinyl records, antique mirrors, vintage figurines, or a Bob’s Big Boy piggy bank, curses have no limits.

Featuring stories from D.J. Butler, Joy Auburn, Martin L. Shoemaker, Jessica Guernsey, John D. Payne, Jen Bair, Karen Pellett, Steve Ruskin, Tanya Hales, Lauren Lang, Frank Morin, Mike Jack Stoumbous, Kelly Lynn Colby, Jace Killan, Jo Schneider, Gama Ray Martinez, Martin Greening, Chris Abela, A.J. Mayall, Heidi A. Wilde, Shannon Fox, Lauryn Christopher, and Mark Leslie Lefebvre.

All proceeds of this book go to the Don Hodge Scholarship Fund for writers


The Shape’s laugh boomed throughout the shop, knocking a porcelain eye off the nearest shelf. Cleverness is such a tasty vice. When I crush it and drink it, it is sweeter than the blood of a newborn babe. You maggots think that you can outwit me. If after fifty thousand years the Adversary still has not caught me, what chance have any of you?”

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Propositioning the Playboy Tour and Giveaway

Propositioning the Playboy
The Blue Room Book 2
by JM Stewart
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Rule #1: Don't fall in love. Rule #2...see rule #1...

Grace Williams doesn't need a hero. She can take care of herself, thank you very much. Surviving foster care and becoming a respected scientist certainly taught her how. Now, she's finally ready to do something for herself and have a baby. All she'll need is a genetically blessed donor who won't get any ideas in his head about sticking around after the job's done. And she has the perfect gorgeous, commitment-phobic donor in mind.

Liam McNamara doesn't want a relationship. Being abandoned by his mother at a young age and his failed marriage cured him of any romantic notions he might've had. But when his best friend's sexy older sister asks him for a favor, he can't say no. And if he manages to give her a few--or a few hundred--orgasms in the process? All the better. It's a winning proposition all the way around.

It's not long before their best laid plans are blown out of the water by the last thing either of them expected to get out of the deal--genuine feelings. Maybe love isn't such a losing proposition after all...

Easily read as a standalone!

Grace stopped a few feet in front of him and pulled her shoulders back, as if she were preparing to fight the board of some big company. “First of all, I’m not asking you to play daddy. I just need you to make a donation.”

“A donation?” Oh, he knew what she meant, but he wanted to hear her say the words. It was childish, but if he was going to squirm his way through this conversation, he for damn sure didn’t want to do it alone.

Her eyes narrowed. “Sperm, Liam. You do understand how babies are made?”

He laughed and held up his hands. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t nice. Apparently, the subject brings out my inner twelve-year-old. We’re here”—he waved a hand in the direction of the doorway, indicating the house around them—“of all places, and you want to talk about sex.”

She cleared her throat. “Not sex. Babies.”

“That’s how babies are made, Grace.” He shouldn’t have said that, but the way her face flushed made the tease worth whatever torture would follow. Damned if she wasn’t more beautiful with her cheeks glowing.

As expected, though, all that flush did was fuel those fantasies he shouldn’t be thinking about. The one memory he didn’t have was the one he wanted the most—what she looked like in the throes of an orgasm.

To her credit, Grace didn’t otherwise react. Rather, she held his gaze, her expression all business. “Having a child is the only thing I can’t do alone. By its very nature, it requires a partner. Which is where you come in. It would be a contract between us. I need your sperm, and I’m willing to pay you. And as I mentioned, I’m not asking you to play daddy. In fact, I’d insist on—”

“Why me?” Because if she didn’t stop talking about sperm, he’d go insane. “All things considered, I would have thought I’d be the last person you’d ask.”

Grace dropped her gaze, smoothing a hand across her thigh, as if wiping off invisible crumbs. “Because you’re exactly the type of man I need. You’ve never made it a secret that you have no desire for commitment, which means you wouldn’t want to be a part of my child’s life much less fight me for it.”

JM Stewart writes heartfelt contemporary romance. Whether the heat level is sizzling or sweet, her stories are always deeply emotional. Her heroes are strong but sensitive (no alpha jerks here!), and her heroines are more Cinderella than Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Recently transplanted, she now lives in a small town in Texas along with her husband, two sons and two very spoiled dogs. When not writing, she enjoys reading, cooking and playing computer games. As a sensitive soul with a romantic heart, she believes in angels and hopes everyone finds their happily ever after.

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  Author Interview Do you ever wish you were someone else? Who? At this stage of my life, I am happy with who I am and how I came to be, whi...