Saturday, March 31, 2018

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ The Awkward Squad by Sophie Hénaff

The Awkward Squad 
by Sophie Hénaff 

Suspended from her job as a promising police officer for firing "one bullet too many", Anne Capestan is expecting the worst when she is summoned to H.Q. to learn her fate. Instead, she is surprised to be told that she is to head up a new police squad, working on solving old cold cases.

Though relived to still have a job, Capestan is not overjoyed by the prospect of her new role. Even less so when she meets her new team: a crowd of misfits, troublemakers and problem cases, none of whom are fit for purpose and yet none of whom can be fired.

But from this inauspicious start, investigating the cold cases throws up a number a number of strange mysteries for Capestan and her team: was the old lady murdered seven years ago really just the victim of a botched robbery? Who was behind the dead sailor discovered in the Seine with three gunshot wounds? And why does there seem to be a curious link with a ferry that was shipwrecked off the Florida coast many years previously?

The Awkward Squad releases April 3rd

Momma Says: 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A police procedural where the police don't exactly follow procedure. The Awkward Squad is formed to keep a group of misfits out of sight and out of mind, but these misfits certainly don't stay there. This crime mystery is well-written and fast-paced from beginning to end. So often, books in this genre tend to lag a bit in the middle, but that is not the case here. Each character has a different story - a different reason for being assigned to this squad of misfits. Of course, there is some butting of heads within the group, but whether it's because of their differences or in spite of them, they're all interesting and the banter between them is witty and often chuckle worthy. The pacing and story line keep the pages turning and I hope to see more of this quirky bunch of crime fighters. 

❃❃ARC provided by NetGalley and Quercus (US)

Rockstar Secrets Tour and Giveaway

Rockstar Secrets
Forbidden Chords Book 1
by Ja’Nese Dixon
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Millions of adoring fans dream of having one night with him, but only she has access to his heart.
Born with three commas in his bank account and melodies in his veins, Marques Carter is the rising prince of R&B. But not even his family name can guarantees success.
Brione Allen is a smart woman that made a dumb decision: trusting the wrong man. He blackmailed her family and now she’s bound by a debt they knew she couldn’t pay.
A chance meeting at his concert leads to an encrypted proposal: One week, one hundred thousand dollars, one incriminating secret. But when extortion and family ties expose them to the worst of the limelight, which secrets will they keep…and which will threaten their small light of hope?

If you like stories by Bella Andre and Layla Hagen, then this series is for you!

Brione couldn’t take her eyes off the stage. He shifted from left to right until he settled in a shoulder-width stance with one hand behind his back. Her eyes raked over his body from his black shoes to the loose black pants with a sequin detail up the sides of his legs. His muscles rippled under his snow-white shirt and Brione slowly gazed up to find Marques’ eyes and he winked.
Hidden in the haze of the dark room, she decided to give herself this moment. Tonight she wanted to be the version of herself that desired Marques. No one had to know. 
Her heart beat louder than the drummer in her ears. Oh to have the skill to magically clear the room and have him all to herself. 
Marques stepped to the microphone, “Tonight is a very special night and I plan to make it one you’ll never…ever…forget,” he said to the room but his eyes remained locked on hers.

Ja’Nese Dixon writes tales of romance laced with strong women and stronger men. My happily ever afters are meant to inspire. So, if you’re looking for a page turner that will leave you blushing, with your heart racing, and lying to yourself about reading “just one more chapter” then grab a book.
She is an avid reader and coffee drinker, who also loves to run, cook, and quilt (and not in that order). Her ultimate goal as a writer is to give you a little “staycation” with every story.
Ja’Nese calls Houston home with her husband, three kiddos, and a four-legged diva dog. Visit her website at if you enjoy romance, suspense, and good sweet & spicy stories that inspire.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

Enter the Author's giveaway HERE!
(ends March 25th)

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Release Blitz for A Little Spark by Amy K. McClung

Title: A Little Spark
Author: Amy K. McClung
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2018


Sparks fly when sassy firefighter Jilli meets her match in Amy K. McClung’s enemies-to-lovers romance. 

When Sam and Jillian meet, the snark and sparks start to fly. Despite their intense attraction, words and actions are misunderstood, and miscommunication is rife. Will their stubbornness be their downfall or the start of something extraordinary?

Purchase Links

$1.99 (half price!) for a limited time


Momma Says: 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A Little Spark? These two make a lot of sparks right from the beginning. I was a bit confused about the enemies to lovers part in the blurb because seriously, Sam is the absolute sweetest guy. I don't think anyone could actually be enemies with him. They do have their differences, mostly coming from Jillian's insecurities and some misunderstandings, but this pair is so good together that you can't help but root for them. The author gives us plenty of feels - everything from laughter to tears to sharing in some heartbreak, but the witty banter quickly brightens things up before they get too heavy. This is my first read by Amy McClung, but it won't be my last. This engaging, fast-paced romance is one that I can easily recommend. 

Author Bio

Amy McClung was born in Nashville, TN. She is the second oldest of four girls and occasionally suffers from middle child syndrome. She met the love of her life online in August of 2004, on his birthday of all days, and married him in September 2005. Currently they have no human children only the room full of colorful robots that transform into vehicles and the large headed Pop Funko’s who represent their favorite characters. Collecting movies, shotglasses, Pop Funkos, and dust bunnies are some of her favorite pastimes. She began writing in September of 2011 and independently published her first YA novel called Cascades of Moonlight, Book one of the Parker Harris Series the following May. Her first book was a means of therapy for her as it enabled her to escape reality for a while during a difficult transition in her life.  

Author Links

RELEASE BLITZ of Alpha's Desire by Renee Rose & Lee Savino

Alpha's Desire by Renee Rose & Lee Savino is AVAILABLE NOW!
Alpha's Desire

FREE with #KindleUnlimited


She’s the one girl I can’t have. A human.

I’m a player, but there’s one girl I can’t have.
The redhead who lights up the club every Saturday night. I want to pull her into the storeroom and claim her, but it wouldn’t be right.
She’s too pure. Too fresh. Too passionate.
Too human.

When she learns my secret, my alpha orders me to wipe her memories.
But I won’t do it.
Still, I’m not mate material--I can’t mark her and bring her into the pack.
What in the hell am I going to do with her?
About the Authors:
USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR RENEE ROSE is a naughty wordsmith who writes kinky romance novels. Named Eroticon USA’s Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, she has also won The Romance Reviews Best Historical Romance, and Spanking Romance Reviews’ Best Historical, Best Erotic, Best Ageplay and favorite author. She’s hit #1 on Amazon in the Erotic Paranormal, Western and Sci-fi categories. She also pens BDSM stories under the name Darling Adams. To receive FREE Renee Rose books, click here.
Renee loves to connect with readers! Please visit her on:
USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Lee Savino has grandiose goals but most days can’t find her wallet or her keys so she just stays at home and writes. While she was studying creative writing at Hollins University, her first manuscript won the Hollins Fiction Prize.
She lives in Richmond, Va with her awesome family. You can find her on Facebook in the Goddess Group (which you totally should join).
Sign up for her newsletter here:

Sale Blitz: Dishonorable by Natasha Knight


On sale Saturday 31st March - Monday 2nd April


I knew little of Raphael Amado’s history with my family, but when he turned up on our doorstep demanding restitution, my grandfather quickly conceded. That restitution? Me.

Six months later, on my eighteenth birthday, Raphael came for me. He stole me from my home, taking me to his Tuscan estate, where from the crumbling chapel to the burnt-down vineyard, to the cellar that haunted him, the past stalked him like a shadow. It waited for him, hid behind corners for him and trapped him at every turn.

As much as Raphael’s cruelty terrified me, his darkness seduced me. But in the end, it was his tenderness that devastated me.


Sofia came to me like an offering. Like a virgin to be sacrificed at the altar. But truth was, her grandfather betrayed her. I guess we had that in common. He’d screwed me too.

I knew hate. I'd vowed vengeance. This was never supposed to be about anything else. But in the end, her innocence broke me. The very thing I would destroy, destroyed me.

USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance, Natasha Knight specializes in dark, tortured heroes. Happily-Ever-Afters are guaranteed, but she likes to put her characters through hell to get them there. She’s evil like that.

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Jane by Becca Fanning

Big Easy Bears Book 3
by Becca Fanning

Jane just wanted a new start when she made the decision to move from Quebec, Canada to New Orleans, USA. But no matter how far she ran, she can’t help looking over her shoulder. Thinking no one would be able to find a young teenage girl in the kitchens of a care home, Jane started work at the only place she could find, determined to succeed with her plan. But when one of the larger residents tumbled and fell, and even though Jane appeared to be an underfed eighteen year old, she helped the other nurses carrying him back to bed with a hidden strength. The secret of her strengthen something she kept from Bryce for almost five years. 

It’s been years since Bryce began working with Jane. He’d been working at the care home only a few weeks before her, but was quick to observe her when she was promoted from kitchen help to orderly after proving she could take care of her own. Bryce notices the way she looks over her shoulder when she walks down the hallway, how she surveys a room when she walks in and calculates how could she escape the easiest, never sitting in a corner but always towards an exit. Bryce can tell that she is haunted by her past and is constantly on the lookout for it to finally catch up to her. But as years pass and their friendship starts to blossom at work, he watches as Jane becomes more relaxed, healthier and muscular, yet curvy as she matures. Even though Bryce has been attracted to Jane for some time now, he’d always given her the space she needed to get over whatever it was that first brought her here. But now, Bryce wants to try to take their friendship to the next level, and perhaps more. 

Jane is hesitant at first to accept Bryce’s invitation to a pub for drinks after work, but after he reassures her it isn’t a date, she gives in. One thing leads to another and the two are spending more and more time together after work as what was first getting a bite to eat turns to a real date at the movies, and even dinner over at Bryce’s apartment. Soon Jane will have to make the decision if she is going to reveal herself to him as a werebear. About the time their relationship starts to get serious, her childhood sweetheart makes a reappearance into her life, causing everything from Jane’s past to reel her in again. It seems now Jane will have to finish what happened in her past if she is ever going to have a bright future with Bryce.

Momma Says: 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jane is a bit different than most shifter romances in a couple of ways. The romance is more of a slow build, falling in like, lust, and then love rather than the fated mate, have to have you right now kind of thing, and our protagonist is a female. Both of which are refreshing changes in the world of paranormal romance. Jane is a bit of a contrast all on her own. She's sarcastic, sassy, and speaks her mind freely, yet is quite timid when it comes to moving forward with a relationship. As the story progresses, we do find out the reasons why Jane is against getting close to people and her push and pull with Bryce makes perfect sense. The sweet and patient Bryce is absolutely perfect for Jane and I loved how he moved forward in the relationship without pushing, letting Jane set the pace. They also have some fun banter as they start at friends and progress from there. Of course, we get a bit of suspense, danger, and some action with our love story in the form of an ex with secrets, trouble from the past, and a bad decision by a family member. This is the third book in the Big Easy Bears series and does work as a standalone with peeks at past characters, but once you've met this lovable bunch of bears, you'll want to know more about them. 

Check out the rest of the Big Easy Bears series

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Dragon Hunters Tour and Giveaway

The Lost Dragon
The Dragon Hunters Book 1
by Drako
Genre: LGBT Paranormal Fantasy

Andreas was born a Spartan warrior, long before human history even records Sparta existing. He served directly under Ares, until the day his lover was killed on the battlefield in front of him. On that day, he met his father, the mysterious Black Dragon God known as Jarel. From then on, he served his father faithfully, enforcing the laws of the primordial embodiment of black fire and father of the paranormal. Now, in these modern times, he hunts the rogue vampires and their leader. Little does he know, there's more to this than vampires simply turning against his father.

While protecting the lovely Cassandra Odele, Andreas must battle forces he doesn't know as he attempts to stop the resurrection of the Titan king, Cronus. Added to his problems, he now has two teenage nephews to see into adulthood. Of course, there's always a twist when dealing with the gods, and Andreas will come face to face with his past, leaving him to decide which is more important, his soul or the world?

Andreas was lying on his stomach on his bed, unable to bear the pain of lying on his back. It had been ages since he'd been hit with a shot of energy from a god. With where his mind was, he was lucky she hadn't killed him. Honestly, he hadn't realized just how angry he'd been until he saw Kalos. Then he’d felt this surge of power, a power he knew was fueled solely by rage. He knew better than to let emotion rule him. Emotion was a bit of a problem for all dragons, but he'd thought he had it under control. He'd always been the level-headed one. But he'd never had the same attachment to any other mission.
Andreas sighed. Seeing Kazarian again was like a blow to the gut. It brought back so many memories, of the good times after battles and of the last battle they were in together. He'd wanted to ask his father to see Kazarian so many times, but he was afraid to find out if Kazarian had been reincarnated. He was afraid to find out he'd been missing him out in the world. But now he knew. Kazarian had been left in the Elysian Fields and had stayed there all this time. But why? Why hadn't he been reincarnated? He'd deserved a real life, a happy life with a family and friends and someone who loved him.
Andreas let out a low growl at the last thought. Perhaps that was pushing it a bit far. Kazarian was his, damn it, but he still deserved to have lived a full life at some point.
Speaking of Kazarian, Andreas could actually smell him as he came into the room. That was strange. He could have sworn the dead had no smell in the real world. He turned his head to look towards Kazarian and winced in pain. Kazarian held up the vial.
"Your father told me to put this on your burn," he told him.
Andreas softened his gaze. "You're acting shy, Kazarian. You were never shy before."
"Well, this is weird. I've been gone a long time."
Andreas turned to lay down flat. "I can't put it on myself."
Kazarian made his way over to the bed and sat next to him, then opened the vial and poured some of it down his back. The liquid was cool, definitely the desired effect. Andreas' skin across his back was red and raw from the burn and Kazarian hesitated to touch it.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt me," Andreas assured him. "My father gave you this, so it's a healing oil. As you spread it, it will begin to repair the damage."
Kazarian began to spread the oil across his back. He noticed that Andreas had actually gotten bigger since they were together. His muscles were far more defined and a different type of heat radiated from him. As he ran his hands across the broad back, he could practically feel the power in Andreas.
"Don't you have questions?" Andreas asked him after a while.
"I have lots of questions. I want to know so much, but some things you probably don't know the answer to."
"Like what?"
"Why you never tried to move on. I mean, you knew I was gone. You never looked for love. Only sex. Why?"

The Dragon Witch
The Dragon Hunters Book 2

Victoria Damone is the daughter of the Black Dragon God, Jarel, and the goddess of magic and witchcraft, Hecate. Quick tempered and impatient, she strikes fear into the hearts of the rogue creatures rebelling against her father as well as the warlocks, servants of Prince of Darkness, Lucifer.

Ares, the god of war, is often misunderstood. Known only as a brutal god with an insatiable appetite for blood and destruction, as well as passing flings, the son of Zeus and Hera has spent most of his time defending Olympus from any and every threat.

Now the two meet and must combine forces. The Titan King, Cronus, has been resurrected by Lucifer and is quickly resurrecting his brethren to launch war against Zeus and all that stand with him. Not only this, but he's even joined forces with the legendary beast Typhon, the only creature to ever come close to toppling the Olympian god king. As the gods prepare for an unavoidable war, Victoria must hunt one of the most powerful and cunning warlocks to serve under the Prince of Darkness and simultaneously train her nephew Brandon in her craft. Her pride demands that she do this alone, but Ares is not a god to be denied. Ares clearly has his eyes on Victoria, but can she trust the notoriously wild and unpredictable god's intentions?

Fatal Healing
The Dragon Hunters Book 3

Odele, the goddess of Healing, has returned to Olympus, once again the direct servant to Hera, queen of the gods. Yet even after the defeat of Eris, her work is not done. The war of the gods is imminent now, with Cronus restored to life and the Titans back at his side. But before the battle can begin, Odele must find her mortal twin brother, who had been captured by the forces of the vampire Kalos years before. She asks Hera for her brother's whereabouts, and the god queen allows her to attempt to rescue him, but under the condition that she's accompanied by Apollo.

Apollo has waited ages for Odele's return to Olympus to heal the heart he'd broken ages before. The process of healing won't be easy, and Odele's heart is not the only heart to be healed. Both Apollo and Odele's lives are at risk, as they join the god of darkness in a battles against two children of Gaea and Odele's own brothers, Cronus and Typhon. Will Odele's heart be healed, and most importantly, will anyone survive this unique healing process?

Heir of Mjolnir
The Dragon Hunters Book 4

The servants of Hecate have been subject to persecution for many years. They have been misunderstood, accused of worshipping the devil. And Hecate has had enough. The Devil, Lucifer, has finally invaded the human world and his true servants, warlocks, are growing bold. Lucifer’s influence has spread throughout the world and nothing is the same as it was before he came. There are those that can counter the power of the warlocks, and Hecate may have found one.

Vax King had just graduated high school when the world changed. And unlike everyone around him, he saw through the lies. The world was trapped in the spell of the father of all evil and he seemed to be the only one in the immediate area that could see it. Then again, he’s a solitary witch and no one else knows it. But he’s shocked when the goddess Hecate appears to him with a quest to gain a weapon to help fight the forces of evil. The weapon is the legendary hammer of the Norse god, Thor, Mjölnir, and if he can find this he can lead the forces of Hecate against their greatest enemy. But to gain it, he must survive the Rose realm and prove his worth. Should he fail, death is all that awaits. Can he prove to the enchanted weapon of the deceased god that he is more worthy of wielding it than the original owner, and therein become the leader of an army of witches ready and waiting to stand against Lucifer?

Relinquished Mercy
The Dragon Hunters Book 5

The heavenly war is coming to a head. The gods are ready. All that remains is the final clash between the most dominate forces of nature in existence.

Brandon has come to a decision. He can't deny who his soul mate is. He's the god of darkness and shadows, and his soul mate is a werewolf, Phil, the grandson of the very first werewolf. But things are never so simple. He has to get past the wolf's insecurities in order to give them both a shot at true happiness
Demun wants to fight against his soul mate. He hates having a predetermined mate. And worse, his mate is the phoenix known to be unable to settle down. Vic, the phoenix in question, wasn't fond of the idea either, but he's been around enough to know that fighting against what your soul requires is pointless. He just needs a chance.
The twins lead complicated lives, as they must not only deal with their soul mates but fight alongside the Dragon Witch, Victoria, to protect their children, the new Moirae. As always, a new threat lies hidden in wait, attempting to create a monster out of god that will change the world for the worst. And it may cost them one of their own.

Blood Monarch
The Dragon Hunters Book 6

A king's duty never ends, even when his kingdom changes. Vladimir Dracula is one of the most famous and misunderstood figures in all of history. One thing is true, he is a king, and he is a vampire. He is the true king and enforcer of the vampire race. Feared by all of his own kind, he is perhaps the most lethal of the Black Dragon God's mortal born servants. At the same time, he personifies sex. None can resist his charms, save one.

Vax King is the Chosen of Hecate, the Heir of Mjolnir, and has no plans on a mate. When he's called on to enter Fae lands, he's surprised to find the legendary vampire there. Looking to aid the beautiful Fae, Anaya, and her soul mate, Galen, Vax must enter a world of sex of violence with only Vlad to accompany him. Here, there can be no denial, no hesitation. Only truth....and dominance.
A war is brewing in the Fae lands, as the fallen angels rise to lay claim to the power of their goddess, Verlaine and topple their higher brethren. Older than most, Vlad must accustom himself to having a soul mate, and use all his legendary power to stop the forces of darkness long believed to be controlled by him. A new kingdom is the prize, and none knows better than the famed Dracula that the secret to power lies in the blood.

Drako was born in 1987 in St. Louis, Missouri. He is mainly a fantasy writer, though he also writes some poetry and general fiction. He is very active on both twitter and facebook and has his own website at which is frequently updated with news on his books and fun extras. When he isn't writing, he's busy helping take care of his nieces, playing videogames, reading, promoting, and spending time with family.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Crusader's Way Virtual Book Tour

  The St. Edmundsbury Mysteries, Book 1 YA Mystery Date Published: December 1, 2021     “The relic is gone!” On ...