Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Triadine Saga Tour and Giveaway

Prophecy’s Queen
Prequel to the Triadine Saga
by Timothy Bond
Genre: Epic Fantasy
158 pages

"Readers compare him to David Eddings and Brandon Sanderson."

In this prequel to the epic fantasy series The Triadine Saga, we follow the Elven Princess Rozlynn as she struggles with her role in The Prophecy and what she must do to keep the world from falling into darkness.

This is a story of love and conflict, personal growth, and freedom to choose your own destiny. The world of Elves, Dwarves, and humans, is inexorably tied to magic, wizards, and dragons, as the battle of good versus evil, light versus darkness, wages on.

Will Rozlynn make the sacrifices and the choices necessary to ensure that The Prophecy stays on the right path? Will her sister, the Elven Queen, prevent her from making her own choice? Will Rozlynn's love for an Elven Hunter betray her and lead her astray?

Join us and find out this and much more, in Prophecy's Queen.

The Watcher’s Keep
The Triadine Saga Book 1
654 pages

A thousand years has passed since the war which nearly destroyed the world. Elves, Dwarves and men have become isolated and distrustful of one another. Evil once again grows strong and threatens to send the world into darkness forever.

Are the twins really The Children of Prophecy? Is their quest to recover the Triadine an impossible task? Will the world fall into darkness under the control of the evil wizard Khollaran?

An epic fantasy adventure quest, with world building like Jordan, Goodkind or Eddings. Twists and turns, intrigue and magic, wizards, dragons and more.

The Dragon Rises
The Triadine Saga Book 2
418 pages

In this continuation of the epic fantasy The Watcher's Keep, the battle between good and evil continues. Goblins are growing in strength and boldness, venturing into the world to battle both men and dwarves. The elves continue to be locked away in seclusion allowing caution and betrayal to guide them to their destiny.

The last dragon grows in power as his ancestral memories awaken, challenging the Dark Wizard for domination over the evil forces in the world, while building his own kingdom and establishing himself as the supreme deity.

The twins — Peter and Alexandra — continue to battle through one challenge after another to understand their role in The Prophecy and assemble the missing pieces of the fabled Triadine, a weapon of unequaled power, which is the only means to defeat the Dark Wizard and his growing army.

Humans continue to be driven by greed and power, fortune and arrogance, and alliances shift with the blowing winds.

Who will come out on top? Will the Children of the Prophecy fulfill their destiny, or will darkness overcome light and plunge the world into a thousand years of pain and suffering.

A Kingdom Fallen
The Triadine Saga Book 3

In this continuation of the epic fantasy series–The Triadine Saga–Peter is desperately in love with the beautiful Lady Olivia. After rescuing her from the Goblins and the Brotherhood of Khall, he is hopeful that she will return his love, though she believes she owes her salvation to another man.

Alexandra has been captured by the Gaerwitch, a Wiccan Sorceress who can be either friend or foe. She  was instrumental in assisting Princess Rozlynn in Prophecy’s Queen,  which ultimately led to the birth of the twins and the death of Alexandra’s mother.

The separate armies of the Pulat, Al-Ashal and the Dark Wizard grow stronger every day, as the world grows closer to another Great War pitting good versus evil for domination of the world.

The great Dragon Lord Barak wields expanding power over thousands of disciples who wish only to return to a time when the Dragon Lords ruled the world.

As the armies of men come together in the inevitable battle for power between the Kingdom of  Aren and the Free Cities, who will prevail? 

Will the Children of The Prophecy get the chance to fulfill their destiny, or will evil destroy light and plunge the world into a thousand years of darkness?

I have always had a passion for writing, and a special place in my heart for Epic Fantasy. Inspired by others who have paved the way for this genre, I have many stories to tell, and plan to bring them all to you.

I started going to a fantasy world in my mind many years ago, and the adventures of Peter and Alexandra were my escape from the harsh technical world all around me. The twins were enthusiastic, energetic, eager to go out and explore their world, and willing to take on any challenge necessary. I have often said that I travel to the Upper Aren and come back and write about it, and I really do feel that way at times.

My own eclectic interests fueled the twin's activities, as I have done a little of everything in my life. I suspect it's because of my adult attention deficit disorder, and a need to try everything at least once.

I hope you enjoy the adventures of my characters and they become a part of your lives, as they have long been a part of mine.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

✱✱Book Review ✱✱ The Voyeur Tour and Giveaway

The Voyeur Series: Books 1-4
A La Petite Morte Club Series
by Ellis O. Day
Genre: Steamy Romance/ Erotica
218 pages

When Patrick stumbles across a maid at La Petite Morte Club watching a couple have sex, he can’t keep his hands off her. She’s cute, sexy and kinky – just the way he likes his women.

Until he discovers that she’s the younger sister of one of his best friends which means she’s in the “hands off” department.

Annie is tired of guys staying away from her because of her overprotective brother. She’s determined to convince Patrick that she should not be off limits and that his hands should definitely be all over her body.

This is a HEA standalone series meant for eighteen and up.

**On sale for .99 cents!!**

Momma Says: 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fast paced and scorching hot. Patrick can't keep his hands off the fiery Annie, even though she's supposed to be off-limits. It does that this pair a while to admit their feelings, but the chemistry is there in spades. The four short story/novella length reads in this set are a continuing story that makes for an entertaining, sexy tale of forbidden romance. It's fan yourself steamy with just the right amount of angst to keep the story moving. 


Annie finished making the bed and gathered the sheets from the floor, keeping them as far away from her body as possible. These sex rooms were disgusting and Ethan was a jerk making her work as a maid. She almost had her Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary Arts, but he’d refused to hire her for the kitchen—too many men in the kitchen. The only job he’d give her at La Petite Morte Club was as a maid and unfortunately, she needed the money too badly to refuse.
She stuffed the dirty sheets into the cart and hurried out the door. She had almost thirty minutes before she had to be at the next “sex room.” She hid the cart in a closet and darted down a back hallway, staying clear of the cameras. Julie, the woman who supervised the daytime maids, was a real bitch. If she were caught sneaking away from her duties, she’d be assigned to the orgy rooms every day. Right now, they all took turns cleaning that nightmare. She swore they should get hazard pay to even go in those rooms.
She slipped through a doorway and hurried to the one-way mirror. She stared at the couple in the next room. From her first day here, she’d been curious about the activities at the club. She was twenty-four and wasn’t a virgin but she’d never, ever done some of these things.  
The woman in the other room was tied to a table, legs spread and wearing some sort of leather outfit that left her large breasts free and her crotch exposed. She’d shaved her private parts and her pink lower lips were swollen and glistening from her excitement. The man strolled around the table as if he had all night. He still had his pants on but had removed his shirt. His arms and chest were well defined but he had a slight paunch. His erection tented his pants and Annie felt wetness pool between her legs. She had no idea why watching this turned her on but it did. Ever since she’d accidentally barged in on that guy and girl in the Interview room, she couldn’t stop watching.
The man below ran his hand up the woman’s inner thigh, glancing over her pussy. The woman thrust her hips upward and Annie ran her own hand between her legs. The man’s mouth moved but Annie couldn’t hear anything and then he slapped the woman across the thigh hard enough to leave a red mark. Annie jumped. She wasn’t into that, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the woman’s face. At first, it’d contorted in pain but then it’d morphed into pleasure. The man hit her again and then bent, kissing the red welts—running his tongue across them as his fingers squeezed her nipple.
Annie clutched her thighs together, searching for some relief. Her panties were soaked. It wouldn’t take but a few strokes to make her come. She started to slide her hand into her pants.
“Having fun?” asked a deep voice from behind her.
She spun around, her heart dropping into her stomach. “Ah…I was just finishing cleaning in here.” Damn, she should’ve closed the door but she hadn’t expected anyone in this area. The rooms were off limits on this floor until tonight and she was the only one assigned to clean here.
He shut the door and locked it before strolling toward her. She’d seen him around the Club, but more than that she remembered him from the military photos her brother, Vic, had sent to her. She carried one of the three of them—Vic, Ethan and this guy, Patrick—in her purse. He’d been attractive in the picture, but now that he was older and in person he was gorgeous. He had dark green eyes, brown hair and a perfect body. He stopped so close to her his chest almost brushed against her breasts. She was pretty sure it would if she inhaled deeply. She really wanted to do that and feel his hard chest rub against her nipples.
“Don’t let me stop you from enjoying the show.”
“I…I wasn’t. I should go.” She started to walk past him but he grabbed her hand.
His grip was warm and strong but loose enough that she could pull free if she wanted. She didn’t. Even though she only knew him from her brother’s pictures and letters, she’d had many fantasies about him when she’d been in high school. Her gaze dropped to the front of his pants and her mouth almost watered. He was definitely interested. She dragged her eyes up his body, stopping on his face. He smiled at her.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Watching turns us all on.” He kissed the back of her hand and she jumped as his tongue darted out, tasting her skin.
“I…I should go.” She didn’t move.
“No, you should watch.” He dropped her hand and grabbed her shoulders, gently turning her toward the mirror. He trailed his hands up and down her arms. “Watch.”

Ellis O. Day grew up with her nose buried in books and now enjoys writing the kind of stories she loves to read. Romance—the steamier the better. She believes that the cornerstones of all great romantic relationships are: love and friendship, trust, attraction and fabulous sex. Her stories contain all of these (especially the last one).

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Mirror Sacrifice by Margo Ryerkerk

Mirror Sacrifice: A YA Paranormal Novel
The Ardere Series Book 2
by Margo Ryerkerk 

The lines between present and past will blur. Perfect for fans of Michelle Madow, Elisa Kova, Rachel E. Carter, and Ella Summers, comes the second book in the pulse pounding, fast-paced YA paranormal Ardere Series. Sierra Reeves travels to London, ready to embrace her supernatural Fluidus heritage.  In addition to training, she has to assert her place among the snobbish elite and decide what to do about Gavin as he grows more distant and teams up with his ex on a mission. To prove she’s worthy of the Fluidus title, Sierra trains harder than ever with Cooper, who tasked with protecting her, soon becomes more. But matters of the heart will have to wait as the Culpatus returns with unexpected allies. A thrilling, contemporary fantasy adventure filled with secrets and romance, Mirror Sacrifice will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting more! Mirror Sacrifice is the second book in The Ardere Series.

Mirror Sacrifice is available in paperback.
The eBook will be available February 1st.

Momma Says: 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mirror Sacrifice hits the ground running with Sierra and Gavin traveling to London. Sierra has her work cut out for her with finding her place and training and on top of that, there's some jealousy over Gavin's ex. In the meantime, Gavin has to work with his ex to figure out what the Culpatus is up to and who is behind it. The story is fast paced and full of surprises. I was impressed with Sierra's growth in this one. She's learning to assert herself and stand up for what's best for her. I'm still undecided about the direction of the romance, so I'll wait to see what's next on that front. This is a continuing story, so I would recommend reading Fluidus Rising first. We do get some of the first book's questions answered, and while there is a main ongoing story, the conclusion is more open-ended than cliffhanger, leading into what's next for our heroine.


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Release Blitz for Interlude by Auden Dar

Title: Interlude
Series: Interlude Duet #2
Author: Auden Dar
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 31, 2018


One night.

That’s all Julian Caine offered.

And heartbreak is my only souvenir.

The morning after the most unforgettable night of my life, I wake up minus the man and plus one note.

With my head held high, I’m determined to move on without the two men who broke my heart.

My former fiancé who let me go easily without so much as a glance.

And the staggering, gorgeous Englishman who made me scream incoherent words…

All. Night. Long.

When tragic circumstances bring Julian closer than ever, it comes with unyielding passion and a new proposal… but not the traditional kind, the no-strings attached kind.

Tensions flare.

Life-changing truths are revealed.

New sexual adventures are explored.

But the question remains, will we ever be more than this … than this Interlude?

Interlude is Book Two in the Interlude Duet. Due to graphic sexual content, it is intended for mature audiences only.

Purchase Links

99c for release day only!


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Also Available

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Author Bio

Auden Dar is a romance junkie.  A former A&R music executive, Auden aspires to create the perfect, imperfect book boyfriend.  Besides her family and erotic romance, Auden's other passions include music, foreign films, stalking bulldogs, and learning how to cook like Nigella Lawson.

Author Links

Cover Reveal - Deliverance by Jane Henry

He’s bred to protect.

Tobias Creed likes things done his way, and he likes his women ready to submit. No strings attached. Until the night he meets the one woman who challenges him, practically begging to be taken over his knee.

As a single mom to a child with special needs, Diana McAdams does things her way. She’s in control and doesn't have time for love. Happily-ever-afters aren’t for her.

Then she meets the man who demands her submission...

Jane has been writing since her early teens, dabbling in short stories and poetry. When she married and began having children, her pen was laid to rest for several years, until the National Novel Writing Challenge (NaNoWriMo) in 2010 awakened in her the desire to write again. That year, she wrote her first novel, and has been writing ever since. With a houseful of children, she finds time to write in the early hours of the morning, squirreled away with a laptop, blanket, and cup of hot coffee. Years ago, she heard the wise advice, “Write the book you want to read,” and has taken it to heart. She sincerely hopes you also enjoy the books she likes to read.

Teaser Share of Tempting the Domme by Golden Angel

Sexy woman in red leather corset with whip

Get ready to play again in the hottest club around... 
Golden Angel's Tempting the Domme releases February 14th!
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Sexy passionate couple foreplay at home, milf with young lover

Come and meet the Domme of Stronghold...
It takes a strong man to win the heart of an even stronger woman.
Luke Evans is a confident, commanding man who happens to really like a bossy woman in the bedroom, so it's no surprise when he's immediately drawn to Stronghold's bossiest Domme, Olivia Williams. Unfortunately for him, while he's just Olivia's type in a lot of ways, she's not happy that he's in a position of professional power over her, a decision she was not privy to when it was made. She's determined not to mix business with pleasure, no matter how appealing putting Luke Evans on his knees in front of her would be. But Luke's just as much a go-getter as Olivia and he's perfectly happy to join the class of new submissives in order to show her just how far he's willing to go.
When it becomes clear Olivia has attracted the attention of someone else - and not in a good way - the tension among the entire Stronghold group goes through the roof and Luke can't help but feel protective no matter how Olivia resists him.
With two strong personalities both used to winning, who will come out on top in the end?


About The Author
Angel is a self-described bibliophile with a "kinky" bent who loves to write stories for the characters in her head. If she didn't get them out, she's pretty sure she'd go just a little crazy. She is happily married, old enough to know better but still too young to care, and a big fan of happily-ever-afters, strong heroes and heroines, and sizzling chemistry. She believes the world is a better place when there's a little magic in it.
Find Angel Online! 
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Cover Reveal of CAKE: The Newlyweds by J. Bengtsson


Jake and Casey are BACK! 
CAKE: The Newlyweds by J. Bengtsson is coming soon on February 28th! 
Get ready for the sequel to the smash hit CAKE: A Love Story that has over 1700 reviews on Amazon!

Cake Cover Front


You thought their story was over… but a love like theirs has no end.
Fate doesn’t own Jake McKallister. At least that’s what he tells himself. Life is better than ever.
He’s at the top of his game, performing to sold-out crowds the world over.
He has his health and a solid, fun-loving family to keep him grounded.
And he got the girl - the beautiful, quirky girl he’s just made his wife.
Yes, life is good. If only fate would stop screaming in his ear.
Lucky is the word to best describe Casey McKallister. Life is not just great… it’s amazing.
She has an awesome, devoted support system, a nerd’s dream job at a prestigious accounting firm, and, best of all, she’s married to the hottest rock star to ever roam the earth.
Yes, life is perfect… until it comes crashing down around her.
They say love concurs all. That’s what Jake and Casey are counting on.


Start reading CAKE: A Love Story NOW!


FREE with #KindleUnlimited

-A reclusive rock star going through the motions-

Jake McKallister might have been a rock star, but he was no ordinary one. Surviving an unspeakable crime as a young teen had shaped him into a guarded workaholic, and he now lived his life trying to forget. If it hadn’t been for music and the redemption he found through it, he might not have survived. Career success came easily for him. Personal connections did not.

-A vivacious college student embracing life-

When outspoken and fun-loving Casey Caldwell was paired with the famously reserved musician for a friend’s wedding, she was prepared for the worst. What could they possibly have in common? She was a bubbly talker; he was a media-shy loner. His life was filled with music; she couldn’t carry a tune. She’d enjoyed a happy childhood; his was a well-publicized nightmare.

-Their worlds are about to collide-

Despite their obvious differences, Jake and Casey found each other, and her light balanced out his darkness. Would their love be strong enough to survive the weight of his tragic past?


About the Author:
J. Bengtsson lives in Southern California with her husband and three children. Her favorite things to do are laugh, go for walks, and hang out with family.

Connect with J.!

Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...