Friday, May 31, 2019

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Luck of the Draw by B.J. Daniels

Luck of the Draw 
Sterling's Montana
by B.J. Daniels 

He may get a second chance at his one true love—if someone doesn’t kill her first

When Garrett Sterling leaves for a horseback ride through his family’s sprawling Montana property, he’s expecting a relaxing break from the construction at the Sterling guest ranch. What he gets is something far more sinister. It all happens so fast that it’s hard for Garrett—and the authorities—to sort out the facts. Two things are certain, though: someone is dead and the killer knows there was a witness.

But when the one woman he could never forget emerges as a key suspect in the investigation, Garrett will do anything he can to help clear her name. She’s still keeping secrets from him—that much is clear. But Garrett won’t rest until he uncovers what really happened that day, how she’s involved—and why everything she’s ever told him is a lie.

Momma Says: 3 stars⭐⭐⭐

Luck of the Draw hits the ground running with the suspense and danger, then falters a bit. It moves along at a stilted pace until about the halfway mark, then picks back up for the rest of the book. That said, it felt like there was a bit too much going on with this one, which was distracting for me. I also had mixed feelings about the characters, especially Joslyn who I never did quite warm up to. There is a good suspenseful story at the core of this one, but the whole thing could've done with some tightening up. 

❃❃ARC provided by NetGalley and HARLEQUIN

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Little Girls Sleeping by Jennifer Chase

Little Girls Sleeping: An absolutely gripping crime thriller 
Detective Katie Scott Book 1
by Jennifer Chase 

He looked down at the little girl, sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped around a teddy bear. He knew he was the only one who could save her. He could let her sleep forever.

An eight-year-old girl, Chelsea Compton, is missing in Pine Valley, California and for Detective Katie Scott it’s a cruel reminder of the friend who disappeared from summer camp twenty years ago. Unable to shake the memories, Katie vows she won’t rest until she discovers what happened to Chelsea.

But as Katie starts to investigate, accompanied by her loyal ex-military dog, Cisco, the case reveals itself to be much bigger and more shocking than she feared. Hidden deep in the forest she unearths a makeshift cemetery: a row of graves, each with a brightly coloured teddy bear.

Katie links the graves to a stack of missing-persons cases involving young girls—finding a pattern no one else has managed to see. Someone in Pine Valley has been taking the town’s daughters for years, and Katie is the only one who can stop them.

And then another little girl goes missing, snatched from the park near her home.

Katie’s still haunted by the friend she failed to protect, and she’ll do anything to stop the killer striking again—but can she find the little girl before it’s too late?

Compulsive and gripping crime fiction for fans of Lisa Regan, Rachel Caine and Melinda Leigh. Katie Scott’s first case will have you on the edge of your seat and gasping with shock.

Momma Says: 2 stars⭐⭐

I'm not sure which enticed me more, the title or the blurb of this one. Either way, I had to read it. Sadly, those two things were the best of it for me. Between that little extra added to the title and the blurb, I was promised a gripping and compulsive crime thriller that would have me gasping in shock. I was none of those. I expected and even hoped for a story that would have me checking the doors at night to make sure they're locked. We do get some chapters from the killer's perspective, and they were promising, but the whole thing together just doesn't deliver on the thrills that should come with a thriller of any kind. There is mystery and what I would consider crime drama, but the story is choppy and even after reaching the end, I didn't feel any real connection to any of the characters. This is the first in the series, so maybe the author plans on giving us more insight and development of Katie's character as the series progresses, but I didn't find enough here to entice me to go further.

❃❃ARC provided by NetGalley and Bookouture

The General's Little Angel Tour and Giveaway

The General's Little Angel
by Breanna Hayse
Genre: Biography / Memoir 

What does age-play really look like and can an independent and intelligent woman really find healing as a submissive in a BDSM relationship?

I was privileged to travel and explore many parts of the world. I admit that I was somewhat of a brat, and also out of control. My general took it upon himself to be a Daddy to me and my first Dominant as well. He made me face my fears, try exotic foreign foods, and even challenged me to go outside my comfort zone and learn to play--while he played along with me. Despite the trouble I got into (and there was plenty) and the consequences that came of it, I never felt abandoned, unloved or afraid.

This is about my first Dom and my introduction into the age-play dynamic. Many things happened after being taken under my general's protective (and incredibly patient) wing. He gave me a sense of significance and worth through love, firm guidance and boundaries. He made me laugh, helped me to cry, and showed me the power and healing contained within the age-play lifestyle. He made it safe for my inner child to express herself and taught me that it was good to enjoy life.

But no one really knows what happens behind closed doors or the things that happen to shatter your dreams and violate your joy. This was one of the most difficult books that I have written. It not only brought up many memories, both good and bad, but it also forced me to reveal parts of my past that some might find disturbing. Because of those issues, I felt this story would be a valuable asset to the Breaking Chains© series.

I pray that all of you are blessed with at least one person who has positively impacted your life and that you grab every opportunity and positively touch others. Always remember--your words and actions have the power to either heal or kill. Which direction do you choose?
Luvs, (Listen, Understand, Validate with Sincerity)

All proceeds from sales will be donated to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. With your help, we can bring awareness and healing.

**Only .99 cents!!**

BDSM/AP lifestyler Breanna Hayse strives to give her readers truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle.

Who am I?
I'm a native Californian gone 'wild', and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and offer realistic plots and relatable characters.

In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships. 

My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I've devoted my 'spare' time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.

I was formally 'dungeon trained' as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in BDSM clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and give a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also discuss the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on 'the real deal.'

I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can't find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Lovecarnation: The Promise Tour and Giveaway

Lovecarnation: The Promise
Lovecarnation Trilogy Book 1
by RKC Puthran
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Emotionally complex and gripping, author RKC Puthran brings you an unforgettable story of the transcendental power of love.

Fresh out of college with an MBA and a job at a prestigious bank in the US, Rohan Rai seemingly has more than any twenty-five-year old Indian could have. But he has a different dream for his life, and a clear-cut plan to get there. A cocky workaholic determined to climb the corporate ladder as fast as possible in order to achieve his goals, he doesn’t care who he alienates on his meteoric rise to the top.

Then he meets Shona. She’s everything Rohan’s not—an easy-going Irish girl who lives in the moment, loves Whitney Houston, and enjoys life to the fullest. Although there’s no room for any love in Rohan’s three-year plan, he finds himself increasingly drawn to her. As their relationship blossoms, Rohan slowly finds himself viewing life differently, until a past grudge escalates and his inner demons resurface. Torn between his ambition, his responsibilities, and love, he must now re-examine everything he believes in…or risk losing it all.

Lovecarnation – The Promise is the heart-wrenching first book of the Lovecarnation trilogy, a thought-provoking series about fate, destiny, and the timelessness of true love.

May 25, 1996
In the beautiful countryside of Missoula, Montana, on a lonely street in the afternoon, a car came to a
screeching halt.
“Please be careful, Hugo. We are parents now!” cried the lady sitting in the back seat of the car next to a baby who was crying incessantly, strapped in the car seat.
“I am sorry,” the father apologized, feeling very guilty.
“Can you please pick him up and see if you can calm him down?”
The baby was crying even more loudly now. The mother unstrapped the car seat belt and picked him
up. Unable to calm the baby down, she got out of the car with him in her arms and walked around caressing his back. The road was vacant, and the cries of the baby filled the air. There were a few shops a short distance away, but most of them were closed, and the place looked deserted. The cries became louder and louder. The mother kept walking slowly, worried, not knowing what to do. The baby was born two days ago, and the parents were going back home from the hospital. The little one had been crying continuously for the last two days. When they were still at the hospital, Grandma said on the phone that it must be colic or gas. The worried parents had gotten all the medical checks done, but doctors were not able to find anything abnormal with the baby. The mother, however, knew that something was definitely wrong. She did not sleep even a little since the baby was born, wondering why the baby was behaving that way.
There was pain in the way the baby cried, as though his little heart was breaking and his soul was being torn out of his body. The only quiet time in the last two days was when the baby fell asleep tired of crying.
With sweat trickling down her neck and the baby simply refusing to stop crying, the frustrated mother
turned around to get back into the car. Suddenly she came face-to-face with a middle-aged woman wearing a red bandana on her head and a long, flowing, colorful maxi dress in blue, black, and red. Her thick, long, bushy hair had beads tied all over, and both her wrists were covered with beautiful bracelets. The woman, who most probably was a traveling gypsy, looked at the crying baby very attentively.
“Lovecarnation,” she said, and looked at the mother, who by now was even more worried and stepped back a bit. “Don’t worry; he will stop crying when he goes through all his memories. He will smile when he sees new hope, in this new life,” the woman said. This time she was looking straight into the eyes of the mother.
“What memories? What are you saying?” The mother was a bit shocked and stepped back further, clutching the baby tighter.
The woman smiled, looked at the baby, turned around, and walked away. The terrified mother ran
toward the car.
“Who was that?” asked the father as the mother hurriedly threw herself and the crying baby into the
“Let’s go quickly. This place is weird,” she said while strapping the baby into the seat.
As the car moved, the mother looked out of the window and noticed the mysterious woman at a
distance walking through a small door into a corner shop. A nicely crafted wooden board on the door of the shop read - Irish Fortune Teller.

RKC Puthran lives in Dublin, Ireland along with his wife Rashmi and 7 year old daughter Natasha.
Born and brought up in India, RKC started working as a teenager to support his family while pursuing his studies. His first job was that of a salesman for a sewing machine company.
Unable to sell even a single machine even after 2 months of hard work in the hot sun, the company refused to pay him his salary and he quit. He then took up several jobs from working as a cashier in a 5 star hotel to working for a diamond merchant and in the share market.
Post-graduation, RKC joined a company in the banking and finance sector as a junior officer. Through sheer dedication and hard work, RKC rose through the ranks and managed to get an assignment in London.
He later managed to move over to London on a temporary contract banking job along with his wife for a short period before finally settling down in Dublin, Ireland with a full time job in a bank.
RKC’s intense passion for writing made him write short stories during his spare time though he never submitted any of them for publication. He however wrote articles of general interest which were published in the newspapers.
He co-authored 2 non-fiction books but he did not credit himself on the cover as he wanted his name to be on the cover of a novel first.
LOVECARNATION – THE PROMISE’ is RKC Puthran’s debut novel and the first book in the LOVECARNATION TRILOGY Series.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Crusader's Way Virtual Book Tour

  The St. Edmundsbury Mysteries, Book 1 YA Mystery Date Published: December 1, 2021     “The relic is gone!” On ...