Sunday, March 31, 2019

We Survived...At Last I Speak Tour and Giveaway

We Survived....At Last I Speak
by Leon Malmed
Genre: Historical Biography

This is Leon Malmed’s true story of his and his sister Rachel’s escape from the Holocaust in Occupied France. When their father and mother were arrested in 1942, their courageous and heroic French neighbors volunteered to watch their children until they returned. Leon’s parents were taken first to Drancy, then to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and they never returned. Meanwhile their downstairs neighbors, Henri and Suzanne Ribouleau, gave the children a home and family and sheltered them through subsequent roundups, threats, air raids, and the war’s privations. The courage, sympathy, and dedication of the Ribouleaus and others stand in strong contrast to the collaborations and moral weakness of many of the French authorities. Leon and Rachel each came to America after the war, but always kept their strongest ties to “Papa Henri and Maman Suzanne,” who were honored as “Righteous Among the Nations” by Yad Vashem in 1977. Leon bares his soul in this narrative of love and courage, set against a backdrop of tragedy, fear, injustice, prejudice, and the greatest moral outrage of the modern era. It is a story of goodness triumphing once more over evil.

Mrs Clausse was a nurse at the hospital of Compiègne. She was a very kind and discreet person. Her husband worked at an auction hall. It was a big warehouse with no heat in the winter and no ventilation in summer.
His work was a demanding manual job. Using a handcart, Mr Clausse collected furniture and household items from residences, loading and unloading heavy pieces all day long. He was a “down to-earth” person always ready to help. Without knowing us, he gave my father a hand when we moved into 17 rue Saint Fiacre.
He liked talking to my father. His wife recalls that he warned my father many times about the dangers of ongoing persecution of Jews. She remembers him saying: “You and your family should go in hiding before it’s too late. People are disappearing, one family at a time. You cannot trust these criminals.”
While he may not have been highly educated, Mr Clausse was a very wise man who had both good common sense and vision. Even with his foresight he did not know how demented the Nazis truly were.
My father would raise his shoulders and respond, “Where can we go? The train stations and the roads are watched. Our I.D. cards show we are Jewish. Jews are not allowed to travel. I do not know how to get fake I.D. cards. Anyway, we are poor. The Germans are not interested in us. They go after the rich Jews they can steal from.”
Dark clouds were accumulating.

Leon Malmed was born in France on October 4th, 1937.
He is a Holocaust Survivor.
He immigrated to the U.S, in 1964. He lived 18 years in New York.
He was a resident of the San Francisco Bay area for 30 years. He and his wife
Patricia now live full time in South Lake Tahoe.

Leon graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Paris. He is a graduate of the Finance Senior Executive program at UCLA and the Executive Institute for Management of High Technology Companies at Stanford Business School.

Leon worked in the High Tech industry in Silicon Valley where he held executive positions for over 30 years. He served on Hi-Tech companies Board of Directors and is currently on the Board of the Lake Tahoe Community College Foundation.

After 60 years of total silence about his childhood during the Holocaust and aftermath, Leon decided to publish his memoir. He is the author of “We Survived…At Last I Speak” available in English, French and Spanish.
His books are available at,, and

Leon speaks about the Holocaust in Schools, Colleges, Universities, Churches, Synagogues, Book clubs and Men and women’s clubs in the US, in Europe and South America. He has been interviewed on TV and radio.
Besides writing books, he loves riding bikes, skiing, sailing and golfing.
He participated last year in the Dancing with the Tahoe Stars and won one of the two trophies.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Legend of Song de Light Tour and Giveaway

Legend of Song de Light
by Kaitlynzq
Genre: Literary Fiction, Romance

The stories within Legend of Song de Light
connect, unfold, interweave many character’s stories
needs, feelings, desires, dreams
their threads as two crescent moons
connected under the firelights
that layer the chords, and form the lyrics
all of you entered my world as dawn’s awakening sky of soft palette
my garnet heart melted in iridescence to bloom in sun’s rays
glow in night’s depth as the stars echo the rhythm of my heart
my insides sigh and expand in delight
harmonious blend as our lives
circle the melody

Information for the audio play :
The audio play is adapted from Legend of Song de Light audio book by
Kaitlynzq, and layered into pdf files as a heart’s song.
And, written in how her imagination envisions an audio play
The characters are heard
Their interior hearts speak
The volumes of their depth
In the airwaves that float around you
While in attendance in a public venue
The actors are unseen but heard
Their lyrical voices like a heart’s song
And available as a downloadable pdf file.

You can purchase HERE

My fictional stories are written from the inside view

of a character’s interior heart-that

beautiful, vulnerable, intimate space
feelings, desires, needs, dreams

a blend of

delicate feather ripples of heart waves
needs, feelings, dreams, desires
quiet, gentle heart strings
tender, continuous
soft, vulnerable air mist
circles, weaves to caress
a sonic sea of heart’s breath

Woven into audio books that are recorded in my voice with a medley of music as a heart’s wave into
downloadable mp3 files; audio plays adapted from the audio books, and layered into pdf files like a
heart’s song; audio poems that are multiple poems designed to connect to form a story as a heart’s breath;
and audio sets that are sets of these interconnected stories with elements from each story that interweave
in one another as heart’s wave, heart’s song, heart’s breath.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Release Blitz: Fracture by Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott

Title: Fracture
Series: Unbreakable Bonds Series #6
Author: Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott
Publisher: Drake & Elliott LLC
Release Date: March 29, 2019
Heat Level: 4 - Lots of Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 71,000
Genre: Romance, Thriller/Suspense

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After three years, Snow and Jude’s relationship is still passionate and strong. They’re getting ready for a romantic vacation at home when Jude receives a horrifying call no one wants to receive. His youngest brother was found barely clinging to life. While Jude’s family is rallying around Jordan, Jude is determined to find out what happened to him.

Snow and Jude follow the clues, investigating a side of Jordan’s life none of them knew about…and is far darker than any would have believed possible. They get pulled deeper into the seedy side of life, while echoes from a past Snow thought he walked away from return to offer an unexpected insight into the cause of Jordan’s injuries.

But someone else has noticed their involvement and is furious, putting them both in danger. The risk is high but so is Jude’s determination to find the truth—though the knowledge could very well fracture his heart.

Trigger Warning: This book has a scene that some might find triggering, but the triggers are also spoilers to the plot, so they can be found at the front of the book.


Snow rushed through the emergency room with Jude. His heart was pounding so hard it was like he could feel it in his throat, threatening to choke off his airway. A sinister nagging voice in the back of his head kept repeating, <em>Three years, three years, three years</em>.

Roughly three years ago, he’d run into this same hospital to find one of his best friends on the floor, his entire world falling apart because his wife had been killed in what had appeared to be a car accident. And he hadn’t been there to operate on her. To save her life.

Melissa Ward had been light and laughter and happiness. She’d brought joy to all who knew her.

And Rowe Ward had been devastated to lose her. They all had been.

They’d nearly lost Rowe to his grief.

Now Snow was running through the hospital where he and Jude worked nearly every day. He was vaguely aware of familiar faces registering surprise and flashes of sadness as they passed by, but it didn’t matter. They stopped only long enough to find out that Jordan was in surgery and that Jude’s family was already in the surgical ICU waiting room.

“Snow,” Jude said in a low, shaky breath as they waited for the elevator to ascend to the correct floor. That broken sound gutted him.

He reached over and wrapped his hand around the back of Jude’s neck, pulling him tight against his taller frame. “We’ll figure this out,” he replied, forcing the words past the lump in his throat while telling himself that this was not going to be like Mel.

Jordan was a strong young man. Not even twenty-one yet. A good guy who loved to laugh. Definitely not the sort to seek out trouble. This had to be nothing more than him being in the wrong damn place at the wrong damn time. The doctors on call would be able to fix him up and get him safely on the mend.

But he couldn’t give Jude promises that he couldn’t keep or offer fake platitudes. Jude had worked as a paramedic for several years now. He’d been the paramedic first on the scene for Mel. He knew how quickly things could turn bad with nothing anyone could do to stop them.

“My brain won’t accept it. Not Jordan.”

“I know,” Snow said. “But he’s young and he’s strong. That works in his favor.”

The elevator doors parted, and they were quickly moving again to the large, quiet waiting room.

Purchase at Amazon

Meet the Author


Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliott have teamed up to combine their evil genius to create intense gay romantic suspense stories that have car chases, shoot outs, explosions, scorching hot love scenes, and tender, tear-jerking moments. Their first joint books are in the Unbreakable Bonds series.

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