Monday, August 31, 2020

Virtual Book Tour: Distant Thunder by Lilli Carlisle

Distant Thunder
Gods and Thunder
Book One
Lilli Carlisle

Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Date of Publication: July 6, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-951055-86-8
Word Count: 41030

Tagline: The gods who protect the world know evil is coming, and it can't wait to show itself - vainglorious in its efforts, it will make itself known soon

Book Description:


Punished and shamed, the divine mother of nature, the goddess Net, was stripped of her powers and made mortal. Were it not for the shifter god, Fenrir, she wouldn’t have a home or protection, and with evil rising in all the realms, she is more than vulnerable, she’s a target.

For Fenrir, protecting Net is more than a favor, it’s a way to ensure she will not lose her life on his watch. As threats become a real and present danger, he is forced to admit his long-hidden feelings and intends to make Net his forever, if she will have him.

The Gods and Thunder series is a spin-off of the Black Ridge Wolf Pack Series

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Net stood, admired her handiwork, and smiled. She may not have her powers back yet, but she could plant flowers instead of using her magic to bring them to life. She enjoyed doing this. Getting her hands dirty, connecting with the earth in a way she hadn’t felt before when she willed things into existence.
It had been many months since the judgment, and she was still settling into her new home. Net was under house arrest at the shifter god Fenrir’s home. He was seldom here, leaving her lonely, yet giving her time for introspection. Without her powers, Net was vulnerable to attack from not only the demon population, who would love nothing better than to pick off a goddess, but the other gods as well. Some gods were known to be petty, quickly taking offense over any little thing. As was the way with most politics, an individual was never really sure a god was gunning for them until it was too late.
Typically, when she had her powers, Net had no fear of her brethren. She shared their strength, immortality, and she had her unique magic. At full power, Net wasn’t an easy target.
Fortunately, for now, things had been quiet. Fenrir’s protection spells held, and no one had tried to attack her. She would be happy if she made it through her punishment unscathed. She had to admit, she missed her connection to the greater natural world. As the goddess of the forests and the plants, divine mother of nature, she used to be able to feel the ebb and flow of every being big or small, animal or plant. Now, in a world without her powers, things quieted in her mind and body in a way that made her feel she’d lost what made her Net. Yet, at the same time, the narrowness of her existence made her appreciate every little thing. She scanned the front yard of her new home, and prison of sorts, pleased that the rows of flower beds overflowed with blooms of every color and size. Net wasn’t sure what she’d do with herself once she’d completed the planting. Perhaps she should plant a few vegetables and add fruit trees to the mix. Even strawberries would serve her well. She loved the sweet fruit. It wasn’t as though Fenrir’s home was a hovel. Quite the opposite. The large cottage was set in a glorious forest, keeping her in touch with her core strengths, and giving her lots of space to roam. She picked up her small shovel and watering bucket, deciding that the last flower bed had been enough for today. She stowed the implements in the little shed and was on her way back to the house when an alarm sounded.
The first of Fenrir’s defenses were under attack. Fates. Another alarm sounded, and she began running for the safety of the cottage where protection was the strongest. She had barely stepped over the threshold of the front door when the third and last alarm sounded. She’d tempted fate to have thought about the quiet and calm. She felt somehow she’d sent out a challenge. When would she learn to keep her thoughts to herself?
She bolted the door, sealing the last spell in place. Fenrir was going to be angry someone messed with his home. The inside of the cottage held an iridescence, which covered the exterior walls, doors, and windows, a visual confirmation the protection spell was in place and holding.
“Sister. Won’t you come out to play?” a familiar voice yelled from the front yard. It couldn’t be. Net went to the window to make sure she wasn’t losing her mind and gasped as Vengier waved at her from his perch in the center of one of her new flower beds. He stood in what was left of her plants. So like him to destroy every beautiful thing in his path. The former god of beauty was too vindictive to allow anything that held promise, hope, or abundance exist around him.
Taking a closer look, she had to say Vengier wasn’t looking himself, unless he was going for the zombie version of the god of beauty. Perhaps it was his vile nature finally showing through, much like the human story The Portrait of Dorian Gray, with one not-so-small difference: Vengier was dead.

About the Author:

Lilli Carlisle lives in the country near Toronto, Canada. She is the mother of two wonderful girls, wife to an amazing man, and servant to the pets in her life, and she’s a member of Toronto Romance Writers. Lilli writes paranormal/fantasy romance, and believes love should be celebrated and shared. After all, everybody needs a little romance, excitement, intrigue, and passion in their lives

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The De-Coding of Jo Book Tour and Giveaway

The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance 
Ascending Angel Academy Book 1 
by Lali A. Love 
Genre: YA Fantasy 

A mysterious portal... 

A sinister plot... 

A cosmic mission. 

The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance is a meld of fantasy, paranormal and science fiction, with a strong appeal to young adult readers (recommended reading age is 15 years +). It is the first book of the Ascending Angel Academy series, incorporating plot driven and coming of age stories of diverse, gender inclusive teenagers struggling with self-identity and a sense of belonging. 

When a demonic parasite turns her classmates into an army of sleepwalkers, sixteen-year-old Jo must confront her celestial identity and reveal the mystery of existence. With the help of her best friends and a Galactic Compass, Jo unleashes the cosmic powers of creation to prevent the Lord of Darkness from enslaving all of humanity into obscurity. 

Will she be able to decode the artificial system in time to save her friends and the sacred Light? 

**On Sale for only $1.99!!**  

Book Trailer 

Book Reviews: 

“The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance is wholly original, different from anything I’ve ever read, yet at the same time familiar and welcoming. There is a wisdom, a power, in Love’s words the likes of which I have never seen before. She awakens in you a renaissance of self, triggered by love and healing and acceptance. 

With impeccable prose, a ravishing plot, and bewitching concepts, Love articulates a mesmerizing, incandescent world. She does a brilliant job of blending the scientific and the spiritual, the mathematical and the magical, in a beautiful, balanced whole. This book is fulfilling on so many levels. The writing is poetry. The message is powerful, resonant. The characters are rich, vivid souls clawing their way out of the dark. The story inspires us to be more than we are, to light the world, to erase our shadows with our truth. In a word, it’s spellbinding. 

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community and as a sufferer of mental illness, I completely related to her beautiful, vulnerable cast. Love does an excellent job portraying her characters with such sensitivity and respect. There is a wonderful, passive diversity that is inclusive across the board. My only complaint is that I didn’t have this book when I was a teenager. I have no doubt it will fast become a hallmark of YA queer literature.” 

—Halo Scot, Author of Edge of the Breach 

“The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance was so much more than I’d been expecting with a YA read. Not only was it captivating and smart, the characters and social situations were real, and it was told in a way that each character’s motivations were clear and explained. Within Jo’s social group, each character had a vice or personal issue that was explained and highlighted in a way that was sensitive to the reader, but still conveying the impact it can have on a young adult. I found myself relating to each and every person in some way, bringing me closer to the story and rooting for the characters. It was beautifully written, remarkably well researched, and fun to read. I found myself wanting more!” 

—Ash Knight, Author of Stay 

“The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance by Lali A. Love is a delightful read, a well-written meld of fantasy, paranormal and science fiction, with a strong appeal to young adult readers. Sixteen-year-old Jo attends Forest Hill Academy, a preppy co-ed private school for privileged scholars, but she has huge problems to handle. Since the night her mother, Lilac, was taken hostage by a homicidal maniac, she’s been plagued by nightmares. But things escalate when a sinister parasite attacks her classmates, turning them into sleepwalkers, imprisoned in their own bodies. Primed by the Council and Ascending Angel Academy, Jo must accept a difficult mission to embrace her celestial being and unlock the power of creation in order to fight the encroaching darkness. With friends by her side and the Galactic Compass, does she stand a chance against the powers of darkness? 

This is a well-plotted and beautifully narrated story. The use of journal entries adds depth to the story and allows readers to understand the emotional turmoil taking place in Jo’s world. It is one of those stories that brilliantly showcase the primordial struggle between light and darkness, good and evil, and I found it interesting to follow the protagonist as she evolves under the watchful gaze of the council that speaks the codes wordlessly to her. The character cast is impressive, and the author provides a clear background to each of them: Nisha, Rey, Daphne, Flynn, and Zaxden. Lali A. Love’s story stands out in its originality, with themes of science and spirituality, and a conflict that is strongly and intelligently articulated. The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance is a wonderful, 5 stars recommended read.” 

-Christian Sia, Readers Favorite Editorial Review 

Lali A. Love lives in the capital city of Canada with her husband and two beautiful children who are her greatest source of pride, joy, and inspiration. As a debut author, Lali loves to write stimulating, character-based novels that invoke an emotional response in her readers. She has done extensive research into epistemology and metaphysics to further her understanding of the Universal Laws of Energy.

In her spare time, Lali is committed to writing her visionary fiction trilogy about spiritual transformation. These mystical novels are based on the journeys of three incarnated Angels that have been brought together in the third dimensional existence, to realize their Divine Feminine soul purpose. Each of them must experience unique self-realizations to overcome the dark demonic entities that are determined to destroy their inner light to derail their Soul mission.

As a light worker, Lali has been called to fulfill her soul purpose to embody the light and share positive posts through social media to help uplift humanity. She is assisting this awakening process by projecting her messages of love, compassion and unity consciousness, to connect beautiful like-minded souls around the world. Through the study of quantum energy field of transmutation, Lali has refined her energy clearing techniques based on powerful visual imagery to activate a healing response in others.

With humility, compassion and grace, Lali intends to elevate levels of consciousness for the highest good, empowering individuals to speak their authentic truth. She is an advocate for self-healing journeys, self-realization, and self-love. Lali is passionate about this universal call to action and continues to vibrate at high frequencies of loving awareness. 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 

Virtual Book Tour: Pumpkins and Party Themes

50 DIY Designs to Bring Your Halloween Extravaganza to Life

Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Skyhorse 
Release Date: August 11, 2020
ISBN-10: 1510751165
ISBN-13: 978-1510751163

Book Description:

Bring your Halloween party theme to life with these quick tips and tricks!

Pumpkins and Party Themes features ten unique party themes with five do-it-yourself pumpkin designs for each theme. The pumpkin projects have a variety of decorating ideas that include carving, painting, and mixed media craftiness and easy-to-follow steps on each creation. Author Roxanne Rhoads also includes quick ideas on how to bring the theme to life through décor, costumes, and activities. These fun party themes range from gothic elegance to Edgar Allan Poe, under the sea, let's get literary, and more!

With beautiful full-color images to illustrate the tools needed, steps to follow, and final products, this book makes for the perfect gift for Halloween enthusiasts and party hosts alike!

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About the Author:

Roxanne Rhoads is an author, book publicist, mixed media crafter, and lover of all things spooky.

Her books include the Amazon Bestseller Haunted Flint and Pumpkins and Party Themes : 50 DIY Designs to Bring Your Halloween Extravaganza to Life.

She is the owner of Bewitching Book Tours, a virtual book tour and social media marketing company. She operates a Halloween blog- A Bewitching Guide to Halloween and sells handcrafted jewelry, art, and home decor through her Etsy store- The Bewitching Cauldron.

When not reading or writing, Roxanne loves to craft, plan Halloween adventures, and search for unique vintage finds.

Amazon Author Page

A Bewitching Guide to Halloween

Author Website  

Bewitching Book Tours  

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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Dhampir Secrets Tour and Giveaway

Dhampir Secrets 
The Dhampir Saga Book 1 
by Shirlee Lewis 
Genre: Paranormal Mystery, Suspense 

"You are a dhampir. Upon your death, you will rise a vampire and forever immortal."
Mayville Oregon, a quiet close knit community has been unnerved by a spate of burglaries and fires. The villain remains a mystery.
But when a brooding handsome stranger moves in next door, she thinks she may have found the culprit.

Jessica finds her new neighbor Tony intriguing and their relationship soon turns to romance. Hardships and disasters bring them closer together until Tony tells her, he is a ‘Dhampir’ (half-human, half-vampire). Jessica wants to learn more about him, but at what cost? Is Tony her true love or her worst nightmare? 

**On Sale Now!!**  

Shirlee Lewis grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, and moved to Oklahoma where she resides. Dhampir Secrets is her first book and she plans on writing many more. 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 

Virtual Book Tour: Queen’s Ascension by Barb Jones

Queen’s Ascension
Blood Prophecy
Book Three
Barb Jones

Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: World Castle
Date of Publication: August 17, 2020
ISBN:  9781953271013
ISBN:  9781953271020
Number of pages: 236 pages
Word Count: 86107 words
Cover Artist: Steven J. Catizone

Tagline: Bloodshed. Heartbreak. Revelation.

Book Description:

When the darkness was compelling and the heart knew no bounds, was there really a right choice? With Michael’s life hanging in the balance, Amber had a choice: save her star-fated love or keep on the crusade to unite the magical community.

For Amber, her fate was sealed even before her birth and it was her destiny to fight the great battle ahead of her. But, when it came to her heart -- her friends, her great love -- Amber’s torn. Not only was she the Queen, but she was a human in every sense of the word. She was vulnerable. And so the very people -- Chloe and Michael -- that gave her strength, quickly became her weakness. It wasn’t her fault she loved too much, was it?

Nevertheless, the Tall Dark Man had set a plan in motion that could threaten the very existence of the Blood Prophecy. Would he gather his dark forces and succeed in destroying Amber once and for all? Or, would she assemble her powerful friends and save the world?

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Malakai, Seattle, Present Day

With the betterment of both Michael and Rae, Malakai was glad that they were well and fine; nevertheless, he needed some time to decompress. All the magical commotions that had occurred were too overwhelming for him. He needed some sort of release.
He enjoyed the brisk jog in the park, as he cut through the sharp wind of the cold night. But this did nothing to lift his spirits. He was happy that Amber’s smile finally met her eyes. That was all he’d ever wanted for her: happiness, that’s it. There was nothing more he could ask for—she was his priority. Yet, in the back of his mind, as in his heart, he couldn’t help but believe the ancient legend that he’d heard so long ago was the certifiable truth, as it was written in Eschmun’s scroll.
…her fate is tied to the true alpha of the wolves. A blood drinker will stand formidable, but it is the nature of the child to call upon the true alpha and bring him to the queen’s inner heart.
Could this be the truth? he often wondered as he traveled the world collecting artifacts and evidence supporting this notion. Yes, he’d crafted a reliquary, quite accidentally, and people assumed it was to keep the magic insulated, away from the humans. But that wasn’t the case, at least not for him.  He so wanted to believe, just from the sheer fact that it was said in the scroll. But Malakai was a man of logic, driven by cold hard data. Although wanting to romanticize that his destiny was tied with Amber’s, he needed confirmation. He wanted validation for the strong emotions he was feeling. 


Zaraquel, Seattle, Present Day

Walking the cemetery grounds as she so often did without the knowledge of her parents, Zaraquel wandered at a leisurely pace. She whipped out her phone and checked the time, which read midnight. Her brow quirked in confusion, as she had expected Loquiel some time ago. With her long hair styled in two braids and her bright red coat to keep her warm, she sat down on a bench.
She was elated that her best friend, other than the one that was currently running late, was alive and breathing. Rae had given Zaraquel a terrible fright, for she had never known the death of someone close to her heart. She shook, not from the cold, but from remembering the tragic vision she had of Rae’s demise.
A throaty growl awoke her from her thoughts. She heard the fast footfalls of someone, something, running toward her, and she put her fight training to use. Zaraquel spun around, so much so that her wings unfurled. But that did not deter the undead man from attacking her. His decaying flesh was a sight she instantly wished she could unsee, but she had to fulfill her duty and protect the people, which meant ridding the world of this monster.
She punched him in the stomach as her father had taught her, but that did nothing to stop him from throwing his fists at her. She dodged his poor attempts at aiming for her and grabbed his arm, twisting him around so he fell to his knees. Her weight on his back caused the corpse to fall to the ground. It growled in anger, shaking its head savagely, as if it couldn’t wait to get back to its feet. Zaraquel, however, had plans of her own. She stood briefly to step on his neck to keep him from moving, and whispered a spell she’d learned from a book.
“Capite obtruncato intestinisque extractis.”
She heard the cracking of his bones, the stretching of his skin; with a pop! his head flew off, gore spattering in every direction. His body went limp, as it was before he had risen from the ground.
Zaraquel sighed in frustration as she walked off, disappointed from another unnecessary and unjustified kill. She continued to walk the grounds and felt a rush of warm wind, the kind she felt every time Loquiel was near. She turned and there he was, right behind her.

About the Author:

Barb Jones was born in Hawaii, a place rich with culture and storytellers. As a little girl, scary tales about vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, and witches were her favorite kind — much to her mother's dismay. Her love for the supernatural never went away, even after moving to Seattle, far from Hawaii's majestic beaches with unusual colors. Despite the unmatched beauty in Hawaii, Seattle stole Barb’s heart and it’s here where her stories took on a new form, in a book of her own: The Adventures of Little Arthur and Merlin the Magnificent. 

Then, the idea for The Blood Prophecy came while she was sleeping. In a dream, Barb saw a unique storyline involving all the races and an epic battle of good versus evil. It was a modern-day plot with a three-thousand-year-old prophecy, The Blood Prophecy. Barb finished the first book in 2014, The Queen's Destiny. Two years later, she released The Queen's Enemy, and the third book in the series, The Queen's Ascension, arrives on August 17, 2020. 

She is not only a paranormal thriller author but an IT professional and mother of two fantastic children.  Today, she resides in Florida but is still a Seattle girl at heart.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Pride's Downfall Tour and Giveaway

Be Not Afraid 
Pride's Downfall Book 1 
by K.R. Morrison 
Genre: Paranormal Horror 

Now available from Linkville Press: Lydia’s faith in God is strong—at least on paper. But what happens when that faith is tested? Turned into a vampire by the worst—Vlad Drakul—she feels that God has abandoned her. But the opposite is true. God rescues her from a fate worse than death, and brings her into the plan He has for global redemption. With the help He sends, she feels like nothing can stop her. But when Vlad torments her again, and then her family, the temptation to run and hide is almost too strong to resist. Her answer to God’s call is the deciding factor in the battle that pits the angelic powers of God against the demonic powers of Hell. 

**Only .99 cents!! ** 

Unholy Trinity 
Pride's Downfall Book 2 

What happened in the moments after Judas hanged himself?

Where did Cain go after the death of Abel?

Myths abound, and some of them have similar endings.

Cain murders his brother out of jealousy. Judas betrays Jesus to those who want to see Him dead. Vlad the Impaler destroys without mercy, and is legendary as Count Dracula. Three souls, collected and bound together in the same body by Lilith, Satan’s mate and favorite slave.

Cain, Judas, and Vlad Tepes all fall into the same trap: weakened by pride but too stubborn to turn back, they become cursed to walk the world through all of time. Pursued by Hunters, a group first established by Cain’s tribe when he was abducted by Lilith and the Serpent, they must keep one step ahead of their enemies from century to century.

The tale starts in Genesis, moves to the time before and after the Crucifixion, then makes the journey into what will become known as the Carpathian Mountains. We are dropped briefly into the 15th century, pass through time in Romania and Scotland, then conclude in 19th-century New Orleans. This is where the story, and the three-souled Beast, must await another day and another century. 

**Only .99 cents!! ** 

Resurgence: The Rise of Judas 
Pride's Downfall Book 3 

Two years after the horrific events of “That Night”, Lydia and her family and friends have settled back into their lives. All seems peaceful, but for the haunting memories of the war that took place over their heads. A battle that everyone else has put aside as “mass hysteria.”
Now, with the unearthing of an old house in New Orleans and the appearance of a mysterious woman named Delilah, events are transpiring that have the Bronsons and their friends worried.
Delilah is a mystery. She takes on a partnership with a world-famous loser, and insists on rebuilding the crumbling buildings on the hill overlooking Lydia’s home town. The very same buildings that housed the evil that plagued them all two years before.
Pat and Trudy, the Bronson siblings, learn that their time to act is upon them. Demons and dark shadows are appearing in their lives, and in the lives of those they love. The one seemingly most threatened is their own father, Steve, who can’t seem to spend enough time in Delilah’s company. Then there are Martha, Sean, and Ryan, whose sinister experiences make them re-think their stance on the “mass-hysteria event.”
Not to mention Toby, almost three years old, who has powers beyond any mortal, but is definitely nothing more than a toddler.
Once again, the Bronsons must take on responsibilities much more than they think they can handle. However, God sends more helpers: an odd old man by the name of Nick, who lives in the park; and Miriam, a young lady who steals Pat’s heart.
Side by side, these young people show that their generation can be just as strong as the previous one. For they will need all the strength they can muster to fight the foe among them. 

K.R. Morrison has lived in the Pacific Northwest for over twenty years. She uses her maiden name to show honor to her Scottish roots, and as a tribute to her dad. She and her husband have two young-adult children.

"Be Not Afraid" is her first book, a darling little creature spawned from an all-too real nightmare. Her second book, "Unholy Trinity", was published in 2016.

"Resurgence: The Rise of Judas", is the third book in the "Pride's Downfall" series, and the fourth book, "Enoch's Return", will be available by September of 2020. 

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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard Virtual Book Tour

Action Adventure Fantasy
Date Published: March 2020
Publisher: Rosecrest Publishing

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In a time of desperate measures, the Queen of the most powerful city in Edenocht threw the world into a fallen and broken state in an attempt to destroy the most powerful Necromancer the world has ever seen.  The once magically enhanced world is no more and the elemental beings that once inhabited it are gone. The only thing strong enough to bring it back is the ancient artifacts of the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah and the only one strong enough to use them is The War Wizard.
Edenochts only hope is a War Wizard, but none have been born in a millennium, until now. Hidden from the Necromancer in a time realm not his own, the future of the world resides in a barely grown man’s destiny. The War Wizards protectors did the best they could to prepare him without the use and teaching of his magic and Shaz must now quickly learn his true potential and battle the evils of the shadow world.
As a being which hold all the elements and the dreaded shadow magic, Shaz must find the descendants of the ancient magical races and the artifacts before the Necromancer does and the world of Edenocht’s future succumbs to the evil Shadow. 

About the Author

DS Johnson is an artist, illustrator, entrepreneur, and author of the Realms of Edenocht series for Young Adults. With over a decade of writing Young Adult novels and graphic design and an avid online role-playing gamer, DS Johnson has years of experience in the art of fantasy make believe and a love for the genre of role playing games and has endeavored to bring to life in action adventure novel form the love of the game. With quotes like ‘WOW, now that was pleasantly unexpected!’ With the natural sense of leveling up your character and developing your skills, DS Johnson has successfully combined the art of fantasy and role playing in a remarkable series for young and old readers. Even if you’re not a role-playing gamer, you will find the books Realms of Edenocht utilizes the traditional, but exciting story telling techniques with skill and flare all readers will love. DS Johnson works from home and enjoys family life and the creative process.
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RABT Book Tours & PR

Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...