Thursday, May 30, 2024

Blurb Blitz: My Gangster Father and Me! by Marcia Rosen


Marcia Rosen




Happy Fathers Day.
Our history and experiences can define us, inspire our actions and as writers impact our words and stories.  Mine most definitely has. My father was a gangster. Really!

This is my story about my relationship with my father and how his profession affected me and my life, “He called me Sugar Plum. Both a blessing and a burden, I learned interesting lessons from my father: about generosity and determination, taking risks, and certainly finding the willingness to live life as an adventure.”



Some fascinating and incredible women have inspired me. None, who by the way had a physical beauty, but surely an inner beauty. Being inspired and inspiring others provides us with shared strengths giving us opportunities to be more than we are as one. Those who inspire us, in the process, influence us by their intellect, accomplishments, and wisdom.

Eleanor Roosevelt and Golda Meir have been two of my role models. Author Gertrude Stein and many other good writers have influenced me. These are people who dared to go beyond the ordinary. They were not willing to accept the limitations society or family set upon them.  

If we are fortunate, there are also those in our lives who inspire us, expressing belief in us. I’ve had a few such people in my life, encouraging me to never give up my dreams and ambitions. I decided long ago to keep at a safe distance people who are angry, jealous, and mean-spirited. Really. Who needs them? Who made them right?

I know it’s not always easy to do. Sometimes they are a close relative, even a parent. And it’s quite a juggling act dealing with those situations. The worse is for any woman dealing with an abusive spouse. Finding support and asking for help is critical. We all deserve better.

 What does all this have to do with me and my dad?  

Quite a lot, in fact. His actions inspired me. In doing so, they influenced my actions in many ways. He almost never gave up at times when it would have been easier to do so.

Once asked what characteristic I think most important in a partner, my response was generosity. Oh, not only financial. I also mean being generous in expressing feelings and communication and being generous in kindness, thoughtfulness, and love. Many people are stingy and withholding of those things. They and their relationships have lost so much in the process.

All we need to do is look and listen to the world around us for negative influences. Controlling people need power to fuel their egos and cause pain and chaos. The benefit of their actions is solely for their own egos even though they falsely claim otherwise. The psychology of their actions and rhetoric is for professionals who understand human behavior. But I do know they are difficult people who create difficult situations.

My father showed me his love and affection. Maybe it’s why writing and words matter so much to me. There should be no doubt how much words matter. Cruel and thoughtless words sting. When I owned my first business, two nursery schools, many parents would say goodbye to their child with, “You better be good today!” or “Don’t be bad today!” 

I would ask them please, not to do that and just tell their child, “Have a good day,” and better yet, “I love you.”

There had to be something about my growing up, about my experiences providing me with such an awareness.

I think back about my father buying lunch for the homeless man asking for money. I remember him taking a huge basket of food to one of his sisters whose husband was out of work. I saw how he never said no to my mother when she asked for money. 

Sometimes a simple action or a few words can influence. 

Sometimes a simple action or a few words can inspire.


Marcia Rosen is an award-winning author of twelve books including nine mysteries, the most recent is An Agatha, Raymond, Sherlock, and Me Mystery: Murder at the Zoo. She is also the author of The Senior Sleuths, the Dying to Be Beautiful Mystery Series, and The Gourmet Gangster: Mysteries and Menus (Menus by her son Jory Rosen). She wrote The Woman’s Business Therapist and My Memoir Workbook and has given Memoir Writing presentations and classes for close to twenty years. Her Memoir Blog can be found on her website. For twenty-five years she was owner of a successful national marketing and public relations agency. 

Marcia has frequently been a featured speaker at organization meetings, bookstores, libraries, and Zoom Programs presenting talks on Encouraging the Writer Within You, Marketing for Authors, Writing Mysteries…Not A Mystery and A Memoir Detective…Writing Your Life Story. She has also helped numerous writers develop and market their books.

She is a member of Sisters in Crime, Southwest Writers, New Mexico Book Association, Public Safety Writer’s Association, International Memoir Writer’s Association, Women’s National book Association and National Association of Independent Writers and Editors—for which she is also a board member.



Marcia Rosen will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Book Blast: One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World by Jose Tugaff Amoloria and Lourdes Villena Amoloria

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

This book will make you rethink how adversity, grief and loss can cause so much pain, and yet these life challenges can facilitate creativity, and be transformed into gifts and blessings for a meaningful and productive existence.

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose's life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

Read an Excerpt

Some of the art pieces were highlighted with microlights when photographed. The results were beyond expectations— almost miraculous!—as Jose does not have any significant artistic talents or training nor did he have prior plans to create these artworks. He did not even have prototypes and didn’t even know how to draw. He was diagnosed as colour blind for most colours (except for traffic lights), so he asked Lourdes to help with the colours for the installation of the right microlights.

One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World The artwork’s designs were dictated by his dreams and imagination. Jose made use of his technical discoveries in watch repair and electronics to revive old timepieces and make them functional again. He used trashed spare parts and old pieces of jewellery to create one-of-a-kind treasured masterpieces. Jose humbly admits that the ideas and successful effort behind these creations did not come from him but from the Supreme Being, whom many of us call God. He also believes in the transformative power of love and support that comes from those who truly love, wish and pray for his well-being and success.

His greatest realization is that to connect with the Supreme Creator, the Master Artist of the Universe, all he must do is pray to God as the most trusted Being. The nearest distance to be heard and make dreams manifest is between his knees and the floor. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. It is his life goal to help others realise the value of dreams, the need to act on them without fear and to fully trust God to guide them in their life journey no matter how difficult challenges can be.

About the Authors:
Jose Tugaff Amoloria is a man of multi-talents and skills. He is a professional watchmaker who had mastered most phases of watches: mechanical, automatic, quartz technology and modern watches. He created one-of-a-kind kinetic masterpieces made of collectible time pieces and watch parts, enhanced with microlights. He became a chef, and was personally taught a French masterchef's family secret of French liquored ice cream.

Jose mastered stone masonry in record time. His experience in watch repair helped him to gain a feather touch to accomplish his masonry works. He is also an avid martial art practitioner of arnis, a Filipino martial art, and he is also a second-dan black belt in Karate, with a champion's trophy to prove it. With so many other skills and abilities, Jose thanks God for the gifts and talents given to him.


Lourdes Villena Amoloria is an Amazon international best-selling author for her book Kiss From an Angel: How to Turn Your Grief Into a Gift From Heaven, published in Sydney, Australia, 2014.

Lourdes holds a bachelor's degree in mass communications from La Salle, Bacolod City, Philippines, with a post graduate in counselling from the Australian College of Applied Psychology in Sydney, Australia.

Lourdes is on a mission to help others find the gift behind their grief, help with mental health issues, and live more productive lives with faith, self-responsibility and love in action.




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✱✱Book Review✱✱ Damaged Kingdom by MJ Crouch


Mari Marcosa always knew she would die young, so being left to bleed out on a warehouse floor is no shock to her.

But as the blood seeps from her body, her thoughts aren’t of the Marcosa empire she's ruled for years, or the city she's given everything to protect.

It's on the three men who’ve stood by her side:
Greyson: her soul, her foundation. So hard and reserved, showing emotion only to Mari.

Dominic: her heart, her first love. He’s a dreamer but can wreck her in the best ways possible.

Nate: her comfort, her peace. He soothes and calms Mari even though she's only known him a short time.

Her enemies have done their best to destroy her, and now it’s up to her men to piece her back together.

They will do anything to make that happen.
 But they can’t protect her from the threat none of them ever saw coming...

Author’s note: Damaged Kingdom
 is the second book in the Gilded Empire series which should be read in order. This is a "Why Choose?" romance with violence, dark themes, and ruthlessly possessive—and protective—men.

Momma Says: 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Wow! Honestly, I could say all kinds of things about Damaged Kingdom, but "wow" pretty much sums it up.
I thought the cliffy in Broken Crown was a jaw-dropper, but it's got nothing on this one. To be fair, MJ Crouch did warn of cliffhangers as the Gilded Empire series is an ongoing story, and since this author doesn't do things by half, I should've been ready. I so wasn't. Not even close.
Obviously, I can't go into details without giving spoilers, so I'll stick to what I can tell you - This series is a deliciously dark #whychoose romance with the kinds of men who would burn the world down to protect the woman they love. That doesn't mean Mari isn't capable of taking care of herself. She's as fiercely protective of her men as they are of her.
As of right now, I haven't fully decided on a favorite of Mari's loves. I guess if I had to choose, it would be Grey. If any of the three could be said to be Mari's soulmate, it would have to be Greyson. Of course, I fully expect MJ Crouch to pull me in every direction with each new addition to the series, so my fave could very well change.
So, I'd sum it up by saying the Gilded Empire world is dark, sexy, and dangerous, and I can't wait for more. I would highly recommend starting with book one, as this is a continuing story. I would also highly recommend the series if you enjoy #whychoose dark romance. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Kissing Asphalt by Delicia Niami Virtual Book Tour

Guest Post

Why My Books Are Essential Reads for Anyone Seeking Transformation

Hey there, fellow book lovers! Today, I want to dive into why my ResilientAF series books aren't just stories but transformative experiences waiting to be explored. As an author I’m deeply passionate about inspiring resilience in everyone. I pour my heart into every word, crafting narratives that I hope will resonate with readers on a profound level.

In my books, resilience isn't just a theme—it's the beating heart of every story. I take readers on a journey through the gritty realities of my own life, exploring the highs and lows of my journey. Whether it's overcoming trauma, navigating personal challenges, or finding strength in the face of adversity, my character embodies resilience in its purest form. Through my struggles and triumphs, my goal is to remind readers of their own inner strength and capacity for growth.

Self-discovery is another cornerstone of my storytelling. I embark on my journeys of growth and reflection, where readers are invited to explore their own identities, values, and beliefs. Through introspection and exploration, I hope my readers will discover new insights about themselves and the world around them. My books reflect back the complexities of the human experience and encourage readers to embrace their true selves.

Above all, my books are about empowerment. They're not just about escapism or entertainment—they're about sparking real change in the lives of readers. By sharing stories of resilience, hope, and liberation, I aim to inspire others to embrace their own journeys of growth and transformation. Whether it's overcoming past traumas, pursuing dreams, or embracing newfound passions, my books encourage readers to step into their power and live authentically.

So, why are my books essential reads? I firmly believe that my books offer readers an unparalleled journey into the depths of resilience and self-discovery. Through the raw and authentic storytelling in Kissing Asphalt and the forthcoming releases of Not My Circus and The Queen of Silver Linings, I strive to provide reading experiences that linger long after the final page is turned. Your support and engagement as a reader mean the world to me, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to connect with each and every one of you. So, let's embark on this literary journey together, where the possibilities are as endless as the human spirit itself. If you're ready to embark on an adventure, pick up one of my books and let the journey begin!

Resilience isn’t inherited. It’s a hard-fought skill forged by our ability to pick up the broken pieces of our past and remake them into something new.

Meet four-year-old Delicia, a poor but carefree child who is about to have her world shattered. Along with her seven-year-old brother Nile, she is kidnapped from her Los Angeles home by her estranged father and taken to Iraq, a foreign world she has never known. This is just the beginning of a string of traumas, hardships, and assaults Delicia will endure throughout her tumultuous childhood.

Now an adult living back in California, Delicia Niami bravely recounts how she survived the unimaginable in her debut memoir. Kissing Asphalt, the first in her memoir trilogy, ResilientAF, grapples with the power of resilience, acceptance, and self-love. She revisits her terrifying past with vulnerability, compassion, and the honesty of a true survivor. Hold hands with Delicia as she faces her childhood scars and learns how to confront her fears, accept her true value and identity, and embrace her unique gifts. It’s a multi-decade roller coaster ride that is the beginning of her liberation, propelling her to live an inspired life and embrace her full human potential—a human potential she knows lives inside everyone, no matter what life has thrown at us.        

For anyone who has struggled with childhood trauma, Delicia’s unflinching journey through darkness and back to light will resonate. She has decided to share her story publicly in hopes that it will serve as a guide to the many who have suffered in silence and continue to struggle against the daunting weight imposed by childhood trauma.   


It was a sunny day in Arleta, California. A layer of smog covered the sky, giving it the most illustrious orange hue. My brother and I were anxiously awaiting our five-day Easter vacation with our father. Our parents were going through a tumultuous divorce and had been separated for about a year at this point. I felt extremely sad because I never got to see my “dad.” I thought it odd that he cut all ties with our family, especially his own children. At only four years of age, I couldn’t understand the concept of a father wanting nothing to do with his kids. Imagine the excitement my brother, who was seven at the time, and I felt after almost a year of not seeing him. Now we were going to get to spend five whole days for Easter with our “dad.”

Delicia Niami is an acclaimed memoirist and LGBTQ+ advocate, whose raw and edgy storytelling has touched the hearts of readers worldwide. Residing in Santa Cruz and an alumna of UCSC, Delicia draws inspiration from her own journey of resilience and empowerment. Through her memoirs, she fearlessly addresses topics such as sexual abuse, trauma recovery, and the importance of self-compassion. Delicia's work not only sheds light on difficult experiences but also empowers others to find their voices and embrace their own resilience. Her passion for advocacy shines through in her writing, making her a powerful voice for change and healing in today's world.






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The author will award a randomly drawn winner a signed special edition copy of the book. 

Beautiful One by Mary Cope Virtual Book Tour

Guest Post

Why take a chance on an unknown author?

I've read books by best-selling authors and unknown writers, and honestly, I'm more drawn to the unknown ones—probably because I'm one myself. But truly, some of the best stories I've read have been by these lesser-known authors. Taking a chance on an unknown author can lead to discovering a new and exciting voice. I never know when I might stumble upon a book that resonates with me and becomes a cherished favorite.

Unknown authors often bring diverse voices and experiences to their writing, offering a broader range of stories and characters. There can be a special connection when reading the work of an unknown author, knowing that I am one of the first to discover their talent. While there may be some risks in trying out a new author, the potential rewards, both for me as a reader and for the author, can make it a worthwhile experience.

By supporting them, I feel like I'm helping to nurture emerging talent and encouraging them to continue producing great stories. Speaking from experience, I know how much a review or a simple show of appreciation means to these authors. I am all for supporting them. Some of the most beloved and critically acclaimed books started off as under-the-radar releases, only to gain popularity through word of mouth and positive reviews.

Reading books by unknown authors has also been a more affordable way for me to explore new literature. Debut novels and self-published works often come at a lower price point, making them accessible to a wider audience. This affordability has allowed me to expand my reading list without breaking the bank.

So, the next time you're looking for a new read, why not step out of your comfort zone and give an unknown author a try? You never know what hidden gem you might discover. By giving lesser-known authors an opportunity, you not only broaden your reading horizons but also provide a chance for new writers to be heard.

Transformation, empowerment, love and music come together in the book, Beautiful One. 

Elizabeth Ryan is a beautiful, shy, naïve high school senior. Having never dated she meets the boy of her dreams, Aidan Mitchell. Despite his history of womanizing Liz is drawn to him. Soon Liz becomes the envy of all the girls on campus, when they become a couple and her dream boyfriend sweeps her off her feet and into the dating world that is all too new and strange for her. When other guys start to take notice of Liz, Aidan is troubled with fits of jealousy.

Elizabeth then meets the ruggedly handsome, Spencer Hayes and they quickly bond over their passion for music. Liz begins to struggle with the feelings that spark between them. In the end Elizabeth finds herself torn between helping Aidan overcome his jealousy and anger and giving into what her heart truly wants.


The music changed from one song to the next, and I realized I was having fun. My feet were killing me, but I didn’t care. I had been keeping track of how many guys I’d danced with. Currently I was at seven. I smiled at Melissa when she and Mason were dancing intimately even though the song was upbeat.

I was laughing, sweating, and dancing my butt off. This was the best time I’d ever had.

Then my heart stopped.

I felt a lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach when I saw him, dressed in black jeans and a black button-down shirt. He was movie-star perfect as he sauntered across the dance floor. When I tore my gaze from him, I noticed the accessory that graced his forearm. A leggy blonde wearing a short red dress. Figures.

I was torn between wanting to excuse myself and run or torture myself and stay. Foolishly, I opted for the latter. My heart twisted with jealousy watching Aidan gyrate to the music while his pretty dance partner sexually rubbed up against him. The pain was agonizing. Like a train wreck. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t.

Mary Cope is a passionate romance writer known for her ability to craft characters that feel undeniably real. Drawing inspiration from both her personal experience and vivid imagination, Mary’s words resonate with readers. A romantic at heart, Mary believes true intimacy is what love is all about. 






A randomly drawn winner will receive a $25 Amaon/BN gift card.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Evorath Trilogy by Joseph P Macolino Virtual Book Tour

The Birth of Death
The Evorath Trilogy
Book One
Joseph P Macolino

Genre: Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Free Dragon Press LLC
Date of Publication: August 11, 2016
ISBN: 978-0997883800
Number of pages: 377 pages

Book Description: 

Clues that lead deep beneath the surface.  Rituals to summon an ancient power. 

In a world filled with magic, can good stop a hungry evil? 

Lieutenant Artimus Atyrmirid feels unsettled. As a talented archer and head investigator for the kingdom, the pragmatic elf tries to brush aside the flaws others claim are infiltrating his picture-perfect realm. But he senses a shift when a breakthrough in a bizarre kidnapping case puts him face to face with a devilish villain.

Mage Savannah Sylvanas is on a personal quest for justice. Delighted to be assigned to the rangers’ top investigative squad, the former druid drives herself hard to impress her new leader. And she’s horrified when their venture into an abandoned dwarven mine ends with half the team’s minds corrupted by a lurking darkness.

The Rise of Yezurkstal
The Evorath Trilogy
Book Two
Joseph P Macolino

Genre: Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Free Dragon Press LLC
Date of Publication: July 11, 2023
ISBN: 978-0997883824
Number of pages: 394 pages

Book Description: 

A year ago, he was forced to retreat. Now he’s back for revenge. Will the people of Evorath be able to stand against his terrifying new power?

Yezurkstal is more determined than ever to reshape the forest of Erathal in his image. He’s done hiding and ready to lead the dark elves to build a new empire in Erathal. His plan is guaranteed to succeed after he creates a spell to lure unsuspecting humans into his army.

Evorath's heroes are once again called upon to fight. With new allies joining the cause, they unite to stand against the rising evil. But as Yezurkstal's power increases, time is running out, and the challenge is greater than ever before.

Will Yezurkstal and his undead army prevail over the heroes of Evorath or has he finally met his match?

The Rise of Yezurkstal is the thrilling second novel in the Evorath epic high fantasy series. If you enjoy reading about characters everyone loves to hate, mythical creatures, and fantasy worlds, you'll love Joseph P Macolino's epic fantasy adventure.

The Battle for Erathal
The Evorath Trilogy
Book Three
Joseph P Macolino

Genre: Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Free Dragon Press LLC
Date of Publication: February 20, 2024
ISBN: 978-0-9978838-4-8
Number of pages: 319 pages

Book Description: 

He just wanted to enjoy this time of peace. But when a familiar evil is unleashed upon the forest of Erathal, will anyone be safe?

Enjoying the time without strife, Irontail works to spread peace and unity throughout the forest of Erathal. Organizing the first ever Festival of Gratitude, he finally feels he is fulfilling his calling as the leader of his centaur village. But his plans are once again hijacked when a familiar villain escapes from imprisonment.

The felite warrior, Tel’ Shira, joins Irontail and the other heroes of Erathal as they plan their counter-offensive. But even her gift of foresight is not enough to prepare her for the upcoming battle against this malevolent foe.

With the future of Erathal on the line, will anyone survive to tell the tale?

The Battle for Erathal is the thrilling conclusion to the Evorath epic fantasy trilogy. 

If you like expansive world-building, heart-pounding battle scenes, and heroic ensembles, you won’t want to miss Joseph P Macolino’s epic fantasy adventure.

About the Author: 

Joseph Macolino has a passion for nature, philosophy, and all things fantasy. An unwavering Christian and self-declared anarchist, he dreams of a future human society where people can truly cooperate and voluntarily exchange ideas, goods, and services. When he’s not writing Evorath, he’s likely outside gardening, spending time watching a show with his family, or reading a book on philosophy.

Considering himself a lifelong student of humanity, Joseph enjoys meeting new people and being exposed to new perspectives. He believes each person’s unique gifts can help contribute to stronger communities and hopes his work encourages others to embrace their gifts. Find out more about him at his website.   

Crusader's Way Virtual Book Tour

  The St. Edmundsbury Mysteries, Book 1 YA Mystery Date Published: December 1, 2021     “The relic is gone!” On ...