Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Maizemerized Tales Tour and Giveaway!


Born For This

A Maizemerized Tale Book 1

by Maggie Blackbird

Genre: Historical Time Travel Romance, Paranormal 

She’s always been obsessed with her ancestors, and now he’s offering her a chance to live with them…forever.

Second-year university student Edie Whitecrow gobbles up each course on Indigenous studies. If only she could experience the lives of her Anishinaabe ancestors instead of reading about them. On her way to a Halloween party decked out as a historical Ojibway maiden, she spies a corn maze in a spot known to be barren.

A scarecrow figure beckons Edie to enter with the enticing offer of making her biggest wish come true. She jumps at the chance and finds herself in the past, face to face with the man who haunts her dreams—the handsome brave Thunder Bear. He claims he’s spent twelve years waiting for Gitchi Manidoo to send her to him.

Life in the eighteenth century isn’t what Edie romanticized about, though. When her conscience is tested, she must choose between the modern day or the world of her descendants—where the man she was born for resides.

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Thunder Bear nodded. “Fire Woman. Is it not an appropriate name? The flames did not burn you. Fire is your friend. Your spirit guide.”

“I want to be honest.” She wet her plush mouth with the color riper than raspberries. “I have been educated in the ways of the white men. Where I come from, we live like white men.”

“I know you do. It is in your speech, your movement, your behavior.” He reached out and touched her bare arm that possessed delicate strength beneath the smooth flesh he palmed. “You are here to become what you are meant to truly be. We will teach you, if you are willing.”

“I am more than willing. In the white man’s world, I am learning everything about the People. I have studied the People ever since I was a little girl.”

“I know you have. It is why you came.” He could not resist letting his palm move along her arm. Beneath the skin he stroked, her slight muscle flexed.

She wet her lips.

The urge to claim her mouth was a test of his restraint. They’d only met this morning, and he must go slow. To slide his mouth over hers after just meeting was not how a warrior conducted himself. Yet, the way she’d drew her tongue along her lower lip was caressing and licking him beneath his breechclout. Her innocent gesture might as well have been her nails raking his backside, her hands boldly exploring his arms, and her breasts melting against his chest.

She was aptly named, because a fire danced in her sparkling dark eyes. A fire of desire. A fire of need. A fire flickering with mesmerization in her gaze touching his face.

He stifled the groan aching to leave his throat.

She seemed to drag her gaze to the dark water. If where they stood was better lit, he’d probably witness redness on her cheeks.

“What is it?”

Again, she wet her lips. “I… Maybe I should go back?”

A punch seemed to knock his gut. “Return? Now?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I mean the wigwam. Not the…the…”

“The dancing flames?”

She nodded.

Relief loosened the knots of his shoulder muscles. He didn’t believe in restraining any maiden, but if she had dared to run for where she had come from, he probably would have tossed her over his shoulder and carted her back to the camp. Now that he had found what he’d waited twelve years to capture, he wasn’t letting her go.

Somehow, he had to help her find her courage to survive with them. She was destined to be here.

Nine For a Kiss

A Maizemerized Tale Book 2

by D.S. Dehel

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Just one perfect day.

Nothing has gone right in Sadie Lyons’s life since the accident, but she’s trying her best to get back to normal. She’s just not sure if the trip to the old apple orchard was the best decision, and the creepy corn maze run by the even creepier owner confirms her fears. Inside, the maze is even worse, and she’s soon lost in a never-ending labyrinth that twists and turns but goes nowhere.

When a raven joins her as a guide, she feels better, but like the maze, the raven is not what he seems, and the news he brings her changes everything.

Love and loss intertwine in this tale of the endings and beginnings we all face.

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This passage was short compared to the others she’d traversed so far, maybe seventy-five feet long, terminating in a dead end. The dark shape leaned against the wall of the maze, clinging onto a stalk with one hand. The other clutched to his side. 

“Hello.” The voice was raspy and undeniably masculine. 

“Are you alright?” She took two steps. 

“Um.” Then he collapsed, falling to his knees, palms against the ground. 

“Oh god.” She dashed forward, ignoring the little voice that insisted it could be a trap. “Are you hurt?” 

He shook his head as if clearing it. His longish hair covered his face. “No. Not hurt.” He seemed to be struggling to find the words. 

Indecision rocked her. Usually, she wasn’t so suspicious, but everything had changed that night. But someone helped me.

Lots of someones. I need to return the favor.

She knelt beside him, dipping her head to see the face hidden by the dark hair. Sharp nose, pale skin, and dark  lashes fringed his closed eyes. “Can I help?” 

“Help how?” His voice rasped, making her wince. 

Water. “Here.” She dug the bottle out of her pocket and held it out. “I don’t have germs, well, not so many.” She’d been on antibiotics forever. “Sorry it’s warm.” 

For a moment, she thought he’d reject her offering because he looked from her hand to her face and back again. Then he sat back on his heels and brushed off his hands before taking the proffered bottle. “Thank you.” 

He ran a hand through his hair, drawing it back into a low ponytail, then dropping it. The move revealed sharp cheekbones and skin strangely free of stubble for someone with such dark hair. No trace lined his jaw. He twisted off the cap, raised the bottle to red lips, and took a deep drink. 

Now that’s a neck. She watched his Adam’s apple move as he finished her water. I need to stop staring. So, she stood up and brushed the fine dirt off her hands. 

As he climbed to his feet, she took in his outfit consisting of dark, ripped jeans, a black short-sleeved shirt, topped by a black leather vest, and fingerless gloves, also black. Heavy black boots completed the ensemble, making him look like a rocker from the 1980s. 

“Thank you,” he repeated, then he looked at the bottle in his hand. “I seem to have finished your water.” Regret flashed in his eyes. “I am very sorry.” 

“Don’t worry about it.” She waved him off. “You obviously needed it. Your voice sounds better.” 

“Ah.” He cleared his throat. “I am not used to using it much.” 

“You’ve been lost for eons in this maze?” She’d meant it as a tease, but the look on his face crushed the humor. 

“Eons?” he scoffed, then his smile lit up the day. “No, not quite so long.” 

An Ojibway from Northwestern Ontario, Maggie Blackbird resides in the country with her husband and their fur babies, two beautiful Alaskan Malamutes.  When she’s not writing, she can be found pulling weeds in the flower beds, mowing the huge lawn, walking the Mals deep in the bush, teeing up a ball at the golf course, fishing in the boat for walleye, or sitting on the deck at her sister’s house, making more wonderful memories with the people she loves most.

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D.S. Dehel is a lover of words, wine, and the Oxford comma. When she's not immersed in a book, she is a mom to her four kids and her spoiled feline Mr. Darcy or two pampered pooches: Piper and Jaime. Having "retired" she spends her days dreaming up new plot lines and word smiting for hours on end. She adores literary allusions, hot sex scenes, and British men. Her husband is still convinced she writes children's books. Please don't enlighten him.

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Witches, Spiders and Schemes Tour and Giveaway


Witches, Spiders, and Schemes

Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Series Book 4

by Elizabeth Pantley

Genre: Magical Cozy Mystery 

A magic mirror to an enchanted world. A mysterious ghost. A hilarious, perpetually annoyed witch. A brave, sassy cat. Two unexplained deaths and a mysterious community filled with secrets. Can Hayden and the people of Destiny Falls solve the mystery and return the community to its peaceful, enchanted existence?

 Hayden’s adventures in Destiny Falls continue in book four of the Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series. Starting with a strange old woman at a cave and her father’s mysterious ferry journey, there are secrets to be unwound.

The enchantments in Destiny Falls are showing cracks, and Hayden suspects that it’s tied directly to her family, which has a history that’s more complex than she realized. When two bodies are found floating in the bay it’s clear that the mysteries surrounding Gladstone and the ferry are more dangerous than people realize.

Luckily, Hayden and her sassy sidekick, Latifa have developed a group of family and friends in this enchanted place who are all ready and willing to help solve the mystery, and release Destiny Falls to resume its normal, amazing, enchanted existence. 

Hayden’s many adventures in Destiny Falls will keep you guessing with each book in this intriguing series.

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I stared at the old woman. She was sitting on a rock in the mouth of a cave in front of us. She gawked at me as she sipped from a bottle of green Gatorade. How had a romantic hike up to the mountain lake taken such a strange turn? She told Han and me that her name was Mnemosyne, but that she was called Nemmy. 

Nemmy? Could she be the woman from the stories I’d been told? Was that even possible?

Gaspar, the ghost who’d been telling me tales, had a daughter called Nemmy. She was King Gaspar Reuben’s youngest daughter of three. The one who had been tutored in black magic by an evil crone witch and bestowed with dark powers. She had lived a century ago but had partaken of the rumored fountain of youth found on the sinister island of Gladstone. Was this her? If it was, why did she look so old and frail? And how was she here?

I shivered and took a step closer to Han. He put his arm around my shoulders and the weight of it allowed me to exhale.

We had hiked for hours to reach the alpine lake. It was baffling to find an elderly woman sitting this far up. She didn’t look to be the type who’d be able to climb a set of stairs, let alone a mountain. She had no hiking supplies with her, and she wasn’t dressed for it either, in her long dress that seemed more suited for a carriage ride in the Middle Ages. When I asked her if she had hiked up here by herself, she laughed at my question, saying that no, she didn’t get here by herself, but then she changed the subject. As if that wasn’t crazy enough, she told us her name. I’m almost sure she said Nemmy. Her strange appearance, plus that familiar name, made it possible that she was the witch from the stories the ghost had told. 

“You are the recently discovered Caldwell relative who fell through the mirror into Destiny Falls,” she said. It wasn’t a question. It was clear that she knew who I was. “How kind of you to deliver yourself right to my front door. I have something especially for you, Helen.”

“It’s Hayden.” I corrected her automatically. 

“Ah, right. Hayden.” She made an effort to stand up but was struggling, so Han and I helped her. As soon as she was upright, she raised her arm and pointed her bony finger inches from my face. With her other hand, she pulled a handful of herbs, dust, and dirt from a pocket and tossed it at me. “Ostend mee-hi virtute!” she shouted. 

In a flash, Han tugged me by my arm and pushed me behind him. It was a sweet protective gesture that I appreciated in the face of this deranged old woman. 

The woman did a panicky little jig, shook her hands wildly, then grabbed in her pocket for more of the mixture. She tried to throw it around Han and into my face. She repeated what she had just said. Only much more exuberantly. Then she stomped her feet in frustration and repeated loudly, “Virtute! Virtute!” 

I coughed at the dust and squinted at her. “What is she doing?” I whispered out of the side of my mouth to Han.

“I have no idea. But it sounds like some kind of spell,” he side-whispered back. “Slowly back away.”

The woman who could be Nemmy rolled her eyes. “I’m not a superhero, but you know I can still hear you,” she whispered back to us out of the side of her mouth. 

We both turned to look at her. She laughed heartily and we heard her mumbling, “A spell! What will they think of next?” Then her laughter abruptly stopped. Her face sagged and she growled at us to leave her alone.

What if she was just a random senior citizen and her name a coincidence? Maybe I misunderstood her, and she said her name was Emmy. “Are you sure you don’t want us to wait until your hiking partners come back . . . Emmy?” I asked.

She pursed her lips and shook her head. “Your benevolence is exhausting, young woman, and you’re more than I anticipated. Just leave me in peace.” She waved her arm and turned away from us. “Go! Go away!” she yelled. Then she stepped into the entrance of the cave, leaving us standing there gaping at the cavernous opening.

The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales

Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Series Book 3

A mysterious old man keeps popping up to tell Hayden a series of tall tales. Who is he? And is he actually glowing? Are his stories fiction, or is he telling her the history of her family, the enchanted islands, and the witch? And why did a dead body show up . . . of someone who is already dead? Can Hayden and her quirky sidekick, Latifa unscramble this mystery before someone else shows up dead?

Hayden’s adventures in the magical world of Destiny Falls continue in this gripping story that answers your questions about the mysterious world she entered through a mirror in book one, Falling into Magic. We learn more about her missing mother, whose story begins in book two, The Disappearance of Emily.

"A captivating read! I couldn't put it down." ~ Goodreads
"My favorite series in the whole wide world." ~ Elza Reads
"Will blow you away!" ~ Cozy Mystery Book Reviews
"I felt transported to Destiny Falls…I miss it already." ~ Julie, One Book More
"A mix of unique characters, romance, mystery, and magic.” ~ Goodreads
"I had a fun time reading this one." ~ Lola's Reviews
"Just when I thought I knew who the killer was, BAM, a twist." ~ Leslie, Storeybook Reviews
"Generously seasoned with sass, class, and a dose of spunk. Delish!" ~ Pages & Paws

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The Disappearance of Emily

Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Series Book 2

Hayden fell through a mirror and was thrust into an alternate, magical place. Destiny Falls is not on any map and is home to a family she never knew she had. The town is enchanted and charming, but something is amiss. She gets an ominous warning, and the promise of a package. Once it arrives, someone turns up dead and there are too many other suspicious episodes to call them coincidences. All signs point to the mysterious disappearance of her mother - way back when Hayden was just two days old. Can she identify and eliminate the threat before another person in her life is stolen away?

"A magical, delightful tale that held my attention." ~ Dru Ann, Dru's Book Musings
"A captivating read! I couldn't put it down." ~ Linda C., Goodreads
"I felt transported to Destiny Falls...now that I've finished, I miss it already." ~ Julie, One Book More
"A mix of unique characters, romance, mystery and magic." ~ Charlene Q. Goodreads
"I had a fun time reading this one." ~ Lola, Lola's Reviews
"Just when I thought I knew who the killer was, BAM, a twist." ~ Leslie, Storeybook Reviews
"Really stretched my imagination!" ~ Betty, Reading is my Passion
"Funny, fluffy, far-fetched, and fabulous!" ~ Elza Reads
"Generously seasoned with sass, class, and a dose of spunk. Delish!" ~ Pages & Paws

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Chapter 1

The mountain trail was tricky. I was moving slowly through the deep snow. I knew the lake had to be nearby. It was important to find it, but I could barely see ten feet in front of me. It was steep and slippery, and I was making my way using trekking poles to assess where I should step next. My hands and feet were cold. I heard Latifa calling out to me. Where was she? What was she saying?  

“Good morning, Sunshine!” Her lilting voice woke me from my dream. “Happy one-month-a-versary!” It’s amazing how accustomed I’d grown to my cat’s telepathic voice in my head.

I squinted at my fluffy Himalayan sidekick. She was sitting beside me on the bed. I stretched out my arms and gave an extra-loud yawn in her direction, hoping she’d get the hint that she had woken me up. 

“Message received. Woke you up. So sorry. Got it.” She squinted at me and whispered, “Not sorry.”

I yawned at her again.

“Bet you forgot today is one month from the earth-shattering day we arrived in Destiny Falls.” Her big baby blues were focused on me, and her whiskers were twitching. “I have appointed myself Keeper of Your Calendar. You can be so forgetful about celebratory dates.” She shook her furry head as if it were impossible to believe. 

I gave another exaggerated stretch and reached over to the bedside table. With a flourish, I presented her with a small, gift-wrapped package. 

“Squeeee! You remembered!” She head-butted my face and spun a little circle on the bed, then turned to tear open the package. There was more squealing as she discovered her new, feathered cat toy. 

I patted my sidekick’s head and tossed my legs over the side of the bed. A glance at my phone confirmed that Latifa-the-alarm-clock was right on time. I needed to get changed and meet Axel downstairs for a morning jog into town. He was often too busy with work to join me in the morning, so it was a wonderful treat to have some extra time with my newfound brother.

My brother. How I loved the sound of that. After a lifetime as an only child in a tiny three-person family, finding out that I had siblings and a large hidden family was monumental. Add to that a mysterious, magical new world, and I was floating on cloud nine.

The only dark spot was missing my family and my best friend, Luna. I was still trying to figure out how to tell them about Destiny Falls. I’d have to sort this out soon, since my cover story of a working trip to Denmark was nearing its expiration. A month overseas was feasible, but as the timeline continued, I’d need to address my disappearance. 

My Nana and Granana would be happy that I was happy. They’ve been my biggest cheerleaders my entire life. They always said my happiness mattered most to them. Both my parents disappeared the week I was born, so my grandmother and great-grandmother jumped into raising me. They were dedicated to the job, with an enthusiasm that was a complete contrast to their tiny, delicate appearances. Luna and I referred to them as the Mighty Minis, which was an apt description.  

Figuring out how to explain that I wasn’t really in Denmark, but in a magical, hidden town in an unknown location was a whole new ball of wax. Especially since the town was finicky about who it revealed itself to. Any e-mails or texts I attempted to send, explaining my location, disappeared into the ether in a wisp of bounces— undeliverable, message not sent, connection lost. Even phone calls suddenly lost the signal. Maybe Axel, my brother (deep sigh of joy), could help me solve this problem.

I turned on the movie channel for Latifa, my furry little movie buff, tucked my ponytail through the back of my baseball cap, and headed out. I strolled slowly down the hallway, so I could absorb the beauty of this amazing home. 

Hmm. That was odd. Where was the window seat? It was usually somewhere in my hallway, but it was oddly absent. There was a glorious swatch of sunlight, which is where it normally would be lounging. I snickered. Imagine that. A window seat that can lounge in the sun. Magic touched the Caldwell Crest home in the most interesting ways.

Caldwell Crest is a masterpiece of design. It could be described as a cozy, mansion-sized mountain cabin. I felt embraced by the sweeping staircase made of polished wood. I loved the plank wood floors and ceilings and the gorgeous but understated chandeliers. I adored the stone fireplaces that soared all the way up to the tall ceilings. The earthy colors of the décor were soothing. Even after a month, I was still adjusting to the fact that it was now where I lived. 

The home was enchanting. I could almost believe the rumors that it was originally built as a castle back in the 1800s and magically remodeled many times. It’s difficult to understand Caldwell Crest and the mysterious place that was Destiny Falls, especially since the definition seemed to always be changing. 

It had been a wild ride of a month since I’d been thrown through a portal and landed here. 

Destiny Falls is different from any place I’ve ever known before. I had to let go of my preconceived notions of what defines a town. I still can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that the town isn’t on any map and isn’t accessible by normal means. 

You must be called here by either the home or the town. Then you whoosh through time and space, to the accompaniment of a flash of brilliant light, as you tumble through a mirror. It’s a one-way trip. Once you’re here, you are, well . . . “trapped” is a harsh word for such a lovely place. However, it’s accurate. I cannot choose to leave. Destiny Falls controls the comings and goings. 

I feel a bit like Alice falling through the mirror into wonderland. Albeit a much nicer wonderland than Alice had to deal with. 

I’ve figured out that’s it’s easier if I just go with the flow and don’t try to understand all the nuances of this place. 

Falling Into Magic

Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Series Book 1


When Hayden was a child, she lost her cat. Adults told her the cat ran away, but she knew the truth. The mirror had taken her.

She knew because the mirror had given her a glimpse of an alternate world and had nearly pulled her in, so she was certain the cat had suffered that fate.

Twenty years later Hayden discovers the secret of the mirror when she is thrust into it. She learns of a world she never knew existed, and a family she never knew she had.

But danger brought her here, and it followed her. Now, Hayden is on a mission to remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical, meaningful new life in this enchanted world.

"A magical, delightful tale that held my attention with a quirky cast of characters, engaging dialogue, a pleasantly appealing universe, and an intriguing plotline that I could not put down. I can’t wait to see where we go with Hayden’s next adventure." — Dru Ann, MWA Raven Award winner, www.drusbookmusing.com

What a captivating read! . . . I couldn't put it down. A great story, full of interesting people and places to get to know, with surprises around every corner.” — Linda C. Goodreads reviewer

The world-building and magic system is fascinating. Destiny Falls is a wondrous place that seems to cater to citizens’ wants and needs. I love that it is almost a character in its own right, and I was intrigued by the constantly changing world. Vivid imagery paints a clear picture of Destiny falls and its inhabitants. Falling into Magic is a dynamic introduction to the Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series.” — Julie Petitbon www.onebookmore.com/

Finally! An author who manages to pin the Disney/Hallmark magic down on paper.” - Mareli & Elza, https://elzareads.blogspot.com/

This is no run-of-the-mill paranormal book! Unique ideas. You will be glad this is a series!” – Susan G., Amazon reviewer

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Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and thirteen other books for parents. She is also the author of The Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic book series. Her books have been published in over twenty languages. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and is the mother of four and Nana to one.

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Choice of any 2 ebooks from the Destiny Falls series AND a set of 6 cat coasters!,

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-1 winner each! 

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Cover Reveal of BAD GIRLS BREAK HEARTS by Susan R. Horsnell


Bad Girls Break Hearts

By Susan R. Horsnell

Cover Designer: Shower of Schmidt Designs 

Release Date: December 3

Hosted by DS Book Promotions

AMAZON – Pre Order

US  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09M897WK1 

 UK  https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09M897WK1 

 AU  https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B09M897WK1 

 CA  https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09M897WK1 

Available on Kindle Unlimited


My life in a nutshell…

I felt like I was holding a f***ing bingo card and wondered what would be thrown at me next. 

Drug addict mother killed. Check. 

Foster family slave. Check. 

Adoptive father killed. Check. 

Evil uncle. Check. 

Beatings. Check. 

First man who loved me killed. Check. 

Prison. Check. 

Unexpected pregnancy. Check. 

B.I.N.G.O. For f*** sake!

About Susan R. Horsnell:

Susan R. Horsnell writes steamy romance from mild to hot. 

Strong social themes are a feature in her books.

She grew up in Manly, NSW, Australia and has travelled Australia and the World on postings with her Naval Officer husband of 47 years.

She lives with her husband, and fur baby – Gemma-Jean, a one-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, in a small village in the mountains in Queensland, Australia.

Since retiring a nursing career of 37 years, she has bene able to indulge her passion for writing.

The family enjoys travelling the country with their RV when not at home renovating. 

Follow Susan Here:

✶Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B09MPDC8YB 

✶Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susanrhorsnellauthorofsteamyromance 

✶Email  susanrhorsnellsteamyromance@gmail.com 

✶ Newsletter  http://eepurl.com/hyPb5L  

✶ Linktree  https://linktr.ee/SusanRHorsnell

✶Website https://horsnells.wixsite.com/steamyromance 

With You Tour and Giveaway


With You

A Perfectly Stated Novel

by J.M. Walker

Genre: Dark Romance, BDSM 

Our world changed five years ago, and it left behind this gaping hole in our relationship.
We were now trying to figure out a way to move past a tragedy without losing ourselves in the process.
Married, with a son, we needed to communicate but neither of us wanted to talk about our loss. Instead, we focused on our little boy.
Finally, after having had enough, we took a trip, learned new things about each other, and fell into an even deeper kind of love.
We revealed new truths about one another and because of that, we could come out of this stronger in the end.

Author note: With You is part of the Perfectly Stated Series but Meadow and Shade can originally be found in With Us, book 2 in The Next Generation Series. With You is a continuation of their story and is 5 years after With Us takes place.

**Only .99 cents!!**

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J.M. Walker is an Amazon bestselling author who hit USA Today with Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology. She loves all things books, pigs and lip gloss. She is happily married to the man who inspires all of her Heroes and continues to make her weak in the knees every single day.

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Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...