Monday, April 30, 2018

Enticed By You Tour and Giveaway

Enticed By You
Miraculous Love Book 1
by Meghana Sarathy
Genre: Contemporary Romance
313 pages

I’m Sara Waters. I had a perfect life – an almost perfect boyfriend- a career plan laid out. BUT….

One surprising encounter with my BOSS-Nathan Bankers and I see an all new face of his
One conversation with Nathan - my heart takes the fall and I come unhinged.
I fall for the WRONG guy, letting go of my right boyfriend.
I fall for the GUY twenty years elder to me – His age a mere number, his attraction for me, my vice.
I fall for the Married man, father of two – Tucking away my own virtue
Nothing is black and white, right or wrong in love.
Our love might me dirty for the world, but it is pure in the bubble that we have created and live in.
I love Nathan Bankers with all my heart and I make the best of my limited time with him.
I also know that nothing can come out of it – EVER
No expectations and no hopes of a HEA for me
An undying love for a man who was never meant to be MINE
And yet I have him ENTICED

Enticed by you is the first book in the duet. This book contains graphical sex and certain 'triggers' that are suitable for readers above the age of 18.

My days in the office can’t possibly get better than this.  Just in a matter of few weeks, office has become my favourite and it’s all thanks to once person who can go to any heights to ensure I’m happy.
I look at me calendar and my eyes widen at the new meeting that wasn’t scheduled an hour ago. It is scheduled by the great Nathan and I’m the only participant. I shouldn’t be surprised. The meeting is to start now, but instead of directly joining, I first ping Nathan.
Another impromptu meeting? Now what’s this for? :-O
He replies immediately.
I’m waiting for you. Join already.
Patience is a virtue. You clearly lack it
When it comes to you, I become an impatient monster. Now join already.
I can’t help the laughter that erupts from my throat as I join the call.
When promoted for my name, I answer, “Your most fav person in the world.”
“Are you serious?” his humorous tone fills my ear and I all but gasp. I have grown really fond of his gravelly yet timbre voice.
“Am I not the most favorite in the world for you?” I ask innocently.
“I never denied it, Sara, dear. But now we are using office connection, so obviously we need to behave. I don’t think the word even exists in your dictionary…”
“What the..” I stop myself when I see Diana turn my way with a suspicious look.
“Exactly my point,” He chuckles. Damn him. “I got a meeting room booked just for this. You still in your seat?”
“It was set up in short notice. I saw it just now,” I admit honestly. Even I would have preferred a meeting room.
“That’s the fun part. As for your earlier question, I’m in office, I have loads of work, many meetings to attend and yet I wanted to talk to you. We haven’t spoken in two days.”
“I missed you. But you could have just called me on my phone…”
“I wanted to talk business with you, but not entirely, we can do both,” he tells confidently.
“How is that? I am stuck in my desk,” I groan.
“That means I’ll have more fun. Anyway, this meeting is all about me teaching you basic DA validation. Something that will really help you out in your day to day work.”
“I already know that, thought I haven’t actually done it by myself before..”
I don’t complete my sentence as I get a message from him on my phone. I slide up the notification to read it.
Groan like that again and you will be on my lap with my hands on your ass.”
“Nate, what are you doing?”
“Like I said, I’m going to teach you in clear and elaborate why on how to test functionality using only DA tool,” he answers arrogantly.  “Doing you a favor, madam.”
I reply to him even as I try to talk over the phone.
AWWWWWW. Is this the sound that excites you? You have to make me groan.  Show me what those hands are capable of.
“You’re playing a smart game, Nathan. But I’ll manage. I’m capable of multitasking just like you,” I tell confidently.
“Game? I’m just mentoring you, Sara. I’m an expert at this. You still have a long way to go. Let me share my screen.”
Even as he starts to screen share, I get a new reply.
You already know what they are capable of. You did see them in action just recently. You’ll have to wait to experience just how they will manhandle the fine, creamy tissues of your pussy.
And it goes on. Crazy guy. He somehow manages to teach me and turn me on simultaneously. Twenty minutes into the meeting and I become a mere toy in his hands. Yet, I end up having the fun of my life.

I shrug nonchalantly. “Only if you ponder over it. And honestly, I don’t see what’s wrong in grasping true happiness, that’s temporary and comes one in a while, with both hands? As long as I have my priorities set and everything is under control, let me just make best of the situation. I won’t be giving Cecilia any reason to complain. Everything between us will continue to remain the same.”
“Okay,” he finally concedes but it’s fake. He can never buy my logic. He has set very high morals for himself and unfortunately for his clients as well. He’s a marriage counsellor, so saving marriages is expected of him.  “Can you throw some light about this special person? I’m curious. Genuinely.”
“She’s a crazy, smart, beautiful girl. A lot like me.  Perfect for me. We complete and also contrast each other. She pushes me past my limits and she lets me boss and push her around as well. We get a thrill out of it.”
“A girl?” He catches on things real fast. I’ll be spilling more secrets than I hoped for. “Is there any particular reason you described her as a girl and not a woman? Is she young?”
“Yeah. Nearly twenty years younger than me.”
“Seriously?” His mouth gapes open and his brows furrow. “Nathan, tell me this is some pathetic joke.”
“I wouldn’t joke about something like this. She is that young,” I tell with an impassive face.
“Does she even know what she has gotten herself into? Have you being lying to her, Nathan?” he asks, perplexed.
“Really?” I scorn. “You think I would lie to her just so I get to fuck her? I told you, she understands me the best, at times more than I understand myself. She knows everything about me. She knows I’m in my early forties, married, father of two. She’s also well aware that I’m her boss, working in the same team, though she doesn’t directly report to me.”
There are no more outbursts from him. But his brown irises seem to have dimmed, like the hope that was once shining in them for me and Cecilia just got extinguished. For good.
“Are you sure that she’s not just behind your money or the kind of power and influence you can exert on her career?”
Now it’s my turn to be surprised. This possibility never even struck me. That’s because it’s so ludicrous.
“So, what will you say next? You can’t call her love for me naivety, now. Not buying it. You just want to deter my advances towards her.”
“Honestly, I didn’t see this coming. At this point in time, I didn’t believe you could be attracted to such a young woman. I was sure that you are completely over those days and your past urges. “
With my hand shoved inside my pant pocket, I stand up. “Love is just fucked up that way. It doesn’t care for anything. Age, relations, money, status. These are just the pillars on which our society stands and our adherence to them lays the foundation of such a societal existence. They are meaningless for love.”
Shaking his head, he offers me a small smile. “But Nathan, like it or not, you are also a part of the very same society. So is your family. Repercussions will be profound even on them.”
I walk to his cabin door and talk with my back to him. “And that’s exactly why I told, even if love is permanent with no expiry date, it can only be lived temporarily. It’s something that I have already accepted and come to terms with. This is possibly as much as I can love a person.” I turn to him again. “I’ll see you soon, Doc. But I assure you nothing would have changed. Until then, take your time to process this new info.

Meghana V writes with the pen name Sagarika. She is from Bangalore, India. She is an avid reader. She mainly reads Adult and New Adult romance as well as dark and psychological thrillers. She plans on writing mainly for these Genres.

She spends most of her free time reading, writing or watching anime. Depending on her mood, she tends to write two to three books at a time. She is a crazy fan of Dragonball Z and can be seen watching the episodes in repeat. Vegeta is her all time favourite character.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

The Dangerous Passions Tour and Giveaway

Dangerous Passions
by Leigh Anderson
Genre: Gothic Paranormal Romance

Isoline Beresford has beautiful yet haunting dreams. In them, a man she doesn't know is calling to her. She's inexplicably, inexorably drawn to him, until he's more real to her than her own fiancé. 

When she calls off her engagement, her enraged father sends her to live with her ninety-year-old grand-aunt, the Dowager Countess Bellamira Granville. If she won't do her duty at home, he reasons, perhaps she can at least convince Lady Granville to leave her fortune to Isoline.

But life at Thornrush Manor is not what Isoline expected. Her aunt is as spry and elegant as a woman half her age. Her nearest neighbor, a distant cousin, begins courting her. And a dark and handsome artist proves a pleasant companion.

All the while, her dreams grow more intense. More urgent. More passionate.

More dangerous.

In order to save everyone at Thornbrush Manor, Isoline will have to confront the darkest parts of herself-and discover the secret of the man who hides in her dreams.

Fans of Daphne Du Mauier, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Eve Silver are sure to love this Gothic romance from Leigh Anderson. 

Isoline gasped as she opened her eyes. He was here…again…always…
She climbed out of bed, her hands gripping her satin robe as she stood, but when she looked back, the bed was gone, as were the walls of her room. She wrapped the robe around herself as the fog crept in around her ankles. She was somewhere outside. She could feel the grass under her feet and the dampness in the air, yet she was not cold. The strange sensations told her that none of this was real…yet she knew it was.
Isoline…” he called to her again.
I’m here,” she replied softly. “Show yourself.” She knew he would not, but still she tried to convince him to reveal his face. In the five years he had been coming to her in her dreams, she had not seen who he was, but she could feel he had gotten closer to her.
She took a step forward. Just because she was alone in a dream with a strange man did not mean she could not enjoy a short walk. She had been coming here for so long, this place no longer terrified her.
It was a large open glade, with grass up to her knees,  surrounded by forest. She had tried many times to reach the edge of the glade, but she had never made it that far. A pale blue moon lighted her way. She clutched tightly to the robe at her chest and ran the tips of her fingers along the edges of the grass as she walked. She shivered, not from cold, but from the way the grass tickled her bare calves as she walked.
She heard footsteps behind her. She slowly turned her head, but there was no one there, as usual. She continued her walk, and she heard the footsteps again, closer this time.
I want to see you,” she said. “It is time, don’t you think?”
He did not respond, but she felt the wind lightly touch the ends of her long dark hair. No…it wasn’t the wind. It was him. She knew it was. She shivered again.
If you cannot reveal yourself to me you need to stop bringing me here,” she said. “I…” She had delayed in telling him the truth. This man in her dreams. She shook her head, disappointed with herself. What was she afraid of? Offending a figment of her imagination?
But what she knew to be true and what she knew to be reasonable and logical warred in her mind. She knew she was dreaming. But she also knew this was much more than a dream. But if it was more than a dream, what was it? It was the unknown that scared her more than the dream itself. She no longer feared the dream as she once did. She actually longed for it. She did not know what caused the dreams to happen. There seemed to be no logical order to when they happened. One night, two nights, three nights could pass before she would find herself here. When too many nights passed that she was not awakened by him calling her name, she would miss him. Miss this place.
And yet, as a dream, she could not let it stop her from living.
But she did. She had for too long. She had to put an end to it. It was time to focus on the world of the waking.
I am getting married,” she finally said in one quick breath.
The world stilled. For the first time in a dream, she felt cold. She pulled her robe more tightly around her and could see the crystals of her own breath before her.
Do not be angry,” she said. “You know we cannot continue like this.”
We. As if she had a choice in being here. She could not will the dreams to come to her. She had tried. She could not change the content of the dreams. She had tried that as well. And yet…she wanted to be here. She wanted to see this man who had called to her all these years. She wanted to know him. To touch him. To see him. But if he could not give her that, she could not keep coming here.
It is dishonorable to my future husband,” she said. “I cannot keep coming to you from my marriage bed. It is disloyal.”
From over her shoulder, she could see him breathing. He was right behind her. Her own breath stilled. They were so close. If only she could touch him.
Just show me your face,” she panted, “and I will end the engagement.”
The hairs on her arms prickled. He was right there, so close. Almost touching her but not quite. She had to look. She turned to face him.
And he was gone.
She stood alone in the field.
Who are you?” she yelled.

LEIGH ANDERSON loves all things Gothic and paranormal. Her master’s thesis was on vampire imagery in Gothic novels and she met her husband while assuming the role of a vampire online. She currently teaches writing at several universities and has a rather impressive collection of tiny hats. She lives in a small town in the mountains with her husband, human child, and two fur-children. She is currently working on too many writing projects, and yet not enough.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

Release Boost for Shopping for a Billionaire's Baby by Julia Kent

Title: Shopping for a Billionaire's Baby
Series: Shopping for a Billionaire #13
Author: Julia Kent
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: April 24, 2018


You know what's even better than marrying a billionaire? Having his baby.

We're ready. We've studied and planned, read all the birth and labor books, researched parenting classes, consulted our schedules, and it's time.

And by we I mean me.

Declan's just ready for the "have lots of sex" part. More than ready.

But there's just one problem: my husband and his brother have this little obsession with competition.

And by little, I mean stupid.

That's right.

We're not just about to try to bring a new human being into the world.

We have to do it better, Faster, Stronger.


McCormick men don't just have babies.

They engage in competitive billionaire Babythons.

I thought the hardest part about getting pregnant would be dealing with my grandchild-crazed mother, who will go nuts shopping for a billionaire's baby.


Between conception issues, my mother's desire to talk to the baby through a hoo-haw cam, a childbirth class led by a drill sergeant and a father-in-law determined to sign the kid up for prep school before Declan even pulls out, my pregnancy has turned out to be one ordeal after the other.

But it's nothing -- nothing -- compared to the actual birth.

Shopping for a Billionaire's Baby is the newest book in Julia Kent's New York Times bestselling romantic comedy series and is a 400+ page full-length novel.

Purchase Links



“Just because other people can’t get their act together as parents doesn’t mean we can’t,” I explain. “There is no process that can’t be project managed into a well-oiled machine, babies included.”

Andrew snorts. “You really believe that.”

“A baby is like a disruptive new technology. But our first deliverable is still eight months to a year away. That leaves us plenty of time to update our practices and diversify into new areas. Find the best people, incentivize them, and keep them in their swim lanes.”

I’m getting major raised eyebrows here.

“Optimization protocols, testing, fine tuning, and putting together the right team is all it takes. Drill down to the essentials, find people who are the absolute best at what we need, and that’s it–we build a life based on optimal outcomes.”

“You sound like you’re making a robotic dog, Dec. Not a human.”

“This baby will have a hands-on father. Plenty of love. And with a mother like Shannon, how could we go wrong?” Mother. Calling Shannon a mother does something to my gut. A tug, hard and emotional, destabilizes me for a second.

Author Bio

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three sons in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down.

Author Links

Release Blitz of Sombra by Leslie McAdam

Sombra by Leslie McAdam is AVAILABLE NOW!

All other Retailers ➤
Everything in moderation. Including virtue.
I step off the plane in Madrid and meet his warm eyes. His crooked smile. His devastating charm.
Worse, he’s courteous. Honorable. Sensuous. Impossibly attractive.
Tavo awakens my desires—my body—without even touching it.
I don’t want to be attracted to him. I’ve made my promises.
My future has already been determined. I'm wearing a ring.
But I can't control this pull to him.
He wants to explore my shadows.
I want to get out of the light.
I shouldn't feel this way...
Problem is, I can't restrain my heart.
About the Author
Leslie McAdam is a California girl who loves romance, Little Dude, and well-defined abs. She lives in a drafty old farmhouse on a small orange tree farm in Southern California with her husband and two small children. Leslie always encourages her kids to be themselves – even if it means letting her daughter wear leopard print from head to toe. An avid reader from a young age, she will always trade watching TV for reading a book, unless it’s Top Gear. Or football. Leslie is employed by day but spends her nights writing about the men you fantasize about. She’s unapologetically sarcastic and notoriously terrible at comma placement (that’s what editors are for!). Always up for a laugh, Leslie tries to see humor in all things. When she’s not in the writing cave you’ll find her fangirling over Beck, camping with her family, or mixing up oil paints to depict her love of outdoors on canvas.
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