Sunday, April 30, 2023

Reaper Tour and Giveaway



War Brothers MC Book 1

by Bianca Lee Ward

Genre: Slow Burn MC Romance

I let her go once because she wasn’t mine. This time, I’ll die before I give her up…

I want her.

That smile… those curves.

But Ava doesn’t belong to me.

Then she arrives in my clubhouse, seeking refuge. My gut churns at the sight of the bruises on her face, the fear in her eyes.

Before I was the president of the War Brothers Motorcycle Club, I was a special forces sniper who hunted down evil men like her husband. Now I avoid relationships because the wounds I have are more than skin deep.

But Ava’s different, and when I find her in the wrong bedroom—my bedroom—one night, what happens next changes everything.

I let her go once because she was married, but I won’t make the same mistake twice.

I’ll die before I let her dangerous husband, the jealous women in our club, or the enemy our club didn’t see coming lay a finger on her.

Because this time around, Ava is mine.

For fans of Autumn Jones Lake, Lani Lynn Vale, and Chantel Fernando, get ready to fall in love with the protective alpha men of the War Brothers Motorcycle Club. Each standalone book promises emotionally captivating small-town romance with a deliciously dark twist.

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Bianca is an Australian romance author with a love of culinary adventures and a playlist for every mood. She enjoys exploring themes of identity, personal growth, and resilience in her work—with a little spice on the side. When she isn’t lost in storytelling or absorbed in her latest read, Bianca can be found watching true crime stories and documentaries.

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Alaska Blaze Blitz

Alaska Blaze
LoLo Paige
(Blazing Hearts Wildfire Series, #3)
Publication date: April 30th 2023
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Can an Alaskan firestorm lead to true love under a midnight sun?

Alaskan firefighter Raynie Atwood thinks she know what she wants—until a walking encyclopedia disguised as a hotshot firefighter storms into her life. Grieving loss and betrayal by the man she once loved, Raynie sets her sights on a top command post for wildland fire. But when an extended drought, a high heat, and beetle-killed forests add up to the perfect firestorm, Raynie’s leadership is put to the test.

To add fuel to the fire, Cohen Tremblay tests Raynie at every turn as she works to save sled dogs and Iditarod mushers dog kennels in a deadly Alaskan conflagration…and to make matters worse, a deadly threat from Raynie’s past has her fearing for her life.
But when Raynie’s world goes up in flames, Cohen may be the only one Raynie can rely on…hard to do when she no longer trusts any man, let alone a bullish co-worker. Instead, she constructs a rock-solid containment line around her heart. But fire is unpredictable, and so is love. Will their chance for love be snuffed before it ignites?

Romance, fire, and betrayal…another deadly mix!

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Saving himself and these dogs would be a tricky maneuver. Cohen had no time to lose. Ash and embers scorched his tongue as if the devil was licking it. Hot air pressed down on him. He couldn’t swallow—no saliva.

I’m out of time! Time to deploy my fire shelter. How will I fit three adult dogs, me, and a sack load of puppies inside my shelter?

Cohen stuck the neck of the burlap sack in his teeth, as he couldn’t set the puppies down in the water. He reached behind and retrieved his fire shelter. He tugged it from the case, yanked the cords, and shook it out.

“Rooby! Wacko! Come here!” he commanded, spitting around the burlap clenched in his teeth. The terrified dogs sidled in next to him, and he crouched down, spreading the fire shelter over them. He tied the end of Madonna’s rope around the neck of the sack and draped it around his neck, so the sack hung on his left side. As long as Madonna sat in front of him and wouldn’t bolt, this might work. He wrapped a corner of the shelter around Rooby and another around Wacko and held the corners with each hand.

This has to work. He had no other choice. They couldn’t outrun this fast-moving wildfire. He tasted ash, a bitter mixture of wood and dirt. The fire bellowed like a savage dragon, hellbent to destroy in the blink of an eye what took decades to grow and mature.

Don’t panic! Keep it together. If I panic, the dogs will, and we’ll all go up in smoke.

Cohen held the shelter down over the dogs and himself as best he could, pressing the dogs close to him. Flames swept the clearing from all directions, obliterating all sound except their tornadic roar. Crouching low in the water, he did his best to keep the puppies above the boggy surface—and prayed the dogs wouldn’t panic and run—or they’d all die.

A dog barked; Cohen didn’t know who. Another yipped and cried. Madonna howled and Cohen felt her tense and brace, as if ready to run. “Whoa, Madonna, whoa Madonna…” He didn’t know how many times he repeated the husky’s name as the raging fire whipped around them. The natural water barrier certainly helped, but the winds tore at his shelter. He gripped it so tight he worried his hands would cramp and lose their hold. Despite his layers of protective Nomex, heat encased his fire shelter and pierced him as if he was the delicacy cooking on a closed outdoor grill.

The hot destructive flames licked at the very edges of his shelter. He prayed it wouldn’t melt and collapse on him. A burning tree crashed into the bog in front of them, and Madonna yelped. The husky yanked away from their huddle, and Cohen watched helplessly as the sled dog bolted, jerking the burlap sack from around his neck and dragging the bundle of puppies through the water—straight toward the destructive flames.

Author Bio:

LoLo Paige is an award-winning author and former wildland firefighter whose debut novel, Alaska Spark, has received several awards for best indie romance. Her second book, Alaska Inferno, was a finalist for best indie romance in the 2022 Kindle Book Review Awards.

LoLo writes strong female firefighters and hunky smokejumpers who battle wildland fire in Alaska. She loves writing about the trust, friendships, and pitfalls of falling in love in the action-packed, perilous world of wildfire in her action adventure romances in The Blazing Hearts Wildfire Series. The characters in her stories are battling more than just fires, they're struggling to stay alive—and they're willing to risk it all for love.

Alaska Spark and Alaska Inferno have ranked No.1 on the Amazon Bestseller Lists for action adventure and romantic suspense in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. The true story about LoLo’s fire crew escaping a runaway wildfire won an Alaska Press Club award and inspired her debut novel, Alaska Spark. The third book in her wildland fire series, Alaska Blaze, drops this spring.

In addition to her action-adventure romance firefighter series, LoLo also writes romantic suspense thrillers and romantic comedies. Other books under her romance umbrella are, Hello Spain, Goodbye Heart, a recently released travel romance, and Irish Thunder, to be released later in 2023, by The Wild Rose Press.

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Alaska Blaze RELEASE Blitz

Book 3 of the Blazing Hearts Wildfire Series

Action Adventure Romance

Date Published: 04-30-2023

Publisher: Avoca Press

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Can an Alaskan firestorm lead to true love under a midnight sun?


Alaskan firefighter Raynie Atwood thinks she know what she wants—until a walking encyclopedia disguised as a hotshot firefighter storms into her life. Grieving loss and betrayal by the man she once loved, Raynie sets her sights on a top command post for wildland fire. But when when an extended drought, high heat, and beetle-killed forests add up to the perfect firestorm, Raynie’s leadership is put to the test.

To add fuel to the fire, Cohen Tremblay tests Raynie at every turn as she works to save sled dogs and Iditarod mushers dog kennels in the deadly Alaskan conflagration…and to make matters worse, a deadly threat from Raynie’s past has her fearing for her life.

When Raynie’s world goes up in flames, Cohen may be the only one Raynie can rely on…hard to do when she no longer trusts any man, let alone a bullish co-worker. Instead, she constructs a rock-solid containment line around her heart. But fire is unpredictable, and so is love. Will their chance for love be snuffed before it ignites?


Romance, fire, and betrayal…another deadly mix!


About the Author

LoLo Paige is an award-winning author and former wildland firefighter, whose debut novel, Alaska Spark, has received several awards for best indie romance, and her second book, Alaska Inferno is a finalist for best indie romance in the 2022 Kindle Book Review Awards.

Alaska Spark and Alaska Inferno have ranked No.1 on the Amazon Bestseller Lists for action adventure and romantic suspense in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. The true story about LoLo’s fire crew escaping a runaway wildfire won an Alaska Press Club award and inspired her debut novel, Alaska Spark.

In addition to her action-adventure firefighter series, LoLo also writes romantic suspense thrillers and romantic comedies. Other books under her romance umbrella are, Jealousy, A Sisters of Sin femme fatale romance thriller, Hello Spain, Goodbye Heart, and Irish Thunder, two romantic comedies The Wild Rose Press will release in 2023.


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TIKTOK: @lolopaigeauthor


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Bearing the Blades Blitz

The Blades Of Sheorae, Book 1

Fantasy Romance

Date Published: April 2023


Her fate is to fight. Hes sick of seeing death. When their potent chemistry ignites a powerful alliance, will they risk love in the face of peril?


If you like slow-burn relationships, intriguing magic, and engrossing mystical settings, then you’ll adore Tyger Price’s thrilling adventure.

About the Author

Tyger Price, a homeschooling author/mother of ten, writes steamy-clean YA Fantasy – letting joy lead.

She just can’t bring herself to grow up; she just won’t do it! Being naturally drawn to children, she hopes people aren’t offended if she talks to their kids before speaking with them. She doesn’t mean it as a slight. She just can’t help it. She considers herself a “recovering addict” where babies are concerned and with ten children of her own, it is no wonder.

Being a native of the land of dreams and imagination, she strives to fill her life with joy while checking things off her ‘apoca-list.’ She loves tigers and butterflies and specializes in steamy-clean romances that make your knees quiver. Still, she goes where the joy and the story leads, delving into fantasy, mystery and adventure with expert precision.

Homeschooling a gaggle of kids keeps her reaching for her notebook or camera – writing down funny things they say and recording their many zany adventures. If there are quiet moments, she enjoys cuddles, sunshine and the scent of vanilla.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Witches & Walk-In’s Blitz

Witches & Walk-In’s
Tammy Tyree
(A Castle Point Witch Series, #1)
Publication date: April 28th 2023
Genres: Adult, Paranormal

Betty Burke has just awakened from a long coma, but there’s a problem; she’s not Betty.

Whip-smart Hypnotherapist Alexandra Heale leads a double life. A natural-born witch, she lives under a death sentence, with a cauldron full of secrets.

When she tries to help Betty; a woman possessed by a traumatized spirit, Alex finds herself under attack – and in danger of being exposed.

Against her better judgment, she enlists the help of Deputy Sheriff Blake Sheraton, a man she’s sworn to hate, with dark secrets of his own – if only he could keep her secrets and ignore his pledge to uphold an evil law.

The paranormal world of demons & spirits is about to descend on peaceful Castle Point, and only one witch can stop the unthinkable.

Even if it costs her life.

Goodreads / Amazon



The cool air tickled my arms. Tiny hairs rose with the gooseflesh. Small mounds of pimpled thermometers popped up over my arms, chest, and neck.

I heard a beeping sound, faint at first, then slowly it became louder and closer. The scent of cleanser assaulted me, harsh and chemical.

My eyes stayed firmly shut as if glued at the seam, or tiny weights held the lids down. My breath came in rhythmic, even bursts.

What was that in my mouth? My tongue wiggled and slammed against the hard plastic. I couldn’t taste anything other than stale, rotting breath, but I could tell something was firmly lodged in my mouth.

What the hell was it?

Why was it there?

I forced my eyes open a fraction. Moonlight filtered through the splintered cracks of my heavy lids and shattered against my eyes. Too bright! I closed them again, only long enough for my tongue to push up against the plastic in my mouth.

I could feel it now, not just in my mouth, but going down my throat. A swell of panic ran from my toes to my nose. I wanted to gag.

Spurred by the beeping beside me, louder now, my eyes flew open. I tried to sit up. I couldn’t move. I laid back against the softness of what must be a bed and peered around the room.

A hospital room.

I felt a heaviness as if underwater, the weight of my arms, legs, and chest making it difficult to see or breathe. The scent of cleanser pierced the back of my nose as I tried to breathe.

What was that thing in my mouth and down my throat? I forced my eyes to open wider, but they burned and felt gritty like someone had sprinkled fine sand under the lids. I blinked several times to clear the grit. My eyes took a while to adjust.

I looked down and saw a tube coming out of my mouth. My heart rate sped up. The beeping beside me kept pace as it beat faster and faster.

Why did I wake up in a hospital?

Was I in an accident?

The beeping sped up again, fast enough to send a wail of high-pitched signals through my room and into the adjoining hallway.

The large door burst open, startling me, which made the beeping speed up yet again. A nurse with short dark hair, dark-circled eyes, wearing pink scrubs with multicolored cartoon puppies on her shirt rushed in.

“Betty! Oh my god, she’s awake!” she practically screamed, to whom I couldn’t imagine. I assumed she was talking about me, however, as she leaped to the beeping machine and pressed a button to stop the noise.

Much better.

But… Betty?

Was that my name?

Author Bio:

Demons, witches and ghosts - oh my!

Tammy (she/her) writes about what she knows - ghosts, hauntings, entities, witches, demonology and the paranormal!

A Clinical Hypnotherapist, Tammy infuses; tales from her actual case files of demonic possession and entity attachment with her knowledge of ancient demonic lore and witchcraft into artfully woven fiction and memoir.

Her upcoming 'Castle Point Witch Series' is due to release in early 2023 and promises to be full of paranormal goodness.

Her memoir 'Dead Men Still Snore' is a page-turning, award-winning true story of love, loss and channelling her husband's messages from the other side.

Visit for more info about Tammy, her work and to receive updates for future books!

Happy reading!

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Stars Like Gasoline Blitz

Stars Like Gasoline
Jessika Grewe Glover
Publication date: April 24th 2023
Genres: Adult, Thriller

When Celia, a Florida art curator, purchases the haunted house of her brother’s deceased fiancé, the spirits threaten her life and her career. To rid the home of the malevolent ghosts, she enlists the help of her brother, Oscar, and Adrian, the best friend of Oscar’s late fiancé, who’d been killed as an Afghanistan veteran. The three are about to be thrown into a chasm of events involving a dead French artist, a Dutch aerospace heiress, and a missing Japanese painter who is presumed to be dead. Not to mention a stalker that begins to threaten Celia and Oscar.

The link between these events appears to be a hidden journal from the 1980s Celia discovers in the home, belonging to a dead, but revered French artist. As Adrian helps decipher the clues, an attraction burns between him and Celia, raising the stakes of the game someone is playing. A game that no one might make it out of alive.

Goodreads / Amazon


“The blisters hurt like the devil when the water hit them, and the open sores on my ankles were screaming demons at me. The night was the kind of heat the air conditioning doesn’t quite hold the upper hand over. Every window was fogged over with moisture. A 2019 Kikumoto painting with no title was a rare find indeed. If I could only get the release for the other piece I’d found, I could bet the gala would draw art dealers and patrons from much farther than our usual guests. Strange that the Cesar acquisition had come from Fort Pierce. While it had a small arts community, the town just south of us wasn’t known for the careful upper-middle-class and bourgeois lifestyle of Vero Beach. Maybe I was tired, but it felt like I was missing vital puzzle pieces here. An anonymous donation of a huge Cesar collection, Kikumotos appearing out of nowhere, seemingly belonging to no one, and a Cesar having once been in my house but now missing.

Cabinet doors slammed in the kitchen, and a thump preceded the sound of running water. I jumped in my seat, leaving my laptop open on the small writing desk, which sat facing the front window. Goosebumps ran a race up my legs and arms, chilling every inch of me. Clenched fingers opened and closed over my phone. Screw it. I texted Oscar.

Something is in here. Don’t call Adrian. If you’re already home, no worries. Just letting you know.

As I raised my eyes from the phone screen, a reflection caught in the fogged window. Silhouetted against the arcing bougainvillea was a man, standing directly behind me. The chair crashed to the floor as I stood like a jack-in-the-box. An icy touch reached out. I grabbed at the salt from the windowsill and tossed it at the shape, watching as the aberration in the room broke apart momentarily. A Spode Blue Italian salt bowl sat on the corner of the black spindle-legged desk. I cupped my fingers into the salt granules, pulled a handful, and spun in a quick circle, entrapping myself within the purported protection circle. I chanted an old Wiccan protection spell I’d found in an eighteenth-century grimoire in Boston and watched the spirit come closer and closer to the circle.

“Elements of Day,

Rays of Sun,

Hear what I say

“Goddess of Night,

Strength of Other,

Goddess of Light,

Protection of Mother.”

God only knows why I had that memorized when I’d only seen the piece a handful of times. The Catholic side of the family would be appalled by my use of a Wiccan spell, but La Madre María hadn’t been working so far. ”

Author Bio:

Jessika Grewe Glover is the author of Another Beast’s Skin, the first book in a contemporary fantasy trilogy. She grew up in Miami dreaming of magic and other realms in which to escape the heat. She currently resides in the Los Angeles area with her British expat husband, two kids, and the world’s fastest bulldog.

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Entirely Blitz

Talya Blaine
(Transformation Series, #3)
Publication date: April 25th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

“…the deep interplay between the two main characters adds a special intimacy to the novel.” -Publishers Weekly BookLife Prize

“a fantastic story…with many surprises and exquisite intimacy. …an excellent read for romance fans and anyone new to the genre.” -Literary Titan

A startling revelation. A secret that speaks to who we are and who we hide. A choice that forces one heartbreaking question: Can their love survive?

Quinn and Jonathan’s journey continues in Entirely, the third novel in the Transformation series. Outfitting a wedding barn and planning Becca’s reception has Quinn furiously busy and—except for a stinging writing rejection—optimistic. Jonathan watches her self-protective walls crumble as their relationship begins to bloom.

Until Octavia calls with an urgent plea.

Quinn can’t refuse Octavia’s request, while Jonathan sees red. The erotic arrangement she proposes to make it up to him yanks him straight out of his comfort zone. He rises to the challenge, though, taking them to stratospheric heights of pleasure and closeness.

When a shocking discovery forces Quinn to make an impossible choice, will their story end with a chasm of hurt and betrayal between them, or can they find their way back to each other?

Intensely intimate, sensual, and emotional, Entirely concludes the first Transformation trilogy. (No cliffhanger.)

• Friends to lovers, slow burn, second chance, fish out of water—readers will click with the themes in this edgy contemporary romance.
• Third-person, alternating points of view
• Characters over 40 and a sexy beta hero

Note: Mature themes, strong language, dungeon and super-steamy open-door bedroom (among other places) scenes. Entirely is Book 3 in the Transformation series; the novels should be read in order.

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Q&A with Talya Blaine:

What was your favorite scene or theme in Entirely to write?

My favorite scene to write was the one in which Quinn and Jonathan are standing in her kitchen in the early hours of the morning, after Becca’s wedding reception. They listen to Becca’s voicemail and then they go to bed. Funny, sexy, intimate–and before the realization of a secret that threatens to pull them apart. Writing that scene was a pleasure.

What was the hardest part of the story to write?

Without spoilers, it was when Jonathan makes his “discovery.” I felt terrible for him because I knew he would feel so utterly betrayed–it was hard to write the scenes where he’s trying to process what happened.

Entirely completes the first trilogy of the Transformation series. What’s next?

Plans are underway for the release next year of some shorter, lighter, funnier stories, more like sexy rom-coms. And with the chemistry between Quinn and Jonathan, as well as all the twists and turns I imagine their life–and the other characters’ lives–taking, expect to see more of them soon.

What’s at the top of your TBR (to be read) pile right now?

The pile is high and always growing but since I’ve been writing a lot lately, I haven’t had as much time to read. Also, when I’m writing fiction, the stories and characters really inhabit my life (or I, theirs), and it’s hard for me to get into other stories and worlds. That said, I’m excited because next up are:

  • The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell, a locked-room whodunit on the set of a British reality TV baking show. (Big grin)
  • Winter’s List by Jordyn Kross, a ménage tale about a law-school graduate who meets two sexy strangers on a flight to the Caribbean.
  • War’s Peace by Raisa Greywood, the first Club Apocalypse novel. I’ve been wanting to check out more of these last two authors’ work since reading their short stories at the end of 2022 in a Holiday Shorts anthology.
  • Last but not least, Big Swiss by Jen Beagin. Transcriptionist for a sex therapist falls for one of his clients and the two accidentally meet IRL? I’m in.

Where can readers find you online?

Visit my blog, and to be notified of new posts, book releases, and special offers, add your email to my list. And/or let’s connect on BingeBooks, BookBub or Goodreads.

Author Bio:

Talya Blaine writes later-in-life contemporary romance that’s emotionally intense and thought-provoking, spicy and sweet. She writes “older” characters (40+), sexy beta heroes, and explores how relationships of all types change over time. Silently (Transformation Series Book 1) is her debut romance, with Secretly (Book 2) and Entirely (Book 3) completed and releasing soon.

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✱✱AudioBook Review✱✱ The Downfall of Us Duet by Claudia Burgoa


The Downfall of Us Duet
By: Claudia Burgoa
Narrated by: Jason Clarke, Maxine Mitchell, & Lance Greenfield

One moment destroyed our perfect love.

This is an emotional, angsty, tearjerker, why choose romance duet by USA Today best-selling a author Claudia Burgoa.

I fell in love with Archer St. James long ago. We were children, but our hearts just knew it. We were soulmates. Our love was eternal. But it wasn’t. 

My future and my heart shattered the day he died. Well, they say he died, but I still sense him. They call it ghost pains. It’s like my soul can’t live without him. And after seven years, I’m almost ready to let him go....

There are two men who claimed to care for me—even love me. One looks almost like the man I lost. The other is so different, but the invisible link between us pulls me to him. My already shattered heart is torn between the past, the present, and a dangerous future with two men.

The End of Me is the first book of The Downfall of Us Duet. An angst-filled why choose MMF romance about broken hearts, loss, and hope.

Momma Says: 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Wow! All the stars for this one, and I haven't even gotten my hands on book two yet. I'm so thoroughly invested in these characters, and I have been since the very first page. Claudia Burgoa always gives us an emotional journey, but The End of Me is like the mother of all journeys. This is the kind of story with the kind of characters that get under your skin. When I wasn't reading, I was thinking about the characters and itching to get back to them.
Everyone should have a love like Archer and Piper, that one person who understands you and knows you better than anyone else. Piper spoke to me in so many ways. Her grief, her need to crawl in bed and stay there, her effort to push forward because that's what Archer would want. I understand that on a very personal level. I also understand not being on anyone else's timeline when it comes to grief. Needless to say, I shed a serious lot of tears as I read The End of Me - some for Piper and some for me. As for Archer, I don't want to give spoilers, but his careful planning in case something happened to him just blew me away, and that falls back to what I said about that person who knows you better than anyone else.
So, I'll stop there before I venture into spoiler territory - there are other characters, but too much about them gives things away. Anyway, did I love this book? Absolutely! Do I recommend it? Without a doubt. And if the person behind all those feels happens to be reading this, I really need book two now, please!
Jason Clarke, Maxine Mitchell, and Lance Greenfield voice these wonderful characters, and if you've never had the pleasure of listening to any of these narrators, you are missing out. All three are excellent choices for this duet, and they captured the angst and emotion of this first in the duet perfectly. 

He saved my heart. She owns my soul.

From USA Today best-selling author Claudia Burgoa comes the highly anticipated conclusion to The Downfall of Us Duet.

The first time I saw her, I had a feeling about her.

It was the hypnotizing indigo eyes. Her smile. Her.

I find myself drawn to her music. I can’t stop thinking about her voice. I’m captivated by her beauty. I don’t understand the bond between us. Also, I belong to someone else.

He put me together when I was broken. He loved me when I couldn’t stand on my own two feet. We fought for our freedom. But still, I feel incomplete. Piper Decker might own a piece of me. But Derek Hastings claimed me when I was broken. Can I belong to two people? Can we coexist as one and find our forever?

When Forever Finds Us is a heartwrenching story of finding who you are before you can offer your heart.

Momma Says: 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The blurb for The End of Me, book 1 in The Downfall of Us Duet, called the duet 'an emotional, angsty, tearjerker,' and I called the first book the mother of all emotional journeys. Neither was an overstatement. That said, this duet is one of my favorites, and I don't just mean favorite in Claudia Burgoa's list of books, although that's true (there are a lot of favorites in that category). This is a favorite for me, period. I realize that's really saying something, but it's completely true. These characters and their story got so far under my skin that if I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it and itching to get back to it. I know, I know, this is not the first impossible-to-put-down romance I've read, it's not even the first I've read by this author, but these characters, especially Piper, got to me. You cannot read this duet and meet these characters and not want them to work out.
That's not to say they didn't frustrate me from time to time. They definitely did, and I wanted to shake one or all of them until their teeth rattled, but that all goes right back to the many feels that make up this romance. It is a #whychoose? love story, and once you meet all three parts of this relationship, you'll understand why I say these characters had to find their way to each other. They just had to.
And that's my cue to stop before I give away the book's secrets. If you've already read the first book in the duet, then you already know some of those secrets. If you were waiting for both books to binge-read, my advice is simple - settle in with your drink of choice and dive right in. Oh, and have plenty of tissues at hand because you are gonna need them.
If you're like me and can't get enough of these characters, or if you prefer the audiobook, Jason Clarke, Maxine Mitchell, and Lance Greenfield knock it out of the park. Claudia Burgoa could not have chosen any better for the narration of this angst-filled romance. I always enjoy any of these narrators, and to get all three in one duet is a special treat. 

✱✱Book Review✱✱ When Forever Finds Us by Claudia Burgoa


He saved my heart.

She owns my soul.

From USA Today Bestselling Author Claudia Burgoa comes the highly anticipated conclusion to The Downfall of Us Duet.

The first time I saw her, I had a feeling about her.

It was the hypnotizing indigo eyes.

Her smile.


I find myself drawn to her music.

I can’t stop thinking about her voice.

I’m captivated by her beauty.

I don’t understand the bond between us.

Also, I belong to someone else.

He put me together when I was broken.

He loved me when I couldn’t stand on my own two feet.

We fought for our freedom.

But still, I feel incomplete.

Piper Decker might own a piece of me.

But Derek Farrows claimed me when I was broken.

Can I belong to two people?

Can we coexist as one and find our forever?

When Forever Finds Us is a heartwrenching story of finding who you are before you can offer your heart.

Momma Says: 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The blurb for The End of Me, book 1 in The Downfall of Us Duet, called the duet 'an emotional, angsty, tearjerker,' and I called the first book the mother of all emotional journeys. Neither was an overstatement. That said, this duet is one of my favorites, and I don't just mean favorite in Claudia Burgoa's list of books, although that's true (there are a lot of favorites in that category). This is a favorite for me, period. I realize that's really saying something, but it's completely true. These characters and their story got so far under my skin that if I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it and itching to get back to it. I know, I know, this is not the first impossible-to-put-down romance I've read, it's not even the first I've read by this author, but these characters, especially Piper, got to me. You cannot read this duet and meet these characters and not want them to work out.
That's not to say they didn't frustrate me from time to time. They definitely did, and I wanted to shake one or all of them until their teeth rattled, but that all goes right back to the many feels that make up this romance. It is a #whychoose? love story, and once you meet all three parts of this relationship, you'll understand why I say these characters had to find their way to each other. They just had to.
And that's my cue to stop before I give away the book's secrets. If you've already read the first book in the duet, then you already know some of those secrets. If you were waiting for both books to binge-read, my advice is simple - settle in with your drink of choice and dive right in. Oh, and have plenty of tissues at hand because you are gonna need them. 

Friday, April 28, 2023

End of Crows Series Tour and Giveaway


End of Crows

End of Crows Book 1

by R.A. Lingenfelter

Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure, SciFi


A new twist on modern warfare. 17-year-old Willow Danner holds on tight the one thing the Dominion Government can’t control: her imagination and hope for freedom. She replays the stories her parents have told her when America was free and your life was your own. Her mother and father have been planning on escaping to their hidden faction and are ready to implement the strategy.
Willow shoves down her fear of being caught by the Dominion constables. Trackers are in every person’s jaw, and any display of deviance from the government’s ruling means instant death. Her dreams of living a life of her choosing are stronger than the risk of getting caught.
Once in the free zone, will she be accepted by her new faction, The Crows, or will she find she is still a slave under a different regime?
This is not a game for the weak of spirit, and blood is the currency.

"The comparisons of Willow to Katniss Everdeen of Hunger Games fame are clearly evident as Willow's talent as a fighter and her determination to win come to the surface. Without training of any kind, she displays great skill in the use of a variety of weapons as well as her bare hands. But, Willow possesses more than these physical abilities and as the story unfolds, her supernatural gifts become more evident and specific to the plotlines. Also like Collins, R.A. Lingenfelter writes tight, straight-to-the-point sentences and paragraphs that propel the reader through each event and scene without undue and unnecessary detail.
In particular, Lingenfelter's ability to build characters simultaneously to the ever-increasing tension of the primary plotline is evidenced by her multiple appearances at the top of Amazon's bestseller lists. End of Crows, while standing on its own, is also the perfect lead novel in the four-book series. Highly recommended for readers who enjoy fast-paced action/adventure stories with hints of the supernatural and powerful lead characters like Willow!" ~
Reader's Favorite

"It’s an excellent comparison to make between the willfulness of teenage rebellion and the passionate but desperate nature of a freedom fighter’s rebellion, and R.A. Lingenfelter doesn’t waste an ounce of the concept's potential in this exciting and tense story of acceptance and the will to fight back. I adored the world-building on show on every page with the Dominion being a constant source of low-level anxiety between run-ins in exactly the way that living under a regime of that nature would be. I particularly enjoyed how for much of the story they were able to be a threat despite not being physically present, such was the terror invoked by the idea of the Dominion that even discussion of them became intimidating. End of Crows is an outstanding work of dystopian fiction that captures both the oppressive nature of living under a hostile regime as well as the spark of resistance that lies in people no matter how much they fear for their lives." ~
Reader's Favorite

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Flight of Sparrows

End of Crows Book 2


Nightmares from the past won’t allow Willow to rest. The Crows are scattered and wounded, and Willow must go back into Dominion territory…alone. An unfamiliar threat knows she’s coming and is waiting patiently as new powers unveil themselves and she continues to discover the hidden warrior within. But will those powers keep her safe or will she become a sacrifice of the Dominion?

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Rise of Falcons

End of Crows Book 3


Despite her rescue mission being successful, time behind the Dominion walls has scarred her and enemies who know of her powers are watching; while family conspires against her. But Willow's conscience won't allow those behind the walls to suffer any longer Will her uprising bring the Crows success or annihilation?

Declaration of Crows

End of Crows Book 4


Unrest filled the political parties of the United States. Christine knew it trickled down to the American people but being twenty-one and in her first year of college, she longed to graduate and begin her life. But her world, her country, was about to change all of that. Disease and uprising spread as quickly as the wildfires that were set. As dissention rose, she was forced to defend herself and powers she never knew she had emerged. Christine quickly realized her old life was dying and in its place; a new life. If she didn’t prepare properly, she would never live to see it.

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**Coming Soon - November 2023!**

Gathering of Corvids

End of Crows Book 5

Having been an automotive mechanic for 25+ years, R.A. Lingenfelter never dreamed she would be an International Gold Medal award winning author, or an IMDb certified award-winning director and producer for multiple international film festivals.

Having an incredible networking and support system, R.A. acknowledges that it takes many hands and talents to support and grow her writing and film careers. Her writing has won accolades and has been compared to Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games, and Veronica Roth's Divergent, but she definitely wants her writing voice to be as unique as her personality.

R.A.'s gratitude for her father grows each year, even after his death, as he was the one who read her notes on ways to kill off her boss via vehicular homicide after he fired her for taking maternity leave. Instead of spending time behind bars, R.A. happily spends her time behind the laptop plotting new worlds and new ways of vengeance.

Her book series, End of Crows, was scheduled to premiere at the 2020 Denver Comicon but unfortunately, Covid changed that. The series has won the highly coveted Gold Medal Reader's Favorite Award for Young Adult Adventure in 2022. She's had four of her novels hit #1 on Amazon and hopes to earn more credentials with her writing.

She lives in Colorado with her city-boy husband with six and a quarter horses, (Mr. Moonlight only counts as 25% horse) her four dogs and two incredible and also sarcastic daughters.

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