Friday, August 31, 2018

Starburst Tour and Giveaway

A Place To Call Home Book 1
by KAE Galla
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Nova spent years in a world she didn’t belong, never knowing who or what she is. Years of questions and confusion, but the time has come for her to find out who she really is and where she belongs. Does she have a family that misses her? Have they been looking for her all along? Are there others like her? What could possibly have happened to bring her into the human world when she was so young?

The answers to all her questions are out there somewhere, and it’s time she found them. It won’t be easy, it may even be dangerous, but it’ll be worth it. Finding her family is only the first step, from there she will have to piece her life back together as she learns the differences between who she is and who she was meant to be. What will happen when she’s thrown into a world she knows nothing about?

As we continue north, our presence disrupts a cluster of flying insects.  Wings similar to that of a large butterfly, are attached to small ball like bodies, but the truly unique thing about these insects is their coloration.  As they fly in a shifting formation, their wings change colors from green, like the plants they were resting on, to purples and pinks, creating a distorted image of what I think is a bird.  Maybe this is their way of protecting themselves, making them appear larger than they are and less like prey.  The further we go, the more beautiful everything becomes.
You have such a goofy smile right now, I wish you could see yourself.”  Iris says with a smile herself.
Laughing I say, “I guess I’m glad I didn’t bring a mirror then.”
You just keep smiling because we are going to have fun while we’re here, and if you’re lucky I might even make you my famous ‘dragon’s breath stew.’”  She says proudly
Dragon’s breath stew?  Um, no offense Iris but you sound like a stereotypical witch when you say things like that.”  I can’t help but tease her about being a witch.  Over the years it has become kind of a running joke between us, especially since the humans are so oblivious.
Haha,” she says, rolling her eyes.  “I’ll have you know it’s a family recipe.”
A family recipe huh?  Well I hope I don’t have any family recipes that sound like it came out of Halloween movie with a green, cauldron stirring, broom flying, children eating…”
We do NOT eat children! And for the last time, we definitely don’t fly on brooms.”  It’s always fun to get her worked up over the human’s fictional version of her people.
Laughing I say, “But the cauldrons are real?”
She mockingly laughs at our banter.  “At least we know you won’t have to sleep in a coffin, and you won’t need a flea collar.” 
And I’m totally fine when the full moon comes around.”  I giggle.
All joking seems to leave her system and she’s avoiding eye contact as she watches the ground while she walks.  “So…what stereotype are we dealing with?”
I knew eventually she’d press the issue, but I had grown used to our easy ‘don’t as don’t tell’ kind of relationship where my lineage is concerned. I had deluded myself into believing it wasn’t important.  Part of me has always worried that if she knew that I’m a Seeker, she won’t help me or worse she’d turn me over to the wraith or my keeper.  The rational side of me knows that both fears are entirely unfounded, but in the past, I was unable to conquer that fear.
Nova, you gotta let me in.  I can’t help if I don’t at least know who we are looking for.”  She tries to hide the slight tremor in her voice as she quietly says, “you can trust me you know?”
She’s right, I know I can trust her and the only thing keeping me from telling her everything, is the fear of putting her in harm’s way.  If only she could understand that I do not mean to hurt her with my silence. Maybe it is time. Taking a deep breath, “Ok…when we make camp, we’ll talk about it.”

VOTE for Starburst to become a Cinebook HERE!!

My name is KAE Galla and I've loved writing since before I knew how. I'd sit with my mom and grandma telling them exactly what I wanted my story to be, and they would write it down under misshapen scribbles I tried to pass off as art work. It wasn't until years later that I finally decided to go full throttle with my passion and share it with the world. Now, thanks to the support of my loving family, great friends, and an amazing team, my dream of becoming an author are reality. My heart is in Paranormal Romance, and Romance in general, but I love challenging myself and broadening my horizons so you can bet there is more to come!

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

VOTE for Starburst to become a Cinebook HERE!!

Hard Drive Tour and Giveaway

Hard Drive
Tech Titans Series Book 1
by Marcella Swann
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Can I tame the Bad Boy Playboy of Silicon Valley?

Damian Black: He’s gorgeous and knows it.
A titan of the tech industry and not yet 30.
Models and starlets are his for the taking.
A billionaire.
And so very good at being bad.
I tell myself I don’t want him even though I do, in the worst way.
But I’ve got a secret that could ruin everything.

Gigi Stevens: She’s brainy and beautiful and has a tongue as sharp as an ice pick.
I’m the face of a multi-billion-dollar tech company and I’ve got a rep.
I’m used to shallow and superficial but that’s not her.
That’s not her at all.
And it throws me.
Is something real worth the risk?
There’s only one way to find out.

It’s a dangerous dance: Will she tame the Bad Boy or will she be the one who’s conquered?

**Only .99 cents!**


Gigi Stevens had never seen a party so over-the-top gonzo.
Palm trees, jungle vines swinging from the ceiling, and animatronic dinosaurs so large and lifelike they could be used in the next Jurassic Park film. If the DJ’s steady assault of concussive beats weren’t enough to elevate Gigi’s heart rate, then the sight of velociraptors and a roaming T-Rex most certainly were.
Granted, since moving to San Francisco she’d attended only a few of the tech industry’s notorious gatherings, thrown by nouveau riche code nerds who’d hit it big with apps or games or search engines, socially awkward guys who might chronologically be pushing thirty, but who were emotionally still
scouring the pages of D&D monster manuals in their parents’ basements.
Tonight’s party was different, however. And the party was different because the man throwing the party was different.
Damian Black, she thought. Or should I call you by your full name, the one given to you by the tabloids? Damian Black, the Bad Boy Playboy of Silicon Valley.
Gigi whirled in the direction of the shout. Speaking of full names, she thought.
Judy Mixson was making her way through the throng, holding champagne flutes high in each hand, trying not to spill their golden contents. When she finally reached Gigi, she handed her a flute and said, loudly, over the music, “A bit of the bubbly, my dear.”
“Oh God, thank you,” said Gigi. “I need it.” She leaned her head back and downed the champagne in one gulp.
“Easy there, girl! The night is young and so are you.”
“I wish I wasn’t,” Gigi said. “It’s one reason why nobody here will take me seriously.” She peered thoughtfully into her empty flute. “Young, fresh out of college—”
“An Ivy League college,” Judy interjected.
“Yeah, but it was Brown, and for some damn reason everyone keeps forgetting it’s an Ivy League school. They know Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, and that’s it.”
“Look here, Georgina: you’re the smartest person in this room and you know it. In the last half-hour, you’ve forgotten more about coding and techy stuff than everyone else in here will learn over the next ten years. And look at you, girl, you’re totally—”
“Don’t say ‘hot.’ You know I’m not even remotely.”
“Actually, I was going to say—”
“And don’t say ‘cute.’ You know how much I hate hearing that.”
Judy made an amusingly frustrated face. “But you are hot. You are cute. Just look at you in your smart little blazer and black jeans.”
“You’re not helping.”
“And those glasses! That beautiful brown hair!”
“I’m praying the Lord takes me right now,” Gigi said.
Judy laughed and sipped her champagne.
In fact, Gigi was brilliant and beautiful, and not wholly unaware of it. She wore her blessings with grace but not always with ease. Beautiful women, she knew, were seen not as equals, but as possessions, and smart women were threats to the established order. TrekTek, one of the more promising Silicon Valley startups, had taken remarkably little time in bringing her on board its research and development department, but Gigi sensed that she’d already plateaued at age 23 and could expect little more than a career of lateral promotions. She was a young, beautiful woman in an industry run by men with egos as big as California and as fragile as Christmas ornaments.
“By the way,” Gigi said, “you know you’re the only one who gets to use my actual name, right? Don’t go giving people ideas. I don’t want it to become a trend. I only allow you to do it because it’s a best friend privilege.”
Judy gave a look of melodramatic mock seriousness. “The dreadful secret of your first name will remain safe with me, Georgina.”
Gigi scanned the crowded floor of Club Terra, thick with sweaty partygoers dancing herky-jerky and not always to the beat. In the distance, over Judy’s shoulder, Gigi could see a T-Rex flashing in and out of view, the strobe effect of the DJ’s lighting setup rendering the dinosaur’s movements every bit as herkyjerky as the revelers.
“Dinosaurs, for God’s sake. You ever been to a party that had dinosaurs?” Gigi asked.
Judy thought for a moment. “Down in Bakersfield, I attended a party with a dinosaur.”
“Yeah,” Judy said. “His name was Sidney Applebaum.”
Gigi laughed.
“Seriously, the guy was like 70 years old and had just married a girl our age.”
“Ew,” Gigi said, wrinkling her nose.
“You know what he gave her as a wedding gift?”
“No, what.”
“An antique organ.”
Gigi laughed out loud. “Oh, Judy, that’s terrible.”
There was a loud metallic bang, like someone throwing a giant switch in a fuse box, and suddenly, without warning, the room was thrust into total darkness. No lights, no music, no nothing. A beat of silence, then people started screaming.
Then, just as suddenly, a single bright spotlight illuminated the DJ’s table onstage.
But instead of the DJ whose name Gigi never cared to learn, the figure now lit by the spotlight’s glare was someone whose name she knew quite well.
Damian Black.
The crowd’s terrified screaming quickly morphed into wild cheering and clapping, and Gigi felt her face go warm. For God’s sake, get a grip, she told herself. You know what he’s about. You know he’s no good.
“Holy shit,” Judy said. “Just look at him, girl. It’s gotta be a mirage. He’s too damn good-looking to be real.”
“Oh, there’s no doubt he’s gorgeous,” Gigi nearly shouted over the cheers. “And there’s definitely no doubt in his mind.”
“Be nice,” Judy said.
Damian raised his hands. “Greetings, Silicon Valley degenerates!”
The crowd laughed.
“I want to welcome you all here for this celebration of, well, me.”
More laughter, and from the crowd a female voice shouted, “You rock, Damian!”
He raised his hands higher to quell the cheering and said, grinning, “No need to point out the obvious, love.”
Everyone laughed.
Everyone, that is, except Gigi. She leaned toward Judy and said, “I just rolled my eyes so hard they fell out of my butt.”
Judy gave her a nudge. “You gotta get in the spirit of things. The guy’s not even 30 yet and already a friggin’ billionaire. Of course he’s a little full of himself. You gotta loosen up, girl.”
Gigi stared through the crowd at the sleek, glowing figure onstage. “According to the tabloids, he’s loose enough for both of us.”

Marcella Swann is an Amazon #1 bestselling author of heart-thumping and heart-melting contemporary romance. She's plied her trade in the newspaper business, written and produced a way off Broadway play, and is the proud mama of a singer-songwriter. When she's not trying to save newspapers from eminent doom (by subscribing to them all), she loves to take her readers on dreamy journeys to that place where all the men are hotties and the women are beautiful and strong. She also swings a mean kettle bell at the gym and likes people watching at Grand Central on a busy day. 

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Release Blitz for Broken by Crystal Kaswell

Title: Broken
Author: Crystal Kaswell
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: August 31, 2018


Some things in life are undeniable.

Trent Stone’s smile is as rare as a rainy day in California.

His eyes are the most beautiful thing in the entire universe.

And the two of us are broken.

For years, we had everything. The kind of love that only exists in fairytales. But it slipped through my fingers. I left and I took his heart with me.

That was supposed to be it. The end. Forever.

Now, I’m face to face with Trent, staring into those soulful brown eyes, choking on all the things I want to say. My heart is begging for his comfort. My body is begging for his touch. My head… my head knows better.

He hates me for leaving.

But if he knew the truth…

This is one secret I’m taking to my grave.

I just hope it doesn’t kill me.

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Author Bio

Crystal Kaswell writes scorching hot new adult romance. When she isn't writing, she is chain drinking tea, binge watching Law and Order, practicing yoga, or debating which fictional character would be the best in bed. She lives in Portland, OR with her husband.

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Release Blitz for Deviant Attraction: A Dark and Dirty Collection by Jennifer Bene

Title: Deviant Attraction
A Dark and Dirty Collection
Author: Jennifer Bene
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: August 14, 2018


Sometimes you can't fight attraction.
No matter how deviant it may be.

In this naughty collection everyone has their deviant desires, secret fantasies, and wicked attractions that tempt them into the unknown. Whether it's a private party where a good girl gets the chance to bring her dark side out to play, or a high school reunion where a second chance at the love of her life gets even better when his best friend wants to play too — 'The Invitation' and 'Reunited' will give you all the kinky menage romance you can handle!

And if you're feeling extra naughty, the twisted novella 'The Rite' brings together danger, dark lust, and a magical HEA to take you through the darkness and into the bright light of love.

USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Bene brings all three of her hot, deviant, and oh so dirty novellas together — available in print for the first time!

Includes all three novellas and their accompanying short stories: 'The Invitation' with short story 'Ben's Day', 'Reunited' with extended ending 'A Night Off', and 'The Rite' with extended ending 'Magic is a B*tch'!

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Author Bio

Jennifer Bene is a USA Today bestselling author of dangerously sexy and deviously dark romance. From BDSM, to Suspense, Dark Romance, and Thrillers — she writes it all. Always delivering a twisty, spine-tingling journey with the promise of a happily-ever-after.

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Release Blitz for Hot Heir by Pippa Grant

Title: Hot Heir
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Sexy Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: August 31, 2018


If I had to pick a bride of convenience, my first choice would NOT be Peach Maloney.
My fiftieth choice would NOT be Peach.
Top spot on my list of occupational hazards? Yes. 
Royal pain in the ass?  Yes.
A bride of convenience? No.
But I’ve unexpectedly gone from royal bodyguard to monarch, having inherited a crown that was stolen from my family long before my birth. The kicker of this unexpected royal gift? In order to take the throne I must find a wife.
Have I mentioned Peach would NOT have been my hundredth choice?
But I’ve no other options, and she needs a favor that my new position can fulfill quite nicely. So we’ve agreed to play the doting newlyweds out in public.
In private, though, our rules are simple:
No touching.
No talking.
And certainly no sex.
I should have known better than to marry a rule-breaking pain in the arse.


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Author Bio

Pippa Grant is a stay-at-home mom and housewife who loves to escape into sexy, funny stories way more than she likes perpetually cleaning toothpaste out of sinks and off toilet handles. When she’s not reading, writing, sleeping, or trying to prepare her adorable demon spawn to be productive members of society, she’s fantasizing about chocolate chip cookies.

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Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You by Dale E. Dallman Virtual Book Tour

  Guest Post The 1960s were a bad time for our military. We were deep in the Vietnam war, the hatred for the war was high, the protesters w...