Title: Kase of Deception
Author: Riann C. Miller
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 27, 2018
Photographer: CW3 Designs & Photographer
Model: Eric Jacob
Cover Design: Jersey Girl & Co.

I had everything I needed, except freedom from my past—a past that suddenly feels like a ruse, ready to ruin everything I’ve worked for.
No matter the consequences, I’m determined to remove the chains binding me to my biggest regret.
I heard the warnings; I just didn’t give a damn, because casualties of war are to be expected.
But I never counted on meeting her.
One look, one taste, one night, and I discovered my mission is about to destroy my future.

Excerpt - Copyright © 2018 Riann C. Miller
I’m a down to earth person until you make me mad, then it’s no hold barred. Especially when livelihoods are on the line. I have a meticulous plan in place, which means I shouldn’t be here, especially with her, but my conscience got the best of me.
I should walk away…
I should leave her the hell alone…
But I’ve never been known for following rules, and this woman—she’s hard to ignore and impossible to forget.
“Oh God, I’m sorry. I promise your secret is safe with me.”
I tilt my head, intrigued at the way her face flushed with color. “Oh, do tell. What secret are you keeping for me?”
She glances around, ensuring no one is listening before she leans halfway across the table, cupping her hands around her mouth. “That you’re a member of a sex club.”
A vision of her cuffed to my bed pops in my head from hearing her innocently whisper the word ‘sex,’ like it’s forbidden.
I learned years ago to avoid women, at least outside of the bedroom. Sex is something no man wants to go without, but a relationship is a whole other story. And this woman, with her big innocent blue eyes, screams relationship material. Nonetheless, she’s captivated my attention.
“It’s nice to know I can trust you, but those who know me best wouldn’t be surprised by my membership to Stella.”
Her forehead puckers. “Then… Why did you bring me here?”
“Straight to the point. I like that quality in a person.” I purposely brush the edge of my hand against hers, itching to touch her in any way possible.
I never counted on meeting her but I was left with the urge to know she was okay, so I did what any normal person in my shoes would do and I watched her from afar, ensuring she was okay, reminding myself I’m not a total bastard. In addition to being beautiful, I discovered she fucking smiles at everyone. If Mary Poppins and Kate Upton had a baby, she would be it.
“You left the other night before I had the chance to talk to you.”
She pulls her hand off the table, her eyes darkening as she brushes her fingers through her long blonde hair. “You mean, you were disappointed when I didn’t wait on you to finish fucking another woman before you gave me the time of day?”
I hold back a smirk. “You’re jealous.” What an interesting turn of events.
Running into her at Stella—which was unplanned—she projected the perfect mix of sweet and sultry. Until then, I wasn’t entertaining the idea of talking to her, let alone fucking her. Now it’s all I can think of.
“N-nnno, I am not,” she sputters.
“Then it’s pointless to mention I returned to the main room only minutes later, with hopes of talking to you.”
Her nose turns up. “My ex couldn’t last long, but—”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. “A friend of mine runs the club. He was out of town and asked me to stop in and check on things. The woman you saw was asking for assistance with an irritable member who was causing a problem.”
Her mouth forms a perfect O while she nods.
“I don’t necessarily believe in fate, Ms. Charles, but the fact that we were leaving Thornton at precisely the same time is a consequence I find hard to ignore.” Like Saturday night, seeing her today wasn’t planned.
She nervously taps her fingernails in a rhythm on the table, watching me but not saying a word.
“I think we would have ended up leaving Stella together, if given the chance, and that’s exactly what I want.” What I need.
“That’s a very presumptuous statement.”
“I like to think of myself as confident, not arrogant.”
“I’m not sure you know the difference.”
Her feisty behavior makes me eager to hear her moaning my name.
“Tell me, without lying, that I’m wrong, that you didn’t imagine the two of us fucking like animals, and I’ll get up and leave. You’ll never hear from me again.”
Her eyes widen while she crosses and uncrosses her legs, but what she doesn’t do is tell me to get lost.
“I want to feast on every inch of your delicious body.”
She noticeably swallows. Her eyes dance around the restaurant then back to mine.
“You can lie and tell me you don’t want this but you’re only depriving yourself of a night we both desperately want.” I reach across the table, cupping my hand over hers. “One night. Allow yourself one night where someone else does all the thinking for you.”
I love the high I get from being with a woman, the way I can lose myself in the pure physical act two people share, but I’m only fooling myself if I believe one night will be enough. But for now, it’ll have to do.
“I thought one-night stands happened after you’ve had too much to drink, not something people premeditate during the middle of the day at a taco shop?”
I stifle a laugh. “Sex can mean many things to different people, but when both parties are clear and upfront, the possibilities can be endless.” I arch a brow. “The beauty of making a decision is it’s yours to own.”
Her big doe eyes fix on mine. I can see the questions dancing through her mind and I’m a lucky bastard she hasn’t already run out of here like the place is on fire.
“What are the rules? Would we meet somewhere? Because meeting at my place isn’t ideal.” I make a mental note to figure out why she wouldn’t want to take me to her place but for now, I bask in fact that she’s considering my offer.
“I’ll send a car for you at five when you get off work.” I jump to my feet, ready to get hell out of here before she changes her mind, not that she’s exactly agreed. “A black Lincoln will be out front. My driver’s name is Tim, and he’ll be watching for you. Oh, and Delanie…” I place my hand under her chin, tilting her head back. “Plan on staying the night.” I brush my thumb over her bottom lip.
Tonight can’t get here fast enough.
“I have to go but I promised you lunch. I’ll order something on my way out.”
She waves my comment off. “Oh, no you don’t have to do that.” She looks at the time on her phone. “You really have to go right now? Maybe we should talk more about this.”
And that’s exactly why I need to leave.
“I’ll see you in a few hours.”
I could be making the biggest mistake of my life, but if I’ve learned anything, it’s that karma’s a bitch because something tells me, one way or the other… This woman was meant to be in my life.

Riann (pronounced Ry-an) lives in Kansas with her husband and two teenaged children. When she’s not reading, or writing, she usually enjoying a Royals game.
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