Worthy Battle, Book 1
Christian Inspirational Fiction
Published: April 2018
Philip Bones — living proof that nice guys don’t finish last.
Working in the juvenile justice field and striving to make the world a better place, it’s no wonder he’s in a committed relationship with a gorgeous co-worker. But things are likely to take a few unexpected turns.
Driven by compassion, the young probation officer invests a VAST amount of his free time in Alden, a fiery-tempered thirteen-year-old who’s setting himself up for a life behind bars. With a bit of tough love, he’s certain he can do for Alden what the legal system cannot — rebuild the boy’s character and give him a better chance of securing a successful future.
Helping Alden comes with a cost. Philip’s girlfriend doesn’t like coming in second place to a rebellious teen. His boss and co-workers disapprove of him spending his personal time with a client. But for Philip, Alden is worth fighting for — no matter the price.
If you enjoy clean, inspirational, life-changing novels, get Rebuilding Alden, the first book in the Worthy Battle Series, today.
Other Books in the Worthy Battle Book Series
Redirecting Billy
Worthy Battle Book 2
Published: May 2018
As long as one has breath, hope exists!
Reprogramming Carlos
Worthy Battle Book 3
Published: June 2018
Ministering to troubled youth can easily tarnish a person's reputation.
Reforming Dawson
Worthy Battle Book 4
Published: July 2018
Some might describe him as a spoiled wealthy brat overcome with entitlement issues.
Dawson prefers to view himself as an attractive biracial male who just so happens to belong to the upper class.
Renovating Elliot
Worthy Battle Book 5
Published: January 2019
How can an alcoholic not recognize his own addiction?
Refurbishing Felipe
Worthy Battle Book 6
Coming April 2019
Is it possible to stop severe mood swings?
Can Mr. Bones help Felipe regain control of his life?
About the Author
JR Thompson has invested twenty years of his life into transforming teens bent on self-destruction. He has provided mentoring services, housed foster children, been an adoptive parent, and directed programs for at-risk youth. JR has also taught adolescent Sunday School classes as well as preached to multiple congregations. He currently serves as an assistant pastor in the Rocky Mountains where his beautiful and talented wife, Hannah, serves as the church's pianist. JR greatly enjoys interacting with his readers. Follow him on Facebook @authorJRThompson
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