Monday, March 25, 2019

Preorder Blast for Served by AJ Alexander

Served by AJ Alexander is coming your way March 28....
(and read an exclusive excerpt below!!)
Against all odds, the bartender gets the girl...
The term friends to lovers never ends well, as a publicist, I know it's a walking headline of a disaster. So when things shift with my long-time friend from college, I'm torn between what feels right and the inevitable fallout.
I've given up on finding "Mr. Right," but Wyatt won't give up on me; and I don't know why. Despite knowing better, I find myself falling for him. The gorgeous bartender who's off limits.
I pour drinks, while other people pour out their hearts. I'm great at giving advice, but following it... not so much. The last time I listened to my heart it didn't work out so well. I chased it and nearly destroyed my friendship with the girl of my dreams.
I can't keep bottling up my feelings and I know Heather feels the same, but I know I don't deserve her I know my time to be with her is limited, but I'm ready to take another shot at love. With her.
SIGN UP for a new release alert →
View the trailer for the Odd Jobs series here:


I came home from work and planned on taking a shower and having a nice relaxing dinner with Heather. I didn’t account for getting out of the shower and having my new neighbor knocking on my door.
I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I assume it was Heather when I went to open the door, but I am met with a tiny young girl.
“Hey, we haven’t met, but I’m Rachael. Your new neighbor,” she chirps at me like a little bird. She seems way too excited this late at night.
“Hey.” I reach down and grip the top of my towel. All I need is for my towel to fall and this chick to get an eye full of my package. “Can I help you with something?”
“Oh, yea! I’m sorry. We just moved in and don’t have everything we need. I hoped you had a plunger or something I could use to unclog the toilet.” She peaks around me trying to check out my apartment.
“I have a plunger. Are you going to need assistance or is your boyfriend around to help?” I ask before opening my door wider for her to enter. She doesn’t waste any time making her way into my apartment, following me toward the bathroom.
“Oh, yea, no boyfriend, just me and my dad.” By how fast she is speaking, she’s obviously nervous. She is trying to look anywhere but at me. “We moved here from the Midwest. My dad got a great price on a new bike shop and couldn’t pass it up.”
“Yea, I helped your dad move in a couple of days ago. He never mentioned anything about a daughter.”
“Sometimes he forgets I’m a girl since I’m nothing but a grease monkey like him since I started working there.” She gives me a shy smile as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “I didn’t get here until yesterday. Just finished my final semester at a community college.” I give her a nod before heading to the bathroom for the plunger.
As I  pass my room I grab my phone and shoot Heather a quick text. All I need is for her to come in and see me half naked with another female in my apartment. After hitting send, I walk into the bathroom and grab the plunger out of the closet and head back to Rachael. I can’t help but wonder why she told me her entire life story in a matter of minutes, and we only met recently. I’m sure someone has taught her not to be so trusting, but she said she was from the Midwest. I remember what it was like when I first came to the city. After being used to never having to lock my front door or car and knowing everyone in town, it was a huge change.
Looking at her baby face and bright eyes make me think of a younger version of my sister, Melanie. She obviously needs a friend in the big bad city. Maybe I can introduce her to Heather and Addison.
“Alright! Thanks for this.” She reaches over and wraps her tiny arms around my waist giving me a bear hug. Damn, I had no idea someone so small could be so strong!
The door slams open, hitting the wall in the process. “What the fuck is going on here?!?” Rachael and I turn to find a very angry Heather coming our way. It’s as if I see my life flash before my eyes and I brace myself for the slap that is coming. I learned from having a sister that there is no explaining this situation to Heather, she’s going to make whatever conclusion she wants.
“Hi! I’m Rachael, the new neighbor.” Rachael jumps between Heather and me, saving my ass.
“Hi, I’m Heather. Care to explain why you have your hands around Wyatt here?” she says with a raised eyebrow and her arms crossed over her chest. She leans around Rachael and addresses me, “And why the hell are you standing here half naked?”
Opening my mouth to respond once again Rachael swoops in to save the day. “Oh, I kind of bombarded him when he was getting out of the shower. I need a plunger to help unclog the toilet and Wyatt…” She looks back at me to confirm that’s my name. I give her a slight nod of my head, hoping that she will continue with the explanation. “Got the plunger I needed, and I’ll leave you to enjoy whatever it is you were going to be doing.”
Rachael’s voice raises slightly as she turns and gives me a wave before heading out the door, closing it behind her. I watch the door close before turning to Heather. I take in a deep breath and get ready to face my fate.
About AJ Alexander
AJ Alexander is a wannabe psychologist, writer, and author of the recently completed, SEAL’ed Series. AJ’s passion is writing angst filled happily ever afters that have to be earned by her characters. Women with no backbone need not apply.  AJ uses sarcasm and an unlimited supply of song lyrics to bring her romance novels to life.
AJ lives in the angst capital of the world, Seattle Washington with her own personal knight in shining armour and her two beautiful girls.
Follow AJ Online!

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