Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Cover Reveal: Ricochet Lissa Lynn Thomas


Ricochet by Lissa Lynn Thomas is coming December 29th and we have the STUNNING cover to share!

Ricochet - ebook

Preorder your copy from your favorite retailer!


The truth is a trap...

Adelaide Jensen has the scoop of the decade and something to prove. She's not about to let the sleazy press secretary, Ransom Lewis, stand in her way. She wants justice for the senator's son who died under what she believes are suspicious circumstances. More than that, she wants the truth.

When Adelaide starts snooping around secrets that have long been buried for the good of the senator, his campaign manager gets nervous. Now another man has caught Addie's eye, and Ransom is lingering around her like he's the only thing standing between her and certain death.

Soon, her discoveries begin to ricochet beyond her control. Will the reporter recover her scorched reputation? Or will this family's past be the end of them all?


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Add Ricochet to your Goodreads TBR!



Lissa was first inspired to consider a career in writing when she was in high school. Her English teacher recognized Lissa's gift for storytelling and encouraged her love of writing. She has six nieces and nephews whom she adores and a beloved cat who is her baby. Lissa loves the color purple and chai tea, and writes poetry under the pen name Bella Sterling.

Under the name Melissa Simmons, she has written one short story with friend and fellow author, Allana Kephart, for the Dare to Shine Charity Anthology. She wrote another short story under the same name for the Best Thing I Never Had Charity Anthology. As Lissa Lynn Thomas, she has short stories in several charity anthologies. Lissa's debut solo novel, Renegade Heart, released in the winter of 2019. Renegade Heart is the first book in the Renegades series. Her political thriller love story, Ricochet is set to release on December 27, 2020. As Lissa Lynn Thomas, with Helena Novak, she is one half of A.L. Shea. Chasing Sunshine, their romantic suspense novel released in November 2019.

Website: lissalynnthomaswriter.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LissaLynn78

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lissalynnwrites/

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Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/lissa-lynn-thomas

Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/0d19d57fcaf9/lissalynnthomasnewsletter

Amazon: https://amazon.com/author/lissalynnthomas

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17273746.Lissa_Lynn_Thomas

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1 comment:

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