Thursday, February 25, 2021

✱✱Audio Book Review✱✱ Tequila Rose by Willow Winters

Tequila Rose
By: Willow Winters
Tequila Rose #1
Narrated by: Sebastian York, Lidia Dornet

He tasted like tequila and the fake name I gave him was Rose. 

Four years ago, I decided to get over one man, by getting under another. A single night and nothing more. 

I found my handsome stranger with a shot glass and charming but devilish smile at the end of the bar. The desire that hit his eyes the second they landed on me ignited a spark inside me, instant and hot. He was perfect and everything I didn’t know I needed. That one night may have ended, but I left with much more than a memory. 

Four years later, and with a three-year-old in tow, the man I still dream about is staring at me from across the street in the town I grew up in. I don’t miss the flash of recognition, or the heat in his gaze. 

The chemistry is still there, even after all these years. 

I just hope the secrets and regrets don’t destroy our second chance before it’s even begun.

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Momma Says: 5 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Okay, so it's been a hot minute since I read or listened to a Willow Winters book, and I don't know how, but I had forgotten her knack for leading the reader to a cliff and nudging them right on over the edge as she casually strolls away, leaving you hanging on by the tips of your fingers. In my case, she left me hanging onto my phone as I looked to see where the rest of the story was... and it's not here yet!
This first part of the story is kind of a slow-burn but kind of not, and I'll just say it now, that in most cases, I steer clear of love triangles. They typically make me crazy and the characters involved usually annoy me. However, when Willow Winters does a love triangle, she does it up right. That's not to say these characters didn't make me a little nuts, and I really wanted to pop one-third of that triangle right in the mouth a few times. So, yeah, this one certainly got my blood pumping.
So, now that I've managed to keep my thoughts about Tequila Rose spoiler-free, I'll sum it up by saying I love Brody, I like Mags, and I mostly just want to smack Robert. I do have a sneaking suspicion that those feelings will change with the next book, so I'll be anxiously waiting to see how that goes. 
Since this is the audiobook, I should mention the narrators who have so wonderfully breathed life into these characters. I think this was my first experience with Lidia Dornet, and I'm impressed. She captures Mags perfectly from the insecurities to the determination to the 'what am I gonna do now?' moments, Dornet is Mags. Then we have Sebastian York, and if you listen to much romance, you already know the sexy voice that makes book boyfriends everywhere sound like sex on a stick. So, yeah, Brody is all that. 
We have a terrific story with equally terrific narrators. The romance is a big ol' mixed bag of tropes with complex characters and a storyline that kept me up listening long past my bedtime. Admittedly, there were things about this story that I normally wouldn't care for, but this author, these voices, and these characters make all the difference. 

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