Friday, February 26, 2021

Cover Reveal for Bounce by Becca Seymour


Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway:

Bounce by Becca Seymour

bounce_for jpegs

Outback Boys, Book 2

Standoffish Aiden is content keeping people at a distance and ensuring his boundaries are impenetrable. There’s safety in not opening up, but there’s also a loneliness he doesn’t realise exists until he meets Riley, a new member of the LGBTQI+ adventure group Outback Boys.

Fascinated by the new guy, Aiden is quick to discover his flirtation skills are rusty and his sweet-talking is cringeworthy. But sweet and clumsy Riley doesn’t seem to mind so much.

Even though Riley doesn’t quite know how to handle Aiden’s intensity, he’s willing to step out of his comfort zone and see how their tentative friendship unravels.

Between a surf lesson that resembles a kangaroo on acid and paddle boarding that is trickier than walking a tightrope, Aiden and Riley discover love may be a possibility after all.

Happiness relies on honesty and openness, though. And with both men holding on tightly to past struggles, their future together is at risk. Can the two Aussies bounce back and heal themselves and each other, or are some wounds too raw to recover from?

Outback Boys is a sweet and sexy M/M romance series complete with bruised butts, rope burn, and overworked muscles… all in the pursuit of adventure, of course!

Trigger Warning: Contains themes (discussions) of mental health and suicide.

Coming March 27!

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Cover Reveal Excerpt: Bounce by Becca Seymour

*Disclaimer: Unproofed copy


“You did great. Now look at you,” Mark said to Trey. “Speeding on ahead and giving even hardened adventurers a run for their money.” He turned his attention to me. “Honestly, just get through today, and you’ll find you’ll love it. Doesn’t mean you won’t feel the burn tomorrow, though.” He grinned.

A low groan tumbled from me. “Is it going to be that bad?”

Mark laughed good-naturedly. “Tomorrow we’re kayaking, so at least your legs will be given a break. You’ll be fine.”

I hoped he was right.

“Great job, everyone.” I turned my attention to a new voice. A guy called Frank had done a small greet and intro when we’d set up camp this morning. The tall, brown-haired guy currently holding my attention was most definitely not Frank—a smiley guy in his sixties. Nope. The hunk of deliciousness was perhaps close to my age and had such sculptured, toned legs that I doubted the measly eighteen kilometres from today would be felt. “My name’s Aiden, for those first-timers.” He glanced around, his eyes connecting with mine, a friendly smile forming on his lips.

Hot damn.

I gulped, impressed I remembered how to complete that simple action since my whole body reacted to the man.

“We’ll stop for twenty minutes, then continue the trail.” He looked at his watch. “We should be able to take another pit stop when we’re on the last leg and be back at camp by five.”

Frank walked to his side, saying, “Don’t forget to holler if you need anything, and we’ll let you know tonight about the plans for tomorrow.” He turned to Aiden, who said something and laughed. While I couldn’t hear the words, his laughter was deep and loud. Goosebumps travelled up my skin at the sound.

An elbow in my side had me whipping my head around. My gaze landed on Pete’s shit-eating grin. “Pick your jaw up off the ground.” While he spoke a little lower than usual, Mark and Trey snorted, clearly having heard him.

Heat flushed up my neck, spreading across my cheeks. I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at Pete. “I was only paying attention.”

“Uh-huh.” Pete nodded, amusement dancing in his eyes. “And the drool?”

I huffed and shook my head. “Piss off.”

Check out where it all began...

Outback Boys, Book 1

Trey has a problem he’s worked hard to manage. It involves not turning into a bumbling mess while around a gorgeous brown-haired man who’s way out of his league. Eight months’ practice from being part of the same LGBTQI+ adventure group, Outback Boys, means he’s perfected the skill.

That’s until an epic stumble makes his head spin and he throws all caution to the wind. But there’s no turning back now, especially since a snow-filled trip means they’re forced to spend even more time together.

Mark has no concerns about the changes unfolding between him and Trey, the giant of a man who’s adorably reserved. He’s been crushing on him for so long that he’s eager to explore more. But when their latest adventure is over and they fall back into the real world, balancing work, life, and a relationship proves more challenging than he envisioned.

Something has got to give, and neither man knows the best way ahead without upsetting the status quo. Can the two Aussies work their way through their new connection, or will they stumble at the first hurdle in their way?

Outback Boys is a sweet and sexy low-angst M/M romance series complete with bruised butts, rope burn, and overworked muscles… all in the pursuit of adventure, of course!

This title was originally part of the Winter Wonderland Giveaway. The Amazon version, however, includes new bonus content--two extended scenes and a must-read epilogue.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate Becca's Cover Reveal, we are giving readers the chance to win 1 of 3 e-copies of Bounce!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Becca Seymour Author Profile

About the Author:

Becca Seymour lives and breathes all things book related. Usually with at least three books being read and two WiPs being written at the same time, life is merrily hectic. She tends to do nothing by halves so happily seeks the craziness and busyness life offers.

Living on her small property in Queensland with her human family as well as her animal family of cows, chooks, and dogs, Becca appreciates the beauty of the world around her and is a believer that love truly is love.

Connect with Becca:


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