Welcome to Magic Pen Book Tours' organized book blitz for Reign: A Limited Edition Romance Anthology by by Penny Dee, Bec McMaster, KE Osborn, Nina Levine, Liz Lovelock, Evie Mitchell, Kat T Masen, Emma James, Addison Jane, JA Low, Leesa Bow, Kally Ash, and Corinne Mazille taking place March 9-12, 2021!
Book Details

Title: Reign: A Limited Edition Romance Anthilogy
Authors: Penny Dee, Bec McMaster, KE Osborn, Nina Levine, Liz Lovelock, Evie Mitchell, Kat T Masen, Emma James, Addison Jane, JA Low, Leesa Bow, Kally Ash, and Corinne Mazille
Genres: Anthology including contemporary and paranormal romances
Release date: February 9, 2021
Pages: 1207
Long may they reign...
Reign is a collection of thirteen brand new romance novellas featuring men and women who rule their empires but not their hearts.

Authors and Teasers
Illusive - The Exiled Eight MC by Addison Jane (Contemporary MC Romance)
Addison Jane is a born and bred kiwi girl with a passion for romance and writing.
When she gets the chance she enjoys the little things in life such as reading, dancing, music, and Facebook, but her world really revolves around the little girl who calls her Mum. It's an awkward balance between alpha males and Disney princesses but it works.
Growing up on a small farm next to the beach will always make her a country girl at heart. But since moving away to a small town close to the city she's discovered a dangerous love for shopping.
Writing stories has been something that’s come naturally since she was young, and with the massive support of her friends and family, she finally decided to step out of her comfort zone and share them with the world.
She enjoys bringing her books to life with strong female leads, sexy passionate men and a rollercoaster of twists and turns that lead to the happily ever after that her readers desire.
Find out more about Addison Jane: https://www.facebook.com/Addisonjaneauthor/
Little Bird by Kally Ash (Contemporary Mafia Romance)

Kally Ash is a USA Today Bestselling Author whose passions include curling up with a good book, devouring chocolate and getting kitty cuddles. Tempt Me is her debut novel, and the first book in a three book series.
Some of her unicorn authors include Sawyer Bennett, Elizabeth Hayley and Haley Jenner.
Find out more about Kally Ash: https://www.kallyash.com/about-kally-ash/
Surrendered Hearts by Nina Levine (Contemporary Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance)

Find out more about Nina Levine: https://ninalevinebooks.com
King of the Boroughs by Penny Dee (Contemporary Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance)

Hi I’m Penny Dee! I’ve written stories for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first book when I was five. It was called The Goodies and it was about a drive to the shops to get milk. It was amazing. It was also brilliantly illustrated in orange felt tip pen because I was all about the awesomeness when I was five years old.
Skip forward a few decades… and I write romance, erotic romance and romantic suspense. And MC romance. And rockstar romance. And contemporary romance. Hell, if they’re romancing then I’m writing it. I feel really fortunate because I get to meet interesting characters every single day—fictional characters who shock the hell out of me! I never know where their story is going until they lead me there. They’re in charge. They can be bossy and demanding. Sometimes a little impatient and frustrating. And let me tell you, they don’t understand the concept of quiet time.
No. I am not crazy.
When you write fiction, you share your grey matter with a lot of characters. Characters who show up unannounced and demand to be put to paper.
Fictional characters aside, I also like to hear from real humans so don’t be shy, drop me a line and say hi.
I promise you. I am not crazy.
Find out more about Penny Dee: https://pennydeebooks.com
The Unwanted Crown by K E Osborn (Contemporary Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance)

Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she felt compelled to write the story brewing in her mind.
Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry, and get completely enveloped with the characters and their story lines. She feels completely at home when writing and wouldn’t consider doing anything else.
Find out more about KE Osborn: http://www.keosbornauthor.com.au
Three's A Crown by Ja Low (LGBTQ (M/M/F) Royalty Romance)

Hello there, I'm JA Low the writer.
Thanks for taking the time to learn about me. I live in the Australian outback with my husband and my two adventurous boys. I have two crazy Jack Russells, Four chickens that are stubborn and really don't like cuddles no matter how much I try and make them, I also have a million and one bees.
I love reality tv, give me anything Real Housewives. I'm obsessed with recipe books, even though I don't use them. I love American modern farmhouse homes and one day I will build one.
Give me a shot of tequila and I'm your girl.
Hope you enjoyed my books and hope to see you around a book signing or two.
Find out more about JA Low: https://www.jalowbooks.com/
The Trouble With Love by Kat T. Masen (Contemporary Billionaire Romance)

Kat T. Masen. I'm obsessed with the '80s — hands down THE best years of my life. Granted, I was in the prime of my life, not reaching the double digits yet. Life was nothing but great music, neon-colored tights, and roller-skates that made an appearance at the roller arena each week.
Then I grew up...
Ahh, the '90s. I'm admitting right here that I'm a 90210 fanatic. The skates were hung up, and dating boys became the norm.
Also, then l began to adult...
Marriage, four boys, and what's that...I kind of became an author. I combined my love of reading, '80s bands, and the swoony men on 90210 to bring you sexy.humorous.smut.
But, then I was like, can I do more?
I'm also the founder of Books Ever After Book Boxes & Books by the Bridge Author Events.
So if you don't find me writing, planning events or packing book boxes, you'll find me with a plate of nachos binge watching Gilmore Girls for the millionth time. Team Logan all the way.
Oh...and parenting but thats easy, right?
Find out more about Kat T Masen: https://www.kattmasen.com
Prince of Ruin by Bec McMaster (Paranormal Romance)

My name is Bec McMaster and I live in a small country town in Australia with my boyfriend, a noisy cockatiel, and a beautiful dog named Kobe. I grew up either with my nose in a book or writing, and never understood why other people didn’t get to watch ‘all the movies in their heads’. Following a lifelong love affair with fantasy, I discovered romance at the age of sixteen and haven’t looked back.
When I’m not writing I like to read, obsess over food blogs and my attempts at recreating their masterpieces, go hiking with my boyfriend, pore over travel brochures, and go to the gym. I’m addicted to travel, and love to set my books in foreign places. It’s the next best thing to travelling there. One day I vow to see the entire world, whether it’s by plane, paper, or imagination.
These days I can be found sitting at my computer with a hot mug of tea, possibly some chocolate (okay, definitely some chocolate) creating the dark and dangerous worlds of the London Steampunk, Dark Arts or Burned Lands series' where even the darkest hero can find love. I’m a member of RWA (USA and Australia), and am represented by Jessica Faust of BookEnds; LLC.
I’m so grateful to get this chance to pursue my dream, so thank you to everyone who reads my books. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Find out more about Bec McMaster: https://www.becmcmaster.com
The Marriage Claim by Evie Mitchell (Royalty Romance)

Find out more about Evie Mitchell: https://www.eviemitchell.com
Stardust by Leesa Bow (Contemporary Sports Romance)

Find out more about Leesa Bow: https://www.leesabow.com/
Queen of The V by Liz Lovelock (Contemporary Romance)

Liz Lovelock is from bright, sunny, Queensland in Australia. She is a mother of three little monsters, a wife to an amazing husband and an avid reader. Liz always loved books from a very young age, when she began reading Garfield comic books. Then in high school, her passion grew when she was given Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden for an assignment, from that she continued to find new gems. Liz always has a book and notebook beside her bed for when inspiration hits at those crazy hours. She is a stationery and chocolate addict and has a one-click addition. Liz has heaps of new book ideas for the future and looks forward to sharing those ideas with you, her readers.
Find out more about Liz Lovelock: http://www.lizlovelockauthor.com
King's Gambit by Emma James (Paranormal Romance)

Emma James is the author of the completed Hell's Bastard series, a jaw-dropping, highly addictive, unpredictable, sexy, and very twisted dark suspense/thriller series and also the much-loved Men of Ocean Beach series.
Emma writes in multi-genre and loves to keep the reader guessing with all the twists and turns found in her stories. Always expect the unexpected.
One consistent thing with her stories is love will always rise from the ashes.
Marley, her black Labrador, is the inspiration for Bear in Men of Ocean Beach series. Morrison, the family pet rescue cat, who has many OCDs, will be grabbing some of the limelight in a future standalone because the dude rocks the 'tude.
She likes Pina Coladas, but not getting caught in the rain.
Emma takes regular zen breaks from her writing to listen to and stare at the ocean because you only live once, might as well stare at the sea when you can.
Find out more about Emma James: https://www.facebook.com/emmajamesauthor
Runaway Princess by Corinne Mazille (Contemporary Romance)

My name is Corinne Mazille, and I love to write romance in all different tropes. I started writing a lot later in life, but once an idea formed in my head after reading hundreds of books, I couldn't stop. Coming up with characters and worlds is so much fun, and I can't wait until I can do this fulltime.
I never really thought of myself as being artistic, but years ago, I did start a makeup course because I would have loved to work on movie sets, but real life got in the way and a job opportunity arose that I couldn't turn down. But I still have a massive love of makeup and can very easily spend hours watching make up tutorials on Youtube.
And I am blessed with a daughter who I have trained well. She loves to play with makeup, although I do find pieces missing from time to time.
We are also huge Disney fans in this house, and we are currently planning our next trip, this time hoping to get to Disney World.
Find out more about Corinne Mazille: https://www.corinnemazilleauthor.com/

Thanks for stopping by!
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