Friday, October 1, 2021


Final Strike

by Vanessa M. Knight 


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



Julie Connolly thought she had perfected the art of emotional eating, but ever since she learned of her father's passing, she's taken it to new heights. The bastard has figured out how to destroy her life from the grave.

Her father's proposal—abandon her son Cody, so someone else can raise him, or lose her inheritance. The outrageous condition doesn’t deserve a response but the lawyer her father hired demands an answer. Before she can tell the ambulance-chaser exactly where he can shove his demands, her worst fears come alive: Cody is kidnapped. Her only hope comes from Ben Mooring, a man she hates nearly as much as her father.

Though Ben Mooring lost his chance with Julie years ago, she and Cody still mean the world to him. He practically raised the kid for years when he was with Julie. When Cody goes missing, Ben drops everything to search for him. He might never win a spot in Julie's life again, but he can't rest while Cody is in danger and Julie needs him.

Julie and Ben join forces to find Cody, but they have to work quickly. If she doesn't find him soon, she might lose her son forever.


EXCERPT (Exclusive Excerpt):

She knew he was looking at her because his voice grew a tad louder. And she knew he was worried. He shouldn’t waste his worry on her. “I just want to find Cody.”

“We all do.” He sighed and touched her arm. “But I want you to know you can talk to me.”

“About what?” She pulled away and kept moving. She didn’t want to talk. It was overrated.

“About how you’re feeling.”

She definitely did not want to talk about that. She snorted a laugh with no humor. “You really want to talk about your feelings?” Guys never wanted to talk about their feelings—especially if you called them out on it. At least that was the plan.

“No. I want you to talk about your feelings.”

She stopped and turned to him. “That doesn’t sound fair. I have to talk about my feelings but you don’t.” She unclipped the radio as they reached the end of the trail. “Second connector trail, clear.” That seemed like the right way to do it.

“I feel powerless.” Ben’s voice was far away. Like he wasn’t walking with her anymore.

Julie stopped. Turned around. 

Ben faced her from several feet away. “I feel angry and scared. And I hate that there isn’t one thing I can do about it. I hate watching you try to hide what you’re going through. And I hate myself for not doing more, pushing harder when the break-in happened. I should have said something. Done something. But I was mad about Dale. About him being here. And I let this happen.” Ben shook his head and aimed the flashlight at the left side. “That’s how I feel.”

Julie moved close enough to twine her fingers through his. He didn’t look directly at her, but he didn’t need to. She could tell he was crying, and given how wavy the world was looking, she was crying too.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Who is Vanessa M. Knight?  Well, I’m an author.  Wow.  After years and years of wanting to use those words, that is fun to say.  It’s almost as fun as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  Did I spell that right? 


I write contemporary romantic suspense. 


I live in Chicagoland with my family and menagerie of four-legged friends.  In my mind, these lovely animals do everything as they should.  I’m the alpha, keeping peace and harmony amongst my humble servants.  In real life, they own me.  I’m the maid, here for their feeding pleasure.  Well, that and to clean up their messes.

When not catering to the needs of adorably-furry faces, I slug through the nine to five grind and head home so I can write.  Of course, that’s after I make dinner and clean the house and all the other tasks that go into family life.  So really, I work, cater to animals and my family… and then, if I don’t fall face first into bed, I write.  I love putting my characters into crazy situations and watching how they react. I hope you love reading about them.  

I love to hear from fans.  I can be found on Facebook at VanessaMKnight and at





Amazon Author page LINK:


Buy Links:

Final Strike:








Vanessa M. Knight will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Friday, Ms. Knight! Do you have any specific reading or writing plans for the weekend?

  2. Thank you for having me here today. I hope you enjoy the peek into Julie’s story.

  3. This definitely looks like an intriguing read.


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