Thursday, December 16, 2021

Temptation Tour and Giveaway



by Bailey B.

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

I’ve sworn off men forever!

Okay, not forever but for a few months. After my last hook up, my vag needs a reset because the last man to touch me broke it in the worst of ways. Not a problem, until my new dance partner comes into the picture. He’s turning into my forbidden fruit, tempting me in ways I didn’t know possible.

I have three months of celibacy ahead of me and eight weeks to whip my new dance partner into shape.

Someone save me.

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Want to go swimming?”

No,” I say through a laugh. “But I’m happy to watch you.”

Avery looks over her shoulder and smiles. She kicks her boots off, tossing them by my feet and steps out of her jeans. The moonlight reflects off her sequined top, highlighting her bare shoulders and perfect ass. 

She walks down to the water’s edge, letting the waves kiss her bare toes. She stays there, staring out at the vast ocean. Music from a neighboring hotel floats down to us. 

Avery turns to me as the song we danced to at prom fills the night air. I walk towards her, leaving everything on the sand. She smiles, turning, taking slow, purposeful steps. 

We meet in the middle and stare at each other for a beat. Any time that Ed Sheeran classic came on the radio, I thought of her. Back then, I could only sway side to side, but now I’ve got a handful of moves up my sleeve and plan to put them to use. 

I hold my hand out and pull Avery into me. She laughs, and I swear she’s blushing. I set my hand on her lower back and step us forward, finding our dancing form. 

We sway, side to side for a beat, reminiscing on the old days, before Avery gets that look in her eyes. She turns in my arms, placing her back against me for a step or two, then spins herself outward. With my hand still in hers, she puts my palm on the back of her neck. I hold the position.

Avery ducks underneath my arm, spinning twice before curling into me again. We use our Foxtrot footing, traveling across the sand. Avery pushes the hair from her eyes and wiggles her hips, kicking her foot up in a flair step. She runs around me once, laughing as her hands tail across my stomach. 

I catch Avery by the waist and dip her backwards. She snaps upright and cups my cheeks. We sway like this again, her forehead resting against mine under the moonlight sky.  

Hold my leg,” she says, wrapping one arm around my neck. I grab her thigh as her knees bend and spin us around. The move probably isn’t as graceful as it’s supposed to be, but Avery’s laughing again so it works for me. 

I set her down. That arm stays behind my neck as she sways her hips. I hold her close, matching her rhythm for as long as she’ll let me. 

Avery turns again until we’re nose to nose, stepping slowly across the sand. I take the hand behind my neck and spin her once.

We should have done something like this,” she says when we’re nose to nose again.  She smiles, turning a few steps away from my body, then does a flip.

Geeze, woman.” I can do nothing but watch as she takes the moment and makes it hers. 

Avery stops to catch her breath for half a second then runs towards me. She jumps, landing with her legs around my waist. I hold her close, feeling the rise and fall of every breath. 

Kiss me, Carter,” she whispers.

I do. I hold her face in my hands and kiss her until I’m breathless. Until the song that started everything is long gone. Avery pulls me down onto the sand. I lay on top of her, careful not to hurt her with the full weight of my body.

I want this,” she says, looking into my eyes. She reaches up and runs her hand through my hair. “But I can’t be your girlfriend.”

I don’t care about the label.” I kiss her cheek. Neck. Shoulder. Avery gasps, arching her back in response. My hand rubs against her bare thigh, stopping at her hip.

Take me home, Carter,” she pants. She cups my cheeks, forcing me to stop kissing her body and to look at her. “I need to feel you.”

Bailey B is an up and coming New Adult author. She lives in Lehigh Acres Florida with her husband, twin girls, and two fur babies. She enjoys (but doesn't get to take part in because of her crazy daughters) the simple things like Disney+ binge watching, Netflix romcoms, reading and sleeping. She reads two to three books a week and thinks if narwhal's are real animals then unicorns might be too.

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