Friday, December 10, 2021

Wild For Me Tour and Giveaway


Wild For Me

The Balefire Series Book 3

by Tam DeRudder Jackson

Genre: Contemporary Rockstar Romance 


Annabelle Stewart, all tight leather skirt and hot lace panties, thundered into my life for one night after a rock show and calmly drove away the next day. She should have been like any other one-night stand I've had over the last ten years touring with Balefire. But she wasn't. At odd moments, I catch myself thinking about her, wondering if I made as big an impression on her as she did on me.

Then I walk into the rehearsal for our drummer's wedding, and who's standing with the bride? The hottie who keeps me awake with thoughts of our one night together. Beautiful, smart, and sassy as hell, Annabelle sets me on fire with her kisses and leaves me hanging. But I've got plans for her.


I never expected to see him again. Two years after hooking up with Dakota Perri after a Balefire concert, I'd convinced myself that night was a fantasy. But the way he looks at me during Jack and Clio's wedding, like he remembers every second of our one-night stand, lights me up. Too bad I blew it.

Then I score a management internship with the band, an opportunity guaranteed to land me a scholarship with a top graduate program-if I don't earn a reputation for sleeping my way to success. Which is a problem. I see Dakota every day. Every time we're together, the sparks fly faster and hotter. If I want to achieve my goals, I have to resist him. But how can I resist a man as panty-meltingly hot as Dakota Perri when he says he's wild for me?

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While we took a minute to peruse our menus, Annabelle commented on all the “yummy”—her word—choices. I already knew I’d order whatever special Diane described since I could count on whatever it was being delicious. The woman didn’t know how to cook anything that didn’t leave a guy begging for seconds. How she’d remained unmarried all these years after Blu’s dad walked out was an unsolvable mystery.

As if I’d conjured her with my thoughts, the woman herself arrived at our table.

“Dakota! I’m so happy to see you!” Diane gushed like she hadn’t seen me in months instead of last week when I came in alone for dinner.

I stood and hugged her then turned to Annabelle. “This is my date, Annabelle Stewart. Annabelle, Diane Connolly.”

“We met briefly at Jack and Clio’s wedding,” Diane said with a smile. “It’s nice to see you again, Annabelle.”

“Thank you. It’s nice to see you too.”

“I take it the two of you hit it off at the wedding?” Diane asked, a sly smile crossing her lips.

“Pretty much,” I said, trying to head off the third degree I knew she wanted to inflict on us.

For as long as I could remember, Diane had been trying to fix Blu and me up with “nice young women.” She’d finally managed it with Blu, introducing him to the girl next door who turned out to be the girl of his dreams or some shit. I just wanted a good time for a while.

Apparently, Annabelle agreed with me since she changed the subject. “I’m so excited to be here. I’ve heard rave reviews about your place, but I didn’t know the owner of Signals was that Diane Connolly. This place is amazing,” she said as she glanced around the dining room. “I love the old-world feel of it. All the rich wood and bold floral upholstery and brass accents make me think of old romantic movies.”

Running her hands along the leather of the banquette seat, she added, “The intimacy of these banquettes makes me feel special, like a VIP or something.”

“You are a VIP,” Diane said warmly. “Thank you. Ashleigh and Blu encouraged me to go for this, and though I worried I might not be ready, it’s doing all right so far.”

“Better than all right. You must have known why I invited myself to dinner at your place so often when Blu and I were kids.” I winked.

“Inviting yourself to dinner is a habit with you?” Annabelle asked with a smirk on her pouty lips.

“Only when I know I’m going to eat great food.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “You didn’t know that before you invited yourself.”

“You’re a cook too, Annabelle?” Diane asked, interest lighting up her face.

“Not really.”

“There’s another story there,” Diane began, but I cut her off.

“Yeah, but we don’t want to hold you up with all the boring details. What’s for dinner tonight?”

“I’ll get the details out of you later,” she threatened.


I had no doubt she’d try. But she didn’t need to know how Annabelle and I met or about my current pursuit of the gorgeous brunette seated across the table from me.

Tam DeRudder Jackson is the author of the paranormal romance Talisman Series and the contemporary romance Balefire Series. Her favorite “room” in her house is her patio where she dreams up stories of romance and risk. When she’s not writing her latest paranormal or contemporary romance, you can find her driving around in her convertible or carving turns on the slopes of the local ski hill. The mom of two grown sons, Tam likes to travel, attend rock concerts, watch football and soccer, and visit old car shows with her husband. She lives in the mountains of northwest Wyoming where she spends most of her free time trying to read all the books. Her TBR piles are threatening to take over her office, and she’s fine with that.

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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon giftcard + a Greek Goodies Swag Pack with a shot glass, 

a lucky Medusa eye/tree of life bracelet and a woven bookmark! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a rockin' good read for me and I love the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular holiday season!


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