Wednesday, May 11, 2022

In the Weeds by Andrew Grey Blog Tour

Title: In the Weeds
Author: Andrew Grey
Series: A New Leaf Romance Book 2
Genre:  M/M Contemporary Romance
Publisher: DreamSpinner Press
Release Date: May 3, 2022
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print


Florist to the stars Vin Robbins is in high demand in LA, but he hates working for someone else. When he returns to his Pennsylvania home to help his widowed father, he finds an opportunity he never expected with his first love, but learns that someone’s been taking advantage of the unused family greenhouse.

Casey Lombard wasted too much of his life denying who he is and what he wants, but he won’t do that any longer. His biggest regret is letting Vin go, so running into Vin again when he gets called to investigate who planted pot on Vin’s family’s property sends him reeling.

 Vin ignites feelings Casey thought long dead. But Casey has a daughter, and Vin is only home for a visit. Surely the bright lights of Hollywood will call him back to the City of Angels, so how can Vin and Casey build the life they both wish they had?

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“The breaker box is in the office area behind the counter. Just unlock it and flip the main switch. You should be able to turn on the store and greenhouse lights, if the bulbs still work.”

Casey tilted his head to the side and answered a radio call. “Okay. I’ll be back,” he said, leaving the house. 

He’d only been outside a few minutes when Red and Carter pulled up in their police cruiser. 

Red was a huge man who’d been in an accident as a kid. He was a great guy, but his facial scars made him seem intimidating. Carter, on the other hand, was the department’s resident computer expert. Together, the two officers made a formidable team. Casey knew them the way he knew all the cops at the station, but not as well as he probably should have. He had felt like an outsider for much of his life, and that feeling had carried over into his work. It wasn’t them—it was him. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a clue what to do about it. 

After discussing the situation, the three of them drove to the closed florist business and shone their flashlights around the area before peering inside the building. Casey’s beam of light pierced the darkness, but only dust floated through it. When he didn’t see anything, he used the key to unlock the door.

“I’ll cover you,” Red said as Casey entered the shop. It was totally quiet. He moved carefully around the place, past the old counter, and walked toward the back room, shining his light everywhere, including on the electric box. He unlocked it and flipped on the power. Nothing happened. Casey checked the breakers, ensuring they were all on.

Light blazed on behind him. “Helps if you turn on the switch,” Red said, half teasing. 

Casey closed the electrical box as more lights flipped on, illuminating the work area and the greenhouse behind it. Carter and Red checked out the shop. Then they all moved into the greenhouse.

“This is supposed to be empty?” Red asked, pointing to a forest of green clustered in the center of the greenhouse, sheltered by the racks on either side.

“Yes,” Casey said. “I was just speaking to the owners. Mack closed everything up after his wife died.” He drew closer and sniffed, recognizing the scent.

“Well, this is quite interesting,” Carter said softly. “It seems our widowed retiree is supplementing his income.” He made a radio call to explain their findings.

“I doubt Mack would be growing marijuana and then report seeing lights so we could investigate and find his plants. Think about it. It’s more likely that someone has been using the deserted greenhouse as a place to keep some illicit crops, just like we’ve seen in other small locations over the last three months. Only these plants aren’t as well cared for.” 

Catching these people was like trying to harness the tide. Every time the police found a location and thought they were close, the perps seemed to melt away. “We need to call the chief, let him know what we found, and ask how he wants to proceed,” Casey said. Red nodded, and Carter just grimaced, as if embarrassed that he’d jumped to such an obviously wrong conclusion. 

As Casey pulled out his phone, Carter made his way down the side of the twenty-five or so struggling plants at the far end of the greenhouse. “Wait,” he called out.

“What did you find?” Red shouted. Casey stopped dialing. 

“You guys gotta see this,” Carter yelled. 

Andrew grew up in western Michigan with a father who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read them. Since then he has lived throughout the country and traveled throughout the world. He has a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and works in information systems for a large corporation.

Andrew’s hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when writing)  He considers himself blessed with an accepting family, fantastic friends, and the world’s most supportive and loving partner. Andrew currently lives in beautiful, historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Author Links

Facebook Group All the Way with Andrew Grey

Twitter @andrewgreybooks


Other Works by Andrew Grey
(Please Be Sure To Stop by His Website to See All of His Works) 

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