Wednesday, November 23, 2022

A Dragon's Wrath by Kira Nyte Release Blitz


A Dragon's Wrath: Dragons of the Otherworld

Author: Kira Nyte

Cover Design by: JMN Art-Covers by Julie

Genre: Fantasy Romance, Shifter Romance, PNR

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Available on Amazon & Kindle Unlimited


Hideously injured, black dragon Darien of Hallenwell can only watch as invaders destroy everything he loves. He vows the dragon hunters will suffer the same fate as his people—to die in fire and blood. But first, he must find the destined mate he senses nearby and get her to safety.

Ariah Callestine has forged a life for herself in Florida with those who, like her, have unusual gifts—telepaths, empaths and others who can influence the world around them with their minds. Even among them, Ariah is different. She can weave paths to realms like the lush haven they call Otherworld. She is horrified when members of her found family massacre peaceful villagers there that they believe to be sheltering a deadly dragon.

Darien is on the trail of his people’s killers when he stumbles across his mate. Not only is the gifted beauty as drawn to him as he is to her—she’s a strong warrior woman, thank the gods. He senses the shadows on her soul and knows that, together, they will banish them when he earns her trust.

Ariah dreads the day when the dragon-man she loves more with each beat of her heart learns the truth—that though she could do nothing to stop it, her people killed his. She doesn’t realize the greater threat is the evil that stalks them both.

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