Monday, November 21, 2022

Love Tools by Isobel Reed Virtual Book Tour

Interview with Isobel Reed

Do you ever wish you were someone else? Who?

Not a person no. But I wouldn’t mind being a cat. They are definitely my spirit animal. They lounge around all day napping, waking up only to eat, maybe get some cuddles and attention and then break a few valuables. What a life. 

What did you do on your last birthday?

I try to time all my holidays around my birthday, aging is a lot less painful with a nice view and a pina colada in my hand. This year, despite there not being a pina colada in sight, there was a nice view. And I’m not just talking about my husband. We took a trip to the beautiful city of Rome, and I have to say, they sure know how to put other cities to shame. Sexy accents, good food, eye porn on every single street. Everything was so distracting I almost forgot that I turned a year older.  

What part of the writing process do you dread?

I’m not sure I would go as far as dread, but I do have to admit proofing is my least favorite part of the process. The first proof isn’t so bad. Nor is the second one. But the hundredth one? Yeah, by then I’m ready to start screaming and my laptop is dangerously close to being set alight. 

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

Yes. Definitely. I’m currently writing my ninth book and each of my books so far have been written at very different paces based on how cooperative my brain was being at the time. If I can’t write one day, I don’t beat myself up about it. If it’s been a few days and still nothing, then I give myself a very low word goal. For example, today I’m going to write one hundred words. It normally works and I end up writing one hundred terrible words that often lead to me questioning my sanity during the first round of edits, but it’s enough to inspire the next hundred and the hundred after that and so on. 

Tell us about your latest release.

Love Tools is book one in my new contemporary romance series. It’s an enemies to friends to lovers, small town romance and is written in dual point of views. 

Lily is my leading lady. She’s sick of London, her job and generally being predictable so she decides it’s time for a change. The change being, moving halfway across the world to the small town of Bluestone County. Here, she reopens the hardware store that her estranged father left her in his will. Of course, she knows nothing about tools, I mean who does? And it turns out she doesn’t know much about men either. Or have the best experience with them. So when she meets cocky cowboy Jake, she’s not impressed. But we all know what happens in a small-town right? You can’t avoid someone forever. Cue epic love story.   


Love Tools: Bluestone Series Book One

by Isobel Reed


Contemporary Romance


What happens when the king of casual meets the queen of picking the wrong men?

Lily is running. From a dead-end job, a neurotic mother and all the losers she dared to date. Moving halfway across the world to Bluestone County seemed like a good idea at the time. So did reopening her estranged father’s hardware store. But now she isn’t so sure.

Small town living has its perks though. Wide-open space, clean air, and sexy cowboys. Well, one sexy cowboy. Jake. Who also just so happens to be the new bane of her existence. At least when he’s not talking, she can admire the view.

Jake is the king of casual. The love of his life has always been his ranch, and that was fine with him. He never really saw the point in long-term. But all that changes when a mouthy, blonde sasses him into oblivion. He should have known she’d be trouble as soon as he laid eyes on her. Now it’s too late. She’s all he can think about. All he has to do is convince her that he’s finally the right man.



“You about done checking me out darlin’ or do ya want me to turn around and show you the back?” Her face flamed as her eyes flicked back up to his face and she caught sight of his cocky grin. Before she could attempt to deny what she’d been doing, his expression turned more serious as he took his turn running his eyes up and down her. “I didn’t know Matt had a daughter.”

Surprise, surprise.

“No s***. He wasn’t exactly father of the year.”

Lily couldn’t help but think of the irony. Her father had become friends with some guy young enough to be his son, yet he still couldn’t quite be bothered to pick up the phone and call his own daughter. 

His smile became crooked as his glare intensified. “You always swear like a trucker, darlin’? Here, I thought English women were all class and manners.” 

Is he being serious?

Letting out a huff, she couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy, “I’m sorry, have I stepped into the past? Are you gonna ask me why a little woman like me isn’t married next?”

“Alright sweetheart, calm down.” He sniggered, clearly amused by the steam coming out of her ears. 

Stepping closer to him, she tilted her head up to meet his gaze. “I’m not or will I ever be your sweetheart. Now if you don’t mind, you need to get the hell out of my store before I call the police.” 


Isobel was born and raised in London. She still lives along the River Thames with her husband and her substantial book collection. Ever the hopeless romantic, she fell in love with the genre from a young age and was inspired to write her own stories. When she's not feasting on romantic comedies or binge reading her hoard of contemporary romance novels, Isobel is writing. 


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  1. Great interview, I enjoyed the excerpt and Love Tools sounds like a book that I will really enjoy reading!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular day (Happy Thanksgiving!)


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