Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Irresistible Husband Series Tour and Giveaway


Kiss Me

Irresistible Husband Series

by Sharon C. Cooper

Genre: Contemporary Romance

He's in love with his best friend, but she doesn't believe in happily ever afters...

Chief financial officer Chase Kennedy has always lived life on the edge until he almost died a year ago in a car crash. He now realizes life is too fragile to keep taking it for granted. That’s why he proposed marriage to his best friend, Wynter Garrett. He’s in love with her, but she refuses to see him as more than a friend.

Wynter owns a multimillion-dollar business, and the last thing she has time for is a love life. Besides, she doesn’t believe in happily-ever-after. But when Chase tells her that he wants to be more than friends, she’s annoyed. Of course, she loves him—but why tamper with their friendship when it’s already perfect?

But after one smoking-hot kiss, Wynter rethinks her stance on their relationship. Maybe friends do make the best lovers…and husbands.

**NEW RELEASE on March 17!!**

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Chase was slow to respond and took another sip of his coffee before setting the cup on a coaster on top of the desk. He stood, and Wynter watched him stroll around the desk to where she was standing.

It took all of her control not to take a step back when he crowded her space. But she held her ground.

“I was thinking that I’m tired of tap-dancing around my feelings for you. I have suggested on more than one occasion that we consider dating, but you blow me off.”

Wynter threw up her hands and let them fall to her side. “Because it’s crazy.”

“Is it?” he asked, stepping close enough for her to smell coffee and peppermint on his breath. 

If they both moved in a few inches, their lips would be touching. If that happened, Wynter could live out a recent fantasy of kissing him in her office. 

Curiosity was killing her. She wanted to know what he tasted like—which was new.

“Is it really that crazy that I want you to be my woman? Because from where I’m standing, you want that, too.” 

Wynter stiffened when he cupped her chin ever so gently and brought their faces even closer.

“I have a feeling you’re just as curious as I am on what it would be like for us to date. That would explain why you wore this gorgeous dress for me. Or why you wore makeup, even though you don’t need it. Or why you switched up your red lipstick for a softer color. A color that makes me want to kiss you and see how you respond to me.”

Wynter swallowed hard. Her nipples pebbled and pushed uncomfortable against her lace bra as her gaze dropped to his mouth. Her heart and the swirling butterflies in her gut were saying—go for it! Live a little. Kiss him. Yet her brain was screaming, don’t you dare!

But she wanted to. He was right—curiosity and the lack of sex had her wanting to do more than kiss him. 

Maybe just a little peck. 

Chase lowered his head and was a breath away from connecting his mouth to hers when the office door flew open.

Wynter jumped back as if she’d been burned, and Chase’s hand fell from her chin. 

“Hey, Wyn, I just wanted to…” Her assistant Heidi stopped short. 

The woman’s voice trailed off as her gaze bounced from Wynter to Chase and back again. Her whole face transformed when a slow smile kicked up the corners of her lips. 

“Hey, Chase. I didn’t realize you were in here. Sorry to interrupt whatever I, uhh, was interrupting.” She started backing out of the office. “You know what? I’ll just leave you two alone.”

“No, wait!” Wynter said a little too forcefully and scurried away from Chase. “What did you need?”

“I didn’t need anything. I just wanted to make sure you saw the nine o’clock meeting I added to your schedule.”

“Yes, I did. Thanks for the heads-up, though.”

“Okay, I’ll just leave you two alone. Carry on. Act like I wasn’t here,” she said, giggling on her way out the door.

Wynter huffed, “People are going to think that we—”

“I don’t give a damn what people think,” he said and approached her. “All I care about is you and what you think. So, are you going to run scared? Or are you going to give me a chance to show you how amazing we can be together?”

Copyright © 2023 Sharon C. Cooper

Show Me

Irresistible Husband Series

by Sharon C. Cooper

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Just when he thought finding a wife was out of his reach…

Colton “Cole” Eubanks is laser-focused on building wealth and settling down with a special woman before he turns forty. Accomplishing one out of two isn’t bad. Unfortunately, there’s no ‘love of his life’ on the horizon, unless he counts the one woman who’s been starring in his nightly dreams—Malaya Radcliff.

After being dependent on other people for years, Malaya has finally learned to stand on her own. There’s only one thing she hasn’t been able to accomplish—gain full custody of her daughter. Her ex-husband never fights fair. His wealth always wins. This time Malaya’s determined to come out on top.

So when Cole, the man she’s been secretly in lust with for over a year, makes her an offer she’d be crazy to refuse, Malaya wants to say yes. But that means sacrificing her newfound independence. Yet, his enticing proposal has her thinking—why not?

**LIMITED TIME** On Sale for Only $1.99 ends 3/17!

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“What made you come to me?”

Malaya stared into Cole’s light-brown eyes. Her pulse amped up as a potent force traveled between them. The man had such a visceral effect on her, and there were times like now that she could barely think straight. 

“That’s a good question. I guess…usually, when I’m in your presence, I feel capable, more powerful than I do when I’m alone.” That was the truth, even though she hadn’t considered that when making the decision to show up at his workplace.

“You are a strong woman. I’ve watched you for a while now and your fortitude amazes me.” 

Cole lifted her left hand and brought it to his lips. Without breaking eye contact, he kissed the back of her fingers, and a delicious tingle surged up Malaya’s arm and sent heat blasting through her body. 

“What can I do for you?” he asked.

If he knew how loaded that question was, he’d probably rephrase it. That sweet kiss and the intensity pulsing between them was thrilling and unnerving at the same time. 

What would happen if he kissed other parts of her body? Sure, she’d been attracted to him from day one, but something so electrifying had just passed between them. She would love to take the time to explore the feeling, but right now, she had to stay focused.

“Help me get my daughter back.”

Copyright © 2020 Sharon C. Cooper

Do Me by Sheryl Lister

She just might be his perfect match…if she’d only let him into her heart.

**LIMITED TIME** On Sale for Only $1.99 ends 3/17!

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Love Me by Delaney Diamond

Axel Becker believes Naphressa is the woman he needs, but convincing her they belong together will be a lot harder than he expected.

**LIMITED TIME** On Sale for Only $1.99 ends 3/17!

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Choose Me by Sheryl Lister

He's making his case for kiss at a time.

Available March 17, 2023

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Marry Me by Delaney Diamond

Reginald Knight takes his time in relationships, but he must make a leap of faith with Lorna, or risk another man taking his place.

Available March 17, 2023

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USA Today bestselling author Sharon C. Cooper loves anything involving romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. She writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, as well as romantic comedy and enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sharon’s stories have won numerous awards over the years. Most recently, she’s won a Reading Warriors Choice Award - The Beverly Jenkins Author of the Year (2021) and The Rochelle Alers Best Series award for her Atlanta’s Finest (Romantic Suspense) series (2021 & 2022). When Sharon isn’t writing, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work, or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit

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