Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Excerpt Tour: Scorn of Secrets by B. Truly


Scorn of Secrets

by B. Truly


Young Adult Urban Romance


Flowers in the Attic meets The Family that Preys


When the rising tides of my life peak, I’m left struggling with the currents of the storm. My dad is a gambling addict, and it costs him everything. Mama bounces back quickly from the havoc Dad’s addiction causes. She proves this by getting a new man. Her Rico Suave is just the tip of the iceberg—she moves us across state to live with him and his two sons.My older sister has no problem fitting in. Although I'm the total opposite—I am not a social butterfly. Taught to make the best of even the worst situations, maybe I should give my new family a chance.

My life finally seems to be back on track until a dreadful night, shatters my dreams. My world is flipped upside down because of the consequences I must now bear. Thinking about that night torments me. For my sanity, I must keep the door to my darkest memory locked. No one will believe me if I set the truth free—not even my own sister.


After the heartbreak my future stepsister has suffered, I understand Madison being skeptical of her ready-made family. As we get to know each other better, we learn were two birds of the same feather. Our chemistry is undeniable, but if we tempt fate, will our relationship oscillate in the balance?

Life seems to be falling into place until one night changes everything. What happens to her that she can’t even look me in the eyes. It’s like somehow, my face has scorned her. I want to be the key to her secret. But Madison won't confess—desperate to keep her darkest secret locked away.

Recommended for 16+ due to sexual content and language. Some content dealing with sexual assault may be disturbing.


EXCERPT (Exclusive Audio Excerpt)


B. Truly has wanted to be an author since she was fifteen years old, and she’s grateful to have accomplished this dream. She has very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. She likes to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. She is addicted to romance and gets a thrill out of suspense. She writes YA and New Adult and Adult Romance, Urban, Dystopian, Sci-fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Romantic Suspense, and Paranormal genres.

B. Truly has three wonderful children and a husband who defines the person she today. She works full-time as an Ultrasound technologist in Sugarland, Texas.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7276631.B_Truly

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/BTruly

Amazon Buy Link:


Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/scorn-of-secrets-b-truly/1144273331

Chirpbooks: https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/scorn-of-secrets-by-b-truly

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/B_Truly_Scorn_of_Secrets?id=AQAAAEDiP1V_pM

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/audiobook/scorn-of-secrets-1



B. Truly will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. Thank you so much for featuring today's book and excerpt.

  2. Thank you for hosting.

  3. Thanks for sharing. This sounds good.

  4. This sounds like a good book and I really like the cover.


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