Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hiding a Wolfe Tour and Giveaway!

Hiding a Wolfe
by EA Hunt
Genre: Romance

Lt. Paul Wolfe's last deployment had cost him everything. His fiancee, his leg, his mental stability. So when his name comes up for a service animal to help him with his anxiety he wonders if he will be good enough for the animal or will he push it away like he has done so many other things in his life. 

Alice Saint loved what she did she gave people the ability to get their lives back by providing them with service animals. One special animal was to be given to Lt Paul Wolfe a special case who was recommended by one of the therapist she worked with. 

When the day of the animal exchange to sparks fly for Alice and Paul causing their lives to change in so many different and amazing ways.

Paul slid his hands around the small of her back. He gave it a little push
bringing her closer to him. He deepened the kiss. Hearing Adnan in the kitchen had
set his heart racing. He’d imagined for a split second that Alice would want the
man standing in her kitchen, his skin bearing no scars. But hearing her say she
didn’t want Adnan then looking into his eyes and repeating those words was more
than he, Paul, could have ever asked for. He lifted his head as he cupped one side
of her face. “so beautiful, you are so very, very beautiful.”
      “So are you,” she replied as she reached forward.
      Paul pulled back he smiled at her sound of frustration. “Calm, just be calm.”
      “Calm?” Alice queried.
      “Yes, calm,” he replied as he pulled her fully against him. He bent his head
kissing her neck. “Don't think for one moment I won't fulfill our desires tonight.”
      “I didn’t say that” she said as her head lulled back. She ran her hand lightly
over the back of his head, loving how he was making her feel. “Paul,” came her
small sigh.
      Paul lifted his head, stepped back and turned her so she was facing the wall.
      “Paul.” She placed her hands on the wall anchoring herself.
      “Shh.” He stepped back up to her. He grasped the material of her skirt,
bunching it in his hands. “You look so damn good tonight,” he whispered as his
hand grazed her thigh
      “Yes, I love this dress. You will have to wear it again for me.” He kissed her
ear. “And only me,” he whispered.
      “Yes,” Alice cooed.
      “Good.” His hand traveled slowly over the front of her thighs, until he
reached her panties. He skimmed the material covering her mound.
      “Silk?” he questioned as he unbuttoned his pants, thankful he’d opted for
loose fitting khakis.
      “Lace, crotchless lace.”
      “And who gave you crotchless panties?” He questioned. If it was another
man he would rip them off and burn them never wanting another’s intimate gift on
his woman’s body. If was a friend of hers he would have to thank them for giving
him immediate access to pleasure his woman
      “Clarita. She gave them to me as a gift for tonight.” Alice replied breathless.
    Thank heavens. “I’ll have to thank her the next time I see her,” Paul replied
as he wrapped his arm around her waist lifting her
      “Paul I’m-”
      “Not,” he said.
      “Bu- oh.”
      Paul closed his eyes as he entered her she was so tight, so wonderful and so
very much his. He started to move. “You feel so good wrapped around me.”
      “I should be saying the same to you.” She breathed as pleasure started to
build within her. He filled her so well she was not sure where he ended and she
      “That’s it baby. I want you to cum for me. I want you to scream my name.”
Paul said as he felt her squeezing him and her body start to quiver. “Cum for me
Alice. Scream the name of the man who’s going to make you cum so hard you’ll
think about for the rest of your life”
      “Paul!!!” Alice screamed as the hardest orgasm she’d ever had hit her.
      Paul shuddered into her, only seconds later, pouring his essence into her
body. “We are so not done.” He shook his pants free of his body. Then made sure
his arm was secured around Alice, before he stepped back and headed towards her
room. He walked over to the bed and laid her gently there before following her. He
placed some of his weight on the bed while still having her back pressed to his
front and his dick in her. He kissed her neck. “For a quickie that was amazing.”
      Alice chuckled. “You know I made dinner.” She said as she squeezed him
      “Hmm….it smells wonderful,” Paul said as he cupped her full breast. He
massaged it through her dress. He loved her squeezing him
      Alice licked her lips. “That feels so good.” She pressed into the hand
squeezing her breast
      “You feel good.” He moved his hips. Hard once again for the woman before
      “Paul, oh Paul!” She called
      He loved hearing his name on her lips. “ALICE!!” He called as he emptied a
second time.
      Alice shuddered. She could become addicted to this man. She pulled away
from him, sat up and removed her dress. She turned smiled at Paul and reached for
his shirt. She wanted to see him.
      “Alice,” he started as he covered her hands on his shirt.
      Alice leaned forward. “You know what I thought when I first saw you,” she said as she lifted his shirt.
      “What is this charred mess before me?” Paul joked.
        “No” She skimmed her hand over his abs, his scars and his chest. “I thought this is the most beautiful man I've ever seen a day in my life.” She gestured for him to sit up.
        Paul did as she requested, nervous as to how she would look at him and his scars. He'd taken her from behind because of his scars, opting not to see the disgust she would try to hide while looking at him.
      She pulled his shirt over his head. “Lie down”
      “Alice, I can't”
      “You can,” she said as she pushed him gently onto the bed. She straddled his hips. Alice reached for the front clasp of her bra. She smiled at Paul's sharp intake of breath when she unclasped it, showing her full breasts.
       “Do you like what you see?” she teased.
        “Yes,” Paul breathed as he placed his hands on her hips. “I love a woman with curves.”
        Alice smiled as she bent and started kissing Paul's chest. She made sure to spend a little extra time on the flesh he thought was ugly. She lifted her head she looked him in the eyes “I'm not scared, disgusted or turned off by what I see before me.”
         Paul said as he placced a hand on her cheek, “Alice, I don't have a leg and my body is-”
         “Is mine,” she told him as she sat up. She ran her hands over his chest. “Do you understand me Paul Wolfe? This body and the man it houses all belong to me.” She replied as she placed her lips on his.

Author EA Hunt was born the youngest of William and Natlean Bills' four children. EA was raised in Joliet, IL; an suburb of Chicago, and went to college at Kentucky State University where she earned her Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts and sung in the Gospel Ensemble. EA had two daughters, Tayla Elizabeth and Ava Elease. EA, Tayla and Ava reside in Marietta, Ga, an suburb of Atlanta, Ga. 

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

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