Thursday, March 22, 2018

✱✱ Book Review ✱✱ Looking for Dei by David A. Willson

Looking for Dei 
by David A. Willson

Magic, adventure, and a search for the divine…

     Fifteen-year-old Nara Dall has never liked secrets. Yet it seems that her life has been filled with them, from the ugly scar on her back to the strange powers she possesses. Her adoptive father refuses to say anything about her origins, and soon, she and her best friend must attend the announcement ceremony, in which youths are tested for a magical gift.
     A gifted youth has not been announced in the poor village of Dimmitt for decades. When Nara uncovers the reason, she uses her own powers to make things right. The decision sets her on a path of danger, discovery, and a search for the divine. In the process, she learns the truth about herself and uncovers the biggest secret of all: the power of broken people.

Momma Says: 3 stars⭐⭐⭐

Looking for Dei is a bit more on the fantastical side than I normally read, but the beautiful cover and interesting blurb intrigued me. The writing is very descriptive and makes it easy to picture the settings and people. That in itself is a great thing for a fantasy novel and lends itself to pulling the reader into the story. However, we also get a bit of information overload at times, which can be distracting. These times felt a bit like the author was attempting to get everything about that particular character or place in at once and then back to the story. I appreciate thorough world building, but I came away feeling like a little less info all at once would've let the story flow more organically. We do get multiple POVs throughout the story - something I enjoy - so we know what's going with several characters as opposed to just one or two. The switches from one character to another did tend to be a little abrupt, making it a tad confusing until I got used to it. In the end, I finished this one with mixed feelings. Nara's story of magic and adventure did hold my interest, but some things about the style made the book feel a bit scattered for me. It is worth the read and I would recommend to teens who enjoy fantasy. 

**ARC provided by NetGalley and Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)

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