Saturday, March 23, 2019

Promo Tour: Texas Summer by Leslie Hachtel

Title: Texas Summer
Author: Leslie Hachtel
Genre: Contemporary Romance Suspense
Release Date: February 19, 2019
What if your car broke down on a deserted highway in the middle of Texas? Would you think it was fate and that it would change your life?
When Wylie Nichols walked toward the nearest town, his future was forever altered. The problem when you’re a stranger in a small town is you never know what you might discover. In this particular place, there is murder, greed, lust.
But waiting is earthy, sexy, enigmatic Kennedy. With a convoluted family history and the power to make his dreams come true. 
“Morning, ma’am.”
“I wonder if you could tell me how close I am to the nearest town.” He was struck by the directness of her look.
She pointed up the road. “That way, about a quarter of a mile. Snakewater.” Her hand shook a little as she pointed. He couldn’t help but notice. He was surprised; this didn’t seem to be the kind of girl that let someone upset her equilibrium.
“Good. Thanks.”
“Ain’t no work.”
He wondered why she would say that. “That’s fine. Not looking for any. My car broke down about a mile up the road.” He reached out his hand. “I’m Wylie Nichols.”
She looked at his hand, but didn’t make any effort to shake it. He felt self-conscious and dropped it back to his side. She looked him up and down, as if assessing him.
“Beg pardon.”
“Yeah, like the President. My mama was hoping I’d make something of myself.” She shrugged as if the joke had long ago lost its humor.
“Oh. Do you know if there’s a good mechanic in town?”
“I think so. You’ll see his garage once you get there.”
“Well, I’d best be on my way.” Wylie hesitated. “Do you think I might see you again?” He was definitely embarrassed by the hope in his voice.
Kennedy smiled, exuding bravado. “Oh, I think you can count on that.”
Wylie grinned his happiness.
“It’s a real small town.”
His ego shattered.
He angled toward the town. He was still near enough to hear an older woman call out from inside the house. “Who was that, Kennedy?”
“Oh, just a man selling tickets, Mama.”
“Yeah. E’ tickets.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Like at Disneyland—and they’re the very best rides.”
Wylie’s ego reasserted itself, whole once again.
Leslie Hachtel was born in Ohio, raised in New York and has been a gypsy most of her adult life. Her various jobs, including licensed veterinary technician, caterer, horseback riding instructor for the disabled and advertising media buyer have given her a wealth of experiences.
However, it has been writing that has consistently been her passion. She sold an episode of a TV show, had a screenplay optioned and has so far produced eleven novels, including eight historicals and three romantic suspense. Leslie lives in Florida with a fabulously supportive engineer husband and her writing buddy, Jakita, a terrier.

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