Saturday, May 4, 2019

Audio Series Blog Tour for Uncanny Valley Series

Author: C.A. Gray

Narrator: Melissa Williams

Series: Uncanny Valley Series, Book 2

Publisher: Wanderlust Publishing

Released: Sep. 14, 2018

Length: 9 hours 53 minutes

Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction

Rebecca Cordeaux's entire world has been turned upside down. In a single day, she's learned that Senate Leader Halpert and his board of advisors are actually illegal humanoid robots created underground 20 years ago - and they tried to have her killed. Her mother, Karen, whom she always believed to be passionately against the cause of the Renegades, turns out to be their leader. And Liam, a man she never thought she cared for, is now fighting for his life - and she finds that she cares desperately. Fortunately, Karen, known to the Renegades as M, has planned for exactly this sort of eventuality. Using Rebecca's father's blueprints, Karen patiently built an underground compound in an abandoned part of the Americas where they can regroup and plan for the coming war. The compound becomes an unlikely oasis as their number grows, both on accident and on purpose. In attempting to recover her best friend and companion bot, Madeline, Rebecca gets what she thought she'd always wanted: Andy arrives at the compound, too, along with her friends Jake and Julie. But with the sudden addition of an old flame from Liam's past, Rebecca discovers just how little acquainted she has been with her own heart. Meanwhile, the Silver Six are running a worldwide campaign of indoctrination to ensure that the people are on their side. In the name of peace, they want nothing more than to wipe out every shred of resistance while pursuing their ultimate goal of robotic superintelligence. With the assistance of a neuroscientist who helped to build the Silver Six decades ago, Rebecca attempts to understand how synthetic minds work, hoping this information can be used against them. She's sure the mysterious, brilliant, and beautiful Alessandra Russo is the key somehow, but Alex's hatred for the Silver Six is only matched by her hatred for the Renegades. Can the Renegades find and exploit the weakness of the Silver Six before synthetic intelligence passes the point of no return?
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By day, C.A. Gray is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) with a primary care practice in Tucson, AZ, and she writes medical books under her real name (Dr. Lauren Deville). She lives with her husband, with whom she maintains a facetiously contentious movie review blog, and travels as often as they can get away. When not writing or seeing patients, she does yoga, drinks red wine while eating dark chocolate, and consumes audiobooks like there’s no tomorrow!
Narrator Bio

Melissa lives with her family, including two dogs and a cat, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains near Denver, Colorado. After having a corporate job for most of her life, and as a self-proclaimed introvert, she decided to leave corporate America to work from home. Voice overs had always tugged at her heart as something she would like to explore, so she attended some classes and landed with a company that taught her how to break in to the industry. Loving to read, she explored the fast growing world of audiobooks and fell in love with it. She has ten audiobooks under her belt and is currently working on the 11th. Understanding that she should always be learning how to improve her skills, she is currently working with Sean Pratt. When not talking to herself in a padded room, she can be found walking her dog, singing or fishing the Arkansas River.

Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card
May 2nd: Lone Tree Reviews May 3rd: The Book Junkie Reads . . . Turning Another Page May 4th: Momma Says To Read or Not to Read May 5th: Book Addict May 6th: Jazzy Book Reviews May 7th: Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm May 8th: The Book Addict's Reviews
May 9th: Lone Tree Reviews Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author May 10th: The Book Junkie Reads . . . Buried Under Books May 11th: Book Addict Turning Another Page May 12th: Momma Says To Read or Not to Read May 13th: Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm May 14th: Jazzy Book Reviews May 15th: The Book Addict's Reviews
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