Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Gateway Ranch Tour and Giveaway

Nestled within the hills of central Texas is a special ranch. A place that defies the laws of physics—that of time, space, and dimensions. It’s a place where normal morphs with the paranormal and supernatural. A place that seems to know what a person’s true desires and needs are, and then allows the right circumstances to occur to fulfill those wishes.

Welcome to the Gateway Ranch.

Your gateway to all things possible…

The sprawling ranch offers something for everyone—wranglers, riding, roping, rustic accommodations all the way to fantastic resort hotel amenities including a salon and spa, exquisite rooms and suites, and five-star dining. The buildings and land also hold special energy and are known for odd phenomena. Each time you stay at the Gateway, you’ll discover something new.

Gateway Ranch series books offered by Three Flames Publishing https://threeflamespublishing.com/

To Be Yours 
Gateway Ranch Series 
by C.R. Moss 
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense 

Katrina Foster has survived a life no one dreams about and most don’t want to know about. Escaping to a ranch in Texas she used to visit during the summers of her childhood and rekindling an old relationship with Dakota Remington, she hopes to leave the nightmare of her past behind her. At first, all seems well, but when strange things begin to happen, she wonders if history’s about to repeat itself. 

Dakota Remington has devoted his life to working at Gateway Ranch. He’s excited when Kat, his former sweetheart, returns and looks forward to reuniting with her. He finds she’s changed, though, and he’s not sure if it’s for the better. But he’s up for the challenge of the puzzle that is Kat. 

The hard composite of her firearm shifted against her lower back.
Well, if push comes to shove, I can protect myself. I’ll shoot the bastard if he shows up and tries anything.
Eventually, her nerves calmed enough so she could move without feeling ill.
She rose and stripped out of her clothes, put her weapon on the counter, then stepped into the shower. The hard and hot spray beat on her, helping her to feel something other than worry about potential rumors or her ex finding her. Kat bowed her head, placed her hands above the faucets. The water sluiced down her hair, cascaded in wide streams over her back. More time passed. Relaxed and clear headed, she finished her shower and was about to open the door when a thud and click sounded on the other side.
Gripping the towel wrapped around her body, she snatched her weapon, opened the door, and cautiously looked out into the room.
Dakota lounged on the bed, one leg bent, his hat propped on that leg’s knee. His hair stuck up in clumpy spikes. He ran a dirty hand through his dark brown locks.
Kat released a pent-up breath, lowered her weapon, and placed the Glock on a counter next to the bathroom door. “How’d you get in here?”
Tired eyes gazed at her. “I’m manager on duty while the Taggerts are away, ’member? Got a bunch of master keys.” Dak held up the ring of them. “You okay? When you didn’t come back, I got worried.”
“I’m fine. I think the humidity got to me. Along with the dirt.”
“Sure. The humidity. You tell me that you’re afraid a man is going to come after you, or rather us. We hear about the vehicle. You turn white as one of our ghosts and run off. Who was in the car, Kat?”
“Hell if I know. I’ve been with you all day. I didn’t see the fancy black car or who was in it.”
“You don’t have a clue as to who was in the car? I’m not buying it.”
“Buy it or don’t.” She crossed her arms over her stomach. “I really don’t know. It could have been Nero. It could have been his goons. It could have been a neighbor of yours or one of the party guests Kent mentioned. I. Wasn’t. There. I. Didn’t. See.”
Dakota flung himself off the bed and slammed the hat on his head. “Get dressed. You’ll come with me while I get cleaned up then we’ll go hang out in the rec hall.”
“You know what, Dak? I appreciate the Boy Scout approach, and how you’re trying to get a merit badge for babysitting, but all I want is to lie down and take a nap.”
“Kat, please. I’m hot, dirty, and tired. I don’t want to argue.” He strode to the door. “Get dressed so we can get going.” His gaze flashed darkly, roamed over her with an appraising glance. A slow grin tipped up the corner of his lips.

Book Trailer 

When Spirit Calls 
Gateway Ranch Series 
by Johanna Riley 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

When spirit calls, it’s not just the living who answer.

Psychic medium Elle Gordon has been called to the Gateway Ranch & Resort. A rogue spirit is tormenting the undead, preventing their cross overs. Using her connection to the other side, Elle is determined to stop the attacks. If only the hunky hotel manager, Caspian, would stop disturbing her process and focus. A shared goal of saving spirit convinces the couple to work together. Acknowledging and accepting their mutual attraction, their new bond amplifies their powers. But will that new strength be enough to put an end to the rogue spirit, or will it destroy them all?

On impulse, Elle hugged him, just a quick squeeze but enough contact to make her heart flutter. “Caspian, you're such a friendly ghost.”
A mischievous twinkle appeared in his light blue eyes. “I can be so much friendlier, dear Elle.” He ducked his head, hesitated and hovered as if waiting for her to pull away, then when she parted her lips in invitation, kissed her, teasing and tasting. His tongue traced her mouth from corner to corner.
When Elle was nothing more than a pile of quivering limbs in his arms, he pulled back. “Good night, sweet Elle. Sweet dreams.”
Long after Caspian departed, Elle lay in her bed trying to sleep. But that blissful slumber refused to come. Instead she was left staring at the ceiling. He'd asked what she wanted out of life and she wasn't sure she knew the answer to that question. Searching deep inside she realized what she really wanted was to be free to continue helping spirits. Whether that meant helping them cross over or getting messages to loved ones she didn't care. 
The air in the room grew heavy. Her chest tightened making breathing difficult. Her eyes popped open, searching for any source of light. It was as if her room had been swallowed by a black hole.
The bed dipped as if someone had joined her.
“Who’s here? Is there something you need?” She knew exactly who was in her room and she immediately pulled white light around her being.
“I need you to die,” a voice whispered before hands wrapped around her throat.

Enticing Penelope 
Gateway Ranch Series 
by Austyn Sherrie 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

World-renowned vampire chef, Michael Stake, does not believe in romance that leads to happily-ever-after. He is content with one-night stands and playing the field. Penelope Rothchild is a famous food critic on the hunt for the next best foodie establishment. 

When Penelope enters Michael’s restaurant romantic sparks fly. It does not take long for him to clear his date calendar hoping to fill it with one name. Penelope. But when Penelope secretly adds garlic to his dishes, his world goes haywire. Penelope Rothchild could be his queen in shining armor or his 10th ring of Hell. Only time on the Ranch will reveal all. 

Can their new love survive his poisoning, her realization of the vampire world, and both their stubbornness to trust? Welcome to the Gateway Ranch where anything is a possibility. 

Good thing I had a double ration of blood last night or else I just may be downing you the way you’re inhaling the pastries.
That thought stopped him in his tracks. It had been decades since he took nourishment from a human. He’d vowed a long time ago that in the future the only woman he’d drink from again was the one he’d wished to spend eternity with. Too many relationships gone wrong could emotionally stunt a vampire bachelor, not to mention the harm it did to a human.
Penny licked the blueberry crumbs–very lady like–from her fingers.
At this rate he’d have to make sure Fredrick made a tray of pastries just for his weekend ball and chain. “All of our berries are picked locally or flown in daily from another state. Fresh ingredients is our motto.”
“Michael.” Penny wiped her mouth with a black linen napkin. “May I call you Michael?”
“I am very excited to spend the weekend learning from you and about you. Consider us attached at the hip for the next few days.”
Great. Attached at the hip. Would she still be attached to his hip when he took one of his many friends with benefits to bed tonight? The thought enticed him. And then scared the hell out of him.
Hell no. The last thing he needed was to involve Penny in his life in a sexual way. Not to mention, she really wasn’t his type, although she easily could be.
He had enough issues that would involve her this weekend. Even with his preoccupation with Penny licking her fingers, he must wipe any particularly erotic thought from his mind completely.
“So, are we ready for that interview, Michael?” Carolyn continued to gaze at him while coloring her lips with a dark red lipstick, and glancing from him, to Penny, and then back into the little circular mirror in her hand. “I’d like to get this footage on the noon live telecast.”
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” Michael motioned for one of his staff to bring him his black-and-white chef jacket and hat, and then he pointed toward the stone fireplace in the restaurant.

About C.R. Moss 

An eccentric and eclectic writer, C.R. Moss pens stories for the mainstream and erotic romance markets, giving readers a choice of sweet, savory or spicy reads, usually within a sub-genre or two — paranormal, sci-fi/fantasy, time travel, or western flare. She also has a passion for penning dark fiction. Writing as Casey Moss, she delves into the darker aspects of life in her work, sometimes basing the stories on reality, sometimes on myth. No matter the path, her stories will take you on a journey from the lighthearted paranormal to dark things unspeakable. What waits around the corner? Come explore… www.caseymscorner.com

About Johanna Riley 

Johanna Riley has been writing for twenty years. Her love of reading romance fueled the desire to write and help others fall for happily ever afters. Her books are sweet and sensual with a dash of sass and laughter. 

About Austyn Sherrie 

Austyn Sherrie is a true romantic at heart. When she is not busy teaching high school or spending time with her husband and son, you can find her working on a story. She loves to hear from her fans. Please, send your correspondence to austynsherrie@gmail.com

$30 Amazon 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for letting us visit and sharing our stories with your readers! We hope everyone likes the post and that all y’all enjoy reading the books as much as we loved writing them. <3 C.R./Casey Moss


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