Thursday, April 9, 2020

✱✱Book Review✱✱ Re-Release: Turn Up the Heat by Serena Bell

🔥 TURN UP THE HEAT Re-Release Today 🔥

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This one is on my keeper shelf and one of my favourites of this year." —Maria Rose for Straight Shootin’ Book Reviews (original release) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Holy moly frijoles—this book is hot! Serena Bell does an amazing job creating relationships through erotic connections and making you root for the characters to find their happily ever after!!" —Bestselling author Sarah Robinson (original release) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

💔 Two strangers. An impulsive encounter. A longing that can't be tamed... 💔

Lily McKee is pretty sure sleeping with the grim, gorgeous stranger who frequents the diner where she works counts as an act of desperation. But it's been that kind of year: Her dreams of owning her own restaurant have been swamped by the reality of living in her sister's basement and serving mediocre food. A hot encounter with Kincaid is a much-needed break from her day-to-day drudgery. 

Breaking his long drought is the best thing that's happened to Kincaid Graves in years—and not just because he's been behind bars. His encounter with Lily helps him forget the complicated collision of love and violence that derailed his life. Kincaid wants more: more of the intense connection they share, more long nights lying awake together, more time.

But the clock is ticking. Lily has a chance to reclaim the life she thought was hers for the taking. Kincaid must find a way to recover his inheritance. And once Lily finds out that the man whose roughness and dominance she craves has a history of violence, the love growing between them may be out of time, too.

💔From Turn Up the Heat 💔

He followed her as she locked the diner’s front door. She bent to pick up a huge plastic drum bag of trash, but he brushed back her efforts and shouldered the bag himself.

She wanted to object. He could see the words on her lips and the protest in her eyes.

“You worked damn hard tonight,” he said. “Let me.”

You don’t always have to be tough, he wanted to say. You could let me help you, just a little.

But of course she couldn’t. And he couldn’t.

She had snuck those looks at him as they cleaned up. Curiosity and something more dangerous. A question. What would it be like? He could hear it as clearly as if she’d asked it out loud, probably because it was the same question that rattled around his head, that tumbled around his gut. What would he see if he took her question as an invitation? Would she be all toughness or all sweetness, or some mix of the two that would break him to bits?

He couldn’t.

© Copyright 2020 Serena Bell 
All Rights Reserved

Momma Says: 4 star ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Turn Up the Heat kind of snuck up on me. Or rather, Lily and Caid did. To be honest, I struggled a bit with these two as a couple, and I'm really not sure why. What I can say is that I wasn't really sold on them being together by the time they have their first - umm, encounter. Nevertheless, I kept reading, and little by little, the characters' pulled me in until I was not only warmed up to them, I was totally in their corner, rooting for them. Caid's story is heartbreaking, and the more that comes out about him, the more I loved him. Lily's story is a bit more run of the mill, at least on the surface, but when you get into the details, this pair really couldn't be more perfect for each other. He's a great combination of total sweetheart and exactly what Lily needs in the bedroom, and she's the positive force he needs in his life. The romance follows the standard formula, but there's really nothing standard about this couple. The feels are all there to tug at our heartstrings and keep those pages turning. This one is a little darker than other books I've read by this author, but it's not over the top at all, and the rich characters, engaging storyline, and big feels are there in spades.

❃❃ARC provided by the author

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