Friday, February 18, 2022

Barbarian Clans of Xavren Tour and Giveaway


Barbarian Clans of Xavren Box Set

Books 1-3

by Luna Kingsley

Genre: Science Fiction Romance 

Barbarian alien warriors will be tamed by love in this thrilling steamy sci-fi romance collection!

This three-book box set includes the following titles:

Untamed Alien (Book 1):

It was my new beginning. Until they gave me to the alien barbarian.

Marion can’t believe her luck when she secures a spot on the first transport to Xavren. It’s like winning the lottery when the Intergalactic Colonist Association (ICA) pledges to provide her with everything she needs to succeed as a founding member of the human colony.

Once she sets foot on Xarven, she realizes there’s more to the bargain. The council expects something in return for their kindness.

Brotak carries the future of his clan on his broad shoulders. With no females, their people face extinction. He does the unthinkable and strikes a deal with the Xavren council. Human women in exchange for his tribe’s rich land.

The first woman is delivered, and all his doubts, plans, and good intentions are discarded in a moment. He’ll claim her, breed her and enjoy every minute of it.

Even though it’s impossible to make out much, my gut tells me something isn’t right. Vultos whines louder this time and the dark shape in the snow moves. It’s a soft, pained sound that cuts straight through me. Within seconds I’m moving forward, grabbing the small, cold bundle. Black hair spills from a hood when I pull her onto my lap. Suddenly I’m staring down at a young, delicate, female face with lips tinted blue from the cold and patches of snow crusted to her skin. 

Vultos cries louder this time, snapping me from my state of inaction. 

“You’re right, boy, let’s get her on your back and against your fur. She needs warmth…quickly.” 

I lift her in my arms but can’t summon the strength to let her go. Instead, Vultos crouches down so I can mount him again while still holding the female tightly in my arms. Her pulse is strong though she’s unconscious, her skin cold to the touch. While I wait for the other two to return I wrap her in one of my extra furs while never letting go of her. 

If this is how Chorlo decided to deliver the first female, we’re going to have words. She would’ve died out here if left overnight on her own. His carelessness will be dealt with. I knew better than to trust him in the first place. 

The small female groans as she’s jostled about while I work to keep her covered and warm. Vultos begins to pace while we wait for Dhacar and Vrihith to return so we can make haste back to the warmth of the caves. 

They’re never going to believe what we found. 

My eyes are constantly drawn to her. She’s petite in my arms, looking especially fragile in her current condition. She has thick, black eyelashes crusted with ice and a small nose that is a harsh shade of red from the cold. Even still, she’s solid when I hold her and I have the inappropriate desire to see the rest of her body out of all of these clothes. 

I can’t help it—it’s instinct. 

And because of the situation with our clan I’ve never seen a naked female, let alone mated with one. None of my clan brothers have either. The few females we have left are the wise women and their mates have long ago passed. 

She is the answer to so many of our problems.

Fierce Alien (Book 2):

He’s forbidden from claiming her.

Lana’s become good at keeping secrets until she meets the barbarian with the searching brown eyes and quiet, watchful ways. With him, she can’t hide anymore. And strangely, she doesn’t want to. She deserves a protector after everything she’s been through.

For Dhacar, there are rules that are not to be broken sent down by the council. He has his eyes on the one who is worth risking everything for. But actions have consequences in this unforgiving place.

Savage Alien (Book 3):

The barbarian is the only one who can save her.

Vrihith will do whatever he needs to do to protect his clan. He’ll put his life on the line and take on any mission—including chasing down a feisty human. Diana doesn’t listen and her choices could mean disaster for the clan and the fragile peace they cling to. So when she sneaks off to the city, he follows her for her own safety as well as the clans.

He should hate her for the trouble she causes but her fire awakens the savage inside of him. Will he be able to break down her walls when he decides he wants to claim her as his own?

This binge-ready collection contains three full-length sci-fi romance stories each with brand new material not found in previous editions. Each book has no cliffhanger, no cheating, and a happily ever after guaranteed!

**In celebration of Brutal Alien's release, **

**enjoy a Kindle Countdown Deal Feb 28th – March 7th – with 50% off!!**

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Brutal Alien

Barbarian Clans of Xavren Book 4

I hate everyone but her.


It has been a year since the second transport of humans arrived and trust is in short supply. They keep to the settlement, determined to create their own community without the untrustworthy aliens who got them into this mess. All of them except for Ellen. She breaks the rules for me—sneaking out to hunt together, riding our komoth and even hiding away in secret caves where she lets me touch her secret places.

I want her but no one knows what we get up to when we’re alone. If we were discovered, it could ruin the fragile peace between our kind.


I’ve always been a people pleaser and that personality trait extends to Xavren. The barbarians are my friends but so are the humans. They rely on me. They count on my leadership. If I mated with a barbarian, they would see it as the ultimate betrayal to what we’ve accomplished and what we’re striving toward.

Zuvath has taught me how to survive here. Always the brooding grump, he’s different with me—correcting my bow form when we hunt, watching me closer than he needs to, saving the best pieces of meat for me. Somehow he’s become more important to me than anyone else…and I can’t tell a soul about it.

When we stumble on a foolish plan by the humans, we’ll use our strong bond to try to prevent disaster.

Brutal alien is book four in the Barbarians of Xavren Series. It is a steamy sci-fi romance, no cheating, no cliffhanger, HEA guaranteed! It can be read as a standalone.

Goodreads * Amazon

Luna Kingsley writes steamy sci-fi and paranormal romance. She lives for happy endings, a high level of steam mixed with a little bit of sweet. When she’s not writing she’s attempting to keep up with her two active boys on all their adventures. With her faithful rescue dogs at her side, she’s dreaming up "out of this world" romances with irresistible sexy aliens.

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