Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Blurb Blitz: Excellence through Mental Strength by Lionel Baugh

Excellence through Mental Strength

by Lionel Baugh


Self-help / Personal Development


Have you ever felt like your weaknesses were holding you back from opportunities in life? Or feared you don't have the skill set to tackle new experiences? Perhaps you've even worried about just not being as naturally talented as the people around you?

Excellence Through Mental Strength will not only dispel your concerns but will also teach you how to reframe your perception of self. You're already more capable than you realize, and this step-by-step guide will show you how to recognize the true power of your strengths-so you can 'make the shift' into a growth mindset and take back control of your future.

Never let your perceived 'weakness' into the driver's seat of your life again. Bolster your mental strengths instead and pave the road you want to travel with grounded confidence in who you are, where you're going, and what you bring to the table.



How you manage your attention is at the heart of mental strength. Like everything you learn, your ability to do so improves with practice. Imagine the following: Katrina was having a lively conversation with friends at the office. She wanted to buy a new car. One of her friends, Charles, always opinionated, made a strongly worded recommendation: ‘Katrina, based on your profile and personality, there’s only one car for you—A VW Golf!’ On the way home, a curious thing happened. Generally uninterested in cars, Katrina began to notice VW Golf ’s in the traffic. The traffic was slow. It was as if all the other vehicles were just vehicles. Cars, vans, SUVs blurred into a mass of noisy movement. This was the mass migration of rush-hour. However, VW Golfs kept showing up, on her left, in front, just a little to the right, in her rear-view mirror. Gray ones, blue ones, old models, new ones. The traffic steadily seemed to become a river full of 25 VW Golfs. She even noticed one parked at a strip mall, another getting its gas refilled. As she arrived at her driveway, she noticed that even her next door neighbor had a VW Golf. Previously, it had been just a ‘car’. She took this as an omen and bought one the next Saturday. ; Katrina was amazed by what happened because she’s not aware of how the brain works. The brain is largely a giant filtering machine. It maintains focus by eliminating what you don’t want to notice so you can focus on what you do. If this wasn’t so, we’d live in a state of perpetual confusion. 


Lionel Baugh Born: 5/25/53 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Nationality: British/US Citizen Education: Trinity College, Dublin University Lives in: Solis, Uruguay Speak: Both English and Spanish, without preference. I’m an executive coach. In 2009, I completed a long career in financial services and made a life changing and comprehensive career shift. My banking career had a lot of diversity to it. I enjoyed assignments in New York, Lima, Manila, Hong Kong, Oslo, San Antonio-Texas, and Miami. Professionally that took me through commercial banking to capital markets and eventually to wealth management. In 2008, I left Merrill Lynch, and by early 2009, I was certified as a business coach. This opened up a whole new world, unleashing a passionate desire to help people grow and a fascination with what works in life. As my coaching career advanced, I moved from business coaching to executive coaching, where most of my existing practice lies. The fundamental difference is that executive coaching focuses more on 143 behavior and mindset than on entrepreneurialism. Behavior and mindset are where my passion lies. (Having said that, most entrepreneurial success is also about mindset, but you do spend time on things like the marketing strategy and the cash-flow forecast.) I became a sponge for learning and have obtained certifications in Emotional Intelligence and in the Red2Blue mindset model. I have read too many books to number or list, and the subjects range from psychology to therapy to emotional intelligence, agility, and self-awareness to mindfulness, stoicism, and more recently, anything I can learn about performance under pressure. My ‘why’ is sustained by a strong belief that everyone has excellence in them. I’m curious to discover each person’s unique ‘hidden genius’. I’m very motivated to help identify that excellence, polish it, and display it to the world in all its splendor. I have clients throughout the Americas and the UK whom I coach via Zoom. I also do frequent webinars and in-person workshops.

Amazon buy link: https://www.amazon.com/Excellence-through-Mental-Strength-Lionel/dp/B0BY4CR8LY/



Lionel Baugh will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. Thank you for posting about this self-help book, this one sounds like it will benefit me greatly as I have been guilty of letting my weaknesses and self-doubts keep me from achieving my life goals. Definitely a must read for me...

  2. This book looks very interesting.

  3. The book sounds very interesting. Thanks!


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