Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Maui Teaser Tuesday


Savage Raptors MC, Book 3 - A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance


Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: June 23, 2023

Publisher: Changeling Press LLC

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Casey -- It's been a year since I showed up on my dad's doorstep with my surprise, you have a daughter bomb. He took me in. Gave me the first true home and family I've ever had. But now I want more. There's been one man who's always watching over me. Maui. He's one of the club's officers, and so much older than me. To me, age is just a number. Does he feel the same? Or is he only taking care of me because I'm his President's daughter? With Maui, I want everything, but will he want someone as broken as me?

Maui -- I told myself I was too old for her. Tried to just be her friend. Then I hear her screaming in her sleep, and I realize what types of monsters she's been fighting on her own. She needs me, and I need her. Whatever it takes, Casey and her baby will be mine. But first, I need to get a little bloody because there's no way I'm letting anyone live after they've hurt my family. I'll wipe them off the face of the earth so Casey won't be scared anymore. I hope she accepts the darker side of me. Either way, she's mine and I'm hers.


WARNING: Content intended for adult readers. Maui contains darker subjects which might trigger some readers, as well as violence and bad language. Guaranteed happily ever after. No cheating. No cliffhanger.





Copyright ©2023 Harley Wylde



Everyone thought Casey would be excited to celebrate her birthday. The young woman I’d been watching didn’t look like today was the least bit special. She’d been through hell. If anyone had a right to not feel like celebrating, it was her. She’d shown up at the clubhouse, seventeen and pregnant, and I knew it had been a big blow for her dad. The Pres had never mentioned having a woman, or a kid. I wondered how long it had festered inside him, hiding all the pain of losing his family.

During the time I’d spent with Casey since she arrived, I’d learned quite a bit about her. Like the fact she’d never really celebrated her birthday, wouldn’t divulge the name of the guy who’d knocked her up, and she planned to live her life for her daughter. She’d taken on a lot of responsibility, and I’d done my best to help her shoulder some of it.

Which was why I found myself on her porch, with Rebel. Atilla and Solena had sent us over with a note. Basically, we were to let her pick who she wanted to spend the day with, then give her a memorable birthday. Just not memorable enough to have Atilla threaten our lives. He’d already made sure we knew what would happen if we touched his precious daughter.

“You going to knock?” Rebel asked.

“You do it.” I was an asshole. Why did I make him knock? Because if we woke up Casey, I didn’t want to be the one at fault.

She opened the door and looked like she might drop at any second.

“Hey, guys. Did Dad send you over to get me?”

Rebel flashed her his signature grin, guaranteed to drop panties, and I fought the urge to throat punch him. Instead, I shoved my hands in my pockets and let him dig his own grave. She didn’t look ready to handle his bullshit today.

“You have a choice,” Rebel said. “The note explains it.”

He handed her the envelope. I knew what was inside. A birthday card from her dad and Solena, along with a message from each. I’d read it as they’d written it earlier. Atilla had kept things somewhat simple. You have a choice to make. I asked Rebel to take you to dinner, dancing, and make sure you had the best birthday ever.

Then there was Solena’s message, which was why I hadn’t dressed up too much before coming over. Unlike Rebel, who’d styled his hair, doused himself in cologne, and gone all out. Solena was on my side, and her message proved it. Maui is there to give you whatever you really need for your birthday. I doubt it’s a night out on the town like your dad thinks. But you should know both were threatened with death and dismemberment if they laid a hand on you.

Casey snickered after reading the card. Good. She needed to laugh more.

“So, which of us will you be spending the night with?” Rebel asked, wagging his eyebrows at her suggestively. She shook her head at his antics. If he wasn’t such a nice guy, I’d have been tempted to kick his ass right off the porch.

“I hate to disappoint you both, but…”

“You aren’t up for going out,” I said. That meant I had a better shot at spending time with her than Rebel. “When did you last sleep?”

“I sleep every night,” she muttered.

“You know what I mean,” I said. “Don’t be a smartass.”

She sighed and rubbed her hand over her face. “Becca had a fever, and she’s still having reflux. I still have to be careful if I don’t want her to throw up her food.”

“She’s eight months now, isn’t she?” I asked.

“Yeah. I’m starting to get her mashed up banana, yogurt, and other things like that. Those do better with her than the pureed baby food. Do the two of you want to come in?” Casey asked.

Rebel shook his head. Smart man. “I think I’ll head out. I hope you’ve had a happy birthday, Casey. I’ll take you out for lunch sometime soon.”

Sure he would. Over my dead body. As much as I didn’t want to be one of those asshole cavemen, when it came to Casey, all bets were off. I didn’t like how close she’d gotten with Rebel. At the same time, I knew she needed the support of everyone around her. It felt like I was caught between a rock and a hard place.

He waved as he stepped off the porch and wandered off into the night. I studied Casey, wondering if she was still okay with me going inside. She’d never turned me away, but typically I came over to help with Becca. Tonight, it would only be the two of us. I’d heard Atilla offered to babysit. Had he already picked her up? Lately, it felt like something was building between me and Casey, but I didn’t know if it was wishful thinking on my part. Casey could have any man she wanted.

For a lot of people, the age gap between us would be too much. As far as I was concerned, it was just a number. Who the hell cared? As long as it didn’t bother Casey, then I was fine with it. Her dad might take a little convincing, although he tried not to be too overbearing after not being part of her life for so long. As he often said, she’d grown up just fine without his input.

“You coming in?” she asked, taking a step back.

“Where’s Becca?” I scanned the room as I entered her tiny home. Solena had mentioned babysitting, but it didn’t mean they already had her. I’d assumed it was only Casey at home right now, but it might not be the case. If Becca was here, I wasn’t about to send her away.

“She’s sleeping at Dad’s tonight. Now I know why he took her.” She patted my arm. “I really appreciate you wanting to take me out for my birthday. I’m sorry I’m not up for it.”

“It’s your day, Casey. Which means we do whatever you want. Looks to me like you need some help around here more than you need dinner and a movie. Although, there’s no reason we can’t still do that right here.” I rolled up my shirt sleeves. She could relax while I cleaned, cooked, and prepared a special night for her.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” she asked.

“Go take a hot bath or a nap. Your choice. I’ll pick up around here and get dinner going. Any requests?” I asked.

“No. Anything is fine.” She paused before going into her room. “Solena brought over a cake this morning. We can have some for dessert. It has fruit filling and whipped frosting.”

“Already had some?” I smiled, picturing her digging into the cake. Her cheeks flushed, and she nodded. So damn cute. “Go relax. I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

I picked up what little trash I found in the main living areas, emptied her kitchen garbage can, loaded the dishwasher, and dug through the cabinets to figure out what I’d cook. I’d just preheated the oven when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I’d turned the ringer off, not wanting anyone to disturb my time with Casey.

Wire’s name flashed across the screen, and I knew I needed to take the call.

“Find something?” I asked. It had been months, and so far, neither he nor Lavender had dug up anything. Except they said the guy’s record was too clean, as in it had been doctored by someone.

“Maybe. We know who his closest friends were back then. They aren’t quite as clean as Casey’s ex. One is currently doing time for rape. Another left the country, and the third is still in the same town as Casey’s ex. They have a beer together at least once a week.”

“That’s all?” I asked.

“Lavender has an idea who cleaned the kid’s records. If she can get in touch with the hacker responsible, and feel him out, we might be able to put a few pieces of the puzzle together. Just don’t hold your breath.”

I whistled. “Man, you mean to tell me there’s something the two of you can’t do? I’m in shock right now.”

“Shut it, fucker. We aren’t getting any younger, and some of the fresh blood out there is nearly as good as we were at their age. Give them time, and a few might surpass us.”

“Keep me posted. It’s her eighteenth birthday today, so I’m at her place making dinner. If I don’t answer, I’ll call back when I can.”


I ended the call and put my phone away before working on dinner again. I’d found bell pepper and onion in the fridge, as well as hamburger meat and shredded cheese. While Casey didn’t seem to have any taco shells, I’d found some taco bowls. I baked them in the oven while I browned the meat and veggies, seasoning it enough to add some flavor without making it too strong for Casey. Cilantro lime rice was the next thing to start. Dinner might not be fancy, but I knew it was something she liked, since I’d made it for her before. Unless she’d lied to spare my feelings. Too late to worry about it now.

Once everything was done, I set the table and called out to her.

“Casey, dinner is done.”

“I’ll be there in a minute,” she said.

I hadn’t realized she’d come out of her room and gone into the bathroom until I heard the water sloshing before the sound of the tub draining. I cleared my throat and adjusted myself. The thought of her standing just one room away, and naked, had my cock’s full attention. Last thing I needed was to sport wood when she came out of there. She might very well run screaming from the house.

Since I’d never cared much for sweet tea, Casey always kept some soda stocked. She’d offered to keep beer in the fridge for the times I dropped by, but I wasn’t a big drinker. Not to mention I didn’t want to drink around Becca. My brother had driven his car off the side of a winding highway, down an embankment, and into the ocean. He’d been drunk off his ass and the accident had kept me from alcohol for a long time. I had the occasional drink with my club brothers, but it didn’t happen often.

I set out a soda for me and a glass of tea for Casey. She came to the table wearing an off-the-shoulder top and leggings. Barefoot. The woman was driving me crazy, and she wasn’t even trying.

About the Author

Harley Wylde is an International Bestselling Author of MC Romances. When Harley's writing, her motto is the hotter the better -- off-the-charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can't deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you've come to the right place. She doesn't shy away from the dangers and nastiness in the world, bringing those realities to the pages of her books, but always gives her characters a happily-ever-after and makes sure the bad guys get what they deserve.

Author’s Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook: @harleywylde

Author on Twitter: @HarleyW_Writer

Publisher on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @changelingpress


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