Friday, October 27, 2023

Blurb Blitz: The Witch Wars by Gail Roughton


by Gail Roughton


Paranormal Romance


Ariel Anson thinks she has her life in order.  She’s young, smart, and beautiful, even if she doesn’t believe the beautiful part. She’s a paralegal with a great career and a fiancé who’s a CPA. You just can’t get any steadier than that.

Then she meets private investigator, bounty hunter, process server Chad Garrett. What does War-N-Wit, Inc. stand for anyway? Warlock and Witch? For real? Oh, yes! For real. Now every day is full of strange powers, secret societies, clandestine agencies, and out-of-this-world adventure. Her life as she knows it is over!



No lightning bolt streaked from the sky the day my life as I knew it began to end. There was no warning at all. Nothing. There I was, sitting at my desk, minding my own business, doing my job. My official job title is “legal assistant.” The more exotic sounding title is paralegal. In the old days when folks called jobs what they actually were, the title was “legal secretary.” Me? I answer to any of the above. Or just to Ariel. That’s my name. Ariel Anson. 

Now, I know the general public thinks a law office is an exciting place, full of fascinating cases and esoteric points of law highlighted with flashes of legal genius, something different every day. Not. Trust me on this. You seen one accident case, you seen ‘em all. And corporate law? Business law? Wills and estates? Oh, man, you don’t even want to go there. Domestic law? Right. The only thing worse than a divorce case is an estate fight. At least folks involved in a divorce are supposed to hate each other whereas a fight over Daddy’s will? Oh. My. God. 

Anyway, that’s what I was doing. Just minding my own business in the course of my humdrum day and doing my job at the century-old, prestigious central Georgia law firm of Baker, Lawson, Abercrombie & Hunter, where the partners walk around in blissful ignorance of the fact the firm is referred to in legal circles as BLAH. All us legal assistants think that’s a hoot.

I was the only legal gal who worked for three partners. Some of the girls had just one, most had two. Sort of gave me a certain mystique of extreme competence, you know? In all honesty, most of the time the three attorneys I had were cakewalks, though I wasn’t about to announce such to the powers-that-be lest I end up with four attorneys to babysit. It all depended on who the three partners were. And mine were hand-picked, a luxury I had because I was good, good enough after eleven years in the business to pick and choose the attorneys I worked for. Diplomatically, of course. So diplomatically that nobody knew that but me. And my little sister.


Gail Roughton is a native of small town Georgia whose Deep South heritage features prominently in most of her work.  She’s a paralegal who’s lived in a law office for over forty years, during which time she’s raised three children and quite a few attorneys.  She’s tried retirement but it didn’t take. Through it all, she’s kept herself sane by writing novels and tossing them into her closet.  Thanks to BWL Publishing, Inc., most of those novels have now emerged in published form.  A cross-genre writer, her books range from humor to romance to thriller to horror and she’s never quite sure what to expect when she sits down at the keyboard.  She usually has a project or two on the backburner but doesn’t discuss them for fear of jinxing herself.  Given her affinity for the supernatural, this should come as no surprise to any reader.



The author will award a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.


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